Author Topic: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?  (Read 18134 times)

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Offline Maximilian

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What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« on: September 04, 2010, 02:58:55 PM »
I want to introduce an idea to this debate and see what everyone thinks about it. There seems to be a lot of distrust of AA here, and many posters here seem to ridicule the people who go to AA and call them names like "stepcrafters" (never heard that before fornits). Some posters here seem to think they have the answer to the problem of addiction, that addiction is really just a "bad habit" and people are powerful enough to quit whenever they wish. But AA teaches people they are powerless, which ends up harming those people by making them think they will be addicted forever.

Well I can tell you as someone who has dealt with addiction, that it is a disease that lasts forever. There is no cure, and you never get over it. People that say otherwise are usually selling something, or have no experience with addiction themselves or with family members. The reason defending AA on fornits can feel like a waste of time, is because AA is already a success. Fornits posters opinions about AA is not going to impact the organization in any way, whether we condemn it or rally for it.

I've been through many different forms of drug treatment, over the years. So far every single treatment center I've gone to had some form of AA meetings, and recovery ideas adopted within their treatment system. The only facility I've been at that did not use AA in any way, is the private program I went to that has its own subforum here, they never mentioned anything related to AA even once. They actually believed in the ideology Psy tells people here, that we are all powerful people in charge of our choices, and being powerless is not an idea to embrace. According to the program we could choose to quit, and choose to be an addict or not. Now I have admitted that this program saved my life, and that's true, but I disagree with their philosophy about life being a series of choices. Some things in our lives are and always be out of our control, like addiction.

So lucky for me, I never experienced a warped version of AA inside of an abusive program, perhaps that is why I don't feel ill will towards AA. My experience has always been voluntary, even if my stays in treatment centers was involuntary, they never forced us to participate in meetings, or read the big books. I had good and bad experiences in all these various treatment facilities, but one thing that was always positive was the AA/NA meetings. People from NA would actually come from "the outside" and volunteer their time to hold meetings inside the treatment center. They were always very nice and kind, and it was helpful to talk to people who went through what you are going through, rather than people who are well meaning but don't understand some of the things you say to them.

I went to a lot of meetings outside of treatment centers as well, and they were also very positive experiences. I was dealing with a lot of issues and had serious problems and they were nothing but open, accepting, nonjudgmental and always offered me more help than I could have possibly accepted.  Sometimes their helpfulness was overwhelming because so many people would offer to help, or give you their number to call. It was clear, they were people who cared about you, and did not want to see you fall back into addiction, and end up dead or in jail like so many people with serious addictions do.

AA/NA and it's various groups are a large population of people, probably in the millions.  Many different groups of people with various issues have adopted the AA model to form support groups for their own problems, more proof that many people think the AA model is effective for them. The treatment centers I was in that adopted AA as part of their treatment program, were run by highly educated mental health professionals. Are we to believe that everyone from the treatment center employees, down to the person attending their community AA meeting is brainwashed,  and part of a cult that works against their own interests? Common sense suggests that is highly unlikely.

Perhaps AA/NA do work, and that is why treatment centers have invited them in, and so many different groups have decided to form their own version of anonymous support groups. Everytime a meeting occurs, people vote with their attendance, if AA did not help these people they would not show up, because they have no obligation to. Yet people continue to go. I've met people with 50 year sobriety chips, and I'd ask it's been so long why do you still come? They'd explain to me that they are still an alcoholic, and even 50 years later even one drink could lead them down the dark path that led them to AA in the first place. This supports the idea that addiction is a disease rather than a choice.

The idea that drug or alcohol addiction is a choice, is nothing short of insulting. Addiction is a serious medical issue. There are experiments using monkeys with drugs like cocaine, and given a choice of cocaine or food they choose to use cocaine and starve to death. Is that their "choice"? Perhaps, if you take a cold hearted, black and white position on the matter. But what most people see is that the chemical changes the chemistry of the person to a degree, they make unhealthy choices to support their addiction, even if it costs them their own lives. Fornits posters think you should just ignore a person dealing with such serious addiction issues, and tell them "just quit, it's your choice". But other people like AA know it's a lot more complicated than that, and a long, long battle for some people, and choose to offer them a support group made up of people who also went through similar experiences. Only somebody who hasn't dealt with serious addiction could dismiss the life destroying cycle of addiction as a "choice", it simply is not accurate.

All of the people who willingly show up at AA/NA meetings going on across the country today, choose to go because something about AA works for them. Maybe you might not understand why, or how it works for them. But does that make you right, and them wrong? Is such a large group of people who willingly make that choice to attend a meeting, a cult? No, of course not. But it's an easy way to dismiss what they are saying, and the hard reality that addiction is a serious disease.

Fornits, on the other hand, is a relatively minuscule population compared to amount of people participating in AA. I think everybody can accept that fact. The few people who make fornits a regular part of their lives, were abused or had negative experiences in programs as underage youths. Some of these programs used a warped version of AA that resembles nothing of the AA in the free world. Fornits takes a extreme political position regarding treatment, in that many posters here think treatment in any form is wrong. That is not a mainstream position. Go talk to regular everyday people who don't read fornits about AA, drug treatment centers, or teen programs. Most people actually support these kind of treatment options, and most people know somebody who went to AA, or had serious addiction issues like a friend of family member.

Fornits is a political conversation. Nowhere else could somebody make such a long argument against AA and be considered mainstream other than the internet, I'm sorry but this is true. Most people see it as a legitimate organization. Finding people with similar views on the internet allows groups to form their own version of reality, which can be a lot different from the world most people live in. On fornits it's a world where all programs are conspiring to hurt as many teens as possible and AA is a cult brainwashing people with dangerous thoughts. If I never experienced programs, or AA I might be inclined to believe it, people here make some good arguments to suggest so. But I know that reality is a lot different than fornits reality, and it's not so black and white as people here like to portray it. Good things happen in "bad" programs, we might not like to admit it, but it's true. AA is good thing, I'm sorry but this is true. I have yet to hear a reason why people here are so against AA, other than they think "it doesn't work".

So I am here to suggest that AA is not the cult. It is fornits, with it's extreme anti treatment opinions and agenda that is truly the cult. Fornits anti treatment ideology is based on a select number of experiences, reinforced with a forum designed to focus solely on these negative experiences. When in reality, the people posting on fornits compared to the number who went to programs is relatively insignificant, people here take these limited number of experiences and use them to paint the entire industry with blood. Posters here are reluctant to admit that anybody could possibly be helped by programs, even though many have come here to say just that. They are dismissed as brainwashed, or as a liar. Like in any extremist political environment, people are in a sort of competition to out extreme each other. Who can oppose treatment the most? This is where Aa comes in, it's not related to the troubled teen industry in any way. Yet because it represents a form of treatment, something this forum is against, then it too must be condemned and intellectual arguments made to support this must be constructed.

In the end though, it doesn't matter that fornits opposes AA, they will survive and thrive like they always have. Fornits on the other hand seems to be getting slower over time, and less people are comfortable with the extremist anti treatment ideology here. AA is based on openness, and helping people. Fornits is now based on censoring and threatening inconvenient opinions, and telling people what to think. You can say whatever you want in an AA meeting and people will listen and not challenge you. Unlike fornits is you dare suggest you had a positive experience in a program, you will be trolled with disgusting pictures, called a liar and be presented with countless conspiracy theories about "who you really are". Fornits is paranoid, close minded and has an ideology built on the faulty foundation of generalizations and self centerednes. AA is exactly the opposite, they are open, and has an ideology built upon the foundation of the experiences of many alcoholics and addicts that collectively make up the organization.  

Imagine you are an alcoholic/ addict. You might have made choices the first few times you used, but eventually you lost control and you finally had the realization about what people meant when they say addiction is a disease. You lose your job, your family, your house, all because you can't stop using. Then someone comes up and offers you help. Come to our group of people who went through what you did, and we will listen and not judge you. We want to help you recover and regain the life you had once before. They offer you help, a sober living place, and phone number to call when you feel like using, and tell you can call 24/7. These people who didn't know you, help you after your family and everybody else you knew dismissed you as a problematic alcoholic/addict. How would that make you feel?

But now imagine, you come to fornits and ask for advice. You explain that you lost everything because you are an alcoholic/addict and don't know how to help yourself. Then a red  titled poster (must be the cult leader) shows up and tells you that everything in your life is a choice. You chose to lose your family, your home, and all your friends because you chose to be a alcoholic and drug addict. You have a bad habit, which you chose, and you can simply choose to stop using alcohol or drugs, if you really wanted to. You are not powerless over your addiction, you are in full control and the solution to all your problems is just to choose not to be an alcoholic or drug addict anymore. How would this make you feel?

If you can empathize with someone truly suffering from addiction, what option of help would you choose? Which would be more helpful to you, as a person? The answer is why fornits will remain a small, extremist cult of ideas, and AA will remain a successful, large community supported organization . Because one is true, and helpful. The other is insulting, and not helpful.  But lucky for us fornits is just a discussion forum, and the extremist rhetoric posted on this forum has no impact on the real world of AA and the people who choose to attend. There is a small group of people who post here who think that AA is a bad organization and should be avoided. But there are millions who make up meetings across the world every day, and as a silent majority they are not represented in fornits reality. But let's look at the big picture, AA will be around for a long time to come. Fornits? Probably not so much.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 04:00:03 PM »
Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 01:42:11 PM by Joel »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2010, 04:07:07 PM »
HHHHHHhhhhhhmmmmmm..............nope. Still none of your business.
Sweet Cheeks!!!!!!!!WoW....... ::OMG::  ::OMG::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 04:16:30 PM »
But now imagine, you come to fornits and ask for advice. You explain that you lost everything because you are an alcoholic/addict and don't know how to help yourself. Then a red titled poster (must be the cult leader) shows up and tells you that everything in your life is a choice. You chose to lose your family, your home, and all your friends because you chose to be a alcoholic and drug addict. You have a bad habit, which you chose, and you can simply choose to stop using alcohol or drugs, if you really wanted to. You are not powerless over your addiction, you are in full control and the solution to all your problems is just to choose not to be an alcoholic or drug addict anymore. How would this make you feel?

Hopefully like a complete asshole, which is exactly what this sort of person is. Only a complete asshole drinks their life away to this extent. Fuck em and the horse the rode in on if they are going to get even a drop of pity from me for being so poorly in control of themselves that they can't stop boozing long enough to remember they have damn family.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Shadyacres

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2010, 04:19:42 PM »
Max, If you want to drag all of your problems through your whole life like a ball and chain, go right ahead.  I have found it easier to stop having those problems and just start living a different kind of life.  You don't have to trade a drug addiction for an NA addiction.  I was a heroin addict for almost 20 years, I have some experience with addiction.  Keep coming back.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RTP2003

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2010, 05:57:44 PM »
The premise of this topic is absurd.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2010, 06:15:53 PM »
The cult calling the kettle black.[attachment=0:3tu91wkf]SCION.jpg[/attachment:3tu91wkf]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2010, 06:27:10 PM »
What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
Very Plausable,and an interesting topic
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline shaggys

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2010, 06:33:19 PM »
I thought the comparison between humans and lab monkeys was absurd on its face as well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline reformed12stepper

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2010, 07:41:07 PM »
There is no doubt that AA is mainstream. Most ordinary people think of it as the place to refer loved ones with addictions. There are also people for who this forum is like a self imposed cult in that they seem to spend all of their leisure time here thus precluding the time for outside interests or friends.
But because something is mainstream or supported by the establishment does not mean that it cant get cult like. Some chapters of AA are like this. People have told me that their individual branch has not been like this at all and I am happy with taking their word for it. But that does not mean i want to go.

I also dispute the idea that you have a disease Maximillian but i am not saying this just to be mean to you. i don't doubt that it can sometimes be a real struggle to stay away from whatever your vices are, but talk to any formerly overweight person or reformed smoker and you will find that the struggle is not dissimilar whether it is cancer sticks or chocolate. The difference is that with some stronger drugs the price of taking them is maybe higher. In fact I would argue that the disease idea can make things harder. If you tell yourself that you have a lifelong illness what you are really saying is that you cant truly kick a habit, or that you need to replace it with another (like 12 steps).
This is not to say that it is easy. Or to say that the reasons why anybody starts to abuse drugs in the first place are simple. Or that initially anyone with a bad drug habit should not seek some kind of medical advice and assistance. But isnt the whole point of 12 steps that it is self help based and non professional? If this is the case how can it logically be argued that on one hand addiction is a disease but on the other hand only a self help group can cure it. Nobody with cancer would *just* go to a support group. They would also and primarily see an oncologist and get a medical solution.
I would also not say that we are completely responsible for the things that happen to us. But isn't that also the mentality that most personal growth seminars adopted by emotional growth schools espouse? That everybody is 100 percent responsible for all of their actions.
Alternatively you can look at it from the perspective of a bad habit that you used to indulge in. But now you are no longer the guy who does that. it is not a disease it is a life choice that you make. In the same way that you are not a criminal so make the choice not to steal. Or you are not an asshole so you make the choice to treat people with respect.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2010, 08:41:36 PM »
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
Very Plausable,and an interesting topic
Fornits doesn't fit a single one of Singer's 6 conditions or Lifton's 8 criteria for thought reform.

Fornits is simply a forum for discussion.  The people here share a wide variety of opinions.  It's freer than pretty much any forum or private establishment out there.  No cults or cult-like groups will allow you to come onto their property and insult the group incessantly, yet that's exactly what's allowed here.  99.9% of the internet's forums, including 4chan, have more active moderation than Fornits.

1. If Fornits is a cult, who would be the leader?

2. If Fornits is a cult, how does it control it's members?

3. If Fornits is a cult, why does it tolerate all viewpoints (even though individual members may not respect them).

If Fornits were a cult Ginger and I would ban Danny Benisson.  We would ban SUCK IT / Max.  We would ban TheWho.  We would ban anybody who didn't either tow the party line or we felt we couldn't convert.  We would have secret forums, most likely with secret teachings or secret ideologies.  We would pressure our members to report on each other and confess their darkest sins to a central authority.  We would need a way to control people's time and communication so we would need to find a way to isolate a person from all outside criticism.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2010, 08:47:05 PM »
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 10:53:52 PM by Eliscu2 »


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« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2010, 08:52:01 PM »
Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 01:43:06 PM by Joel »

Offline Maximilian

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2010, 09:33:32 PM »
I think it's amusing how the admins of this forum can remain so deeply in denial. It's sort of like they maintain a playground here. They pay the rent, they keep the jungle gym nice and shiny, and provide some balls for four square games. They post a sign saying this playground is open to everybody, come and play and enjoy it. It starts off ok, some families and people from the neighborhood come and play a game of ball, or on the jungle gym. But then a gang of people show up at the playground and go around yelling at people in their faces and holding up pictures of disgusting things. They follow the other people at the playground around, and yell and scream and threaten them. Some of the gang even follows them home, and harasses them there. But this playground still has it's sign out, welcoming everybody, even though nobody other than the gang comes anymore to play, just to avoid the dramatic confrontations and intimidation. Everyone else chooses to go to a different playground, one's with rules and not just hollow idealistic signage that holds no weight whatsoever. I then go up to one of these immature gang members squatting on this supposedly free playground, and they say to me "this is OUR playground", I say "no it's not" and point over to the sign, and they look at me confused, unaware the sign ever even existed, and continue on with their ways oblivious to it's meaning.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RTP2003

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Re: What if AA is mainstream and Fornits is the cult?
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2010, 10:08:51 PM »
Quote from: "Maximilian"
I think it's amusing how the admins of this forum can remain so deeply in denial. It's sort of like they maintain a playground here. They pay the rent, they keep the jungle gym nice and shiny, and provide some balls for four square games. They post a sign saying this playground is open to everybody, come and play and enjoy it. It starts off ok, some families and people from the neighborhood come and play a game of ball, or on the jungle gym. But then a gang of people show up at the playground and go around yelling at people in their faces and holding up pictures of disgusting things. They follow the other people at the playground around, and yell and scream and threaten them. Some of the gang even follows them home, and harasses them there. But this playground still has it's sign out, welcoming everybody, even though nobody other than the gang comes anymore to play, just to avoid the dramatic confrontations and intimidation. Everyone else chooses to go to a different playground, one's with rules and not just hollow idealistic signage that holds no weight whatsoever. I then go up to one of these immature gang members squatting on this supposedly free playground, and they say to me "this is OUR playground", I say "no it's not" and point over to the sign, and they look at me confused, unaware the sign ever even existed, and continue on with their ways oblivious to it's meaning.

So why are you here?  Which gang's colors are you representing? (as if the Bill W. patch and "12 & 12" tattoo wasn't a dead giveaway).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RTP2003 fought in defense of the Old Republic