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Offline Stonewall

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Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« on: October 06, 2010, 09:21:46 PM »
Islam’s Invasion Ideology

Friday, 01 October 2010 06:19 Martel Sobieskey

In the same way that a fake $100 bill is not legitimate currency, Islam is a counterfeit religion and therefore does not qualify for first amendment status. It is extremely incorrect to categorize Islam as a religion when its core literature and bloody track record prove a thousand times over that it is an -- Invasion ideology, a shrewd and cunning predator -- disguising itself as a religion.

Irrefutable evidence proves Islam to be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and a “Trojan horse” hell bent upon destroying all religions and nations worldwide. This irrefutable evidence is a book called the Koran where Allah commands that all Muslims must wage Jihad until the entire world and every single person is either converted to Islam, enslaved, murdered, tortured or abused.

“Fight them until all opposition ends, and all submit to Allah” (Koran: 8:39)

The Koran is a Manual of War

It is an error for anyone to call Islam a religion, but for those who insist, it’s best referred to as a “Religion of War” that has arrived on our shore as an enemy invader for the sole purpose of conquering our nation. This point cannot be overemphasized.

The Koran vows to vanquish all religions and nations worldwide.  Allah himself is the protagonist who relishes the role of a “hit man” vowing to knock off every person who rejects Islam -- sending them to burn in everlasting hell.  For Allah, there is nothing more heinous and loathsome than those infidels (non-believers) who refuse to convert, and there is nothing he will not do to eradicate them.

“I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore, smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off their fingers and toes.” (Koran 8:12)

  “Allah wished to confirm the truth by his words: Wipe the infidels out to the last.” (Koran: 8:7)

Read the Koran for Yourself

Don’t take my word on it.  Read the Koran.  By so doing you will be outraged and ask, “Why in heavens name would any person with integrity and intellectual objectivity call such a blood thirsty and homicidally bigoted “tirade” -- a sacred and holy book?”

Below are two sources for authentic passages from the Koran. The first is entitled   "Islamic Quotes"  taken from .  It provides a few hundred quotes organized into 30 different categories and is very “digestible” giving immediate insight into the malevolence of the Koran and related Islamic texts. The second is an article by Citizen Warrior  encouraging everyone to read the Koran, especially “An Abridged Koran” by CSPI. The advantage of the abridged version is that it eliminates monotonous repetition and provides commentary giving a comprehensive perspective and meaning to the text.

Neutralizing Islam

One does not need a crystal ball to foretell that Islam will turn America into a living hell if left unchecked.  9/11 was America’s initiation into the so called “religious rites” of Islam. Millions of Americans are outraged that the real culprit in this attack has been given a “free pass” to continue its rampage.

Since 9/11, the  religion of peace website has documented 16,124 deadly attacks committed by Islam as mandated by the Koran. These prove that Islam does not deserve the status of a religion and that America has been hoodwinked by so doing. We need to face reality, and implement effective methods if we wish to protect our nation from this religious imposter.

One writer bringing clarity to the situation is Daniel Greenfield. In his article: “Can We Ban Islam? Legal Guidelines for the Criminalization of Islam in the United States” he states in the affirmative that America can legally ban Islam because:

 “Organizations aimed at the overthrow of the United States can be banned and membership in them can even be criminalized.”

They key word here is “overthrow”.  Any group that wishes to overthrow the United States can be banned. It is well past time for open debate and discussion upon this issue in regards to Islam.

To reiterate, Islam does not qualify for religion status in the USA because it an Invasion Ideology which absolutely mandates the conquest of the United States.  Please see my related article entitled "Demoting Islam's Religion Status"  it provides the basic elements for discussion and reflection.  Also, a must see “you tube” video named "3 Things about Islam" provides a concise summary of the challenge we face.  It is imperative for all Americans to learn the truth about Islam or it will eventually destroy us.

Martel Sobieskey has 36 years research experience in the field of religious conditioning and its relationship to warfare.  He is greatly alarmed that American politicians, military commanders, educators, journalists, intelligence analysts, and security and police personnel have failed to comprehend the deeply entrenched jihadist conditioning inherent in all of Islam – moderates included.

Copyright © 2010 Right Side Publications, LLC ... ology.html
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Eliscu2

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 09:41:29 PM »
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 05:06:15 PM by Eliscu2 »

Offline justonemore

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 08:34:54 PM »
Well Done, Stony, Well Done!
Perhaps  the story of the afghan girl whose nose and ears were cut off by her husband will begin to wake up westerners. Perhaps now we will begin to recognize the horror that we really , truly face. Maybe the 'feminists will come out of their closet and recognize evil for what it is. Maybe. Maybe people will begin to realize just how fragile the 'civiilzed' world really is, and remember the  shoot-down on all grumman Ag-cats for four days after 9-11, or that all regional hospitals were on mandatory three- day lockdown, post event Maybe..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2010, 11:27:44 AM »
Quote from: "justonemore"
Well Done, Stony, Well Done!
Perhaps  the story of the afghan girl whose nose and ears were cut off by her husband will begin to wake up westerners.

I'm awake and it's deplorable what they do.  

Perhaps now we will begin to recognize the horror that we really , truly face. Maybe the 'feminists will come out of their closet and recognize evil for what it is. Maybe.

I think pulling out the 'feminist' card is unfair.  The way that women are treated in a lot of Islamic countries is horrible.  The way that the Mormoms view women is deplorable, although not as physically violent.  The fundamentalist christians who think that women should "submit" to their husbands is deplorable and can lead to severe spousal abuses.  I can't imagine having to live under that kind of rule.  Thank god I don't have to.

Maybe people will begin to realize just how fragile the 'civiilzed' world really is, and remember the  shoot-down on all grumman Ag-cats for four days after 9-11, or that all regional hospitals were on mandatory three- day lockdown, post event Maybe..

I'm not saying that what is being done in the name of that religion is right.  Of course it's not.  I don't like or agree with ANY religion and think they're ALL oppressive, especially when you read the text - be it the Bible, Koran or whatever.  What I can't pretend to be afraid of is that they're going to somehow install their laws here or take over the country.  It's just not gonna happen, IMO.  It wasn't so long ago in this country that people were scared of Catholics.  And I mean literally afraid that they were stockpiling weapons, waiting for a signal from the Pope to take over America. ... cs/1127650

Sharon Davies
When America feared Catholics

By Sharon Davies, Los Angeles Times
In Print: Wednesday, October 13, 2010

 The mind-set is all too familiar: A radical religious group, lurking inside the country, owing loyalty to a foreign power, threatens America. No one denies that its members have a right to worship as they please, but good Americans, patriots, feel compelled to call for curbs against the menace they present. Because of the number of Americans sharing these fears, calls for restrictions on the religion are voiced openly and unapologetically, even proudly.

Today this description may bring to mind the flap over the proposed Islamic cultural center near ground zero in New York, or recent calls for greater restrictions on Muslims in America, like banning their service on the Supreme Court or in the Oval Office. But in fact, it describes the year 1920, when the reviled group was Roman Catholics, not Muslims.

In the early 1900s, many Americans were genuinely frightened by the perceived religious threat of the Roman Catholic Church and the suspected imperialistic intentions of its leader, the pope. He was plotting the overthrow of the United States, warned the fearful, to "make America Catholic." His foot soldiers, tens of thousands of Catholic men who called themselves the Knights of Columbus, were busily stockpiling arms and ammunition in the basements of their churches, all in preparation for the day when their papist leader would give the signal for the violent insurrection to begin.

The holders of such beliefs were not just some fringe crazies. A number of state legislatures were persuaded to take steps against the perceived threat as well, mirroring the anti-Catholic fear in their "convent inspection laws." These laws authorized the warrantless searches of Catholic buildings — convents, monasteries, rectories and churches — for weaponry and for young women supposedly seduced into the nunnery by Catholic lies.

Religious fear on this scale had fatal consequences. Eighty-nine years ago in Birmingham, Ala., Father James E. Coyle was brutally slain. Coyle, a native of Ireland, had been sent to the United States to begin his priesthood. When he dared to stand up in defense of his faith, federal agents warned the bishop in Mobile about death threats on Coyle's life and pledges to torch his Birmingham church.

Such threats were not idle. During this same period, the popularity of the Ku Klux Klan exploded after it rebranded itself a "patriotic" fraternal organization dedicated to safeguarding America against the threat of Catholics, Jews and immigrants. This new klan attracted some of "the best men in town" — doctors, lawyers, judges, law enforcement officers, even clergymen.

On Aug. 11, 1921, one of those men — a Methodist minister, the Rev. Edwin R. Stephenson — brought a loaded gun to the porch of Coyle's home and shot him dead in front of a street full of witnesses. About an hour earlier, the priest had committed the apparently unforgivable act of marrying Stephenson's 18-year-old daughter to a practicing Catholic wallpaper hanger of Puerto Rican descent.

The KKK raised funds for Stephenson's defense and hired his lead attorney, a young future Supreme Court justice, Hugo Black. Black, it was hoped, might persuade a Southern jury to see Stephenson as the community's champion rather than a bigoted killer. You can guess the outcome.

Stephenson walked out of the courthouse a free man, and he never so much as apologized. Black joined the klan himself 18 months later and, with its support, was elected to the U.S. Senate. Only years later did he calmly state that he did not share the klan's beliefs and was no longer a member, after a reporter revealed his membership as he prepared to take his seat on the Supreme Court. Black survived the ensuing scandal.

At the time, these men did not consider themselves religious bigots. They believed themselves patriots protecting the nation against a foreign threat they feared was intent on their destruction.

The anti-Catholic fever of the 1920s didn't truly end for another 40 years, when presidential candidate John F. Kennedy felt compelled to say directly that his allegiance was to the United States, not the pope. Today, the worst of the anti-Catholic fervor might simply be an embarrassment, were the consequences less dire and were there not so many signs that we haven't learned from our mistakes.

Sharon Davies is a professor at the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and the author of "Rising Road: A True Tale of Love, Race and Religion in America."

© 2010 Los Angeles Times
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

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Offline Eliscu2

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2010, 11:42:27 AM »
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 05:06:46 PM by Eliscu2 »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2010, 10:52:01 AM »
Tattoo on soldier who witnessed murders of Afghan civilians and his troopmates posing with their "trophies". ... tml?hpt=C1

Soldier silenced for testimony in Afghan killings probe

By Drew Griffin and Kathleen Johnston, CNN Special Investigations Unit
October 14, 2010 11:32 a.m. EDT

Seattle, Washington (CNN) -- First, Justin Stoner blew the whistle on his platoon. Now, the Army apparently wants to silence him.

In photos obtained by CNN, Stoner sports bruises and abrasions on his back, chest and near his neck -- the marks of a beating inflicted by fellow soldiers as payback for reporting their rampant hashish use, the Army said.

At the time, those close to the investigation tell CNN, Stoner just wanted the smoking in his tent and around him to stop. So he went outside his group and reported the drug use to his superiors.

But that move, and the subsequent beating he endured for being viewed as a snitch, triggered a wide-ranging criminal investigation that has left some soldiers accused of killing innocent Afghan civilians and others accused of posing in gruesome photos with the dead or keeping body parts as war trophies.

Now the Army is doing everything it can to limit the publicity its own explosive account created.

Stoner, a private first class now back in the United States, had agreed to speak with CNN about the torment he went through at the hands of fellow soldiers earlier this year.

But just three hours before the interview was to take place in Seattle, CNN received this e-mail from his military attorney, Capt. Ernesto Gapasin, Jr., abruptly pulling the plug on the scheduled interview:

"About two hours ago, prosecutors and I met re [regarding] the disposition of the case against PFC Stoner,'' the attorney wrote. "Based on this meeting, PFC Stoner will be given full immunity in this case and not be prosecuted for any allegations made against him, contingent also however, on staying away from the media."

The Army disputes that account, however, saying Stoner has not been given immunity.

"Discussing PFC Stoner's direct involvement in these hearings is inappropriate and could affect the outcome of these cases," Lt. Col. David P. Doherty, a spokesman for the Army's I Corps, told CNN in a statement issued Thursday.

"It is imperative that we follow the judicial process in order to provide the accused a fair and impartial trial, while at the same time serve justice," Doherty said. "PFC Stoner is currently not charged in these matters, nor has he been granted immunity by the convening authority for his cooperation in these ongoing investigations."

What is clear is the Army is scrambling to contain the news of an apparently out-of-control platoon.

The portrait of rogue soldiers at a forward operating base in Afghanistan has been painted by the Army itself in chilling charge sheets leveled at 12 members of the 5th Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, based out of Joint Base Lewis-McChord outside Tacoma, Washington.

