Author Topic: AARC Genesis  (Read 910 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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AARC Genesis
« on: June 07, 2009, 06:06:10 PM »
1160 Alberta Hansard May 10, 1990
"The next vote I would like to look at is vote 7: Kids of the Canadian West, funded by AADAC. I have grave concerns
about this program. I have raised it before. I have grave
concerns because of the treatment modality that is used. As far as I can tell, it teaches an external locus of control. It teaches through fear of punishment, and it does not teach children how to cope with life's stress. But further, I have concerns about violations of human rights legislation and the Child Welfare Act. I have raised this concern with the chairman of AADAC, and he has assured me that monitoring will be done to ensure that no human rights are violated and that the Child Welfare Act will not be violated. But he has not indicated when this monitoring will be done, by whom, and how. I would ask for the specifics of this process of monitoring.
I also know that AADAC has an assessment protocol to determine appropriate placement and treatment modalities for young people who are involved in drug and alcohol abuse. I have no sense and have been given no sense of the assessment procedures and protocols in place in this program. Is it simply a referral by parents that are extremely distressed with their child's behaviour? So again I would ask for assessments procedures and protocols and who will do them."
No monitoring procedure for placement, treatment modalities nor any other aspect of AARC was ever implemented.  AARC simply ignored the rule of law, and in true undemocratic fashion set up their church in direct contravention to the will of the people as expressed through their elected representatives.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2009, 06:17:54 PM »
Baby Go!!!

There is no question that the methods used in AARC are helpful. They are derived from the same therapies used in other approved settings such as Hazelden, and then replicated in a group setting. AARC also uses a peer group to help the individual to overcome personal obstacles. Studies of these methods have demonstrated a tendency to produce long-term abstinence from drug and alcohol in those individuals who partake in the process. These techniques were used by AA but on a much smaller level and in an uncontrolled setting. Its easy to see why AARC has stuck with their current process which is yielding an 85% success rate.
1. The clients are assessed by qualified personnel to diagnose the condition AARC treats.
2. AARC will not accept any person unless they are  suffering from addiction.
3. The Wiz and his staff are highly qualified to perform the interventions used at AARC.
4. A variety of disorders present in AARC clients can be treated under one roof as the staff is capable of addressing the multiple needs of the clients.
5. The methods used in AARC are not harmful.
6. There is evidence as to the number of clients in AARC who remain abstinent after graduating AARC which exceeds 85% after four years.
7. The program is supported by contributions and donations from local businesses and large corporations such as Rolex.
8. The host home system used in AARC is unique and critical to the success of AARC clients.
9. The methods used at AARC conform to all accepted standards of practise used by mental health professionals to treat mood disorders, and have been highly successful.
10. Clients at AARC are informed that they are expected to work hard on their own sobriety and will be released from the program if their participation wanes.
11. The ongoing behaviour modification at AARC is conducted by practioners belonging to a professional body, thus the staff are subject to all standards of professional ethics."
12.  The founder is often referred to as “The Wiz” because he has the uncanny ability to show clients that they have the strength within to heal themselves and in the end the client gets credit for their own success not AARC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2009, 06:21:57 PM »
"MS M. LAING: Mr. Speaker, my questions are to the chairman
of the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission. Earlier
this session the chairman of AADAC assured the House that
checks and balances were in place for the controversial Kids of the Canadian West drug addiction program, which is scheduled to open this fall in Calgary, but now we find out that this is not the case. Government officials from several departments,
including Health and the Solicitor General, will meet soon to discuss how to license this facility and how to deal with its potential violation of Alberta laws. My question is: why weren't these issues examined and resolved before the government gave a $ 600,000 grant to the Kids program last year?

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, in recommending moneys to be
provided to Kids of the Canadian West, we went through and did all these checks and balances, and quite frankly it is my opinion at this present time that they are in place.

MS M. LAING: There seems to be some dispute about that.
My next question is to the Minister of Health. Research has
shown that up to 70 percent of adolescent drug abusers are
victims of childhood sexual misuse, an abuse of power by adults with authority. The Kids program represents a perpetuation of authority being used in an abusive manner, but complete
rehabilitation requires conditions of trust and nonabusive human relationships. Therefore, will the minister require mental health professionals in her department to do an in-
depth evaluation of
the mental health effects of the Kids program on its graduates and the drop-
outs from that program?

MRS. BETKOWSKI: Mr. Speaker, I'm at a bit of a loss as to
why the question has come to me. I'll certainly take the
suggestion of the hon. member under advisement, but I think
that the chairman of the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Commission has responded and may wish to supplement the
allegation that was made in the prelude to the question.

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, some of the concerns that are
raised by the Member for Edmonton-
Avonmore with regards to
the program certainly have been addressed and will continue to be addressed. Again, I must emphasize that the checks and
balances in the agreement that was signed by AADAC and the
proponents of this facility are such that it is our belief that we will have a first-
class program which will enhance the addiction
work AADAC presently has within the province and will
continue to provide Alberta with the leadership role that we have in the addictions field."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2009, 06:24:38 PM »
At a baby there you are!!!

There is no question that the methods used in AARC are helpful. They are derived from the same therapies used in other approved settings such as Hazelden, and then replicated in a group setting. AARC also uses a peer group to help the individual to overcome personal obstacles. Studies of these methods have demonstrated a tendency to produce long-term abstinence from drug and alcohol in those individuals who partake in the process. These techniques were used by AA but on a much smaller level and in an uncontrolled setting. Its easy to see why AARC has stuck with their current process which is yielding an 85% success rate.
1. The clients are assessed by qualified personnel to diagnose the condition AARC treats.
2. AARC will not accept any person unless they are  suffering from addiction.
3. The Wiz and his staff are highly qualified to perform the interventions used at AARC.
4. A variety of disorders present in AARC clients can be treated under one roof as the staff is capable of addressing the multiple needs of the clients.
5. The methods used in AARC are not harmful.
6. There is evidence as to the number of clients in AARC who remain abstinent after graduating AARC which exceeds 85% after four years.
7. The program is supported by contributions and donations from local businesses and large corporations such as Rolex.
8. The host home system used in AARC is unique and critical to the success of AARC clients.
9. The methods used at AARC conform to all accepted standards of practise used by mental health professionals to treat mood disorders, and have been highly successful.
10. Clients at AARC are informed that they are expected to work hard on their own sobriety and will be released from the program if their participation wanes.
11. The ongoing behaviour modification at AARC is conducted by practioners belonging to a professional body, thus the staff are subject to all standards of professional ethics."
12.  The founder is often referred to as “The Wiz” because he has the uncanny ability to show clients that they have the strength within to heal themselves and in the end the client gets credit for their own success not AARC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2009, 06:25:26 PM »
"MS M. LAING: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are to
the minister responsible for human rights. Kids of the Canadian West, an affiliate of the American Kids program, continues to experience difficulties in meeting its opening deadline due to concerns over human rights violations. Recently a third
American affiliate has been suspended by a state licensing
authority due to allegations of human rights violations. Will the minister responsible for human rights meet with the chairman of the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and demand
that he withhold funding pending a full-
scale investigation of
proven and alleged human rights violations by the American
parent agency in three separate states?

June 29, 1990 Alberta Hansard 2353

MS McCOY: Mr. Speaker, I believe the situation is being very closely watched by the appropriate agencies and ministers, but certainly the points that the hon. member raises are important ones. I understand that the project in Calgary is stalled at the moment pending further discussions and investigations.

MR. SPEAKER: Supplementary.

MS M. LAING: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Well, I hope they're
more than stalled until we're sure.
Children are extremely vulnerable to the violation of their
basic rights to food, clothing, shelter, and protection from violence and abuse. As adults we have a responsibility to act on their behalf in order to protect them. Will the minister respon­sible for human rights investigate the treatment methods of the
Kids programs, including the possible use of unlawful confine­ment, food and sleep deprivation, and physical violence to break
down children?

MS McCOY: Mr. Speaker, many ministers in cabinet work in
concert on these sorts of issues, and I can assure the hon.
member that the items she is raising are being discussed"

Unlawful confinement is used on every single AARC prisoner, every single night while they are Newcomers.  There is no system used at AARC to protect the vulnerable from violence whatsoever.  This includes violence of a sexual nature, or physical assaults.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2009, 06:28:29 PM »
There is no question that the methods used in AARC are helpful. They are derived from the same therapies used in other approved settings such as Hazelden, and then replicated in a group setting. AARC also uses a peer group to help the individual to overcome personal obstacles. Studies of these methods have demonstrated a tendency to produce long-term abstinence from drug and alcohol in those individuals who partake in the process. These techniques were used by AA but on a much smaller level and in an uncontrolled setting. Its easy to see why AARC has stuck with their current process which is yielding an 85% success rate.
1. The clients are assessed by qualified personnel to diagnose the condition AARC treats.
2. AARC will not accept any person unless they are  suffering from addiction.
3. The Wiz and his staff are highly qualified to perform the interventions used at AARC.
4. A variety of disorders present in AARC clients can be treated under one roof as the staff is capable of addressing the multiple needs of the clients.
5. The methods used in AARC are not harmful.
6. There is evidence as to the number of clients in AARC who remain abstinent after graduating AARC which exceeds 85% after four years.
7. The program is supported by contributions and donations from local businesses and large corporations such as Rolex.
8. The host home system used in AARC is unique and critical to the success of AARC clients.
9. The methods used at AARC conform to all accepted standards of practise used by mental health professionals to treat mood disorders, and have been highly successful.
10. Clients at AARC are informed that they are expected to work hard on their own sobriety and will be released from the program if their participation wanes.
11. The ongoing behaviour modification at AARC is conducted by practioners belonging to a professional body, thus the staff are subject to all standards of professional ethics."
12.  The founder is often referred to as “The Wiz” because he has the uncanny ability to show clients that they have the strength within to heal themselves and in the end the client gets credit for their own success not AARC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2009, 06:43:05 PM »
1160 Alberta Hansard May 10, 1990
"The next vote I would like to look at is vote 7: Kids of the Canadian West, funded by AADAC. I have grave concerns
about this program. I have raised it before. I have grave
concerns because of the treatment modality that is used. As far as I can tell, it teaches an external locus of control. It teaches through fear of punishment, and it does not teach children how to cope with life's stress. But further, I have concerns about violations of human rights legislation and the Child Welfare Act. I have raised this concern with the chairman of AADAC, and he has assured me that monitoring will be done to ensure that no human rights are violated and that the Child Welfare Act will not be violated. But he has not indicated when this monitoring will be done, by whom, and how. I would ask for the specifics of this process of monitoring.
I also know that AADAC has an assessment protocol to determine appropriate placement and treatment modalities for young people who are involved in drug and alcohol abuse. I have no sense and have been given no sense of the assessment procedures and protocols in place in this program. Is it simply a referral by parents that are extremely distressed with their child's behaviour? So again I would ask for assessments procedures and protocols and who will do them."
No monitoring procedure for placement, treatment modalities nor any other aspect of AARC was ever implemented. AARC simply ignored the rule of law, and in true undemocratic fashion set up their church in direct contravention to the will of the people as expressed through their elected representatives. ... 1/docGuest
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2009, 06:44:20 PM »
Thats better...

There is no question that the methods used in AARC are helpful. They are derived from the same therapies used in other approved settings such as Hazelden, and then replicated in a group setting. AARC also uses a peer group to help the individual to overcome personal obstacles. Studies of these methods have demonstrated a tendency to produce long-term abstinence from drug and alcohol in those individuals who partake in the process. These techniques were used by AA but on a much smaller level and in an uncontrolled setting. Its easy to see why AARC has stuck with their current process which is yielding an 85% success rate.
1. The clients are assessed by qualified personnel to diagnose the condition AARC treats.
2. AARC will not accept any person unless they are  suffering from addiction.
3. The Wiz and his staff are highly qualified to perform the interventions used at AARC.
4. A variety of disorders present in AARC clients can be treated under one roof as the staff is capable of addressing the multiple needs of the clients.
5. The methods used in AARC are not harmful.
6. There is evidence as to the number of clients in AARC who remain abstinent after graduating AARC which exceeds 85% after four years.
7. The program is supported by contributions and donations from local businesses and large corporations such as Rolex.
8. The host home system used in AARC is unique and critical to the success of AARC clients.
9. The methods used at AARC conform to all accepted standards of practise used by mental health professionals to treat mood disorders, and have been highly successful.
10. Clients at AARC are informed that they are expected to work hard on their own sobriety and will be released from the program if their participation wanes.
11. The ongoing behaviour modification at AARC is conducted by practioners belonging to a professional body, thus the staff are subject to all standards of professional ethics."
12.  The founder is often referred to as “The Wiz” because he has the uncanny ability to show clients that they have the strength within to heal themselves and in the end the client gets credit for their own success not AARC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2009, 11:19:50 PM »
1160 Alberta Hansard May 10, 1990
"The next vote I would like to look at is vote 7: Kids of the Canadian West, funded by AADAC. I have grave concerns
about this program. I have raised it before. I have grave
concerns because of the treatment modality that is used. As far as I can tell, it teaches an external locus of control. It teaches through fear of punishment, and it does not teach children how to cope with life's stress. But further, I have concerns about violations of human rights legislation and the Child Welfare Act. I have raised this concern with the chairman of AADAC, and he has assured me that monitoring will be done to ensure that no human rights are violated and that the Child Welfare Act will not be violated. But he has not indicated when this monitoring will be done, by whom, and how. I would ask for the specifics of this process of monitoring.
I also know that AADAC has an assessment protocol to determine appropriate placement and treatment modalities for young people who are involved in drug and alcohol abuse. I have no sense and have been given no sense of the assessment procedures and protocols in place in this program. Is it simply a referral by parents that are extremely distressed with their child's behaviour? So again I would ask for assessments procedures and protocols and who will do them."
No monitoring procedure for placement, treatment modalities nor any other aspect of AARC was ever implemented. AARC simply ignored the rule of law, and in true undemocratic fashion set up their church in direct contravention to the will of the people as expressed through their elected representatives.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2009, 06:28:34 AM »
There is no question that the methods used in AARC are helpful. They are derived from the same therapies used in other approved settings such as Hazelden, and then replicated in a group setting. AARC also uses a peer group to help the individual to overcome personal obstacles. Studies of these methods have demonstrated a tendency to produce long-term abstinence from drug and alcohol in those individuals who partake in the process. These techniques were used by AA but on a much smaller level and in an uncontrolled setting. Its easy to see why AARC has stuck with their current process which is yielding an 85% success rate.
1. The clients are assessed by qualified personnel to diagnose the condition AARC treats.
2. AARC will not accept any person unless they are  suffering from addiction.
3. The Wiz and his staff are highly qualified to perform the interventions used at AARC.
4. A variety of disorders present in AARC clients can be treated under one roof as the staff is capable of addressing the multiple needs of the clients.
5. The methods used in AARC are not harmful.
6. There is evidence as to the number of clients in AARC who remain abstinent after graduating AARC which exceeds 85% after four years.
7. The program is supported by contributions and donations from local businesses and large corporations such as Rolex.
8. The host home system used in AARC is unique and critical to the success of AARC clients.
9. The methods used at AARC conform to all accepted standards of practise used by mental health professionals to treat mood disorders, and have been highly successful.
10. Clients at AARC are informed that they are expected to work hard on their own sobriety and will be released from the program if their participation wanes.
11. The ongoing behaviour modification at AARC is conducted by practioners belonging to a professional body, thus the staff are subject to all standards of professional ethics."
12.  The founder is often referred to as “The Wiz” because he has the uncanny ability to show clients that they have the strength within to heal themselves and in the end the client gets credit for their own success not AARC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2009, 11:10:21 AM »
1160 Alberta Hansard May 10, 1990
"The next vote I would like to look at is vote 7: Kids of the Canadian West, funded by AADAC. I have grave concerns
about this program. I have raised it before. I have grave
concerns because of the treatment modality that is used. As far as I can tell, it teaches an external locus of control. It teaches through fear of punishment, and it does not teach children how to cope with life's stress. But further, I have concerns about violations of human rights legislation and the Child Welfare Act. I have raised this concern with the chairman of AADAC, and he has assured me that monitoring will be done to ensure that no human rights are violated and that the Child Welfare Act will not be violated. But he has not indicated when this monitoring will be done, by whom, and how. I would ask for the specifics of this process of monitoring.
I also know that AADAC has an assessment protocol to determine appropriate placement and treatment modalities for young people who are involved in drug and alcohol abuse. I have no sense and have been given no sense of the assessment procedures and protocols in place in this program. Is it simply a referral by parents that are extremely distressed with their child's behaviour? So again I would ask for assessments procedures and protocols and who will do them."
No monitoring procedure for placement, treatment modalities nor any other aspect of AARC was ever implemented. AARC simply ignored the rule of law, and in true undemocratic fashion set up their church in direct contravention to the will of the people as expressed through their elected representatives.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2009, 11:37:01 AM »
There is no question that the methods used in AARC are helpful. They are derived from the same therapies used in other approved settings such as Hazelden, and then replicated in a group setting. AARC also uses a peer group to help the individual to overcome personal obstacles. Studies of these methods have demonstrated a tendency to produce long-term abstinence from drug and alcohol in those individuals who partake in the process. These techniques were used by AA but on a much smaller level and in an uncontrolled setting. Its easy to see why AARC has stuck with their current process which is yielding an 85% success rate.
1. The clients are assessed by qualified personnel to diagnose the condition AARC treats.
2. AARC will not accept any person unless they are  suffering from addiction.
3. The Wiz and his staff are highly qualified to perform the interventions used at AARC.
4. A variety of disorders present in AARC clients can be treated under one roof as the staff is capable of addressing the multiple needs of the clients.
5. The methods used in AARC are not harmful.
6. There is evidence as to the number of clients in AARC who remain abstinent after graduating AARC which exceeds 85% after four years.
7. The program is supported by contributions and donations from local businesses and large corporations such as Rolex.
8. The host home system used in AARC is unique and critical to the success of AARC clients.
9. The methods used at AARC conform to all accepted standards of practise used by mental health professionals to treat mood disorders, and have been highly successful.
10. Clients at AARC are informed that they are expected to work hard on their own sobriety and will be released from the program if their participation wanes.
11. The ongoing behaviour modification at AARC is conducted by practioners belonging to a professional body, thus the staff are subject to all standards of professional ethics."
12.  The founder is often referred to as “The Wiz” because he has the uncanny ability to show clients that they have the strength within to heal themselves and in the end the client gets credit for their own success not AARC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: AARC Genesis
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2009, 03:47:49 PM »
"MS M. LAING: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are to
the minister responsible for human rights. Kids of the Canadian West, an affiliate of the American Kids program, continues to experience difficulties in meeting its opening deadline due to concerns over human rights violations. Recently a third
American affiliate has been suspended by a state licensing
authority due to allegations of human rights violations. Will the minister responsible for human rights meet with the chairman of the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission and demand
that he withhold funding pending a full-
scale investigation of
proven and alleged human rights violations by the American
parent agency in three separate states?

June 29, 1990 Alberta Hansard 2353

MS McCOY: Mr. Speaker, I believe the situation is being very closely watched by the appropriate agencies and ministers, but certainly the points that the hon. member raises are important ones. I understand that the project in Calgary is stalled at the moment pending further discussions and investigations.

MR. SPEAKER: Supplementary.

MS M. LAING: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Well, I hope they're
more than stalled until we're sure.
Children are extremely vulnerable to the violation of their
basic rights to food, clothing, shelter, and protection from violence and abuse. As adults we have a responsibility to act on their behalf in order to protect them. Will the minister respon­sible for human rights investigate the treatment methods of the
Kids programs, including the possible use of unlawful confine­ment, food and sleep deprivation, and physical violence to break
down children?

MS McCOY: Mr. Speaker, many ministers in cabinet work in
concert on these sorts of issues, and I can assure the hon.
member that the items she is raising are being discussed"

Unlawful confinement is used on every single AARC prisoner, every single night while they are Newcomers. There is no system used at AARC to protect the vulnerable from violence whatsoever. This includes violence of a sexual nature, or physical assaults.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »