General Interest > Let It Bleed

Willie Nelson tribute thread

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Ok, I'll stop now.[attachment=0:wub50aq8]ubIOC2aTUI.gif[/attachment:wub50aq8]


--- Quote from: "seamus" --- so even as far as what willie covers,hes got great taste. :tup:
--- End quote ---

I got a real charge out of the video he did singing "Gravedigger" by the Dave mathews Band. For those of you who haven't seen it. Do yourself a favor and UTube it asap. Willie is dressed all in black, standing at a grave with a shovel. The vid was really well done IMO.

And what about the blunt smoking incident on the White House roof? Only Willie can lay claim to this distinction. Wasn't this some of Jimmy Carters' relatives that took him up there to light up? Apparently the Prez didn't puff it but his family sure did. Me: Hey Willie, hows the view from the White House roof? Willie: Its High man, really high!


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