Author Topic: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?  (Read 3836 times)

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #45 on: September 01, 2009, 03:46:58 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
I'll make this quick and to the point:

"most notably, blind faith and lack of self-awareness for the purpose of rooting out hypocrisy: namely the ability to become aware of and dismiss self-pride."

If you walk around saying you're a christian, trying to convert people to christianity, thinking that what you believe is the absolute truth, then you are a hypocrite just like almost every other christian. Catholics, baptists, and evangelicals in particular are the worst when it comes to this. If you walk around with a gold cross sticking out outside of your shit, then you are a hypocrite and did not read the bible thoroughly enough. If you want sarah palin elected purely because of womanly pride with no real legitimate reason to back up your decision, with your only recourse being to put down the other side, dimiss them as liberal jibber jabber and ignore them, then you are a hypocrite and not a christian. If you turn a debate into a personal attack (you did it first) then you are not a christian.

What you are is a Fanatic.

I really have no idea who or what you are addressing. This couldn't be directed at me, because I never claimed to be a Christian and I am hardly converting people, and said nothing of womanly pride. Ffrom your various assumptions you've concluded I am a fanatic, a person you know nothing about. Talk about predijuce against Christians, you seem willing to turn any intellectual debate into a manifesto about what's wrong with Christianity. Curious, isn't it? What if I said I wasn't a Christian, would that endanger your carefully constructed mental steretype of Palin supporters?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #46 on: September 01, 2009, 04:37:44 PM »
ok...whatever you say misses undying blind love and faith for sarah palin, who has no logic to support her viewpoints, who quotes scripture. whatever you say. you're in for a surprise in 2012.

Palin has nothing going for her other than her image. anyone that supports her is either A. completely superficial or B. Supports the corporate takeover of american politics. That is my only "stereotype" of palin supporters, and it's a completely true "stereotype" because if you look into campaign records, speech and interview transcripts, and think-tank studies, you will find that the strategy behind putting in sarah palin was just that - an attempt to attract superficial moderate-conservative voters who would have otherwise voted for hillary clinton, attract the "just cuz" voters without brains who vote for "the guy they would like to have a beer with". in this case, the gal. Most people dont think, they dont research, they just go with that catchphrases and colloquial ideas that surround them (why people still think theres going to be "death panels"). Thats why bush focused on "the war on terror" and "national security" and "terrorists". obama focused on "yes we can" "change we can believe in" and "hope" - an attempt at attracting the more religious voters by using their language. Palin focused on "you betcha" and "joe the plumber", because she was trying to attract more of her own people to her side. the reason palin wont win is because she will get only part of the republican vote, and none of the democratic vote. to win, as i mentioned before, you need to atracct most of your own party's constituency along with a large number of the oposing party's. Sarah will never win, she has nothing going for her with people who are left of center.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #47 on: September 01, 2009, 06:02:18 PM »
dude why do you assume you're talking to a chick?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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(No subject)
« Reply #48 on: September 01, 2009, 06:27:10 PM »
Quote from: "think with you brains not your tits"
ok...whatever you say misses undying blind love and faith for sarah palin, who has no logic to support her viewpoints, who quotes scripture. whatever you say. you're in for a surprise in 2012.

Palin has nothing going for her other than her image. anyone that supports her is either A. completely superficial or B. Supports the corporate takeover of american politics. That is my only "stereotype" of palin supporters, and it's a completely true "stereotype" because if you look into campaign records, speech and interview transcripts, and think-tank studies, you will find that the strategy behind putting in sarah palin was just that - an attempt to attract superficial moderate-conservative voters who would have otherwise voted for hillary clinton, attract the "just cuz" voters without brains who vote for "the guy they would like to have a beer with". in this case, the gal. Most people dont think, they dont research, they just go with that catchphrases and colloquial ideas that surround them (why people still think theres going to be "death panels"). Thats why bush focused on "the war on terror" and "national security" and "terrorists". obama focused on "yes we can" "change we can believe in" and "hope" - an attempt at attracting the more religious voters by using their language. Palin focused on "you betcha" and "joe the plumber", because she was trying to attract more of her own people to her side. the reason palin wont win is because she will get only part of the republican vote, and none of the democratic vote. to win, as i mentioned before, you need to atracct most of your own party's constituency along with a large number of the oposing party's. Sarah will never win, she has nothing going for her with people who are left of center.

Obama had nothing going for him other than his image, and he won. You come off as an intelligent person who knows a lot about politics and the world, but you are also making a lot of assumptions about me and you know nothing about me. This started because I came in this thread and said Palin would win in 2013, so you know my view on the matter. I think she's great and knows what it's like to live amongst rural Americans who are culturally and politically underrepresented in the government. I think she seems like a really nice person and would make a great first woman president. Like the person who just posted before me I wonder why you assume I am thinking with my tits when you don't even know if I'm a woman. It kind of shows your bias , and yes, your steretype of Palin supporters and Christians in general. Maybe I'm wrong, probably am, because I don't know you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #49 on: September 01, 2009, 07:49:16 PM »
79% of america's population lives in urban areas. 21% live in rural areas. if you want to win an election, you need to atract the urban population, not the rural. thats why obama won. I'm sure palin represents the rural people of america quite well. She does not represent america, though. she represents the lifestyle of under 21% of americans. Furthermore, lifestyle and culture has nothing to do with qualifications for presidency. If it was relevant, then we might as well have a campaign for paris hilton vs. willie nelson. You need to vote for someone that doesn't represent you for who you ARE [as a group], but for what you BELIEVE IN [as an individual]. from the things that you say, it seems that you like sarah because she represents who you are - someone in a rural area, who likes their guns, likes outdoorsy sports (hunting/fishing), maybe has a farm or small business, and believes in "traditional values".

I think that alot of americans are making a mistake focusing on trivial issues like gay marriage and abortion, and let those issues decide their vote. These issues are not there because they are issues relevent to the survival of society. these are talking points strategically cooked up over the years by both sides to distract the american people from the core issues. As I mentioned before, a true democracy is a sure road to ruin because most people are ignorant and choose the most charismatic orator over the truly great leader. they all want you distracted, because if you became empowered (through awareness) you would end up giving them a hard time. If you did your research, and examined what has been going on in the american government since reagan, you would be absolutely disgusted. Sara palin is just a puppet, a figurehead, just like bush. If she was to take power, I'm not concerned about her lack of intelligence leading the country into ruin. The deciders when the republicans are in power are big business and think tanks. The government does what is best to insure the continuance of the supposedly limitless growth of the american economy - It is impossible to have limitless, infinite growth. Sarah Palin will lack the intelligence - when and if the decision comes down to her - to judge what the advisors, lobbyists, and think tanks tell her and make the right decision. By herself, she is nothing, just like bush. It's about the people she represents - which have a corrupt and unsustainable world view.

although i live in an urban area, i believe that the heart of america and the future of America's survival lies within the rural lifestyle. Urban and suburban living is unsustainable. We have to return to small scale, local, community and family-driven economies which are centered around sustainable living - not infinite growth. American people are addicted to MORE...always MORE MORE MORE MORE. they want bigger, faster cars, bigger houses, more wider faster roads, bigger malls, more money, more entertainment, more distraction, more gagets, etc. This can only last so long. one day when the "era of cheap oil and energy" ends (youre seeing the beginning of it right now) people will no longer be able to live that way. People will need to learn how to survive and live in a more traditional manner, abeit with more technological help than our ancestors had. Republicans (democrats too, but not as badly) are driving us to basically consume ourselves and our planet untill there is nothing left.

So are you voting for suburban sprawl, urban burgoise culture, and a 7-11/wal-mart/mcdonalds/starbucks on every corner? (Sara Palin) or are you going to vote for something else? I dont think you realize this, but sarah palin does not represent the TRUE beliefs of the people living in rural areas - she just pretends to, by just claiming she's from alaska and shoots moose and likes guns.

Languishing in your ignorance will do you no good and get you nowhere in life. Ignorance may be bliss, but bliss is hedonism and through hedonism is no way to live your life. In judaism the purpose of every human being's life should ideally be to make the world a better place - to leave it in better condition than you found it. By voting for sarah palin, are you really making the whole world better? or just your own life easier? I like guns. I like wal-mart. I like mcdonalds. I like being able to drive my car for cheap. But is that what is right? is that the way to making the world a better place? or is it just going to make my life easier, more pleasant, and allow me to be lazier while making the world a worse place? I'm sure that somewhere inside of you, you know the right answer, weather or not you are actually willing to admit it. It all depends on how willing you are to put your own comfort on the line for a greater good.

I am not, by any means, saying vote democrat. I am saying vote with your brain and your heart, not your soft butt or your wallet. I'm saying educate yourself about what is going on in the world right now, and do what you feel is RIGHT, not what is the most COMFORTABLE.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #50 on: September 01, 2009, 08:41:36 PM »
wow! what a beautiful,diatribe! man! you"re something! (or woman, no need to be insensitive, eh?)
It's odd that the folks who preach tolerance, and espouse feminism(pun ) really really hate Sarah. Wonder why? Those same 'feminists' seem real comfortable
ignoring the massive abuse of females under Muslim rule. The Hypocrisy is nothing short of beautiful, yeh?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #51 on: September 01, 2009, 09:05:36 PM »
yet again - focusing on frivolous issues presented by the media while ignoring the big picture. Human rights doesnt save muslim women when they become unable to survive as a people when they build an economy based on cheap oil and global trade - with no real infrastructure. when there is no more cheap oil, the entire region will plunge back into the dark ages......along with america and the rest of the world. You dont build an infrastructure by bombing the crap out of them and telling them how to live. You do it by helping to facilitate the construction of that infrastructure.

so it's not right that women wear burkas and are forced into marriage, but it's OK to come and bomb and kill everyone who opposses you into submission until they decide to give women more rights? rightt...
Not to mention, "women's rights" is a distractor issue (just like WMD's) used as a tool to garner more support for the war. I have yet to even see any progress in women's rights - if you were on the ground in iraq or afghanistan, you'd know.  

going into another country and telling someone else how to live is not sustainable. peroid.

Changing a culture is unethical and immoral. You live in america, stay in america. you have your own country. dont go around trying to change other people's countries into your own. The culture of the muslim world has been around, and has been fairly successful, for thousands of years prior to to even america being discovered by europeans. There doing just fine, believe me. Most muslim women are perfectly content with the system, you only hear about the radicals in america. Muslims have traditional values just like you do, but they are different, and you must respect that.

I'm done talking to you.  :wall: You're thick as a brick.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #52 on: September 01, 2009, 09:05:39 PM »
yet again - focusing on frivolous issues presented by the media while ignoring the big picture. Human rights doesnt save muslim women when they become unable to survive as a people when they build an economy based on cheap oil and global trade - with no real infrastructure. when there is no more cheap oil, the entire region will plunge back into the dark ages......along with america and the rest of the world. You dont build an infrastructure by bombing the crap out of them and telling them how to live. You do it by helping to facilitate the construction of that infrastructure.

so it's not right that women wear burkas and are forced into marriage, but it's OK to come and bomb and kill everyone who opposses you into submission until they decide to give women more rights? rightt...
Not to mention, "women's rights" is a distractor issue (just like WMD's) used as a tool to garner more support for the war. I have yet to even see any progress in women's rights - if you were on the ground in iraq or afghanistan, you'd know.  

going into another country and telling someone else how to live is not sustainable. peroid.

Changing a culture is unethical and immoral. You live in america, stay in america. you have your own country. dont go around trying to change other people's countries into your own. The culture of the muslim world has been around, and has been fairly successful, for thousands of years prior to to even america being discovered by europeans. There doing just fine, believe me. Most muslim women are perfectly content with the system, you only hear about the radicals in america. Muslims have traditional values just like you do, but they are different, and you must respect that.

I'm done talking to you.  :wall: You're thick as a brick.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2009, 09:01:59 PM »
I pity the fool who thinks Sarah Palin has a chance at being president.

May Reagan Rot In Hell.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2009, 11:37:38 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
but they are different, and you must respect that.


Muslims, as evidenced by their behavior, lifestyle, and laughable belief structure featuring an all-powerful sky daddy, are not fit to exist and should be put in a weapons-laden arena with the Mormons where they can senselessly slaughter each other for our collective amusement.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: I'm thinking about joining a cult, any recommendations?
« Reply #55 on: March 01, 2012, 09:37:56 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"


Muslims, as evidenced by their behavior, lifestyle, and laughable belief structure featuring an all-powerful sky daddy, are not fit to exist and should be put in a weapons-laden arena with the Mormons where they can senselessly slaughter each other for our collective amusement.
Oh like the behavior exhibited by zealots rallied under the banner of any particular religion or deity are any different. Atrocities have been committed by humans in the name of many gods since the dawn of mankind.
If you can't read a history book try asking someone nearby to smack you upside the head with one for the enlightenment.

Some majority of sheeple should not be defined by the actions of a few extremists, but by their own inactions as individuals.

You’re just a hater, no different in philosophy than some sod with a bomb strapped to his body or a hick wearing a bed sheet as outerwear.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »