Author Topic: Danny Bennison blows Whooter!  (Read 12850 times)

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Offline Whooter

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Re: .
« Reply #105 on: September 04, 2010, 12:55:18 PM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
My answer is final. Lets move on.

No John, you are going to be held accountable whether you like it or not. Now you will either provide evidence for your claim, or you will admit that you have none and you made it up. If your next post isn't one of these two things my emails to your family friends and coworkers start going out.

No more of your games Johnny, you aren't the victim, no one is asking you to lie. You are simply being forced to be accountable. Stop crying, wipe the snot off your face and man up.

Do what you have to do, lets move on.  You are confusing reality with your fantasy world, Bruce.  Just be a man and send the emails and stop threatening to do it.   Geeeesh you are like a little kid.... just send the emails, no one really cares if you haven't noticed.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: .
« Reply #106 on: September 04, 2010, 01:07:31 PM »
So you can't back it up, but you have too much pride to admit you lied and were wrong.

Fair enough. I'm off to run some errands, the emails will start going out when I get back. I think I'll start with this Max. I mean now that he has his car registered and it's up and running he can drive up to 'see' you and you can explain to his face exactly why you denied that his dead brother ever existed and why you ridiculed and attacked his fellow abuse survivors.  Pretty sick stuff John.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: .
« Reply #107 on: September 04, 2010, 01:14:32 PM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
So you can't back it up, but you have too much pride to admit you lied and were wrong.

Actually, it is you that is lying.  You cant bluff everyone here, Bruce.  For once stop all the talk and put your money where your mouth is and send the emails.  You cant blackmail me into lying, you should have known better.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: .
« Reply #108 on: September 04, 2010, 02:51:41 PM »
Looks like the money's there. Here's what I just sent to your son Max:


Check out . There you'll find a poster who claims to be a John Reuben posting under the name 'TheWho' and 'Whooter'. This poster routinely attacks and belittles those who were abused at the hands of theraputic boarding schools. He routinely claims that any kids who were abused are either lying, or deserved it. He also denies ever having a son, and pretends to have a daughter instead. He has repeatedly made fun of your brother who committed suicide. Just thought you should know. Let me know if you have any questions or need any more information. I've included some of his more blatent and horrible postings so you can verify the information for yourself.

Robert Bruce

Attachment included

Enjoy the fall out John. The longer you delay backing up your claims, the more people I send this information out to.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: .
« Reply #109 on: September 04, 2010, 03:29:16 PM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Its a known fact, Bruce. It has been stated several times on this forum and at one point you admitted it yourself. You attended for less than a month. If I retracted it I would be lying to the readers.

Then prove it John. If it's really as common place as you claim, you should have no trouble finding an instance of me corroborating your claim. It's time to put your money where your mouth is, or back away quietly.

No back peddling, you are far too fixated on sexual stuff, this is a fact. I think anyone who has watched you post would agree that you do not engage in any honest conversation. Rather you confront people and ask question after question without answering any yourself. You avoid interacting and sharing your experiences with the posters while at the same time trying to force them to answer your questions and then making fun of their answers......Then if someone makes an off cuff comment you start crying to the admins.
I think you do this because you have no real experience being in a program since you barely got past orientation. So you contribute by ridiculing others.

No generalizations John, specifics. Provide the post that proves your specific claim. Put up or shut up John, the clock is ticking.

Robert, STFU you thirty day wonder, who molested himself because he was so frustrated, YA WANKA BASTARD.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline Whooter

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Re: .
« Reply #110 on: September 04, 2010, 05:27:32 PM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
Looks like the money's there. Here's what I just sent to your son Max:


Check out . There you'll find a poster who claims to be a John Reuben posting under the name 'TheWho' and 'Whooter'. This poster routinely attacks and belittles those who were abused at the hands of theraputic boarding schools. He routinely claims that any kids who were abused are either lying, or deserved it. He also denies ever having a son, and pretends to have a daughter instead. He has repeatedly made fun of your brother who committed suicide. Just thought you should know. Let me know if you have any questions or need any more information. I've included some of his more blatent and horrible postings so you can verify the information for yourself.

Robert Bruce

Attachment included

Enjoy the fall out John. The longer you delay backing up your claims, the more people I send this information out to.

What a big man you are  and what a sad person you must be to want to hurt a kid who lost his brother to suicide and his mother just to get back at someone you dont even know on the internet.   I could have said fellow survivor but if you had spent time in a program you wouldnt have just done what you did for the sake of bringing on more pain for him.  You just proved my point that you never spent more than a few weeks at HLA or you would have had more compassion for him.
Anyone reading here will very quickly see that it is yourself and DJ who have been painting me as this Reuben guy, not myself.  Your intents were purely hurtful to him.

You are a bottom feeder along with Pile of Dead kids, Joel, Niles and Dysfunction Junction who find enjoyment in exposing people's info on-line.

I will no longer respond to you and will no longer continue to contribute to your sickness.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: .
« Reply #111 on: September 04, 2010, 06:05:10 PM »
Rob, I seriously hope to hell you didn't actually send that email.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: .
« Reply #112 on: September 04, 2010, 06:06:16 PM »
You know John, it's probably because I stayed in HLA for right around a year that I am willing to do this and much more. If I'd been in for as little time as you lied and claimed had been the case, I'd probably be more merciful to child abusers like yourself.

Everyone on here can see what a coward and how stupid you are.

I offered you multiple chances to provide evidence to support your claim or to retract it and all you can do is cry, 'WAAAHHHH, I won't lie for you Bruce!!!'. Everyone can see no one has asked you to lie, it's blantently obvious that in reality it is you who lied. You have no evidence to back up your claims, but you're far too arrogant to admit that you were wrong. So much so that you're willing to damage the relationship with your son to avoid admitting you're wrong. Well I hope you're willing to sacrifice the relationships with your co workers as well, because they're next on the list. You can either provide proof for your claim, admit you lied, or do nothing and I'll continue to expose to you all the people you claim to care about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Maximilian

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Re: .
« Reply #113 on: September 04, 2010, 06:53:33 PM »
What the heck is it with people who post here? What gets them so angry and obsessed that they are willing to blackmail people, and threaten people just because they hold differing opinions on the troubled teen industry? This is one of your own survivors sending creepy letters to brothers of suicide victims, and harassing a family who is very likely NOT whooter's.  Just more collateral damage in your quest to end abusive programs? Here's some free advice. Arguing with Whooter on a discussion forum isn't saving any kids from programs. Assuming you know the identity of a poster here usually means you have got it wrong, and are making a fool of yourself. What is it about fornits that attracts these type of obsessive, and obviously unstable posters who feel the need to threaten, bully and manipulate rather than have a conversation, as most people do?

This is another example of everything that is wrong with fornits. Assumptions, mythology, conspiracy theories, blackmail and threats. That sort of counters the mantra "open free for all", but hey maybe people won't notice and continue to come here for advice, and get their own dose of what fornits thinks of people who don't march in lockstep with the mythology here. This sort of behavior is so immature, and destructive to this forum I'm surprised more of the "in crowd", people who participate in the group think here, don't stand against it. But this sort of behavior seems to be encouraged, as long as the target is hated enough, and we all know Whooter matches that description. In the real world, a parent who is grateful for their kid being at a program is not uncommon at all. Whooter even makes the distinction between good and bad programs. But that's not enough for people here, they want to shut him up completely. Fornits is only interested in shutting out reality, so they can create their own version of reality here. Unfortunately for Whooter, his opinions contrast with the group think mythology cultivated so diligently on this forum by the faithful , and so he is reviled.

When there is an open free for all discussion on the troubled teen industry, shouldn't people expect all types of opinions on the matter? Then why is fornits mostly populated by a gang of extremists who tout the same mythology to the word? Something isn't right on fornits when there is so much obsession on destroying people's real lives simply for opinions they hold and express on a forum supposedly open to them. There is a reason fornits is so slow and people don't post here, and we just witnessed, once again, that very reason. Say the wrong thing and the cult faithful will stop at nothing to shut you up, even if it means hurting innocent people along the way. What's truly disturbing is the people who believe in the conspiracy theories see nothing wrong with their behavior, they are true believers. Watching fornits condense from a forum of many varying opinions into a angry, group thinking, cult has been interesting to watch, and it's only getting worse.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline shaggys

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Re: .
« Reply #114 on: September 04, 2010, 06:58:16 PM »
Everyone here please remember that Maximillian/SUCK IT was caught red handed blackmailing himself here on Fornits. Never ever forget this: Maximillian is still SUCK IT. He has alot of nerve to comment about blackmail after the stunt he got caught at. Wow, what an ass!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Maximilian

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Re: .
« Reply #115 on: September 04, 2010, 07:10:54 PM »
That thread was a tongue in cheek, satirical protest of exactly this sort of behavior. Is it any surprise it was so quickly believed? It didn't take long for the blood thirsty cult mob here to start demanding my destruction. Most people with some level of intelligence saw that thread for what it was, and others played along. But with that thread, no information was outed, it was just a joke like DJ so often posts, as we know now that his posts have been linked to his name. So after spending your hard earned hatred condemning me, don't forget to condemn DJ as well, to remain free any whiff of hypocrisy on your part.

Here is one of your own "survivors" sending disturbing emails to family members of victim of suicide, all because people have constructed an outlandish and absurd conspiracy theory that Whooter is this John guy. Here is this "survivor" threatening to out Whooter to his supposed family, and co workers for his posts here. Kind of eerily similar to my satire thread, don't you agree? That's what satire is, for the people who understand it. But back to this thread. I didn't hurt anybody. This "survivor" is in the process of getting an innocent family involved with fornits, and sending them strange emails about their dead relatives. But wait, I am the ass? It is me who is in the wrong here? This backwards analysis can only occur in the mind of a devoted cultee of the mythology of fornits, group think till the end, facts be damned. You people should all be ashamed of yourselves for tolerating this sort of behavior. But continue to admonish myself and Whooter, I'm sure it makes you feel better about your own disgusting actions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: .
« Reply #116 on: September 04, 2010, 07:18:31 PM »
Quote from: "shaggys"
Everyone here please remember that Maximillian/SUCK IT was caught red handed blackmailing himself here on Fornits. Never ever forget this: Maximillian is still SUCK IT. He has alot of nerve to comment about blackmail after the stunt he got caught at. Wow, what an ass!

Shaggy, its ironic that by turning a blind eye to what is going on with this survivors family and instead taking aim at Maximillian you have just proved his point.  You , also, tolerate this behavior by your silence.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya

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Re: .
« Reply #117 on: September 04, 2010, 07:22:08 PM »
You should have majored in theater.
You are definitely suffering from
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: .
« Reply #118 on: September 04, 2010, 07:29:02 PM »
Robert Bruce do you and Whooter agree with moving this thread to the drama box?  There are other threads viewtopic.php?f=48&t=29342 to debate this topic.  Whooter, FWIW, I don't agree with RB treatment towards you.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 08:26:20 PM by Joel »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: .
« Reply #119 on: September 04, 2010, 08:08:58 PM »
The problem here is Rob didn't take action against the whooter. He took action that is going to affect some poor schlep if he opens that email. Should the whooter be this John Reuben character, which I doubt he is, the net affect that this email will have against him is ZERO.

Let me repeat this for you who can't read..


One more time for the idiots in the back row..


The whooter evades, evades, evades, what makes you think he's going to give a shit about what this person thinks?

That is if he's John Reuben.

Fucking hell people, it is one thing to asshole each other on a forum, but another thing entirely to pull stunts like this. Trust me on this one RB, this comes from a very painful personal experience in this sort of thing on my own part, you are going to end up regretting this.

At least I hope you do, because it is seriously a dickhole move.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »