Author Topic: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drugs  (Read 3804 times)

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To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drugs
« on: May 25, 2010, 04:04:55 PM »
These are just a couple of examples from recent news stories of the effects of illicit drugs. But you want to make them more easily accessible, cheaper, and increasing strength and potency by legalizing them? Obviously people have access to them because they do them, but at least it keeps it down to a minimum. In a world of legalized drugs there would be a thousand times more of these disturbing news reports.  

Man Castrates Himself Because His Balls Contain Monsters!

There appears to be some very nasty acid traveling the streets of Arcata, California, which has led police to issue a warning. It began April 18, when cops responded to an emergency call at the home of a 31-year-old man on a very bad trip...
It seems he'd gotten the idea that his balls contained "monsters," according to the Times-Standard. So he castrated himself and flushed his testicles down the toilet to rid himself of the supposed demons.

On May 8, weirdness took place again, as a 21-year-old man spent two days wandering in the forest without his shoes before returning home. And the day after that police were called to a hospital to subdue a 19-year-old suffering from nasty flashbacks from an acid trip he'd made two weeks earlier.

Two days later, police found an 18-year-old hurling himself to the pavement in the middle of the street. ... tes_hi.php

Man Cuts his Friend's Heart out While he is Still Alive!!

A deputy arrived at the residence and reportedly saw Wyatt on the couch with Powell's body, which was covered in blood and had most of its face removed. A large incision in the chest could be seen, and other unspecified body parts had been removed. An eyeball was resting in the middle of the room, according to the statement.

Wyatt allegedly told the deputy that he'd cut Powell's heart out and thrown it into the fire.

Powell's death certificate reads that he died from having his heart removed while he was still alive, causing him to bleed to death. It also lists as significant blunt force trauma to the head and neck, and compression of the neck.

The deputy reported finding blood throughout the house, making the entire residence a crime scene. Large indentations in the sheetrock in the bathroom could be seen, the statement said, which appeared to have been made by the back of someone's head.

What appeared to be wild mushrooms were in the kitchen, the deputy reported. The deputy also discovered a marijuana garden in the house when he went to search for additional victims, the statement reads.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline elangraduate

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 04:18:25 PM »
I shaved my pubic hair, rolled a philly who banger, then smoked it.  I got really high.  Smoke weed every day.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2010, 05:02:04 PM »
The mental hospitals are full of peoplewho did the same (or worse), without any drugs at all. If you take the crime out of drugs, you take the criminals out too. If you want to sit in your house all day and smoke crack until everything is gone,
who cares. Just as long as you paid taxes on the crack. Just like the end of prohibition. How much revenue does alchcohol provide every year. Just think 10x - 50x - 100x that amount by legalizing and taxing them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2010, 07:02:25 PM »
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
These are just a couple of examples from recent news stories of the effects of illicit drugs. But you want to make them more easily accessible, cheaper, and increasing strength and potency by legalizing them? Obviously people have access to them because they do them, but at least it keeps it down to a minimum. In a world of legalized drugs there would be a thousand times more of these disturbing news reports.  

Man Castrates Himself Because His Balls Contain Monsters!

There appears to be some very nasty acid traveling the streets of Arcata, California, which has led police to issue a warning. It began April 18, when cops responded to an emergency call at the home of a 31-year-old man on a very bad trip...
It seems he'd gotten the idea that his balls contained "monsters," according to the Times-Standard. So he castrated himself and flushed his testicles down the toilet to rid himself of the supposed demons.

On May 8, weirdness took place again, as a 21-year-old man spent two days wandering in the forest without his shoes before returning home. And the day after that police were called to a hospital to subdue a 19-year-old suffering from nasty flashbacks from an acid trip he'd made two weeks earlier.

Two days later, police found an 18-year-old hurling himself to the pavement in the middle of the street. ... tes_hi.php

Man Cuts his Friend's Heart out While he is Still Alive!!

A deputy arrived at the residence and reportedly saw Wyatt on the couch with Powell's body, which was covered in blood and had most of its face removed. A large incision in the chest could be seen, and other unspecified body parts had been removed. An eyeball was resting in the middle of the room, according to the statement.

Wyatt allegedly told the deputy that he'd cut Powell's heart out and thrown it into the fire.

Powell's death certificate reads that he died from having his heart removed while he was still alive, causing him to bleed to death. It also lists as significant blunt force trauma to the head and neck, and compression of the neck.

The deputy reported finding blood throughout the house, making the entire residence a crime scene. Large indentations in the sheetrock in the bathroom could be seen, the statement said, which appeared to have been made by the back of someone's head.

What appeared to be wild mushrooms were in the kitchen, the deputy reported. The deputy also discovered a marijuana garden in the house when he went to search for additional victims, the statement reads.

Those things are happening now with drugs being illegal?  Wow!  I thought if you made something illegal it would magically go away as soon as the proper magic incantations were made by our wise and honest representatives in congress!

The first article you mention brings up the issue of quality control.  With drugs already illegal, there is no incentive for drug dealers and manufacturers to put their product through a rigorous testing phase.  If they were legal, companies would want to avoid lawsuits and as a results would produce safer products (or products with sufficient warnings so people can make a more informed decision).  Does regular plain acid do this?  I wouldn't know for sure as I've never done it but I do know that going on any sort of psychedelic trip without a "sitter" present is dangerous.  People who choose to take such risks, not the drugs themselves, are responsible for the consequences.  Drugs don't do themselves.  Bet the guy who cut off his balls (if he was not mentally unstable already) wishes he had a friend around as trip sitter to keep sharp objects out of reach and change his environment if he's having a bad trip.

In regards to your second article: Just because drugs were found at a crime scene does not mean the drugs somehow "caused" those crimes.  I find it hard to believe somebody on Pot and Amanita or Psilocybin, would cut out somebody's heart if they were not already intent on doing so (and that's IF the person in question was on those drugs at the time).  Then again it's hard to prove that because the government does not allow independent scientific research (unless they approve of the pre-determined results) of the effects of marijuana or other drugs.

Same with mental illness.  People with mental illnesses often self-medicate.  It's dishonest to switch cause and effect around and say that people who are mentally ill and use drugs are mentally ill because they used drugs.  Granted some drugs can mess up your brain and decrease functioning but so can alcohol or sports like boxing which we don't prohibit because we realize rightly that people have a right to take such risks with their bodes.

People own their bodies and if they want to damage them or take risks, it's their right.  If somebody else is telling you want you can and cannot put in your body they own you.  Even if it's a majority that wills it, it's still a violation of the most basic of rights.

If you get drunk and shoot somebody, nobody blames the alcohol (a drug).  Somehow people have a different standard for drugs the government does not approve of.  What I say is that you should hold people responsible for their actions, not what's in their bodies.  Of course a person on trial for murder is going to say the drugs made him do it.  Saps today believe it.  What I ask is: who caused the drugs?  Like I said they don't do themselves.  If you do drugs and kill somebody under the influence, it's still your fault.

There is a first amendment argument to be made, both on grounds of religion and speech.  Before the word comes the thought.  To control the thought is to control the word.  Therefore restricting the ways in which people can think and how they can explore their mind is in effect restricting speech.  There are many other constitutional arguments that can be made, among which probably the most basic is that congress simply was never authorized to regulate a fraction of what it does today, justified by an extremely liberal interpretation of the commerce clause.

And finally: the practical arguments:
  • The drug war has not, does not, and will never be effective for the simple reason that where there is a lucrative market and lots of demand there will be people willing to take the illegal risks necessary to supply that demand (often people willing to kill innocents who get in the way).
  • Legalizing drugs would also introduce an age component like alcohol which would keep them out of the hands of kids.  I find the "for the children" argument silly and misinformed considering kids today find it far easier to get pot than alcohol.
  • It would free up our justice system from having to deal with millions of non-violent offenders of consentual "crimes".  Look up statistics for yourself (page 3 of that link, for example) on just how many people are locked up or prosecuted for simple possession of marijuana.
  • It would eliminate the crime inherent to the black market which the drug trade (not drugs themselves) fosters, not just helping to reduce violent crime in this country but also in Mexico where the illegal industry to supply this country results in almost daily massacres and tales of horror.
  • I'm not a fan of taxes but I realize the government rarely does anything for the people unless they benefit.  Tax revenue, as none-ya notes, would indeed be significant.  Bloated government needs a boost rather than learning to balance the budget properly?  Taxes on drugs would definitely do that.
  • Surveys taken show that were heroin legal, 99% of people would not choose to use it.  I certainly would not.  Like ginger has been known to quip from time to time: find me the one person who is just dying to shoot some smack but is holding out simply because it's illegal.  Drug use is greater today than it was before drugs were illegal.
  • Heroin overdoses would drop significantly with an increase in quality.  As is noted in the Stanton Peele article which probably prompted your tirade, lack in quality and education causes the majority of deaths which were almost unheard of back when when you could get Heroin over the counter at sears.  The same applies to other drugs as well.

For just those seven above practical reasons, legalizing drugs is overwhelmingly a good idea.  I believe that anybody who honestly and rationally examines this issue, no matter what they think of drugs themselves, will come to this conclusion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline SUCK IT

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 08:06:30 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
your tirade
Wow thats quite a response, I'll have to read it when I have time.
 :roflmao: also I didn't realize 4 sentences commenting about a couple news articles qualified as a tirade, especially when you go and post an entire essay on the subject.I'll help you out and teach you what the word means, a protracted speech usually marked by intemperate, vituperative, or harshly censorious language.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Eliscu2

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 08:11:00 PM »
I was legally forced to take 7 medications by the State of Wisconhell.
I said no to forced drugging.
I was given random U.A.'s to make sure I consumed no plants.
If I were to be found "self-medicating" with cannabis I would be constitutionaly fucked over for at least 30 days until I had a "revocation hearing" and bla bla to the tune of $1,000.00 per day at Hotel Winnebago.
I am no longer forced to be a zombie by THE STATE. 10 years 5 lawyers and 1 Judge.
Wisconhell has spent literally MILLIONS to torture my Children and I.
Hello Taxpayer :jawdrop: Suck This..............
Is my Medication legal yet?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SUCK IT

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2010, 08:13:52 PM »
You can thank people like Psy for supporting Psychiatry and medication as 'science based' while slandering voluntary non medication based treatment options such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The government is full of people like Psy, they know what's good for you better than you do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline psy

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2010, 08:18:07 PM »
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
You can thank people like Psy for supporting Psychiatry and medication as 'science based' while slandering voluntary non medication based treatment options such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The government is full of people like Psy, they know what's good for you better than you do.
Ya didn't address any of my arguments.  When it comes to AA, I think it's ineffective and a dumb idea, yeah, but I never said I would try to make it illegal.  People have a right to assemble and harm themselves if they want.  And never, ever, did I say I would support psychiatry by force.  People have a right to choose their doctors, treatment plans, and medicines, whether bona-fide or bunk.  That idea is at the very core of the post you apparently didn't read.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
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"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline SUCK IT

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2010, 08:20:16 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
I'm not a fan of taxes

Oh, come on now. We all know that's not true. How else would you finance your unnecessary yet voluntary adult stays at treatment centers?

Quote from: "Psy"
My parents, unlike most who sent thier children there, did not have to pay for the program. Since my father was/is a State Department employee, my stay at that wonderful program was entirely compllmentary of the US taxpayer.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline psy

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2010, 08:33:24 PM »
Ad hominem, and a lie at that, one that has been addressed many times.  While my enrollment in a boarding school was voluntary, my stay in an unlicensed cult based program was not.  There was no informed consent and I was deprived of my ability to sucessfully leave.  Yes the government did pay, as education for kids was an employment benefit.  Back then my views on taxes and government were different (i was more of a socialist).  At that time I thought our government had some use.  Experience, education, and age taught me better.

Care to address any of my arguments pertaining to the actual subject of the thread or you are going to just dance around because you can't?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

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Everyone's balls contain monsters
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2010, 08:56:11 PM »
Man Castrates Himself Because His Balls Contain Monsters!

That's the most awesome thing I've heard in a really long time.  :notworthy:

If anything, this is an argument FOR legalization.

There are too many idiots in this world and there are too many laws in place to protect idiots. Result? Everyone else suffers.

Drugs help to thin the herd.

Besides, who the fuck does acid anymore? What an irrelevant substance. There''s much better shit out there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SUCK IT

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2010, 11:39:04 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Care to address any of my arguments pertaining to the actual subject of the thread or you are going to just dance around because you can't?
The only argument needed against your pro legalization is, if you legalize LSD then your kid might cut his balls off.  

The drug war has not, does not, and will never be effective for the simple reason that where there is a lucrative market and lots of demand there will be people willing to take the illegal risks necessary to supply that demand (often people willing to kill innocents who get in the way).

Lucrative because prices are kept high by fighting the drug war which keeps people from using too much, that is part of the strategy. The higher the price the less people can use. If cocaine can be bought for $1 a baggy, or rocks of crack cocaine for 10 cents in extra strength pure version you don't think there will be extreme social consequences?

Legalizing drugs would also introduce an age component like alcohol which would keep them out of the hands of kids. I find the "for the children" argument silly and misinformed considering kids today find it far easier to get pot than alcohol.
It would free up our justice system from having to deal with millions of non-violent offenders of consentual "crimes". Look up statistics for yourself (page 3 of that link, for example) on just how many people are locked up or prosecuted for simple possession of marijuana.

This is completely hilarious! Alcohol is the number one used substance by far by underage minors. If drugs were legal and you could buy them at any store, more kids would do drugs. This is common sense. They have friends over 18 or 21 and if not have ways around it, or might steal from stores if necessary, as they do with alcohol all the time (I worked at a convenience store for years, so I know). In most states posession of marijuana is a minor, ticketable offense, the only people in jail are big time dealers. Look it up, the myth of millions of pot smokers caught with a small amount in jail is just that, a myth.

It would eliminate the crime inherent to the black market which the drug trade (not drugs themselves) fosters, not just helping to reduce violent crime in this country but also in Mexico where the illegal industry to supply this country results in almost daily massacres and tales of horror.

Take away their revenue from drugs and they will resort to kidnapping, and other forms of illicit activity that generate revenue that gangs have been conducting around the world regardless of drug laws. The impact of legalization on violence amongst gangsters would be negligible.

I'm not a fan of taxes but I realize the government rarely does anything for the people unless they benefit. Tax revenue, as none-ya notes, would indeed be significant. Bloated government needs a boost rather than learning to balance the budget properly? Taxes on drugs would definitely do that.

It wouldn't even be enough to pay for all the extra drug rehabs that would have to open to deal with the massive influx of addicts into society. You can't honestly think that crack cocaine, heroine, PCP, LSD, and other dangerous drugs should be available to buy at the store like alcohol and not have severe unintended side effects of this naive and utopian philosophy? Do you realize how many people die and are injured from DUI accidents? You have a 1 in 3 chance of being a victim in your life. Why increase the chances by promoting the use of even more mind altering chemicals?

Surveys taken show that were heroin legal, 99% of people would not choose to use it. I certainly would not. Like ginger has been known to quip from time to time: find me the one person who is just dying to shoot some smack but is holding out simply because it's illegal. Drug use is greater today than it was before drugs were illegal.

But what about quality control? Now that Phizer can take over recreational heroin production, wouldn't that lower the fear of people to use it? What about all the commercials on TV about how the pretty people and cool kids use crack cocaine? Corporate drug promotion would make today's drug dealers appear amateurish compared to their ability to peddle dangerous drugs to all sorts of people. Marketing is an effective tool. You promote the full legalization of drugs, that means it will be in the financial interest of large companies to expand their market and promote the use of the drugs they produce. How can you honestly expect there to not be many more users? Are you really that naive?
Not to mention people are afraid to shoot heroin because needles are scary, and gross. How about when a corporate heroin producer produces pills you can pop that do the same thing? Or heroin tainted cigarettes? Or any other form of ingesting that is easier, safer and more palatable than shooting it with a needle? Full legalization right? That means you can buy OxyContin in bottles just like vitamins. That's what you want, right?

Heroin overdoses would drop significantly with an increase in quality. As is noted in the Stanton Peele article which probably prompted your tirade, lack in quality and education causes the majority of deaths which were almost unheard of back when when you could get Heroin over the counter at sears. The same applies to other drugs as well.

Nobody was keeping statistics back then, and medical care wasn't what it is today. If someone was sick and took an elixir with heroin too much and died, who would of recorded that? Obviously there was big problems with these over the counter snake oil medicines because they were made illegal for a reason. If you really believe that you could sell over the counter crack, cocaine, heroin, PCP, and all the other dangerous drugs and not have extreme social consequences beyond your imagination then you are terribly naive. But it fits with your strange world view where there is no drug addiction, AA is a fraud, and all drugs being legal would lead to some utopian deficit free, crime free continent. It won't work!

As far as the people claiming crazy people cut their balls off and flush them down the toilet, and that crazy people cut their friend's live heart out and cut their face off and they live in mental hospitals, what the hell kind of argument is that? Let's create more of these psychos by feeding them brain altering chemicals as cheap as water because it's legal now? WTF is wrong with you people?   But hey maybe you can use your precious tax revenue from drugs to build a new mental hospital in every neighborhood to house these people after they commit a violent act against themselves or others?  No thanks!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Bud Greenberg

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2010, 12:40:53 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=150]LEGALIZE MARIJUANA[/size]

Offline psy

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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2010, 12:47:17 AM »
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
Quote from: "psy"
Care to address any of my arguments pertaining to the actual subject of the thread or you are going to just dance around because you can't?
The only argument needed against your pro legalization is, if you legalize LSD then your kid might cut his balls off.

That happened anyway and is far more likely to happen when kids can get it easily and what chemicals compose the "LSD" are unknown.  The cops are warning people about this because it's not just LSD.  It's tainted LSD.  I also didn't say drugs were safe or that kids should use them.  I said consenting adults should have the freedom to make the choice.

Even when they're illegal, people are going to use drugs, just like kids in high school are going to have sex.  If you want to protect them, do what is done with condoms and teach people how to do them as safely as is possible (in LSD's case, a trip sitter experienced with the drug).  Preaching an absolutist method such as abstinence or prohibition only makes the acts popular (as dare did).  However, the fact that where there is education both kids and adults do wear condoms tells me that education does work and can while drug use or sex can never be eliminated, they can be made safer.

Lucrative because prices are kept high by fighting the drug war which keeps people from using too much, that is part of the strategy.

No.  They buy as much.  They just spend more to get it, and sometimes do extreme things to get money to pay for it.  And even if they did buy more, unless you're a socialist, the health of private individuals is not the government's business.  Take a look at the Switzerland study I cited just below as well.  How is it that heroin addicts with free drugs are quitting more?

The higher the price the less people can use. If cocaine can be bought for $1 a baggy, or rocks of crack cocaine for 10 cents in extra strength pure version you don't think there will be extreme social consequences? [/b]

Absolutely the consequences would be extreme. "Addicts" would no longer feel the "need" to resort to crime to feed their habits.  In Switzerland where heroin is given away by the government (not that i'm advocating that, cheap drugs would do the same), drug related crime has ground to a halt, functioning "addicts" are able to get and keep jobs, and more people are spontaneously quitting as their lives improve (one of the main causes of habitual behavior is stress and depression... drug abuse is often a symptom, not causal disease).

The same has happened in other countries where this has been tried and it costs a fraction of what the drug war costs.  Who'd have thought: more drugs equals less usage.  Of course this is unconscionable in our arrogant society where we feel we can legislate and beat human desires away.

This is completely hilarious! Alcohol is the number one used substance by far by underage minors. If drugs were legal and you could buy them at any store, more kids would do drugs. This is common sense. They have friends over 18 or 21 and if not have ways around it, or might steal from stores if necessary, as they do with alcohol all the time (I worked at a convenience store for years, so I know).

Right now they can buy them at their high school with no ID at all. The reason more choose alcohol is out of preference.  they rarely use heroin or coke out of common sense and preference.  How else do you explain that it's easier to get pot and yet more choose to use alcohol?  On these grounds alone, decreasing the availability of pot by requiring the same standards as alcohol couldn't possibly increase use.

In most states posession of marijuana is a minor, ticketable offense,

Sorry.  Very few states are decrim.  Check the sources I cited below to see just how many people have been arrested, prosecuted, and incarcerated for marijuana posession.

the only people in jail are big time dealers. Look it up, the myth of millions of pot smokers caught with a small amount in jail is just that, a myth.

No, it's not. ... t_2005.pdf (see page 3 or the sources they cite)

Want to see what can happen when they get to jail?  Take a look at this training video for COs: ... r_embedded

And in some states anything over a very very small amount can constitute "intent to distribute".  See the map I cited.

Take away their revenue from drugs and they will resort to kidnapping, and other forms of illicit activity that generate revenue that gangs have been conducting around the world regardless of drug laws. The impact of legalization on violence amongst gangsters would be negligible.

They do those things anyway, as much as they can whenever they can, and i'd have to disagree that removing 90% of their profits overnight would somehow be "negligible".

It wouldn't even be enough to pay for all the extra drug rehabs that would have to open to deal with the massive influx of addicts into society. You can't honestly think that crack cocaine, heroine, PCP, LSD, and other dangerous drugs should be available to buy at the store like alcohol and not have severe unintended side effects of this naive and utopian philosophy? Do you realize how many people die and are injured from DUI accidents? You have a 1 in 3 chance of being a victim in your life. Why increase the chances by promoting the use of even more mind altering chemicals?

I've already made a strong case that use would not increase.  Because of that, DUIDs (which are illegal already) would not increase either...  but even if they did increase, imagine the reduction in crime and death that would dwarf such a minute increase.

But what about quality control? Now that Phizer can take over recreational heroin production, wouldn't that lower the fear of people to use it?

Maybe, but the fear of dependency is still there.  The social stigma of being a junkie is still there.  I don't think you can glamorize crack or heroin as much as you're suggesting.  People already know it can mess you up.  I don't think anybody would argue any differently.

What about all the commercials on TV about how the pretty people and cool kids use crack cocaine?

Create your own commercials...  Persuade people, don't force them.  In the case of crack it's more likely that powder cocaine or the coca plant itself would become dominant for those who like the particular drug.

Corporate drug promotion would make today's drug dealers appear amateurish compared to their ability to peddle dangerous drugs to all sorts of people. Marketing is an effective tool.

And yet I don't go out and buy everything I see on TV. If you're limiting marketing, if you're limiting persuasion, you're limiting free speech.  People can make their own choices about what to put in their bodies.  They don't need you or moral busybodies like you to (try and) force them.

All that being said, it is very very unlikely that a congress that forbids Tobacco advertising on TV would allow an ad for Crack cocaine.  I might not agree with it but in this society, if drugs were legalized, you can guarantee you would not see ads for them.

You promote the full legalization of drugs, that means it will be in the financial interest of large companies to expand their market and promote the use of the drugs they produce. How can you honestly expect there to not be many more users? Are you really that naive?

Like I said. A congress that forbids tobacco commercials is not likely to allow that.

Not to mention people are afraid to shoot heroin because needles are scary, and gross. How about when a corporate heroin producer produces pills you can pop that do the same thing? Or heroin tainted cigarettes? Or any other form of ingesting that is easier, safer and more palatable than shooting it with a needle? Full legalization right? That means you can buy OxyContin in bottles just like vitamins. That's what you want, right?[/b]

If you're of age, yes.  What problem do you have with making drug use safer?  Is it your wish to keep drugs unsafe, causing deaths?  Are you willing to cause death to force your private morality onto others?

Nobody was keeping statistics back then, and medical care wasn't what it is today. If someone was sick and took an elixir with heroin too much and died, who would of recorded that? Obviously there was big problems with these over the counter snake oil medicines because they were made illegal for a reason. If you really believe that you could sell over the counter crack, cocaine, heroin, PCP, and all the other dangerous drugs and not have extreme social consequences beyond your imagination then you are terribly naive. But it fits with your strange world view where there is no drug addiction, AA is a fraud, and all drugs being legal would lead to some utopian deficit free, crime free continent. It won't work!

I never said that drug addiction did not exist.  I said it doesn't fit the definition of a disease as it's a behavior (a compulsive one, yes, but not one that overpowers free will).  Proof:  One cannot quit cancer.  People can and do quit drugs (much of the success of this has to do with treating the causes of these symptoms).  Many addiction professionals would agree with this... but that's besides the point and mostly irrelevant to my arguments.

{b}As far as the people claiming crazy people cut their balls off and flush them down the toilet, and that crazy people cut their friend's live heart out and cut their face off and they live in mental hospitals, what the hell kind of argument is that? Let's create more of these psychos by feeding them brain altering chemicals as cheap as water because it's legal now? WTF is wrong with you people?   But hey maybe you can use your precious tax revenue from drugs to build a new mental hospital in every neighborhood to house these people after they commit a violent act against themselves or others?  No thanks!

Everything you're saying assumes drug use would increase.  Something that hasn't a shred of evidence other than your speculative fearmongering to back it up.  There are lots of arguments besides mine to the contrary.  Read:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: To all the dummies who think the US should legalize drug
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2010, 04:14:45 AM »
I'm going to "weigh in" here
I have done acid, and it was terrible. Not because it was acid, but because it was cut with strychnine and methamphetamine.Read up on neuro effect, this ain't a dissertation.
Suck it (what's in a name?) You seem enamored of AA. Why?
Re: legalization. Look backward in history to when it was, look forward to now.
See the horror. See the horror people like you create.
You twist bizarre event to support your psycho- social-agenda.
A really instructive exercise is to research absinthe, maybe you're not up to that.Maybe think about removing the plank from your own eye? leave the rest of us alone, or maybe that's your compulsion. To Meddle, until something breaks, then say " but, I Meant well!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »