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Recoil Syndrome
« on: August 05, 2009, 05:46:32 PM »
Often when discussing Straight, Inc., the subject of the brainwashing that went on there comes up. We experienced it firsthand, and we know too damned well what they did (or tried to do) to us, the bullshit they wanted us to believe about ourselves (that we were chemically dependent, blah blah), drilled into us through fear of imagined jail-insanity-death and/or the very REAL fear of the inhumane treatment that would surely be dealt to us if we didn't go along with "the program," as exhibited by what they did to the "next guy" or what they did to ~you the last time that you acted up...

So in that light, would it be that much of a stretch to assert that Straight's particular brand of Tough Love based, Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT) had an effect on the way the person subjected to it would later respond to certain stimuli in everyday life? Words, gestures, tones of voice, situations, songs, emotions (and whatever else you may care to think of) would most likely have an effect on us, even now...

Is this not true? It's certainly true with me. Ok, I'll give an example. When I hear (or read) words like "the group"; "I can relate"; saying you're "in a bad place"; the word "share" used in the figurative sense of referring to speaking, not the sense of actually giving something tangible or intangible, to someone; or any sort of perceived Straight lingo, I find myself cringing a little...but this is just one set of stimuli; I'm sure someone could cite others...

Does anyone else experience this sort of thing?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Re: Recoil Syndrome
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2009, 07:53:45 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Is this not true? It's certainly true with me.

Certainly true for me as well. Your not alone in feeling this way, and it has been a concern of mine for a quarter century. Straight Inc aside, I am of the belief that some children, adolescants and adults are in deep need of some therapeutic help. However, what I experianced, what you experianced, what we all experianced is/was far below the level of therapeutic value.

Attending my first protest at an assembly honoring Mel Sembler several years ago, I was finally able to articulate my sentiment to an attendee of the assembly. For that I am grateful. Essentually what came from my mouth was that the abuse, under the guise of "theraphy", has far reaching ramifacations. And what further disturbed me was that the LGAT (as you termed it) was not a new design, but a design from the history books of the Korean war. Knowing the history of the detainees and the long term effects of thier treatment while captive, our experiance was not only predictable, but probable.

As the minds of destruction gathered to develop Straight Inc. there was no thought given to the long term effects of thier efforts. Comparing ourselves to kindergarden age children being watched by first graders, granted undisputed power, control....hell why not give um Jack Daniels and a M-16. There was/is a huge problem with this idea. As I started this responce, yes, I think there is a need for some people to recieve bonified assistance to lead and live a healthy, productive and peaceful lives. However, what we recieved was a Mickey Mouse, adhoc...make it up as we go along term of incarceration. An incarceration with no clear goals, no clear expectations and no clear method of achievement.

Allow me to draw an analogy; Native american men generally speaking had a board like group of elders that held councel. In these meetings issues involving the tribe, or particular nation were discussed and decions were made. Many of the Native American nations elder councels then turned thier discussion over to the elder women who would then consider the descions of the male elders and how it would effect the following seven generations. If negative consequences were predicted, the descion would be returned to the male elders for further discussion and planning. Then once again back to the female elders to consider the following 7 generations.

Here is a fundamental flaw and a primary cause of our suffering. There was no planning, or consideration for the following decades much less seven generations. But the real kick in the ass is the fact that the brainwashing techniques, the LGAT, and its long term effects were KNOWN. One cant get an idea on group/crowd control, massive mind manipulation with out reading of the long term affects of such "treatment". I dont know if it a legal issue, but it most certainly crosses a moral and ethical boundary.

Shame on Mel Sembler!
Shame on Betty Sembler!
Shame on Helen Peterman!
Shame on George Ross!
Shame of Miller Newton!
Shame on the Board of Direrctors!
Shame on those who came after me and continued the abuse!

My example of what you describe occured this past weekend at what was a family gathering. In my family there were 4 of us that went thru Straight Inc. in St. Pete and in Atlanta. A new addition to the family, a baby was being comforted by her mother (who did not go thru Straight inc.). The incident was natural, nurturing and very touching, the tenderness and care was palpable. However, the mother was signing the song, "If your happy and ya know it". I "cringed". I had to remove myself from what was an adoring mother and child. I looked at two of my cousins that did attend Straight Inc. Either they had better restraint, or they felt compelled by family obligation, they remained with the mother and child. I could see the smiles on thier faces, but I could see the internal difficulty in thier eyes. It was the big white elephant in the room thats not discussed.

Another example, my wife, my better half often mentions my "fronting" infront of my parents, and others. Interestingly enough, she says I don't "front" infront of her...Why do I "front"? Perhaps it's a desire to be socially acceptable. Perhaps it revolves around how I percieve myself, peaceful, laid back and easy going...but alas, the medical community says I have an Explosive Temper Disorder. In my mind, the term Disorder is inaccurate. To me, as I experiance it, the Explosive Temper is perfectly understandable. I have learned to "front" as my wife says. And for the most part, I am good at it....I learned alot of it during "come-downs" 30+ years ago in Straight Inc. as a way to protect myself. It worked, and it is a lesson that has stuck with me. This may benifit the public at large and those near and dear to me......yet, I alone experiance the the Explosion tween my own two ears.

How horrible! How horrible it is to have to turn away from family at a very touching moment because of a song. Because, as if instinctual, my mind sang "If your happy and ya know it, punch the bitch in the face". Dispicable! The new mother is also a new member of the family, who has no knowledge of the atrocity some of her new family has endured and I was enraged. Maybe there is some sign of change, my rage was not targeted at the new mother, she is innocent enough. But if my wife were to sing the same song....oh gawd...we have been thru that before. It is so difficult to explain to a loved one....Please, Please, Please don't sing that song! She made the mistake of singing it once more a few weeks later...I fucking exploded...I saw the fear in her eyes. I have never been so ashamed of myself and my own emotions. What could I say after that? How could I justify such wrath, when to her the song was also a "happy song" her mother sang to her, and now, surely she feels as tho she has to walk on egg shells and a perfectly normal, happy memory of hers could no longer be expressed.

I can see her eyes glaze over when I attempt to explain my memory of the song and at the mention of Straight Inc. I suspect in her mind, the "Straight Inc. explaination" no longer holds water, the boat don't float, the dog don't hunt. But my good fortune is that she appreciates the fact that I do not "front" infront of her. At any given time, she knows how I feel without question. My fortune continues knowing although I am no gem to live with, that she loves and accepts me without reservation.

Excuse my typical long winded-ness, yet I felt it nessasary to spend the time explaining my experiance so that you know what I said in the begining of this reponce was not dismissive, flippant or sarcastic. I truely meant to express to you, "that you are not alone"....Ironically enuff, that same phrase is a phrase that sets me off into a tail spin, especially if I feel it to be....dismissive, flippant or sarcastic.

We are exceptionally sensitive peoples. If no one understands us, we owe it to ourselves to understand ourselves. It is ok, if not encourage further investigation. If any are worthy of investigation, we are those most worthy of investigation, self-investigation. None have answers for us, for us the answers must come from within. Despite our tendency to shred each other (another lesson learned in Straight Inc.) our greatest asset is ourselves, our community, our history and our experiance.

I sincerly wish you:
Much Peace
Much Healing

PS: If this responce seems choppy or like I was about to make a point and it dropped off the radar, my apologies. I woke at 4am and started my reponce at 4:15. If my words failed to express my understanding of your situation, again, my apologies...but it is important for you to know, yes, I do understand, and yes I experiance your experiance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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(No subject)
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2009, 12:19:13 PM »
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
But the real kick in the ass is the fact that the brainwashing techniques, the LGAT, and its long term effects were KNOWN. One cant get an idea on group/crowd control, massive mind manipulation with out reading of the long term affects of such "treatment". I dont know if it a legal issue, but it most certainly crosses a moral and ethical boundary.
Thank you for the thoughtful response, Woof. (I started this thread.) The knowledge that they knew what they were doing is disturbing and causes me much anger to consider. The fact that a government (our vaunted American government no less) would let this sort of thing happen to the children of its own people is indicative of just how sick, corrupt and occluded that government is...

Excuse my typical long winded-ness, yet I felt it nessasary to spend the time explaining my experiance so that you know what I said in the begining of this reponce was not dismissive, flippant or sarcastic. I truely meant to express to you, "that you are not alone"....Ironically enuff, that same phrase is a phrase that sets me off into a tail spin, especially if I feel it to be....dismissive, flippant or sarcastic.

We are exceptionally sensitive peoples. If no one understands us, we owe it to ourselves to understand ourselves. It is ok, if not encourage further investigation. If any are worthy of investigation, we are those most worthy of investigation, self-investigation. None have answers for us, for us the answers must come from within. Despite our tendency to shred each other (another lesson learned in Straight Inc.) our greatest asset is ourselves, our community, our history and our experiance.

I sincerly wish you:
Much Peace
Much Healing

PS: If this responce seems choppy or like I was about to make a point and it dropped off the radar, my apologies. I woke at 4am and started my reponce at 4:15. If my words failed to express my understanding of your situation, again, my apologies...but it is important for you to know, yes, I do understand, and yes I experiance your experiance.
I appreciate it. I don't think your post was long-winded. Your post offers a much-needed sense of reassurance, encouragement and validation. Knowing that there are other survivors around who can implicitly understand and sympathize with the awful causes and effects that Straight had on us as individuals is a valued asset indeed! You didn't seem dismissive, flippant or sarcastic at all, and wouldn't have seemed that way without the explanation recounting your recent experience at the family gathering.

Again, my sincere thanks for the response.

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and thereby extend their hand."

-Patti Smith
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Re: Recoil Syndrome
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2009, 01:07:03 PM »
Hello, Guest and Woof.  I have seen many a post along these lines over the years on this forum.  Mostly the songs don't bother me too much.  Even when I was in the program I enjoyed the singin.  To me it was some kind of an escape, even if many of the songs that we were forced to sing were "little kid" songs.  I love music too much to allow my experience in $tr8 to take away that pleasure.  I still enjoy, "5oo Miles", "Country Roads", which by the way, I have on one of the greatest reggae albums of all time, "Funky Kingston" by Toots and the Maytals. "O' Suzanna" is one 'a' my all time favorite traditionals and I sing it to myself regularly.

I have no problem with the words:"I can relate" or variations on that containing the word:"relate". Doesn't bother me.  Now if someone asks me: "How do you feel about that?" I do cringe a little and I wonder where they picked up that lingo.  Of course phrases like that have taken over pop culture since my time in $tr8.   :rofl:  O.  I get the feeling I'm not "relating" to you very well here... :D .  I happen to like the word "relate", so I use it in my every day speech.

The truth is some of those ol' catch phrases from $tr8 can make me cringe a little, especially if someone were to string together a few of them.  I wouldn't like that.  And I'd most likely distance myself from that person, but in general I realize these are all just words of the English language and I don't think I'm too overly hung up about it.

To answer your question, Guest, regarding whether or not those catch phrases and songs, etc., would still have an effect on us today, I think that they do.  Even when I listen to Toots and the Maytals coverin John Denver's "Country Roads", memories of $tr8 come over me, but only as I'm placing the record on the turntable, in other words only a few memories at the beginning of the decision to play that song.  By the time the words start I am enraptured in the music and dreamin of what it must've been like to be Toots Hibbert from Jamaica. I picture dirt roads leading through dense tropical jungle and I imagine the village I'm heading for, and how funky and wild Kingston must'a' been.  I think the more I listen to it and form new memories to associate with it the more the $tr8 associations to it fade away.  And I sorta think it's all kinda like that, at least with the songs and words an' such.

Sad story Woof.  Sorry my friend, to read such things. I don't blame you though.  $tr8 sucked.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Recoil Syndrome
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2009, 05:15:32 PM »
When it comes to those strange things about programs like songs or certain interractions that cause bad memories, reactions, and feelings like you aren't able to judge the social situation I think what has helped with that the most is actually hearing from each other that we didn't know how to react at the time and knowing that now lets me realize the ways I misinterpretted social conduct as a result.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Recoil Syndrome
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2009, 03:02:38 PM »
When I first saw the title of this post, I mistakenly thought what was meant was what I think is known as 'exxagerated startle response' (of which I suffer from occasionally) due to my incarceration in 'the gr8 Str8 experiment'
in '83-'84. I guess we could talk about that on another post. Hint: It comes out of nowhere seemingly and lasts milliseconds, but enough to give a weak heart a push.
But anyway, yeah, I've recently come across other x-str8lings who use certain simple expressions in quotes sarcastically.
Str8 didn't make up most of these phrases/expressions but the staff and many others sure milked them for all they were worth. Such as, 'half-assed'  "quit half-assed misbehavin' " In other words 'go all out and misbehave if that's what you're gonna do anyway' or a kid would get stood up and admit to only having used say pot and alcohol and get told 'so and so you just admitted to being a pot and alcohol bop (as in teeny bopper, I guess) that is so half-assed. If you were to leave here today I can guarantee that you'd be shooting up within a year and begging Str8 to take you back.' and so forth like that.
I guess my point is, I sort of enjoy being 'half-assed' nowadays, not allowing people to push me to extremes or take stands on things that I don't give a damn about.
Matter of fact I'm gonna b 1/2 assed rght now an' use as many abbrvtns. as I can 2 say gdby!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Recoil Syndrome
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2009, 06:44:52 AM »
Quote from: "Capn' Obvious"
I guess my point is, I sort of enjoy being 'half-assed' nowadays, not allowing people to push me to extremes or take stands on things that I don't give a damn about.
Now that's something worth taking a stand for! LOL!

"The man who is forever disturbed about the condition of humanity either has no problems of his own or has refused to face them."
 -- Henry Miller
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »