Author Topic: About the Law Suits  (Read 1199 times)

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Offline Paul St. John

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About the Law Suits
« on: September 25, 2003, 12:58:00 AM »
Sure is a lot of talk about the law suits.  I just wanted to add, in case nobody has thought of it, that besides the residents suing, there is also a case for all the parents.  I cannot imagine a more clear-cut case of fraud.

.. don t know the statute of limitations on fraud myself.

Hell, there is no statute on murder.. too bad that doesn t apply to the murder of spirits, and minds.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul St. John

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About the Law Suits
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2003, 01:15:00 AM »
One of things I like about the fraud idea, is that it is not only a resident ( past-drug user) involved here, and it is also a vert clear cut case, as far as I can see.

Society, to an extent views people who were drug-users as less, and capable of lying beyond most.

But the parent's are surly victims here, no?

and it is a clear cut case.

We are talking about business here.  There is no grey are in business.

Much money was payed.. The results were not given..

I don t completley like it, cause still there is the fact that the kids who were innocent victims are still overshadowed, but it may be a start, and without money these places can no longer operate.

This can be done. ( geting the truth out about these places, and shutting them down that is..) All ideas spread with time.. It is all a matter of time.  The negative ideas of these places need to make it into the mainstream.. It only takes some seeds to start this.. they will spread on their own.

The goal is to have the general public associate the names of these places with the activities that they are ion fact involved with.  As far who will win, we already have, is what I think, it is only a matter of time, for it all to manifest in reality.

What of the things taht I was never to fond of baoutr general society is the way they gossip, and spread things, but hey, we live in this society, so let's use it to our advantage.

Also, all of you here who are tax-payers in this country, or who have parent's or sny other type of valontary care-taker who pays taxes, has the right to this conviction.. " I WILL NOT TOLERATE THESE PLACES IN THIS COUNTRY! "

As humans you have the right to not tolerate them, in their world.  You have the right to that conviction should you wish it.

We are only victims, if we sit down.  Me, personally, I hate being a victim.. hate it.. really do!

A good question to ask .. would be..

"Do I care?"

It's a cool questio to ask, beacuse if you can answer it honestly, then you find your motivation, and what matters to you, and how you would like to go about all of this.

I would like to give advice.. Like for example i owuld like to say.." Stop posting made up stories!  Stick to the facts!  "

But I really can t tell anyone to do that.  That's my way of looking at it..

But what is yours?

In reguards to Elan...

what do you want?
what would give you peace?
What are your thoughts?
Do you think there is any type of difference that you could make?
would you wnat to?
what is your motive for posting here?

There are surely no right or worng answers to these questions.  They are only questions.

Paul St. John

Paul St. John
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SyN

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About the Law Suits
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2003, 01:49:00 AM »
Good point paul, definetly.  The parents were lied to constantly.  My folks didn't know that elan monitored everything. They thought it was like a boarding school for the first couple of months i was there.  They enrolled me in a school, that was far from learning algebra.
We should look at this angle more.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A word to the wise is infuriating.\"