Author Topic: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated  (Read 10182 times)

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Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2010, 10:43:37 PM »
Samara, get in touch with me on yahoo if you still have my screen name on your messenger. I got a rickshaw for you that you might want to hear about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2010, 11:01:22 PM »
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Quote from: "Whooter"
 I couldn't imagine if I had just sat back and hoped for the best instead of staying with it and getting help for my daughter.  

But tell me.... Is your daughter eternally grateful for you sticking her in a warehouse for god knows however long... Did it bring you closer or drive a wedge between you, or has she even really forgiven you at this point... Did you get counseling to make you a better father as you really needed to do? And how is the relationship with said daughter today??? Do you talk to and be a part of her life on a regular basis..

As for me I learned from my familys mistakes with me when it came to me raising my kids, are they perfect... no but because I participated in their lives and did not try to get them help the first time they tried drinking and or smoke pot... they realized my disappointment.. Now that they are of age they can do what they want, both of them have their heads on straight for their ages and act more mature than their age group... All because I did not force them to do anything I was not willing to do myself.

Much peace and healing'

Eternally grateful is a big call.  Not sure she ever said that!  She is happy for what I did and actually wishes a few of her friends had the opportunity she had.  What you did was what most families did and do, Botched.  I did the same as you.  There are kids who grew up in the projects with no parents and did great and there are kids who had a parent who stayed home and was totally engaged in their lives 24/7 and they committed suicide, go figure.  We both know this, though.  There is no magic formula or they would write a book.  I understand there are parents who send their kids away for smoking pot but this is not the norm.  There are programs who have staff that abused kids but they are all not that way.  Your experience was yours, Botched, but many other kids had other experiences and you need to realize this.

I am fortunate and lucky that I had the insight to step in when I did.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 11:04:16 PM by Whooter »

Offline Botched Programming

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #47 on: August 28, 2010, 11:03:21 PM »
Well we now see that Who avoids the tough questions that I have thrown out for him... He only replies on the post that he thinks he can gain an upper hand, but everyone has already been exposing him for the way he really is..

Much Peace and healing
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2010, 11:05:25 PM »
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Well we now see that Who avoids the tough questions that I have thrown out for him... He only replies on the post that he thinks he can gain an upper hand, but everyone has already been exposing him for the way he really is..

Much Peace and healing

Well speak out, which question did I avoid?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #49 on: August 28, 2010, 11:09:49 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Well we now see that Who avoids the tough questions that I have thrown out for him... He only replies on the post that he thinks he can gain an upper hand, but everyone has already been exposing him for the way he really is..

Much Peace and healing

Well speak out, which question did I avoid?


See the post above the one you copied... You know which post you are not that blind..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #50 on: August 28, 2010, 11:10:28 PM »
Quote from: "Botched Programming"
Well we now see that Who avoids the tough questions that I have thrown out for him... He only replies on the post that he thinks he can gain an upper hand, but everyone has already been exposing him for the way he really is..

Much Peace and healing

Ah, I see, no need to be rude, Botched,  her time there brought us closer.  I think mostly because she matured and learned to communicate so much better.  One of our problems was we didn't communicate very well and some of that was my fault.  So we both worked on that ,  But she matured way beyond her age during her stay there.  I was told this would happen but was amazed at how much she had grown.  We have a very good relationship now.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #51 on: August 28, 2010, 11:37:18 PM »
Botched, at this point you only have yourself to blame for this hideous poor use of time. If you feel this strongly about programs you have a funny way of showing it. Slaying the whooterdragon hasn't yet happened on these forums. You know why? Too many of the people who need help being redirected away from abusing their children by proxy don't have the institutional memory of the Whooter''s many overblown antics. We have entire threads devoted to figuring out who he is, yet, it hasn't yet stopped him from posting.

We have people compiling evidence to prove his identity, yet, that hasn't shut him up.

-Though it is my opinion he isn't who everyone thinks he is.

We've had people claiming him to be a child rapist, yet, that hasn't stopped him.

- Which I don't believe for a second that he is.

We've had people create threads of his various misdeeds on this forum, yet, that hasn't stopped him.

- Which are a two way street in many occasions of people flaming each other back and forth and then picking out what they find the most incriminating.

We have people constantly fighting back and forth, yet, he's still here wasting your time.

Whoops, homie Who just won round one two and three.

Here is a protip about the Whooter, if you really want to get to know him, don't take him seriously. I really don't pay him much mind and have actually gotten some fairly useful advice off the guy when I went into a management position with my company. I took from it what I found useful, which was a far bit of it, and discarded the rest. All the rest of the BS about the Whooter is mainly false flag crap he's probably put out there themselves knowing there are the forum parrots who will hoot about anything they can, and in the process make themselves look like insane wack jobs.

The real losers here are the kids in the program who could use the benefit of your experience. People will listen to you if you present your personal story in a way that strikes a chord with them. As humans, we are all very emotional creatures. Certain things strike home much quicker than other things.

I'm telling you bro... Give this up.. I'd hate to see you become the next fornits member to join the Whooter Patrol and piss away hour after hour doing nothing much of anything useful. Those are hours you can spend slipping anti-AA flyers under windshields at your nearest AA meeting. You've done this before, you posted that you felt incredibly liberated by the experience.

Please, both you and Samara.. Stop wasting your time on these clowns and start finding some productive means of finding it is what you are looking for. Because I can't believe for a second this is getting either of you anything other than a major headache.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #52 on: August 28, 2010, 11:51:44 PM »
Quote from: "Samara"
Danny, anyone who has read your posts can plainly see your misogyny. All I had to do is read the absolute disgusting stuff you wrote about Anne. It was deeply unsettling to many of us. You really don't have a high ground to stand on.  All you do is project anyway. There is no way a man with any healthy, balanced feelings for women would write the way you wrote about Ms. Bonney.  I was actually afraid of you.

What is so funny though is you have no problem with women questioning a males sexuality, telling males to suck dick, take it up the ass, that I dragged a girl around with a Van ect.....all this just went right by you. You never read any of it.
This is exactly what I mean, your a phony.
Yes Samara, I just hate my daughter, significant other, 3 sisters, aunt ect.....and they all know it. I am just horrible.
Listen,  Anne, Felice, Sharon, and others have no respect for themselves, this is not my fault. I will not take any of there garbage. I don't take shit from anyone here, just ask Paul, Ursus, Joel, Che, DJ and others. I don't care what gender you are.
Samara, if it makes you feel better as a women to call me a women hater/abuser, well have at it. Who am I to stand in your way of happiness. Maybe next you will be saying I am the reason your alone.
"There is no way a man with any healthy, balanced feelings for women would write the way you wrote about Ms. Bonney.  I was actually afraid of you".
OK, Samara, let me hear you comment on the hate, bile vulgar things Anne has said to me, prior to me escalating my remarks.
Samara, you are not a counselor nor are you educated enough to make a observation as such.
What I have said to Anne, is what she is putting out. Look at her avatar, who shows their ass on a TTI web site to a bunch of guys. Now we move on to her disciples Felice and Sharon and there filth.
Hey, girl, where were you when I was getting my ass kicked by these women, no where, just like you were no where when Morgan was being abused by the filth here. I openly stuck up for her, pm'ed her, spoke with her, kicked others asses because of what they did to her. Where were you???? Yes I have read your explanations, oh I said something, I told them they were wrong. Your freaking buddies with them today, this girl was 15 and your afraid of me, give me a break. You are so full of contradictions.
Don't lecture me when it concerns respect for women, I have it in abundance.
Maybe you should be asking yourself where you stand, concerning men, at this point in your life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2010, 12:37:00 AM »
Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 02:07:13 AM by Joel »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #54 on: August 29, 2010, 12:47:30 AM »
Joel wrote:
This is a learned behavior.  Danny, IMHO, learned this at ELAN or saw violence in his home.  He shows little remorse for his actions towards people on this forum.  Danny is in his 50's and exhibits no interest in learning effective anger management strategies.  If he wants to abuse people, that's his choice.  His family, friends and employees will pay the price.

Joel, you really want to go here. I have saved every PM you have ever sent me. Remember flooding my Pm box with the guy shitting myself. You sent me that PM, listen up now, "31" times. You have sent a 1/2 dozen links that could have mucked up my
computer for a while. You have sent me threatening PM's.
I have them all. I also have the PM's you send me then erase, all 17 of them.
Please do send me more, use different names.
Thanks,  sweet cheeks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline anythinganyone

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #55 on: August 29, 2010, 04:08:32 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Joel wrote:
This is a learned behavior.  Danny, IMHO, learned this at ELAN or saw violence in his home.  He shows little remorse for his actions towards people on this forum.  Danny is in his 50's and exhibits no interest in learning effective anger management strategies.  If he wants to abuse people, that's his choice.  His family, friends and employees will pay the price.

Joel, you really want to go here. I have saved every PM you have ever sent me. Remember flooding my Pm box with the guy shitting myself. You sent me that PM, listen up now, "31" times. You have sent a 1/2 dozen links that could have mucked up my
computer for a while. You have sent me threatening PM's.
I have them all. I also have the PM's you send me then erase, all 17 of them.
Please do send me more, use different names.
Thanks,  sweet cheeks.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Fornits: A Primer for the Uninitiated
« Reply #56 on: August 29, 2010, 05:25:45 PM »
"Che Gookin" wrote:
Botched, at this point you only have yourself to blame for this hideous poor use of time. If you feel this strongly about programs you have a funny way of showing it. Slaying the whooterdragon hasn't yet happened on these forums. You know why? Too many of the people who need help being redirected away from abusing their children by proxy don't have the institutional memory of the Whooter''s many overblown antics. We have entire threads devoted to figuring out who he is, yet, it hasn't yet stopped him from posting.

To fornit members,

I skipped the rest of it because I am sure you get it. Aaron is now using another tactic, Hmmmmm.....let me massage Whooter, see if I can try the good cop approach. Next you will be coming around to try an split us up. Danny is the bad guy and Whooter is not to bad after all.
 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Aaron let me help ya, were not connected personally. We share some views concerning fornits. The other thing we have in common is the fact we are attacked often for our opinions.
Difference between Whooter and myself, Whooter most often ignores the attacks and sticks to the point and can be very much the gentlemen. I, on the other hand, will not ignore condescending twits, will attack back usually with far greater force, and I do not care if while raging war, I look like a gentleman.  
Well, I am not actually waging war but what a "Freudian slip". I will internalize this crack in my armor.  
All I have ever asked since I have been here is, treat everyone with respect regardless of opinion. No, that is too tall an order around here. Well, you get what you give.  
Maybe if everyone would just stick to the topic and stay away from personal attacks, hey, we could get somewhere here. I am willing.  
Never have I heard Tim, Tiger, Suck-IT (Max) degrade, debase or insult anyone here. Whooter rarely looses his cool due to chronic abuse.
That is my job so to speak, stick up for the folks that are being abused here by giving back. Yes I purposely give back what you hand out, and you don't like it.
I would love to be fired from my job, stand down, move on and maybe get another job. What a concept, just come here and share my thoughts and opinions, not worry about being attacked. Be allowed to have a different opinion.
I think Fornits is moving slowly towards the middle, especially after the debacle with Suck-It, he did have some valid points. So happy he is still here.
 The question is. Why can't we coexist??? Is it because we just don't want to or is it truly impossible?? I think in the coming weeks and months we will see. What kind of people we are.
 The fighting that goes on;  here is only from a few, the Elan Forum and 5-6 members from other programs. We should all be embarrassed with how we act towards one another.  We are not enemies, though we act like it.  We are more like brothers and sisters squabbling over minor points to a far greater discussion that we are not ready to have.
 Folks have questioned my emotional and mental stability, since I have come here, you/I should wonder. Anyone here who has been abused as a child should question their sensibility.   No doubt most of us who went through a mindfuck early on will struggle in life. I do not believe anyone here would argue that.  What struggles, I/we have and to what extent these troubles manifest are of importance. I constantly have sought guidance to help myself through God, family, friends and counseling. It is an ongoing process.  I don't want it to end, the education is comforting. I have always felt hope.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.