If it were just me maybe you'd have a case, Joel. Many others have said the same things. You simply seem unable to perform your duties properly. Before when you were screwing up the forums Psy told us you were in training (like potty training I suppose), but that was months ago and you're still shitting in your pants.
It's time for Ginger to find some new help.
Main issue here is you throw a tantrum when you're not getting your way, or at least you're preparing for the possibility that you might not get your way. The other day, you threatened me via PM, that if I didn't decide in a certain way on the Whooter contract ban, you would "expose" me. Your evidence was my words twisted around to change their meaning, exactly like Whooter does. Ends justify the means, huh? You know damn well what I meant when I said, for example, Whooter was a catalyst for discussion on the forum. Most people would admit that. When he's gone, there is much less discussion. It's pretty much a fact at this point.
I wanted to make you fully aware of what could happen if you proceed, and the risks to forum discussion. Yes, I politely asked that you create
parody sockpuppets to take his place (to present the program side of the argument for dissection, like old times), but never, ever did I even imply we should try to deceive the forum into thinking that you were an ed-con or something which is what you threatened to accuse me of publicly. In addition to being highly unethical, such would inevitably result in sock-puppetry, which is a rule violation. If you accuse me of lying now, I ask you to give me permission to release those PMs in full. I have no doubt this is exactly how you are behaving with Gatekeeper now, and I have received 0 emails complaining about him so far for the record.
You can't just decide to overthrow the moderator every time he disagrees with you. Use the appeals process.
Everybody else:
If threads have been moved in error, as a moderator directly why, and appeal it to me if you really feel that badly about it. It could be a mistake. Nobody is perfect. It could be there was a good reason to move the post (rule violation, for instance), and you need to appeal before it's moved back. This is how the system was designed to function (appeals) if you use it. There is no need to demand heads on a platter.
Also keep in mind that PHPBB forums sometimes go out of "sync" and posts made sometimes don't show up. This doesn't mean they're gone. It just means the I need to do some thing in the control panel to bring it out of limbo. Gatekeeper does have delete permissions for offa (only). This is publicly available knowledge (stated on forum description) and is only to be used for spam. If something else was deleted and you believe it was intentional, i'll check it out for you as logs are kept which the moderator cannot modify.
Personally, I think gatekeeper has done a great job.
Oh. and BTW. this thread is off-topic, and it's going in Web Forum Hosting.