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statement to CCI
« on: June 14, 2009, 01:49:36 AM »
statement to CCI
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: statement to CCI
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2009, 09:44:33 AM »
Well I am one of those kids, and I will say if i ever find where this libby lives i feel sorry for her, she should be in jail, discussing that our systems do not check out places like this, they could have very easily put someone in there to see for self what really went on, who is going to take care of all those kids that were given cigarettes to smoke every freaking hour?????  They did such damage in so many ways, They made kids hate their parents, they made kids get high that never did get high, my old comer sherryl,  she got high as soon as she got home, they cut off my hair,  i had hair past my bum, and they chopped it with a razor blade, what kind of place torchers kids and gets away with it till this day???? I will go to any court and  state what happened to me in front of  any judge, would actually appreciate doing so, think i should have my day in court with this crap that made me run away from my home at an age of 14, to never return to where i felt happy at one point,  i was kidnapped hog tied and taken away by some assholes that wanted to sponge off low income  under privileged parents who would rather have their freedom then take responsibility of raising their own kids. In other words I so know my mother used this as an escape route to her own freedom, after all she had 6 freaking kids to deal with, rather then teach  families back then to not have so many kids the system told  parents to have more kids, more kids more food stamps and so on, well when my mother heard of this precious free way of someone taking in her  brats she went for it is all, she regrets it i am sure, because after we did run from that place it ended any real relationship with her, we all got over it, i did, i am a great soul from it all, i grew for me though, not because some asshole named  fart barker, held me down and spit in my face, those are the type of idiots i stay away from in life. Control in any form is a dangerous thing, did anyone think a young girl would run from this place and be on streets for  the next few years just surviving any way she could, did anyone care????? I know the answer, it is  no one cared to really think back then, like  charles manson and hitler, they all should pay for what they did.  And trust me on this all knew what they were doing, and they all would be doing it till this day if they were not finally looked into. Any place that is like this should be looked into, and parents should be taught not to have so many kids, for one over population is  bad enough, and  for what its worth had my mom  not had so many kids i bet she would never have gotten involved, too bad their tactics were not being a friend to someone back then, i bet that's all anyone really needs in life is someone that cares, from my heart to all's, I do care what happens to kids, and I do tell them of my experiences,  have many times helped many too, by letting them just know someone cares  can help many, I plee for all to come out and tell all the truth, holding this crap in while trying to be normal was hard, for being held down physically and  being fed crappy food was really bad along with everything else, the screaming the spitting, the telling you  you are nothing  it went on and on, Just typing this helps, too bad a drug test was not around then because I bet most in there did not even get high till they went there, well I am not done with getting this out of my system, because for years I was punished and held as a prisoner for nothing I even did wrong in life. What they did in there was make  young people hate is all. Hope I find who ever is left to show them what a good soul I still am , and  how no one at all in my life was able to control me to this day! Peace to all, even libby she will one day need peace in a away I so wanted my freedom.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: statement to CCI
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 10:52:33 AM »
i remember susan. you were a little, red hair girl. yes, i remember the female staff holding you down and spitting on you.

i was new and i couldn't do anything to help you. i was only 17 myself. and totally afraid.

i remember many kids saying they didn't do drugs, but before long they were saying they did do drugs.

i only smoked pot a couple times, and actually hated it. never did it again.

but that staff - they made me say i did cocaine, and speed.

i will always hate the seed for what i witnessed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline susan

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Re: statement to CCI
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2009, 06:07:01 PM »
Well who ever you are that responded I am that red headed girl yes, and my name really is susan, there is one person I so would love to find out about, her name was Mida Garcia, older then me,  put in from the court system,  was put in  many times too, she was a wonderful soul, watched out over me, saw her last when I left that place and refused to ever enter again, she reminded me that my life was my life,  I grew fast  and unafraid of anything because mida taught me how to keep my soul from being taken,  in other words they could not break me, no way,  she would  tell me  close your eyes and pretend I am with you somewhere, I always pretended we were in greynolds park,  last time I saw her was when she came to visit me, she had run away for her last time she said, I hope she made it far away from that place and her mom was able to join her with her beauitful daughter, I hope anyone that suffered  is able to find peace with something they love, like a special place, anything, because  it really is wrong to have to experience such  cruelty, at the age I was I should have been at school, or swimming like I loved so much, riding my bike, talking to my best friend Nancy, who still is my best friend, see something happened to me while all were busy  well going to school and learning and growing, I was busy hiding , afraid, scared to be myself,under weight from not eating right, oh my what else everything you could imagine that soul was going through.But what happened is I got stuck in time, to this day I feel like I am still young that age, I never grew up like most people, I had to teach self everything, which we do any ways, but I mean school, I was taken out and  I did not go back, because when I did I felt so self conscious like I was being watched which I am sure I was, but i stopped going to school because those same souls were there and I was not one of them I was me, always was me, so I stayed away from places that I thought they were. Running away at a young age changes everything for a young soul that had well a pattern like most  would. I got up daily went to school after school I did work outs at gym room, after that I came home and went off to swimming teams. I do not think that I had time to even know what a drug was, very sad. Why and what gives anyone the right to get  away with such bullshit, now I agree I came out grand, but come on  the shit I saw some go through hurt me more then what I myself was going through, what the seed taught me was to run, run for your life, and hide, and I never trusted anyone in there but Mida, so what the hec was this all about, some handful of idiots making money and a lot of it is all, not a one of them gave a shit about  anyone in that place, not one. I am asking anyone out there if you know how to contact anyone especially about Mida Garcia, think she deserves  a huge hug and a nice dinner from me, for being there for me, and so much more, that's the soul that helped me grow, yes Mida Garcia, the ones you all loved to be so hateful too,because she had a soul, and  you all did not. I say you all meaning the idiots that controlled or tried to control, I know not all were bad  but the most and the higher staff were all bad news,every last one of them were. How dare anyone mix young girls with  well druggies as all you called them anyways, I mean you had children chain smoking cigarettes from 10 in morning till 10 at night, that's really going to do wonders  to kids. Idiots, and I say idiots should pay. so if there is a way again to contact these fools, I am a big girl now, and very smart and healthy too, and guess what I still have never gotten high,so fudge you staff members, if your all not dead well I wish you all the same thing, I wish upon you what you did to so many in that  horrible hot  nasty old building that was falling apart.Hopefully some of them did do time, as kidnapping is against the law. That's what you all did to me, I also would love to chop off libbys hair if she still has it, as I recall it was as long as mine, to her bum maybe past, see if she likes being held against her will and her hair chopped off with a razor in front of both girls and guys, horrible that day was. Experience no torture yes. The seed in deed is not what I need, I did not do junk and pills and weed,  and even 12 hours a day of anything is over time so I want to be given back my time.Well, Peace to all, and  if I can ever help anyone feel better I am here, BIG HUGE HUGS TO ALL, Peace, stay free within.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »