Author Topic: A letter to Libby  (Read 948 times)

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Offline susan

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A letter to Libby
« on: July 13, 2009, 07:56:24 PM »
So you think it is okay to kidnap children, remove them from school? Who gave you permission to hurt young souls, you stole you lied you now hide. You think because you volunteer for some dog company that it makes it all better what you did???What you did was punish innocent souls is all, for what, for growing up, I never did drugs, not when I was dragged in there, and I have never done them to this day, fact I am so against drugs it would shock most people, that place was nothing more then a place  to harm anyone, what you and those staff members did to others to keep yourself out of jail is not only unlawful, but it is many crimes. You should apologize for the hurt you caused so many, though I doubt that at this point it will help. I know you all know exactly what you all were doing at the time as well, I remember you walking around in that place like it was yesterday, just to let you know, I for one do not approve of what happened to me,I am more then sure there are many who as well do not approve , it is people like yourself who give the Good souls a bad rap. I wish you would contact me, and explain to me, how you got away with this for so long, do you know I ran away from that place along with having to leave my family behind, I was 13 years old, if you can live with the crap you did, just say so, but I hope there is some sorrow with what you so did  too so many in that place. I do not want to hate anyone, but you give only that feeling to me, those dogs, you do that for a cover up, or you make a profit is all. You may think you have those dogs under your spell, but look closely in  their eyes, I see the same sad eyes I had back when you all were screaming and yelling daily at a little 13 year old. By the way, I do not appreciate you or anyone allowing a 13 year old to smoke cigarettes back then as well, another crime. Think about yourself back then, I bet your real proud locking and stealing and forcing someone against their will, who gave any of you permission to chop my hair off, why was your hair not chopped off??? You were the druggie not me. You were court ordered not me. You are the one that  committed crimes against me. You are the heroin user not me, you sold your body to the streets not me, you took drugs and finally were caught and sentenced , I was used as bait to get others in is all, well now you can be the bait, see how you like being the bait. Because I did not like anything at all about being the bait. Lets see if you get back to me,I would love for you to tell me why, just why the hell a young women would want to hurt anyone, and what it feels like so many years later to have to think about what she did indeed do to others, you can save your soul, by simply apologizing to the ones you  sure hurt. Would usually end in Peace, but I see no Peace in this madness that you and your seed gang got away with, so you think anyways.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »