Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > CAN ~ Collective Action Network

Anti-Program Marketing Materials

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ok, I can feel you on that... that something CAFETY is doing, I have attended meet and greet events to simply spread the word but HONESTLY that strategy isn't effective on a large scale. The internet is the best way to spread information, and the media is the best way to achieve community awareness, not some crazies out on the street telling their war stories to anyone who will listen.

People tend to feel uncomfortable when I tell them that I was once tortured, or about how the programs in general operated... to the average person, this whole concept just goes right over their heads.

I would really like to see an influx of documentaries, network investigations and news casts on the issues, especially the current closing of many different programs. A VERY good story could be pulled out of covering the closing of Tranquility Bay in Jamaica and WWASP in general... but for some reason no one has picked it up. I've sent multiple tip offs to my local and national news stations and encouraged others to do the same but it seems that once again this issue gets swept under the rug, when the lives of celebrities are sooooo much more fascinating.

Honestly the best offense is a good defense, if we can set up websites that operate as roadblocks for parents looking into the programs in order to warn them, and detour them to healthy alternatives we will be able to really hit the programs at their source. Think about it, if we can use the same tactics they use to bait their clients in order to steal their clients away we will kill their supply, and they will have to shut down. Of course this is what we HAVE been doing just by being here on fornits and operating other sites like the SPFT, TTI and the Wikis and building organizations like HEAL, CAFETY, ASTART and ISAC.

Of course the programs can always blame their loss of business on the economy, but I think we have had a significant effect on their ability to reel in clients via the internet. Now all they can depend on is the cult disciples they breed through the seminars... and I think that's where public awareness and public demonstration will have a hard hitting effect. I think Anon had a good strategy for this, and we would be wise to follow suit. We need to expose these places for what they really are... CULTS.


--- Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0" ---People tend to feel uncomfortable when I tell them that I was once tortured, or about how the programs in general operated... to the average person, this whole concept just goes right over their heads
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I believe you are targeting the wrong people.  The average parent could care less about specialty schools unless they have a kid who needs them.  Then you have a 2 week window in which to identify who they are and contact them which is impossible.  By that time they have already developed a plan and someone else has their ear.  That someone else is typically a school counsellor or and Education consultant.

Forget the parents (or at least put them on the back burner), try to convince, educate and target the education consultants.  They are the ones with the power.  Yes they are getting paid, but they are not all evil people.  They are just in denial, trying to make extra money or just don’t want to hear it.  You need to figure out a way to sway them, get in their face without pissing them off... maybe one program at a time.


--- Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0" ---ok, I can feel you on that... that something CAFETY is doing, I have attended meet and greet events to simply spread the word but HONESTLY that strategy isn't effective on a large scale. The internet is the best way to spread information, and the media is the best way to achieve community awareness, not some crazies out on the street telling their war stories to anyone who will listen.

People tend to feel uncomfortable when I tell them that I was once tortured, or about how the programs in general operated... to the average person, this whole concept just goes right over their heads.

I would really like to see an influx of documentaries, network investigations and news casts on the issues, especially the current closing of many different programs. A VERY good story could be pulled out of covering the closing of Tranquility Bay in Jamaica and WWASP in general... but for some reason no one has picked it up. I've sent multiple tip offs to my local and national news stations and encouraged others to do the same but it seems that once again this issue gets swept under the rug, when the lives of celebrities are sooooo much more fascinating.

Honestly the best offense is a good defense, if we can set up websites that operate as roadblocks for parents looking into the programs in order to warn them, and detour them to healthy alternatives we will be able to really hit the programs at their source. Think about it, if we can use the same tactics they use to bait their clients in order to steal their clients away we will kill their supply, and they will have to shut down. Of course this is what we HAVE been doing just by being here on fornits and operating other sites like the SPFT, TTI and the Wikis and building organizations like HEAL, CAFETY, ASTART and ISAC.

Of course the programs can always blame their loss of business on the economy, but I think we have had a significant effect on their ability to reel in clients via the internet. Now all they can depend on is the cult disciples they breed through the seminars... and I think that's where public awareness and public demonstration will have a hard hitting effect. I think Anon had a good strategy for this, and we would be wise to follow suit. We need to expose these places for what they really are... CULTS.
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Hi again,

Yeah, it is good Cafety is doing that, but that is not exactly what I was talking about. I was talking about pounding the pavement...where the particular offending program resides, being visible in the community against it, protesting.

I am sorry that you feel unconfidant about your ability to reach the public in person, but I am here to tell you it is possible and does happen. I have done it over and over again.
Research me so that you know for yourself that I am not just talking out of my ass.

Kids Helping Kids Cincinati did not just close down b/c of any website BTW. There was a lot of pavement pounding not only from myself but a great deal of others too.

ISAC, isn't just a website. They are actually a registeredc non-profit. Enough said there.

I am trying to say don't do more websites either by any means.....but what I am saying is this: The WEBSITES WILL NOT WORK ON THEIR OWN.

There I hope I was loud and clear this time on that.

It takes people survivors, concerned citizens, children (teens), parents to get off of our COLLECTIVE ASSES to Shut 'er down!

-DP out :soapbox:


--- Quote from: "Deprogrammed" ---It takes people survivors, concerned citizens, children (teens), parents to get off of our COLLECTIVE ASSES to Shut 'er down!

-DP out :soapbox:
--- End quote ---

I am not at all against public demonstration, especially in the area that the schools exist, Before I left Antiwwasp we were planning to protest in front of a WWASP school, I don't know if they continued on with that plan after I left but that it still something I am planning on doing.

The main problem is that I live in California, where we do not have any offending programs that I am aware of, and I don't have the available cash to catch a plane to the nearest program just to "hit the pavement", I'm doing what I can do, which is help set up websites, coordinate plans and fund raise. When we have a solid plan and a decent amount of people on board I will be happy to pound the pavement, but at this point I cant even get anyone to help me make flyers and brochures so I have no idea what I'll have to do to get people involved with a protest.

Want to help me?


--- Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0" ---
--- Quote from: "Deprogrammed" ---It takes people survivors, concerned citizens, children (teens), parents to get off of our COLLECTIVE ASSES to Shut 'er down!

-DP out :soapbox:
--- End quote ---

I am not at all against public demonstration, especially in the area that the schools exist, Before I left Antiwwasp we were planning to protest in front of a WWASP school, I don't know if they continued on with that plan after I left but that it still something I am planning on doing.

The main problem is that I live in California, where we do not have any offending programs that I am aware of, and I don't have the available cash to catch a plane to the nearest program just to "hit the pavement", I'm doing what I can do, which is help set up websites, coordinate plans and fund raise. When we have a solid plan and a decent amount of people on board I will be happy to pound the pavement, but at this point I cant even get anyone to help me make flyers and brochures so I have no idea what I'll have to do to get people involved with a protest.

Want to help me?
--- End quote ---

I understand.
I believe I offered before to email ye some flyer "templates". Just some examples of types we have done before now. Would this be helpful?
If so, I need your email addy ( in pm) so that I can do that if ye want me to.
If we fund raise where does the money go to?
I can nominate people that would need that money if ye want.

Hit me back

-DP :beat:


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