General Interest > Let It Bleed

Willie Nelson tribute thread

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--- Quote from: "Froderik" ---
--- Quote from: "shaggys" ---"Help Me Make It Through The Night" has got to be in my top 10 favorite Willie songs. I just listened to the original recording version and Willie's voice was so powerful in that song. Yes, powerful yet soothing and friendly at the same time.
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That was by Kris Kristofferson.. My dad used to sing that one and play it on his old hollow-body Gibson acoustic..
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Didn't realize K.K. had written that one.
It's true what Seamus said about the classiness of Willies' covers. I just listened to him do "Heartbreak Hotel" on the Ipod. His version is my favorite cover of that tune.


--- Quote from: "seamus" ---was it an old L7?   Heavens to maybelle carter! :seg:
--- End quote ---

I'm not sure, it looks more like an has the "f holes."

Boy they just dont make em like THAT anymore :nods:

Lately I find myself hitting the replay button when I hear "If You Could Touch Her At All". This one has grown on me over the years more and more. Hitting the replay button now.  :notworthy:


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