This used to be a 'forum" It's purpose was to help the many who've been subjects of an awful experiment, an experiment which continues.
Now, to illustrate my point of view, I will tell a story, sad but true.
A few years ago, I met a man, young man, who'd been a cuban soldier. He was drafted at 16, by 18 he was in Angola. (travelers hint: in Angola, do NOT go off paved surface.. land-mines) By the age of twenty, he was so disillusioned and embittered that he sold arms to the rebels. At 22, he was in a Cuban jail, doing life. Through Byzantine machinations, Dept. of State got him out. Then they dumped him. Due to health problems acquired in that Cuban jail, he cannot enlist in U.S. forces. These days he and his wife live often in their van. Both he and his wife have been through re-education, so i showed them this site. they found benefit. Their english limited, and my spanish even more so, so translation was sometimes a real excercise. ( sorta like mime, but with a lot of yelling)
Maybe things are looking up, though, if anyone needs an excellent woodcarver, a decent classical guitarist. who has both armored and sniper/ranger experience, a guy who has a horrible past, and limited english, a fair shade-tree mechanic, also in spite of it all, a decent guy, I know just where to find him.
This site no longer serves any useful purpose. The 'signal-to-noise ratio' has gotten too high. ::unhappy:: ::unhappy::