Five of the dozen are charged with pre-meditated murder in what investigators call the "staged" killings of three civilian Afghans. Those soldiers and the others face various other charges as well from unlawful use of illicit drugs, possession of a human skull, fingers and leg bones to the assault on Stoner.

Two directives have been sent to military and civilian attorneys representing the Stryker dozen. They involve grisly photos allegedly showing dead bodies and body parts, and soldiers posing as if they had killed a deer on a hunt.

One of the orders commanded military defense attorneys to return all "documents inadvertently provided by the government" on September 9. The marked exhibits, lawyers told CNN, correspond to the photos.

A number of lawyers have told CNN the photos are worse than those that depicted humiliating poses of Iraqi prisoners at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison. Those photos sparked outrage and riots in parts of the world.

Another directive apparently was meant for civilian attorneys and not only pointedly ordered the return of photos but further said defense and prosecution teams could only view them at Lewis-McChord.

Lawyer Dan Conway, who represents Pfc. Andrew Holmes, told CNN the order makes it difficult to represent their client, because it prohibits them from forensic testing and they are housed in many cases thousands of miles from where the lawyers are based.

Other attorneys have similarly complained to CNN that the Army is tying their hands in defending their clients to avoid more embarrassment.

Holmes is charged with premeditated murder in a January killing. Conway said his client is innocent of the charges and was denied representation for 20 days, despite repeatedly asking for an attorney while still in Afghanistan.

Both orders were signed by Col. Barry H. Higgins, the brigade's commander. The second directive reads, in part: "Further I order that all such images may not be distributed to any persons outside of personnel assigned to CID. 'Human Casualties' are defined as dead, wounded or injured human beings to include separated body parts, organs, and biological materials, resulting from either combat or non-combat activities.''

Even without those photos surfacing, much has already leaked out about the case, spurred in no small part by the Army's release and description of grisly details in the charging documents.

And the headlines around the world about the rogue unit have created a backlash in a part of the world where the Army desperately hopes to win over hearts and minds.

The beating of Stoner and the murders of Afghans apparently just for sport and then staged to look like combat casualties- have been highlighted by some of the accused soldiers' whose own words captured on interrogation tapes obtained by CNN.

Tapes describe killings for sport

In one of those videotaped sessions, Cpl. Jeremy Morlock -- who has been charged in all three of the killings -- recounts how he and several other soldiers deliberately ambushed Stoner on May 5.

"So yeah, we walked into the room and locked the door behind us and a couple guys started talking to him, laying on him," Morlock told investigators.

Asked by investigator what he meant, Morlock replied, "Why would you rat out your guys, stuff like that."

He said Stoner initially denied he went to superiors, then admitted it as he was being confronted by their squad leader, Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs.

"I think someone had grabbed him at that point and maybe punched him in the chest or something," Morlock said on the tape.

"He then made a comment like you guys can sit here and punch me all day long if you want and once he said that, Gibbs was like OK, grabbed him off his cot and threw him on the ground in his room and that's when a few guys got some licks in."

Morlock's attorney, Michael Waddington, said his client was on prescription drugs from the Army, high on hashish and suffering combat-related injuries when the crimes were committed.

The Army has recommended Morlock be court-martialed. Gibbs' attorney said he is not ready to comment on the case.

But Gibbs has been charged with the most crimes, and is depicted in the interrogation tapes made by some of the accused and in witness statements as the ringleader who reveled in his kills and dropped three human fingers in front of Stoner after the beating.

Other soldiers told investigators that Gibbs liked to collect fingers, teeth and leg bones as souvenirs.

Gibbs is also suspected of being a skinhead who kept track of his "kills" with skull tattoos on his leg.

Reports show Army sgt. tracked kills with tattoos

Above is the platoon leader's tattoos, keeping track of his 'kills'.

CNN has obtained investigators' photos of the tattoos clearly showing skulls and cross bones. One soldier, not charged, said Gibbs "associates with skinheads online.

"It's scary because they are worse than most gang members I've met," the soldier told investigators.

The photos are included in over 1,000 pages of evidence compiled by the Army and turned over to attorneys. They include witnesses' statements and depict a platoon where Gibbs ruled -- and anyone who didn't follow his rules believed they could end up like Stoner.

"I take that man very seriously," Spc. Adam Winfield told investigators in his videotaped confession. "He likes to kill things. He is pretty much evil incarnate. I mean I have never met a man who can go from one minute joking around then mindless killings. I mean he likes to kill things."

Winfield is charged with premeditated murder in a May killing of an Afghan civilian whose death was made to look like a hostile enemy battlefield death. His lawyer, Eric Montalvo, said his client is not guilty of premeditated murder despite what his client told investigators on the videotaped interrogation.

The Army is now investigating claims by Winfield's father, Christopher Winfield, that it ignored his attempts to warn them about Gibbs.

Warning may have been ignored

The elder Winfield told CNN that his son alerted him after the first killing, and he said two more men died needlessly after that because the Army would not listen to his warnings.

In addition, the Army reportedly is re-examining Gibbs' role in the 2004 shooting of two adults and a child in Iraq, near the city of Kirkuk. The shooting involved a car which purportedly was swerving towards a uniformed patrol.

Spc. Michael Wagnon is the fifth member of the Stryker platoon charged with premeditated murder. His attorney, Colby Vokey, said his client is innocent.

The Army, meanwhile, seems to have decided to let the charging documents be its official comment.

"I don't want to do anything that could in any way jeopardize the prosecution or their ability of the defendants in this case to get a fair trial, " Geoff Morell, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters October 5.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

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Offline justonemore

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2010, 06:54:43 PM »
Dear Anne,
Your mistrust of religion IS your religion. And here, at least you're welcome to it. In islam, however, slavery, torture, the opression of women are not considered aberrant. That IS their religion. A counterfeit religion to be sure, the same as mao-ism and Nazi-ism and the rest of like philosophies.
A problem with evil is that it can't be quantified. It begs to be quantified, but it can't be. Is it less evil for me to enslave and torture one, than many? Is John wayne gacy less evil than hitler, because he only killed 33 boys, while hitler kiled millions and millions,fact is, murder is murder, and even the bible recognizes the difference between killing in war, and murder. That's a theolgical reference, but an important one none-the--less.
You have shown photos of men tattoed to prove their guilt. Maybe they are psychos, maybe they were ordinary men in a psychotic situation
and you have not shown photos of combat medics saving the lives of non- combatants, nor have you shown photos of combat engineers de-fusing bombs, or drilling wells, or buildng schools or power plants
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Stonewall

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2010, 09:17:43 PM »
Anne Bonney,

When you send soldiers to war this is what you get, in a lot of instances.

If we did to our captured enemy what this enemy does... Oh my.

This enemy is the most despicable we ever faced. As evidenced on 9/11.

You want to win this war? Do to this enemy what we did to the Nazi's. End their ideology. Kill their beliefs. Kill Islam.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline IslamIsViolent

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2010, 10:58:28 PM »
Quote from: "Stonewall"
End their ideology. Kill their beliefs. Kill Islam.
Which can only really be done by doing what's done with cults.  Cut off the head and remove control over communication.  Problem there is that with Islam there really is no head.  There is no real ecclesiastical structure or hierarchy.  In certain countries the state could be considered the head but for the most part the people like living under sharia law.  If you topple a rejieme and establish democracy, you'll end up with a democratically elected theocratic leadership.  It's not a situation that's fixable.  There is some hope with the internet, though.  The more religious fundamentalists are exposed to uncensored information the more they'll learn to see other ways of life as more normal.  Porn helps.

As far as doing with Islam what was done with Nazism?  Does the west really have enough manpower, strength of will, and determination to subjugate (as they would do to us) an entire third of the world's population until they reject their ideology?  Cause that's what it'd take. Either that or a whole lot of nukes, which isn't exactly a great option.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2010, 10:28:14 AM »
Quote from: "justonemore"
Dear Anne,
Your mistrust of religion IS your religion.

Huh?  That's like saying that not collecting stamps is a hobby.

And here, at least you're welcome to it. In islam, however, slavery, torture, the opression of women are not considered aberrant. That IS their religion. A counterfeit religion to be sure, the same as mao-ism and Nazi-ism and the rest of like philosophies.
A problem with evil is that it can't be quantified. It begs to be quantified, but it can't be. Is it less evil for me to enslave and torture one, than many? Is John wayne gacy less evil than hitler, because he only killed 33 boys, while hitler kiled millions and millions,fact is, murder is murder, and even the bible recognizes the difference between killing in war, and murder. That's a theolgical reference, but an important one none-the--less.
You have shown photos of men tattoed to prove their guilt. Maybe they are psychos, maybe they were ordinary men in a psychotic situation and you have not shown photos of combat medics saving the lives of non- combatants, nor have you shown photos of combat engineers de-fusing bombs, or drilling wells, or buildng schools or power plants

I said that what is done in the name of islam is horrendous and I mean that.  The only thing I seem to disagree with people is that I don't think it/they're taking over our country.  That's really it.

I posted that picture (the one questioning whether he was the good guy or bad guy) to show that some of our guys over there are questioning why they've been sent and what they're doing.  That doesn't imply that I condone what the terrorists have done.  It was just food for thought.  And I do think that picture is of an ordinary guy caught up in a psychotic situation.  I wish we'd bring home all our guys now.  They're suffering unimaginably.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2010, 10:33:41 AM »
Quote from: "Stonewall"
Anne Bonney,

When you send soldiers to war this is what you get, in a lot of instances.

If we did to our captured enemy what this enemy does... Oh my.


This enemy is the most despicable we ever faced. As evidenced on 9/11.

You want to win this war? Do to this enemy what we did to the Nazi's. End their ideology. Kill their beliefs. Kill Islam.

In that war we fought a country......Germany and the head of it's state, Hitler.  In this one we're fighting an ideology.  Very different circumstances.  How will we know when we've "won"?

Guys.....I'm not cheering for "the enemy".  I'm just as disgusted with what's being done as anyone else.  The only thing I was saying is that I'm not scared that they're going to take over our country.  You may feel differently, but I'm entitled to my opinion, yes?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline justonemore

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2010, 01:20:18 PM »
Dear Stony,
Speaking as a moderate,a humanist, a caring human being. I'm for nuking the place flat. Enhanced radiation warhead, of course,theatre or tactical nukes, to be sure.There's no need to be dramatic in my view.The suffering would be less.
In my view, Islam has no place in the modrern world. they have not advanced, not evolved in 1500 years.
I have no place for islam, as I have no place for nazi-ismn, as  have I no a place for liver flukes or malaria
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2010, 01:28:43 PM »
Quote from: "justonemore"
Dear Stony,
Speaking as a moderate,a humanist, a caring human being. I'm for nuking the place flat. Enhanced radiation warhead, of course,theatre or tactical nukes, to be sure.There's no need to be dramatic in my view.The suffering would be less.
In my view, Islam has no place in the modrern world. they have not advanced, not evolved in 1500 years.
I have no place for islam, as I have no place for nazi-ismn, as  have I no a place for liver flukes or malaria

 :rocker:  :poison:  :rocker:  :poison:  :rocker:  :tup:  :tup:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Stonewall

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Re: Islam’s Invasion Ideology...
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2010, 06:36:52 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Stonewall"
Anne Bonney,

When you send soldiers to war this is what you get, in a lot of instances.

If we did to our captured enemy what this enemy does... Oh my.


This enemy is the most despicable we ever faced. As evidenced on 9/11.

You want to win this war? Do to this enemy what we did to the Nazi's. End their ideology. Kill their beliefs. Kill Islam.

In that war we fought a country......Germany and the head of it's state, Hitler.  In this one we're fighting an ideology.  Very different circumstances.  How will we know when we've "won"?

Guys.....I'm not cheering for "the enemy".  I'm just as disgusted with what's being done as anyone else.  The only thing I was saying is that I'm not scared that they're going to take over our country.  You may feel differently, but I'm entitled to my opinion, yes?

I know you are not cheering for the enemy...

The best thing to do, in my opinion, is leave all Islamic Countries. Pull out. Get out of the Middle East, get out of Afghanistan. Leave the Persian Gulf.

Stop all immigration of Muslims into the country.

Tell the absolute truth about Islam. Every news organization should tell the truth. The government should tell the truth. Try as best we can to get Muslims to leave their religion.

That is a start.

In the end I don't see how we avoid a major war in the coming decades.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Fuck 'em!
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2010, 01:33:42 PM »
The highest court in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ruled that a husband can beat his wife and young children "as long as the beating leaves no physical marks." How's that for civility?

The decision by the Federal Supreme Court shows the strong influence of Islamic law (Sharia). . . The court made the ruling earlier this month in the case of a man who left cuts and bruises on his wife and adult daughter after a beating.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »