Author Topic: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?  (Read 2554 times)

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Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« on: December 28, 2009, 03:06:39 AM »
Just trying to piece  a few things together here and wondering if any others like me (Straight Springfield 1986-1987) have been hearing a very high pitched steady ringing tone in their ears/head of late?  Also wondering if anyone else has had an experience of their Straight brainwashing/conditioning/programming wearing off MANY years later (like, 20 years), and suddenly waking up to the TRUTH (and the subsequent consequences)??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Sam Kinison

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 10:32:32 AM »
That's my story!Sort of like being hit by a truck,regaining consciousness with nobody telling you that you'd been hit,then finally taking account of the damages then screaming,"AAARRRRRGGGGHH!I've been hit by a truck!!!!!"The long term effects have been horrific.Some demons I could put to rest in a matter of a year,but many coated my brain like the frosting on a cake.The worst was the willingness to take crap from people that had no business dishing it.That it's always my fault brainwashing poisoned my entire being for the rest of my life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 07:59:07 AM »
I forget the movie, but the line was, "Welcome to hell."

Seems 20 years is the magic number for people "Waking up". Whether they actually are willing/capable of facing the truth after they "Wake Up"...ehhh, the jury is still out on that. The vast majority seem to recognize their history for what it was, others yet, tend to deny the suffering of the past, deny suffering now and have difficulty accepting any suffering by anyone.

Clearly, we were all hit by the same rock. That same rock simply grazed many of us, while some others were profoundly effected by that rock. And for some the same rock remains firmly embedded in their skulls. The brainwashing techniques used to control our masses were real. The same techniques were used during the Korean Conflict on American GI's unfortunate enuff to be held by the N. Koreans.

When the Brainwashing techniques are employed, an aspect of the mind actively resists, protecting what it can, to maintain some semblance of sanity. Of course, our individual efforts are as varied as our own finger prints. Each had the same experience, yet that experience is/was viewed thru our own perspectives. Now, some 20 years later, the memories of those perspectives vary due to lapse of time and priorities of existence, school, work, marriages, children and life in general.

As I experienced this "Wake Up". I realized that x-amount of brainwashing took. That is to say, some of it I was still practicing and carrying around on a daily basis. Of course, I refused to accept that fact. And the reasoning behind that is due in fact that there is another aspect of the brain where the brainwashing did not take and actively resisted. This, for me took place 32 years ago. Brainwashing had it's effect in one part of the psyche. Whilst another part actively resisted, fought, if not outright brawled with the other aspect of the brain. The battle continues!

The UN-brainwashed facet of my mind is at constant odds with the facet of the mind that took the brainwashing. Each aspect of the mind is battling for supremacy. I don’t know that brainwashing actually “wears off”. In my experience, much of this, if not all took/takes place below the level of consciousness for an extended period of time…say um, twenty years or so. Either facet of the mind remains dominant for about that length of time. Yet, after all that time, the ‘weaker’ facet gradually gains momentum, eagerly wanting to confront the other facet to settle the score and secure it’s ’rightful’ place. This may or may not unfold in a manner that creates a lot of hub-bub in a persons life. Yet, inexplicably we sit in front of our respective computers and type the words Straight Inc. into our favorite search engines. Much to our surprise we find sites/message boards/rooms dedicated to Straight Inc. And so, we continue to read deeper and deeper into this thing, Straight Inc.

As we read and devour every word, our effort soon bypasses ‘excessive’ to the point of ‘obsessive’. Mean while, back in the brain, the battle for supremacy flares to a fevered pitch (which may or may not explain the ringing in the ears). Memories surface, conflicting memories, memories of adolescence under assault and then other memories of brief but real adolescent behavior. The battle rages, demanding we take a stance.

For many of us, the stance is taken quickly and in a steadfast manner. Why? I believe there is a need for validation, a need to somehow justify the void, to assume control of what seems a mind run a muck. Finally, there seems to be a true sense of solidarity, we begin to “piece back together” our tattered minds. There is a strong tendency to defend this effort and to deceive ourselves into believing we have finally come to some resolution, all based on this idea of ‘validation’. In essence we cocoon ourselves in this blanket of validation, because it brings about no small measure of relief. But as I implied, I am now no longer convinced this is the end of the ride.

The story must be told. For the story to be complete, both sides of the story need be told. If either side of the story is left out, ones opinion becomes lop sided and to think one has their shit in one sock due to this ‘validation’ we unjustly deceive ourselves. We have simply taken  what seems most comfortable for the time being. A point in time, if not understanding, comes to light and again we are at a cross roads of sorts. We stumble across someone whose experience is 180 degree from our own. Typically what follows is an outward feuding between camps or schools of thought. A line is drawn in the sand and there is a strong possibility that we will be infuriated and staunchly defend our stance. So much so, that we resort to tactics our minds are all to familiar with…attack and destroy. Rather than understanding the individual has a perspective as we have our own perspective, we discredit the others experience. I think this is an outward expression of our inner battles of the mind. The result is a seething cauldron, incessantly simmering until it reaches a boiling point and all out warfare ensues.

As such, rather than being a group of people with similar experience, we separate into our respective schools of thought, separate warring factions. We now operate on a basis of exclusion, rather than inclusion. What was once an inner struggle now manifests itself in a public display of anger, hostility and resentment. Have we come any closer to a conclusion? Have we come to resolution? Any closer to understanding? Obviously, not.

Certainly, this is understandable when viewed from a distance. As individuals, we invest a lot of time, effort and energy in understanding, “piecing together” our adolescence that has long since past. We tend to defend what we value, and without a doubt we place a large value on the investment we have made and we defend it accordingly. But are we any closer to understanding? Any closer to resolution? Any closer to a conclusion? Will the chapter ever end?

There are a few who have been at this as long as I, Sam Kinison is one (he was my OC’s roommate) and there are a few others who pop in from time to time. I can not speak for them, yet for myself, the journey is far from over.

My suggestion is that you strap yourself in for a wild ride. Pace yourself in reading, it is very easy to be suddenly overwhelmed with a mass flux of information in addition to your own experience as memories surface. Expect contradictions. Expect the rush of realization. Just the same expect the crushing effects of disillusionment. Question everything, especially what takes place between your own ears. I have found it insufficient to simply accept and call brainwashing, brainwashing without delving into articles (the internet is full of information from credible sources, Margaret Singer PHD immediately comes to mind) to gain perspective of what you now call “brainwashing’.

Ms. Singer postulated that there are 6 primary requirements to create an atmosphere conducive to “thought reform” (brainwashing) and they are as follows:

Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how she or he is being changed a step at a time

Control the person's social and/or physical environment; especially control the person's time

Systematically create a sense of powerlessness in the person.

Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior
that reflects the person's former social identity

Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in order to promote learning the group's ideology or belief system and group-approved behaviors

Put forth a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that permits no feedback and refuses to be modified except by leadership approval or executive order

With all the information between your ears, in combination with professional insights and the collective experience of those who have walked this path before you, there is a distinct possibility the battle that rages within will settle substantially, and you will step closer and closer to what I call “healing”. But it won’t come without a price, nor will it come without self examination and self inquiry. Again, welcome to hell.

That being said…

I wish you;
Much Peace
Much Healing
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline wdtony

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 10:33:20 PM »
It was 19 years for me, but I don't want to split hairs so you could probably round it up to 20. Approximately 20 years would be accurate.

Yes I get the ringing in the ears, high pitched for short intervals. And the sudden wake-ups I have had since I have been out of the program as well as the ringing. This ringing was worsened when I had serotonin syndrome from an SSRI 3 years ago so now I have it all of the time. I think sometimes brain trauma causes this ringing, I don't really know. The wake-ups are worse now too.

I have also had insomnia since leaving the program and for most of my young adult life was in a sort of survivor mode, never keeping many possesions and ready to leave at a moments notice. Bed on the floor, short showers, nothing on the walls... almost like part of me was still living in a host home. Always had a tough time looking at girls. And I have had migraines since leaving the program. Oh, and also...a feeling that I am always guilty of something, like I deserve to go to jail even if I didn't do anything wrong.

Also, I would always much rather do any work than sit in church. Sort of like having T&R instead of rotting on those benches in a rap or something. We had hard wooden benches in KHK instead of chairs when I was in there.

Too much to list......too many what ifs and maybes. The program definitely changed my brain and the way I perceived the world in a very detrimental way. There's no bouncing back from that experience. Might as well make the best of it, can't go back in time and change it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Sam Kinison

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2010, 11:02:19 PM »
My program(sentence,time in straight,use whatever terminology that seems appropriate),like most of us,seemed like an eternity,something that would never end.An hourglass with an endless supply of sand would best describe my later phases in Straight.Woof,kpickle,85dj,and others might remember that I had this unexposed corner in my psyche that I would crawl into anytime I felt like I needed to enjoy life.The problem was,I was escaping from life to enjoy it.I frustrated the hell out of staff as I refused to surrender this little corner of my mind,my parallel being.This little part of my mind,my fantasy area,might have kept me from letting the day-to-day stress of being institutionalized totally break me.Problem was,this little escape hatch never really leaves you and the exit sign never dims.Old habits were and still are hard to break and that escape hatch along with an incessant desire to be alone(I loved time to myself in Straight,away from all of the antics)has never left me.There are times with my family,a house full of people I don't have a clue what's going on with any of them.In Straight,I considered being alone far more desire than the company of others.Regretfully,I've taken that with me and reading this thread has really driven that point home.Damage that will probably never be repaired.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2010, 05:39:10 AM »
Quote from: "Hypatia"
Just trying to piece  a few things together here and wondering if any others like me (Straight Springfield 1986-1987) have been hearing a very high pitched steady ringing tone in their ears/head of late?
Actual, physical, ringing in the ears?  I'd recommend seeing an ear doctor, and failing that, a neurologist.  I forget where I heard it but supposedly hearing anomalies are one of those things you really need to get checked out.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2010, 11:35:34 AM »
Quote from: "Sam Kinison"
. . . seemed like an eternity,something that would never end.An hourglass with an endless supply of sand would best describe my later phases in Straight.Woof,kpickle,85dj,and others might remember that I had this unexposed corner in my psyche that I would crawl into anytime I felt like I needed to enjoy life. The problem was,I was escaping from life to enjoy it. I frustrated the hell out of staff as I refused to surrender this little corner of my mind,my parallel being.This little part of my mind,my fantasy area,might have kept me from letting the day-to-day stress of being institutionalized totally break me. Problem was,this little escape hatch never really leaves you and the exit sign never dims. Old habits were and still are hard to break and that escape hatch along with an incessant desire to be alone (I loved time to myself in Straight,away from all of the antics) has never left me. There are times with my family,a house full of people I don't have a clue what's going on with any of them. In Straight,I considered being alone far more desire than the company of others. Regretfully,I've taken that with me and reading this thread has really driven that point home. Damage that will probably never be repaired.
I hear you...and Well said!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hypatia

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2010, 03:10:48 AM »
Oh, my god.  What did they do to us?  Are we just some classified test program rejects gone wrong that they hope no one ever connects the dots about?  Did they not realize that their programming had an expiration date??  Holy shit, if they do realize it, what's to become of us?  What if we all collectively start to wake up and speak out?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wdtony

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2010, 03:18:03 AM »
Quote from: "hypatia"
Oh, my god.  What did they do to us?  Are we just some classified test program rejects gone wrong that they hope no one ever connects the dots about?  Did they not realize that their programming had an expiration date??  Holy shit, if they do realize it, what's to become of us?  What if we all collectively start to wake up and speak out?

I don't know...

 I think we are collectively waking up and speaking out. It's just a slow process and the internet is the great connector.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2010, 10:16:39 AM »
its call tinnitus, google it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Re: Ringing in ears or sudden Wake-up?
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2010, 02:32:05 AM »
It's been awhile since I posted............. sorry about that.  As for myself, I used to go through the ear ringing thing quite a bit, and while it was a little unsettling, I never really worried about it simply because it happened when I was feeling happy, or in control of my surroundings.  I honestly think that it comes from holding in feelings, like anger in the workplace or whatever over a long period of days and pressure and fluid builds up in the inner ear.  Eventually you either resolve the issues and start smiling and the muscles relax and *pop* the pressure is relieved and the ringing comes as a result, or you start climbing the ladder of a water tower with a high powered rifle strapped over your shoulder.  

The sudden wake up stuff happens to me at night and I wake up hearing things that came from outside, yet sounded right next to the bed.  Just for the hell of it, I checked the weather sites and found that for the most part, the times I was awakened coincided with the exact same time as the dew point for that morning.  That is the time when the moisture in the air begins to condense onto objects.  When this happens, sound travels much farther and with greater clarity, so a cranky starter on a car a half a mile away sounds like Freddy Kruger with a chainsaw right at the foot of your bed.  I hope this helped      85 day Jerk still stuck in Cleveland, TN
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?