General Interest > Let It Bleed

We will ride

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This is about a girl and her horse.
Is by a Christian artist, so If this isn't something you want to hear, don't listen to it.
I posted it because I found it moving and thought others might as well; especially those who have loved an animal and lost them.

And then there is this:


http://   Simply profound Theology.

The Good Dog's Epitaph

He never barked when out of season;
Never bit without a reason.
Ne'er insulted weeker brother,
nor wronged by force nor fraud another.
Tho beasts be placed a rank below -
Happy for man, could he say so.

Dogs rule! Cats are ok too!
You gotta love animals, they don't judge.
I'll be checking out this music you've been posting, Buzzkill.

Cats - They can add a lot of affection and adventure to one's life. Several of my favorite pets have been cats. The song writer is also a cat lover: ... 20Ragdolls

I'm currently struggling with a personality clash among the household pets. I'm "babysitting" my son's dog for a few days and my cat very much objects. My dog is being a natural born bitch. The poor visiting pup is clueless - and it has been a little tense around here today  :eek:


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