Author Topic: Daytop Reloaded  (Read 1154 times)

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Offline DannyB II

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Daytop Reloaded
« on: April 03, 2010, 05:15:51 PM »

Re: 3 staff hit clients at millbrook

Postby SEKTO » Yesterday, 10:55


My source has confirmed that what you reported yesterday is entirely accurate.

Thank you, and please don't stop posting here about DAYTOP.

Also, please try not to let the trolls and assorted characters who, at times, dominate fornits dissuade you from participating in the DAYTOP forum.

I try to keep the DAYTOP forum a "safe place" that is removed from the Jerry Springerish drama and all that.

And judging from the posts on other threads pertaining to DAYTOP, this recent release of information coming out of Millbrook has hit a nerve.

From what I gather, that organization is to this day as corrupt and abusive as it ever was.

Can you tell us anything further about "Troy" and/or "Priscilla"?

 :shamrock:  :shamrock:

I'm still trying to figure out what Daytop you went to SEKTO, because this sounds more like the Daytop I was used to hearing about. That is why I found it so fuuny when Inculcate said what she said about intake evaluations. There was no serious analysis to the intake of any person that I have ever heard of.
I would not take these physical altercations between staff and resident all that serious unless you have their bio and pic in front of you. They would kick your ass for just looking at them, SEKTO. This is not a place where Mommy and Daddy are paying $56,000.00 a year to place there child, that is coming from my source who is right there in New York.
From what I am hearing Daytop is strongly considering going back to all adult facilities.
Till next time....Sekto I see you have some strong opinionated folks on your forum good for you. About time.
Oh and you think Elan fucking crazy, wait to you meet the real Daytop
Think of bike gangs, street thugs and blazers.....thats my Daytop...NYC and Jersey style.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 05:35:46 PM by DannyB II »
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Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2010, 05:31:03 PM »
Edited: Wednesday, October 06, 2010
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 09:04:34 AM by Joel »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Daytop Reloaded
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2010, 05:33:42 PM »

Re: 3 staff hit clients at millbrook

Postby friendofbill » Yesterday, 23:35
poor innocent victims these unmotivated rikers island retreads that pass through treatmentall of whom have been in 2-3 programs already and discharged for fighting..I am sure they are so motivated to change there lives...gang affiliated kids attack counselors verbally and physically but the staff are wrong????
wake up people...people busting there asses for entitled pieces of dirt....

 :shamrock:  :shamrock:
treatment changing real lives.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Daytop Reloaded
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2010, 06:07:11 PM »
Quote from: "Joel"
:shamrock: :shamrock:

Oh, Joel ya not like my answer to your post, so ya take off ya comments. Jeesh Jo Ho you do this all the time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Daytop Reloaded
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 06:20:41 PM »

New postby friendofbill » Yesterday, 23:15
SEKTO wrote:

Today, just this afternoon, I for no particular reason took a look at the DAYTOP website and saw that it was much different than the one I've seen in the past; this one is newer, updated, made in 2010. It seems as if DAYTOP is going stronger than ever these days.



New postby friendofbill » Yesterday, 23:17

Outreach centers provide the same clinical programs as our residential centers, on a less intensive basis. In addition to group and individual counseling sessions, Treatment services include Family Therapy, Art Feelings Workshops, a music program, young women’s programs, and other supportive services. These are included in a client’s treatment plan if they are indicated from the individual’s assessment. (Italics added for emphasis.)

The DAYTOP being presented here, and the DAYTOP I remember from Dallas in 1992 bear little resemblance to one another.

There's nothing in here about The Chair, about humiliating L.E.s, signs, props, Encounter Groups, Haircuts, none of that stuff. And I do not recall ever having my "treatment plan" described to me either. My treatment plan, as I remember it, seemed to be something along the lines of, "You're such a phony. Try to act normal, and don't use too many big words."

There one one social worker on site (early on her name was Joyce Ratner, and after Joyce left the next one was named Susan Merlin) and a psychiatrist who was there on an infrequent basis (his name was Dr. Croix). I myself never went to school in DAYTOP, as I had my GED, so I cannot say anything about what the schooling there was like at the time. While most of the others were in school, I sat at the desk and answered the phone a lot in the morning, and I remember that on most days group was in the afternoon.

Our clinical staff are required to maintain current licenses and accreditations, and counselors have or are preparing for CASAC certification. This is the Certified Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor credential, a 350 hour course required by the New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services.

In fairness, I do not know what the exact educational requirements for the DAYTOP "counseling" staff in TX in the late eighties and nineties would have been, and I am sure that the staff there had at least some kind of minimum state accreditation/certification. But I can tell all of you for a certainty that none of the counselors had a degree of any sort, and most had had no or very little college, for that matter. Very little real training other than being program grads themselves, most of them. I remember it as being a fairly "loose" operation back then.

Actually, I remember that when I first went on Second Stage, I was living in an apartment with another Second Stager and was in classes at nearby Richland Community College. One day, I was at the Richardson facility and I recall that Marcy and another female counselor asked me if I'd bring them a couple of class schedules, as they were thinking of signing up for some courses in counseling and psychology. Here we are, and my counselors (both DAYTOP grads from NYC) are asking me to bring them the materials so that they could get into college too. This did not strike me as odd at the time, but in retrospect the thought really pains me.

I have to give the organization the benefit of the doubt in recognizing that I know little about how DAYTOP does things in 2010, other than what I read from their website. And, I admit that I have had very little direct contact with them since 1994, at the Dresser Building. Maybe they do have higher educational requirements for their counseling staff nowadays, and that would at least be a good thing. Maybe they would be more careful to look out for kids with developmental and other neurological disorders these days, and would refer such kids appropriately to a specialist, upon recognition that such a referral might be necessary. This also would be a good thing.

Their website offers a couple of scatter-plot charts as some kind of supposed evidence that their treatment modality is "working," in the sense of reducing their clients' cravings for their respective drugs of choice. There is an email address to which one can write and request more detailed statistical information, supposedly demonstrating the efficacy of the DAYTOP program. They didn't have this as a part of the old website. On the newer DAYTOP site, as well, it is stated that "young adult clients" are considered as those ages 12 to 21. I myself was 18 when I went into DAYTOP, and I was the oldest kid in the house all the way through.

Regardless, the fact remains that DAYTOP applies (and for years has been applying) coercive thought-reform techniques to children as young as twelve years of age, teaching them a philosophy that undermines their identity and blurs their boundaries and teaches them powerlessness and fear, or else cynicism and a knowledge of how to better manipulate others.


In my opinion, DAYTOP members (outpatient or residential) live under constant fear and are scared to death. DAYTOP instills intense fear in its "clients." At least, it did back when I was part of it. Fear holds them in the group, and fear is what motivates a lot of the kids to gradually internalize the DAYTOPian philosophy and frame of mind, until it is actually accepted as being true, and real. Or else, fear is what motivates them to at least "Act As If" their whole way through the program, which (again, in my opinion) is really, at least in the longer run, more of a corrupting and destructive than an edifying influence.

Maybe DAYTOP has actually changed in some respects, but I'd regardless wager that it's still essentially the same abusive thought-reform program that it has been for years.

 :shamrock:  :shamrock:
AYE....Can I get a intake evaluation here....SOMEWHERE....Somebody call a Doctor, is there a Doctor in the house. Naw we just got a couple of weirdo's here calling themselves staff. Well get me a piece of paper and put some lines on it, that'll work.....Your name please. Ok your good to go.  :lala:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: Daytop Reloaded
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2010, 02:03:48 PM »
Re: Holy Shit! Chinese Daytop

Postby Inculcated » 10 Jun 2009, 20:33

I couldn't help saying, 'Thanks,' and even I was moved by my own sincerity, which I hadn't felt in a long time.

My first days at Daytop were cold -- inside and outside. I would not show interest in anyone. I looked down on the hypocritical sympathy and help. My first thought was to get out and take another hit. I used coldness as my spear and silence as my shield; although other community members were warm toward me, but I still played the stubborn, resistant role to the end. But by the third day my attitude toward Daytop started to change, and it happened so fast that I myself was surprised.

There was an interesting morning meeting where I was successively 'rescued' four times. The first three times I sneered back in return, but when I stood up for the fourth time I did not feel so smug because a slight guilt suddenly arose toward my 'old sister'.

'Do you know what it meant for your old sister when you came into the ward smoking? It meant she had to clean the toilet for you for three days. It is a rule here that one must pay for what the others' actions. How did you feel when you saw that she was accompanying you when you were scolded? You have been here for three days. And your old sister has talked earnestly with you for three days. How can there have been no change? No medicine can help you, you're too apathetic. You'll never kick your drug habit if you stay this way!

'You're so distant no matter what we say. Who will help you if you stay like this? It is a waste saving you!'

All these words pounded on me and my heart was like ripples across stagnant water.

I stood at the doorway of the toilet with a cup of tea in my hands. Wearing all plastic, my old sister was cleaning all through it with a broom and hose in her hands. Then she mopped the floor three times. I thought, 'She must really hate me!' I was about to say something when she suddenly turned back. I couldn't help trembling. But she smiled to me, 'Is it clean?' I wanted to say sorry to her but the words clogged in my throat. I could only nod slightly. She did not scold me. She even stood up in the following morning meeting and thanked me for giving her tea and showing my concern. We often chatted together afterwards when we were free. Seeing the smile on her face, I often sigh inwardly that a former addict could be so generous!

'Go and help others if you like!' This sentence is often heard in my community. It's true; in a special family like this we all need other peoples' care. I can enjoy others' warm feelings when I go to help them. When I was undergoing detoxification, one bowl after another of brown sugar egg soup was sent to me. When I went through withdrawal, there were always a lot of caring faces around me. When I did something wrong, there were always well-meaning criticisms to help me wash away the dirt from my soul.

And I learned to be kind to others!

'I have thought for so long that I was a lamb forever lost. However, I have been shocked and surrounded by your love all the time since I came here. Your sincere words and deeds moved me - this hard rock. My soul received baptism and my emotions have been raised to a higher level. My heart is full of hope because of you all and Daytop. I am now fully confident that there is no drug that cannot be kicked and there is no drug cycle that cannot be broken! Thanks! Thank you all! You taught me how to love. You lit the kindling of love inside me.'

I never got so much applause and received so many affirmative gazes. At the morning meeting to see me off, holding the commemorative card with thousands of words, thinking of all the experience in Daytop and reviewing the sendoff meeting the previous night, I couldn't help crying. I said to myself, 'Never forget Daytop!' ... 01&ID=1337
The testimony of this "lost lamb" sounds like a bleating sheep

:shamrock: :shamrock:

WoW....contempt prior to investigation, guilty until proven innocent. Now we know all about Daytop in You folks are just awesome.
Jeesh, the Daytop I remember does not resemble anything like the Daytop SEKTO went through.
BTW, did you go through Daytop, Inculcate????? I am asking seriously.


 P.S. I posted this first on a whole knew thread but then I remembered this thread and this is where it belongs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.