Author Topic: why and how this forum fails  (Read 12952 times)

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Offline Whooter

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #30 on: May 08, 2010, 08:22:15 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Whooter.  Attempting to play a person who was in program with me against me is not going to work.  I'm not saying nor have I ever said that people cannot have good experiences in programs or that all staff are evil.  What I have said is that there is so much bad out there that it overwhelms the good and as such it's not safe for parents to take the risk of a placement.  There is simply no way to tell a good program from a bad one.

You have been around here long enough to know what I mean.  Someone claims they had a good experience ....they are questioned left and right or given a pat on the back and told to wait a few years.  Look at your response to M_Hilton.  Why were you not happy he/she had a good experience?  You must read outside fornits enough to know that many kids are helped by wilderness.  I know you are not that isolated.  Yet you pretend that kids who do well are an anomaly.

But if someone like myself questions a survivor saying they were wrapped in duct tape from head to toe and thrown into the ocean during a typhoon then everyone gets bent out of shape and pissed off for me even bring up the question.

You cant be that blind by the bias here, psy.  You really think a survivor that says they were helped by a program will get the same treatment here as one who says they were abused?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline farlessgreg

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« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2010, 09:50:53 PM »

As a former staff member I first posted awhile ago. When I did  post I received a repy "Dude get ready for a shit storm to pour down on you' (something like that). I even put my phone number on the post. Someone was nice enough to call me and say take it off because people want to kill you.  Anyway I have talked to several people over the phone. I understood some of the things people were saying on this site about the programs. We did not yell at each other and had several nice talks.  I feel this could be a good web site if certain people stay off or start sticking on the subjects that matter. I would love to talk to others and understand more. I first posted on this site to find old friends I went through the program with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RavingMad

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« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2010, 09:54:26 PM »
Quote from: "farlessgreg"
As a former staff member I first posted awhile ago. When I did  post I received a repy "Dude get ready for a shit storm to pour down on you' (something like that). I even put my phone number on the post. Someone was nice enough to call me and say take it off because people want to kill you.  Anyway I have talked to several people over the phone. I understood some of the things people were saying on this site about the programs. We did not yell at each other and had several nice talks.  I feel this could be a good web site if certain people stay off or start sticking on the subjects that matter. I would love to talk to others and understand more. I first posted on this site to find old friends I went through the program with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline M_Hilton

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2010, 12:31:28 AM »
Whooter what you dont know is Psy and know each other pretty well
and what he said is true i have no idea whats changed at SUWS its been a VERY long time almost 11 years this summer
now what i do know is what one gets from them unlike other place is dependent on who your working with SUWS groups when i was there were small 6 to 8 kids and 2 staff
and staff i had seemed to want to help and were every open about things later on
no the office staff is another matter but the people in the field i think what to help at lest then

M_Hilton, Didn’t someone yell at you, deny you food or force you to walk when you didn’t want to? If the answer was yes to any of these then you were abused. Were you not forced to build your own fire in order to eat? Did your parents ask you first before you were sent to SUWS? Or were you sent there against your will? Don’t you feel you were good enough to deserve basic human rights? Why do you cave in and say that SUWS helped you?
You just don’t realize it yet but you have been brain washed.
1. i was never yelled at ever  
2. i was never denied food or water
3. kinda i did camping and hiking stuff befor that SUWS was a walk in the park for me from that point most kids that end up there have never been out of there state let alone done any real hiking  lol Boy Scouts
4. was i asked no but its a long story the short ver is i was kicked out of another summer camp

and what did i get out of it
well to think things though all the way be for acting for one
bit of background i have been in the "special ed" system since i was 8 or so if you looked at my last 2 years of highschool be for and after SUWS you cant say it didnt do some thing

now Benchmark DID deny food
forced me to live in a piss hole motel
did nothing to help with my learning disabilities  AFTER MUCH pleading to even get to take some classes
destroyed relationships with others that were proving to be positive for both parties
and here is one of all time favs
you might be asking how?
well on sink or swim as they call it one option is to get a job lol but you have use there office number as contact so gl ever getting any calls back
and lets say you do some how get a job some were Benchmark makes you turn over your paychecks to them maybe letting you keep 10 bucks out of it becouse you "might by drugs" RAGE

so as you see wile SUWS did fulfill some of what they say they would do Benchmark utterly misrepresented them selves  will pissing away almost $35,000 a YEAR
35,000 to do what? pay 40 bucks a week for food and maybe that much for a motel room every thing else i did was on top of that you people say there NOT a scam i call BULL SHIT
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2010, 01:04:52 AM »
What he says about the motels and the theft of money (not to mention property) is true.  I'd estimate eventually around 90% ended up in motels, some sooner than others (with me it was 6 months, give or take).  It was supposed to be an "alternative" living arrangement but with the percentage of kids ending up there I'd say it was more of a primary one, and a very profitable one at that.  You see, each kid who ends up in motel frees up an enrollment slot.  Benchmark could have 70 students enrolled while only paying full expenses on maybe half of those.  The rest...  Like Mike said, it's not that expensive to pay for lodging at a roach motel and 40 bucks a week for food (if you're good, otherwise it's cup 'o' noodles and a few energy bars for you).  One motel told us when we went down in Nov 07 that they have a contract with Benchmark.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #35 on: May 10, 2010, 01:46:21 AM »
I wasn't even in Benchmark and I can vouch for the hotel thing.

Psy, you remember that fleabag little hotel we were staying at with Marco, the kid wanted to return to Mexico, but Benchmark had him stashed in a hotel? I remember us hitting hotel after hotel until we found him and finally when we went back to our own to get some sleep ol' Ronnie, that cunt of a staffer, shows up at our hotel to give a kid his meds.

Turns out we went and knocked on the wrong door or something.

Anyhow, I wasn't out front for the kerfluffle that followed, I was lying down trying to rest when that fat sack of shit Ronnie slobbered his way over to Psy with the kid and says something like,"This guy has something to say to you!"

The kid in the hotel says, "I don't want you guys bothering me.."

Psy says something like, "Too bad our offer for a bus ticket home and some food money is still good.."

Kid says to ronnie,"OMFG you gotta get me outta here!!!"

Funny shit.. but yeah.. Benchmark is sinister in their operations. They dump the kids in the worst pits in Redlands California. They don't give them their picture ID. They don't let them have enough money to connect their phones. They tell the kids that they need to get a job, but who is going to give someone a job with no ID or a Phone? The real clincher for me is they feed the kids a bunch of shit food. No fresh greens, fruit, or fresh bread. Just over-process shit out of a can that is chock full of preservatives, salt, and other shit.

The sort of food that ought to be labelled, "YOU are better off eating dogfood!"

And they throw in some cup o noodle crap as well.

Now.. here is the even more fucked up part. Where can you run? Psy and I talked to a really nice chap who was doing some of the gardening out front of Benchmark with a work crew from one of those Developmentally disabled programs.  You know.. the kind of program that tries to get handicapped folks jobs so they can fell useful and such?

Anyway.. this guy and his workcrew were doing the gardening and Psy and I talk to him and for the life of him he couldn't think of any real places the homeless can turn to in that town.

No private charity..
City is dangerous as hell.. We saw a huge brawl of about 6 or 7 dudes in the parking lot of a fastfood restaurant our first night in town.
Cops are very unfriendly to runaways..

So yeah.. there you have it.. Everything I just talked about I saw with my own eyes at the Benchmark Protest.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RavingMad

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #36 on: May 10, 2010, 08:36:40 AM »
oh so that tells us all something. PSY and CHE are actually friends. Go figure why he is allowed to run without a leash on here. It all falls into place slowly doesn't it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SUCK IT

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2010, 03:35:08 PM »
Quote from: "M_Hilton"

now Benchmark DID deny food
forced me to live in a piss hole motel
did nothing to help with my learning disabilities  AFTER MUCH pleading to even get to take some classes
destroyed relationships with others that were proving to be positive for both parties
and here is one of all time favs
you might be asking how?
well on sink or swim as they call it one option is to get a job lol but you have use there office number as contact so gl ever getting any calls back
and lets say you do some how get a job some were Benchmark makes you turn over your paychecks to them maybe letting you keep 10 bucks out of it becouse you "might by drugs" RAGE

Guess what, parents deny their kids food ALL THE TIME. This is NOT ABUSE. If you think staying in a motel room is abuse, you must be the world's most spoiled kid ever, and have no understanding of what the word "abuse" actually means.
If they were stealing money from people, Psy would of called the cops and reported them a long time ago. This is a guy who flew thousands of miles to stalk staff persons around town before the cops got involved.
Sink or swim, welcome to the real world! Most people don't get a free motel room, they get a homeless shelter if they can't find a job and pay their bills. 18 year olds and younger are kicked out of their parents house all the time, and somehow they make it. Yet you are complaining about a free motel room and help getting a job?? ?Really??? You think this is abuse?? Please go look up abuse in the dictionary, and the legal definition of what constitutes a crime. In drug rehabs (but yours actually sounds like a halfway house, but even more lenient since you get a motel room) they keep your paycheck so you , wait for it, dont spend it on drugs! Big surprise! Why were you in a rehab if you didn't need help. Were you 18 years old? If so, then stop complaining, you could have left whenever you wanted. But instead you want to blame someone else, and you let psychos like Psy convince you "you were abused".

Seriously, this is what you sounds like..

My parents abused me because they wouldn't let me eat ice cream and candy whenever I wanted! When I turned 18 they paid for my apartment and food and everything, but it was in a shitty part of town! They weren't good parents and didn't help me with my personal issues either. In exchange for this abusive treatment from my parents, I had to hand over a large chunk of my paycheck, can you believe that?! THEY STOLED THIS MONEY FROM ME!

How does that sounds... perhaps like a spoiled person out of touch with the reality most people live in? Kinda, huh!

Just tell everyone one thing though, when this "abuse" happened were you over the age of 18? I'm thinking yes, because I doubt that they would let a 17 year old live in a motel. If you answer yes, then you are so full of shit because you could of left and started your own life instead of taking handouts and then complaining about it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
one day at a time

Offline DannyB II

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2010, 04:49:44 PM »
:shamrock:  :shamrock:

Not to be on anybodys side here, Psy or Che is everyone were talking about here 18 or older. Can they leave if they want to. Just asking not judging anything, don't have enough information. I have read what psy has said over time, no it is not my experience/story of programs yet I have learned everyone has there own and they are just as painful as the next.
I think outside of some who post here just to be a jerk, some folks have had it so bad in (treatment centers) they have a hard time identifying with psy, not that you should care or have to defend yourself. They see where supposedly you could leave psy and people just are dumbfounded. They say,"we could not escape."  Now I say supposedly because of the peer pressure intimidation and maybe parents did not necessarily want you back at the time you wanted to go back.
People be open minded.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline psy

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2010, 05:18:32 PM »
All your questions are answered on my website,in the Benchmark forum, or similar threads.  I can't be arsed to reiterate myself again and again on this topic. I've written at least 5 responses to the particular accusations.  Here are a few threads to start off with:

Read what Che says in the first one.  There's your corroboration...  not that it's necessary since M_Hilton is here as well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline RavingMad

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2010, 05:23:38 PM »
wow everyone has to justify themselves
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2010, 05:46:40 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
All your questions are answered on my website,in the Benchmark forum, or similar threads.  I can't be arsed to reiterate myself again and again on this topic. I've written at least 5 responses to the particular accusations.  Here are a few threads to start off with:

Read what Che says in the first one.  There's your corroboration...  not that it's necessary since M_Hilton is here as well.

 :shamrock:  :shamrock:

I almost felt like hypercritical because as you know I dislike very much to answer the same question over and over, thank you for your help. I will read up, something I have neglected to do since I've got here.
I will not ask again.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline M_Hilton

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2010, 08:17:39 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
:shamrock:  :shamrock:

Not to be on anybodys side here, Psy or Che is everyone were talking about here 18 or older. Can they leave if they want to. Just asking not judging anything, don't have enough information. I have read what psy has said over time, no it is not my experience/story of programs yet I have learned everyone has there own and they are just as painful as the next.
I think outside of some who post here just to be a jerk, some folks have had it so bad in (treatment centers) they have a hard time identifying with psy, not that you should care or have to defend yourself. They see where supposedly you could leave psy and people just are dumbfounded. They say,"we could not escape."  Now I say supposedly because of the peer pressure intimidation and maybe parents did not necessarily want you back at the time you wanted to go back.
People be open minded.


A prison with out walls is still a prison
sure we could just leave but were are we going to go? have you been to Redlands CA or worse Yucipa or San Bernadino? not a place you want to be walking the streets at night as white kid
that is part of why they took any money you earned or were sent and had have staff with you when use it IF you even get to use it
they didnt want some one saving money for bus or plane ticket home they did every thing they could to keep you from leaving
i was put in a motel becouse i didnt want to deal with nonsence of the 'program' i was here to get help with other things like getting to class on time etc
and then to be treated like a drug addict it was insulting becouse thats all they knew how to treat
where was all this money going? the people on staff other then higher ups were all AA NA trash
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline justonemore

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #43 on: May 10, 2010, 10:34:11 PM »
Listen, just listen to what is said, who says it, and How they say it. seems to me tags like SUK IT ad RAVING MAD say it all. Got no use fer ya. not now, not ever. Did anyone? ever? J.O.M.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: why and how this forum fails
« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2010, 10:54:50 PM »
Quote from: "M_Hilton"
Whooter what you dont know is Psy and know each other pretty well
and what he said is true i have no idea whats changed at SUWS its been a VERY long time almost 11 years this summer
now what i do know is what one gets from them unlike other place is dependent on who your working with SUWS groups when i was there were small 6 to 8 kids and 2 staff
and staff i had seemed to want to help and were every open about things later on
no the office staff is another matter but the people in the field i think what to help at lest then

M_Hilton, Didn’t someone yell at you, deny you food or force you to walk when you didn’t want to? If the answer was yes to any of these then you were abused. Were you not forced to build your own fire in order to eat? Did your parents ask you first before you were sent to SUWS? Or were you sent there against your will? Don’t you feel you were good enough to deserve basic human rights? Why do you cave in and say that SUWS helped you?
You just don’t realize it yet but you have been brain washed.
1. i was never yelled at ever  
2. i was never denied food or water
3. kinda i did camping and hiking stuff befor that SUWS was a walk in the park for me from that point most kids that end up there have never been out of there state let alone done any real hiking  lol Boy Scouts
4. was i asked no but its a long story the short ver is i was kicked out of another summer camp

and what did i get out of it
well to think things though all the way be for acting for one
bit of background i have been in the "special ed" system since i was 8 or so if you looked at my last 2 years of highschool be for and after SUWS you cant say it didnt do some thing

now Benchmark DID deny food
forced me to live in a piss hole motel
did nothing to help with my learning disabilities  AFTER MUCH pleading to even get to take some classes
destroyed relationships with others that were proving to be positive for both parties
and here is one of all time favs
you might be asking how?
well on sink or swim as they call it one option is to get a job lol but you have use there office number as contact so gl ever getting any calls back
and lets say you do some how get a job some were Benchmark makes you turn over your paychecks to them maybe letting you keep 10 bucks out of it becouse you "might by drugs" RAGE

so as you see wile SUWS did fulfill some of what they say they would do Benchmark utterly misrepresented them selves  will pissing away almost $35,000 a YEAR
35,000 to do what? pay 40 bucks a week for food and maybe that much for a motel room every thing else i did was on top of that you people say there NOT a scam i call BULL SHIT

But why wouldn’t posters on fornits come out and say there was a difference? I have always been curious as to why kids who went through a program (and were unsuccessful) always felt the need to be dishonest.  Why not be honest like yourself and say SUWS helped me in some ways but Benchmark was a total scam.  Why do some people have a need to be deceptive and say SUWS was abusive the same as Tranquility Bay was for example?  Or to say that since Benchmark acted this way then SWS must be that same?  They are in different parts of the country and have a total different function.

If you read the posts from people who attended them they are completely different yet people here have difficulty seeing the difference and place them in the same category.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »