An interesting assortment of chracters thus far! Sam, myself and Seamus. Ya see, Sam was my, well was my psuedo first oldcomer (the FIRST split...a sign of things to come, but the obvious eluded me at the time). Then I could only look to Sam to kinda guide me thru the maze of bullshit unfolding before me. Later on, Seamus was my newcomer.....Hmmm a twisted chronological anthology in one thread.
The names mentioned in this thread, phew....kinda gives me the willies. Thank Gawd, I am reading this and responding as I wake up rather than before I sleep, nightmares ya know. Helen Peterman. George Ross, Wanda Minton, Wanda's Mom, Liz Cassidy (corpulent troll...gotta love that), Chris Casslor, Doug Hemminger (yeah a thorn in my side and every one elses../he always reminded me of a reincarnated Nazi goon, remember the cartoon depiction of the nazi Thugs in Sgt. Rock comic books) Jimmie Cassidy never really bothered me, personally, or as a staff member. Jim Hartz never seemed connected to day in and day out operations from my perspective, so no heat there.Marlene Hauser(Robin's Mother), I think my dad and I drove her moving van to Washington DC after I graduated. she was not, to my memory, involved in day to day shit....but was more focused on the finacial end of the game, my dad was to follow in her foot steps but I don''t thnk he was ever actually in the chain of command.
Laura Morgan, another one of the rare occasions her name is/was listed here on this board. To me, she was a striking woman, perfect silver blue hair and copper like eyes, very refined and polished in dress and manner. Every time I wanted to be pulled, she was in the room when my parents showed up. One time, while in the wanting to "get pulled" my dad said he wanted everything that was his and I was free to go. My mom was silent. Laura Morgan was silent and then my dad thundered "EVERYTHING". So, I peeled off all the clothes I had on...they were "his"..thank gawd I had on my old commers underwear for some reason. Laura Morgan, sat quietly. Now in my head I was figuring out how once out the door i could run to the bayoum swim to seminole, snag clothes off of a clothes line and be on my way...A humiliating situation, to be sure. Laura Morgan skewered my thought bubble and said, "But David, you can not leave here with someone elses property without thier permission." My mind was scrambling and I blurted out, "Go get Louis or Lance, I am sure they wont mind!". Then my bravado crumbled when Laura Morgan called to pull Louis/Lewis Cantrell from group...I was already humiliated, I just didnt know what came after humiliation...I could not see myself runningto the bayou in the nude, swimming 2 miles in the nude, then searching for clothing in the nude. I was trapped.
My second profound meeting with Laura Morgan was with Liz Cassidy. Liz pulled me from the group into a room where Laura Morgan sat quietly. She informed me about my grandfathers death.After, the initial shock and the finality of it hit me, Liz informed me that i would nnot be tending the funeral, as I was a "Security Risk"....WTF! a 13 yo 800 miles from home, no street skills to speak of (now the beach...I had plenty of beach smarts, just no street smarts) I was devestated. Wierd, I have been to Savannah, 4-5 times since and have yet to visit my grand fathers grave. Afaid of the emotions that most probably would arise and the seething hatred towards Straight Inc would also erupt.
Senior Staff-Dave Crock,,Lorie M,Marci Moore,Cynthia Pickart(Later Mrs.Crock) I remember well. Cynthia and Dave were Seed grads gone Straight Staff. Cynthias hair always like a lions mane, and her temperment was about the same.
Junior Staff-Rick Batchelor,John Mac,Lamar,Nancy Gresham,Aimee Wright(The Love of 85DJ's Life),Mike I recall were the ring leaders, the ones that really made the group go thru hoops. Aimee might have been 85DJ's object of affection...myself I was mesmorised with Nancy (assuming I rember the name with the face) Big round glasses, brown eyes, long brown hair, soft spoken, always seemed deep in thought. It seemed to me she could see the bullshit, fought against the bullshit (silently)....but then again, that might have been my own wishfull thinking.
Staff Trainee-Liz Cassidy(later Liz Gay)....I always wondered what Steve Gay was thinking when he married her.
Doug Hemminger,was still working his way to second phase before having the pleasure of being another constant thorn in Woof's side.....Ahhh shit!
Dave Crock and Doug Hemminger were the primary males in my intake, both participated in the strip search. Other than the initial shock of it, it was uneventfull. Dave Crock held me by the belt as he lead me to the group, who if memory serves was singing Lil Rabbit Foo Foo.....Seemed like any minute Rod Serling would come from behind a Wall and formally announce i was in the Twilight Zone.....This is Dave, Dave Crock bellowed, any one know him...8-10 hands went up. That is when I realized the steel trap was tripped and had me firmly in it's grip. I was fucked.
I was sent to my oldcomers, where I met Sam Kinison, my oldcomer was very much preoccupied, so i spent much of the time talking with Sam. His information was not at all comforting, but I felt he was sincere. He explained how the cow chews the cabbage in no uncertain terms, I begain to further realize the deep deep shit i had now found myself in. I dont recall if Sam told me, or if I realized it on my own. Sam would help me best he could....but in group...I was on my own, as was everyone. Everyone was out for themselves and there was no solidarity once inside those walls.
It was a terrifying experiance, that first day/night at that young good thing was Sam Kinison....didnt like what he was telling me, but it was the truth...I sensed that. Sam was first to give me the real picture of what was happening and how to play the game. Our stay together was short lived, from there I went to the Cantrell residence, which was another fortunate experiance....but thats another story...One day when 85DJ is back around we can expound on that experiance.
Sam....I made the mistake of telling the wife you lived in Costa Rica, again...she has begun to scour the internet on CR, hotels, fishing guides, tours, passports, boat rentals, shopping destinations....we may be there before ya know it!
Much Healing
Much Peace