General Interest > The Melting Pot

Get Fit Fornits thread

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Yeah, it is!

I went for a walk during my lunch break, and used a website food tracker.

I've lost 56 lbs so far!


Che Gookin:
Damn that's nice...

I gained back all the weight I lost last year. Going to join a gym today, get back at it. Got way too much time on my hands so working out will be easy.

Glad you're getting back at it, Che!

I've gone +/- a few lbs since my last post. 64 lbs lost so far.

I bought a bike recently, and took it out for its first real ride yesterday. 3 miles!

So, it went great! I could barely move this morning, but my the afternoon I was limber enough to walk two miles.


Since it has been over 100 for about 50 days now, I am not working out in the out of doors. Does packing and lifting my boxes for moving count?


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