Author Topic: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success  (Read 31220 times)

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Offline RobertBruce

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #45 on: January 11, 2011, 08:14:42 PM »
No one in the world keeps 100% proper records. Pick any random company and a good inspection team can find a dozen problems in a day, while the company supplies them with offices, donuts and lunch lol.

They are inspectors and they will find problems even if it takes them all day. This is what keeps places like Ridge Creek School on their toes. The DHS will just keep coming back until they get it right. Its a win/win for everyone. The staff get interviewed, the kids get interviewed. The DHS will know every nook and cranny of RCS within no time.

One of the puppets from HLA tried this a few years back. He was given multiple instances of companies from the ORS website who had no violations listed. It is possible to run a business without breaking the law or putting people in danger.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2011, 08:20:58 PM »
I think it is good that they are working with DHS and that they are involved in their growth and success.

Working with? No, no, no Whooter. Buchi fought tooth and nail to keep DHS off the property and avoid any and all inspections. Swore up and down (lied) to the state that he was operating a traditional boarding school, and thus was exempt from ORS oversite. He even went so far as to threaten to fire any staff member who allowed inspectors onto the property. Make no mistake about it, Buchi is livid about having to answer to anyone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #47 on: January 11, 2011, 08:21:53 PM »
Quote from: "Guest3"
Bucci can be whatever he wants. Why don't you ask the former and current parents how many times he's actually shown up there on campus? Oh, perhaps once in a while to pander for money. He never sat down with any of our kids to talk to them nor did he ever contact any of us to let us know how he thought our children were doing. (And since he's a "doctor" he should be able to do that.)

I have read the ORS rules and regulations, but thank you for the suggestion. Our actions and diligence helped lead to the state of Georgia ultimately requiring HLA/RCS to become licensed. Unlike you, I do want to be informed - I'm not just spinning tales to further my own cause or personal agenda. I would love to post links, but unfortunately ORS's web site is currently under construction and I can't post the links. I'm not going to bother posting the link to show you it's down - do it yourself if you're really that interested in knowing the truth.

But when RCS's computer system was down during an inspection you didnt hesitate to try to accuse them of obstruction of information.  Interesting how that works.

As for rape documents... I think even you, Whooter, are smart enough to know that rape victims files are sealed and their identities are protected for obvious reasons. But I think you already knew this, Captain Obvious.

Thank you, Guest3, so why dont you speak up when people like DJ state that the ORS's reports indicate that a child was raped when the report clearly did not say this?  Why do you hold a double standard?  Why allow false information which will hurt RCS go unchallenged and at the same time question the schools attempts to hire qualified employees?  I think it would help your credibility if you strive for the truth and not just disseminate false information which is intended to mislead the readers.

Thanks for trying to discredit us. Better luck next time.

I am just pointing out an obvious bias and underlying agenda that you are probably not aware of.  I think this hurts your cause.  Just try to be honest with the readers and question all the posts not just those which hurt your cause.  I think if you do you will get more readers to believe you.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #48 on: January 11, 2011, 08:28:42 PM »
I added in the positions that RCS is presently adding in 2011, they are in RED.

Quote from: "Jill Ryan"

 Ridge Creek Therapeutic Boarding School

Director of Academics……
Special Education Teacher ……..
Anna D. Jones, M.Ed.
Jennifer Jones
Timothy Lawson, M.Ed.
Donald Mull
Sam Tanner
 Foy Tootle

Director of Admissions……
Admissions Counselor…….

Paige LeFevre-Mitts
J. Scott Smith  ??

 Therapeutic Counselors
Director of Counseling…..

Cheryl Ballow
Len Buccellato
Kason Elkins
Clay Erickson
Chris Grimwood

Josh Cannon
Bill Ingram
Ryan King
Nikki Line
Stephanie McCullum R.E.C.
Blake Nash
Shaun Pelley QP, WFR
Jamie Shankles, M.Ed.
Karen Wieloch R.E.C.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jill Ryan

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #49 on: January 11, 2011, 08:36:30 PM »
Obviously you imbecile, I placed the link to RCS, so it would be obvious to morons like you that I was not fabricating the current staff.  I do not fabricate, I stand by the truth, and stand by my depositions and testimony to Congress.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #50 on: January 11, 2011, 08:41:34 PM »
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
Obviously you imbecile, I placed the link to RCS, so it would be obvious to morons like you that I was not fabricating the current staff. I do not fabricate, I stand by the truth, and stand by my depositions and testimony to Congress.

Then why do you stay silent when people tell lies about RCS? Why would you sit back and allow posters like DJ to state that the ORS reports said that a girl was raped when the report obviously did not say that? Why not try to correct all the untruths you see here on fornits regarding RCS and try to set the record straight?

« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 01:02:19 PM by Whooter »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2011, 12:32:41 PM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
No one in the world keeps 100% proper records. Pick any random company and a good inspection team can find a dozen problems in a day, while the company supplies them with offices, donuts and lunch lol.

They are inspectors and they will find problems even if it takes them all day. This is what keeps places like Ridge Creek School on their toes. The DHS will just keep coming back until they get it right. Its a win/win for everyone. The staff get interviewed, the kids get interviewed. The DHS will know every nook and cranny of RCS within no time.

One of the puppets from HLA tried this a few years back. He was given multiple instances of companies from the ORS website who had no violations listed. It is possible to run a business without breaking the law or putting people in danger.

I hear the words, Robert, but what laws are being broken?  When are the court dates?  Who was arrested?  Its easy to just say so and so is breaking the law.  We all know that the inspection teams job is to find problems (otherwise why would we need them?).  The good news is that outside agencies are visiting RCS all the time now so we dont have to worry that these kids are getting brainwashed or tortured.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2011, 01:53:53 PM »
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
 I do not fabricate, I stand by the truth, and stand by my depositions and testimony to Congress.

I am not saying that you lied about anything.  I am saying that you support people who lie about RCS because it furthers your agenda.  You could easily choose to correct people but you dont.  So lying is on the table and part of your strategy in your fight against RCS.  Thats all I am saying.  With this in mind it just erodes your credibility.  I think you know this but it is a risk you are willing to take rather than correct someone with a similar agenda.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #53 on: January 12, 2011, 02:39:30 PM »
Quote from: "Guest3"
I question YOUR motives. Why do you care so much about RCS?
It is an interesting topic and may reflect many other programs in the TTI.  If people on fornits are willing to make up stories to discredit HLA/RCS then we should expect that other posters would be willing to make up stories about other programs.  I find the willingness for many posters to discredit themselves in the name of hurting a program fascinating.

Do you have money invested there?
No, I have no investments in the industry at all.

Why would you start a thread called "RC experiencing well deserved success"? First of all, what is meant by "well deserved"? What have they done to earn a claim of "well deserved"?
I had been reading here about RCS not having a chance to last a year in this market and the bad press they get here on fornits.  Then I read that they are expanding their school for 2011 by hiring many department heads, masters leveled caounselors etc.  This goes counter to what I read here on fornits so the information I get here on fornits (regarding RCS) is not altogether accurate.

Sadly it's just YOUR attempt to derail the real issues here and market a sinking ship.
I started a new thread I was not derailing anything.  Why is presenting facts considered derailing, but when you insert words into ORS reports which are not there this is considered acceptable?  Hmmm….

Have you ever been to HLA or RCS? Or is all of this just how you believe it to be? We HAVE been there, we HAVE experienced these things firsthand.

Many people speak out about other programs , ASR for example, who never attended the school and no one seems to step up and say “You never attended this program so why are you posting negative comments about it”.  You seem to want to setup a double standard.  I think it should be able to go both ways.  I think it seems acceptable here to post random negative comments about any program you like and no one will question your motives.  But if you post anything positive it is a different story.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Jill Ryan

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2011, 03:13:59 PM »
Discrediting someone without facts is irresponsible, which apparently you have no problem doing.  You have no credibility where HLA/RCS is concerned as you were not privy to documents;  those documents that are public, apparently, are too numerous for your cognitive capacity.  To immaturely promote/market a school that you have no clue about is morally, ethically irresponsible - reprehensible and infantile.  

Unlike illiterate, sniveling blowhards like you, we care about the children left behind.  So if you see that as an unethical agenda, that speaks volumes of your integrity. These decent people that you continuously berate in this Forum, would take a bullet for one of those children.  When you spend countless hours, days, months, and years listening to the anguish of broken parents of children that have been raped, cold-cocked, zip-tied, beaten to a pulp, had hot urine thrown in their face and the list goes on, then you have the right to open your despicable mouth.

There is a school that is hiring that holds narcissistic, unethical predators in high esteem ... 'Warden', is it?  Why don't you apply, it appears you would fit in perfectly.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2011, 04:03:49 PM »
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"

Discrediting someone without facts is irresponsible, which apparently you have no problem doing.
Why couldnt you have come out and said that once over the past few years when I was being discredited?  You cant even see how biased and blind you are, Jill.
Does this apply to discrediting a program without facts or changing the facts?  Apparently not to you.  This only applies to people who are not anti-program.

You have no credibility where HLA/RCS is
…and how about the people who make up stories and lie about these places?  Why do they get a pass from you?  Do you see what I mean?

Unlike illiterate, sniveling blowhards like you, we care about the children left behind. So if you see that as an unethical agenda, that speaks volumes of your integrity. These decent people that you continuously berate in this Forum, would take a bullet for one of those children. When you spend countless hours, days, months, and years listening to the anguish of broken parents of children that have been raped, cold-cocked, zip-tied, beaten to a pulp, had hot urine thrown in their face and the list goes on, then you have the right to open your despicable mouth.

So you turn a blind eye to the kids who were helped by the industry and label everyone who doesn’t agree with your agenda as unkind and uninformed.   The DHS is visitng this place all the time now Jill.  If a child feels they are afraid then the DHS will sense it.  They are trained professionals and will close the place down if kids are abused.  If you have ever dealt with the DHS they dont care about anything except the kids.  I think it is unfair of people here to call they liars or say they leave facts out of their reports.

There is a school that is hiring that holds narcissistic, unethical predators in high esteem ... 'Warden', is it? Why don't you apply, it appears you would fit in perfectly.

Hmmm… what was it that you said : “Discrediting someone without facts is irresponsible”.  It seems this phase only applies to other people not yourself.
It is fascinating to watch you people post.  You totally believe that you have the moral high ground and see everyone that does not hold your opinion as evil and refuse to acknowledge that the industry is helping kids.  Even when the GAO admitted this fact no one on fornits wanted to hear it.  Even after their investigation they didn’t see any reason to shut the industry down.. why?  Because it helps people and their job is to expose problems and help improve people lives.

The GAO did their job.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2011, 04:20:06 PM »
This hasn't changed.  Phony quotes don't make your past go away, Whooter.  I'm sorry, but you have to be accountable.

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Making up phony quotes isn't going to make this go away, Whooter.  I'm sorry, people here are very forgiving, but molesting your own daughter and having her taken to fostercare while making up a story of how you "helped her by putting her in a program" doesn't cut it anymore.  You molested your child, admitted it and think we're all just going to give you a free pass when you act out?  I don't think so.  Your run here is just about over, so I guess you need to get in your last licks before you disappear for good.  It still doesn't change your confession about molesting your daughter.

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Wow!  This thread is full-on Whooter-flail now.  See, Whooter got caught and admitted "fabricating his family," that is, making up family/program stories to try to promote abusive programs.  He got pinched and had to admit it.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I fabricated a son

Quote from: "Whooter"
I admit that Anne

So Anne was pushing him to get honest about the other kids he "fabricated" and he got mad and made up a story about when she was a 15 year old child having "unsafe sex," etc, but Anne had already said on the board, and Whooter responded to it so he knew about it, that the only "sex" she had prior to Straight was being raped.

We all called Whooter on his lies about Anne and his calling child rape "unsafe sex."  Since he said this he keeps getting called on it and is now just lashing out at everyone who tries to make him accountable for his remarks.

He made up a whole story about me for sticking up for Anne and calling him out for his lies, but, as usual he got all the details wrong and just ended up with a fairy tale that he posts repetitively when he's caught lying.

In addition, he's on the cusp of a lifetime ban from Fornits and he admits he has a "Fornits-centric life," meaning he does Fornits all day and night every day and night while neglecting his family, fabricated or not. Lol.

But let's go back to the root of Whooter's real anger:

Quote from: "Whooter"
I was arrested several times in Boston and Ann Arbor Michigan.  It was a long time ago, but I did have to do a prison sentence for sexually abusing several kids, including my own daughter.  When I got locked up I was really scared because you know how other criminals treat sex offenders.  I was in an isolation cell in protective custody in the sex offender wing of the prison, so I didn't have to fight to protect myself.  I just did my time and after a seven years I was out, my debt to society paid.  I don't know why you people keep bringing it up when I already explained it.

This is why Whooter always tries to redfine rape as "flirting" or "masturbation" because if he changs the definition, he won't feel so guilty about how he sodomized those children.  But you can see he still has a lot of issues with it and is currently barred from being around children, which is why the court took his daughter from him and he had to make up a whole new story about how SHE was the "bad one" and had to be sent away to reform school, when actually she was taken from him and put in foster care because he sexually molested her. This is why he dreamed up his "program story."  And also why he won't say why his daughter was sent away (or taken away, as it were).

That's Whooter's sad story and it's why he gets so angry and starts accusing people of being child molesters - he knows the stigma associated with child molesters because he wears the "scarlet M" everywhere he goes.  He can never get off the sex offender registry, so he wants people to believe others are on it with him, but he's alone.  He's the only child rapist here on Fornits.  And he admitted it.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I was fired for what I did when they found out and now I am paying for it in prison.............I know firsthand what I am talking about because I molested a child in the past.  My victim was my own daughter.


Changing your quote to put my name on it doesn't change your sex offender registation status, now does it, Whooter?  You are a sad and desperate man.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer

Offline heretik

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2011, 04:23:40 PM »
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
Discrediting someone without facts is irresponsible, which apparently you have no problem doing.  You have no credibility where HLA/RCS is concerned as you were not privy to documents;  those documents that are public, apparently, are too numerous for your cognitive capacity.  To immaturely promote/market a school that you have no clue about is morally, ethically irresponsible - reprehensible and infantile.  

Unlike illiterate, sniveling blowhards like you, we care about the children left behind.  So if you see that as an unethical agenda, that speaks volumes of your integrity. These decent people that you continuously berate in this Forum, would take a bullet for one of those children.  When you spend countless hours, days, months, and years listening to the anguish of broken parents of children that have been raped, cold-cocked, zip-tied, beaten to a pulp, had hot urine thrown in their face and the list goes on, then you have the right to open your despicable mouth.

There is a school that is hiring that holds narcissistic, unethical predators in high esteem ... 'Warden', is it?  Why don't you apply, it appears you would fit in perfectly.

That's what I'm talking about, fucking aye.

Thank you Jill. This fool is beyond anymore consideration.

(so sorry I lapsed from protocol)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Ridge Creek School experiencing well deserved success
« Reply #58 on: January 13, 2011, 10:03:31 AM »
Quote from: "heretik"
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
Discrediting someone without facts is irresponsible

That's what I'm talking about, fucking aye.

Thank you Jill. This fool is beyond anymore consideration.

(so sorry I lapsed from protocol)

 It is not often that we all can agree, DJ should stick with the facts and not make things up.  We should also extend this to discrediting schools and the people who work there also.  I think if we stick to the facts and not try to make up lies about these places we will all be better off and keep your credibility somewhat in tact.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Ridge Creek School on
« Reply #59 on: January 13, 2011, 10:06:40 AM »
Ridge Creek's "Success Story" has been published.  RCS has made the news on "" which is just more proof of the violent and criminal nature of the population of the detention facility.

Click here to see Ridge Creek School in the news!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer