I was thinking of this topic I brought up a while ago, exactly where was I going with my thoughts and what I wanted to accomplish with them. I really don't think I really wanted to educate y'all
:rofl: :rofl:
because most of you who commented are deeply entrenched in your opinions and feelings based on your experiences.
And tons of research. But you're also basing your opinions on your experiences, so what makes yours any more valid than ours?
I guess I wanted to express my inability to understand the depth of negative feedback I received concerning AA. I don't still understand the fear that AA is controlling, a cult and a resource of rehabilitation that should be avoided at all costs.
We disagree with your POV re: AA and you don't like it so you lash out. I don't think anyone said it should be 'avoided at all costs'. In fact, I've said numerous times that it can be great as strictly a support group without the groupthink. Get rid if the big book, 12 & 12, the control sponsors have over people and I really don't have a problem with it.
Most of my dismay came because I was listening to folks I found to be educated and experienced in the field of rehabing folks for various drug and alcohol abuse, come out with what I thought outrageous accusations and or opinions concerning AA's principles.
I know! You don't like what you're hearing, so you go on the attack.
Now we can go in and discredit Bill and Bob and their vision as the "orange papers" and others have done. Whether they are right or wrong is immaterial
It's not immaterial because he/they are revered as almost Christlike.
because as we all know AA is voluntary,
Not really. Courts order people to attend and even in states that have ruled that they can't do that, some are forced into it via the "exit plans" that programs use....i.e....if you don't go to AA I won't speak to you any longer.
I probably will never really understand what your fear of AA is all about because I don't take AA or life that seriously to begin with.
Good for you, but a lot of people DO take it as gospel.
AA is not the problem here it is the folks who become affiliated with AA and pervert it and use it for their purposes.
As many of us have said, it's not the people we have a problem with...it's the basic tenents (big book, 12 & 12 etc.) that I and others feel are dangerous.