IF.. A pretty big IF
what you are saying is true
Tell me why "Someone" is calling you to tell you of my writings ? After all, Its "Somebody" who has been baiting and playing little trollboy. Your pal,with "Special investigative powers" like Superman.
Its all come full-circle but you are too stupid to see it.
This is what Marky does. Day in,Day out.. Marky wants trouble,debate,and someone to fall for his trolling. thats how he has been seeking attention for 10 years. If you have been gone,he has missed you. Because without you.. He is alone
Pretty sad day, when the best Marky can do for attention,amusement is troll a forum as multiple persona's
but then we've been here before
Happy New Year
e: Elan discussion from New Forum Policies
by marky mark ยป 03 Jan 2011, 05:55
Mark Babbletits is a fucking idiot. He gets his ejollies in by posting massive spam posts of articles attempting to out people for shit they've never done in places they've never even been to. Babbletit's googlefu is so fucking weak that he's consistently accusing others of crimes in places they've never been let alone even heard of.
Worst, it is understood in some circles, that Marky Mark Babbletits had a sick little sideline as a rentboy.
That's right folks.
Rumors have it that Babbletits made his way through Elan by pimping out his own virgin asshole to the likes of Sweet Danny "I'm a fucking program loving cocksucker" Bennison. I'm sure Babbletits and Danny "The Nasty Little Buttfucker" Bennison spent countless hours pleasuring each other somehow.
I don't even want to think how much cock Sharon sucked to get through Elan. Quite the accomplished little cum guzzler is my best guess. I mean what the fuck else can she do to pay the rent on her house for her 18 kids with 19 different daddies?
Art go fuck yourself and get a life,You have once again proven your a fool and a sick fuck, not that anyone doubted it. Tell 8 Ball my nuts itch again, and " Sharon " say's Fuck Off. :fuckoff: :fuckoff: :karma: :karma:, I await your vile and ignorant response. :waaaa: :waaaa: :cheers: :cheers: