Author Topic: Alcohol strategy in another culture  (Read 1035 times)

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Alcohol strategy in another culture
« on: April 09, 2009, 02:10:58 PM »
Che Cookin wrote in "Katies" thread:

As for Oscar:

Damn when I was young the fuzz made us pour our beer out and they laughed at us after threatening to call our parents if they caught us again. No one grilled wieners for us!

In order to avoid polluting her thread, I will try to answer why the police do as they do here.

The worst that can happen in a society is for people to found sub-cultures. Sub-cultures are in fact new mini-societies with an own set of norms, morale and laws.

Some of those things happening in such sub-cultures can be criminal acts in the general society. Gangs were once created because some people did have a need to seek interests which were not understood by the general population.

If the society makes it too hard to get alcohol or tobacco by minors, which are the two drugs accepted in our culture, they will try to get it from criminals. Criminals, who also sell other drugs.

So our police and social services work close together to locate youth in risk of forming their own sub-cultures so they can "comfort" them back to the "real" world so they all become "normal" Danes.

One thing which are common for youth all over the world are that they like to have people listen to them and then dont like to be condemned. So it's a sneaky way of keeping control and track of underage drinking. People drink less if they are talking with someone. Where do you get the truth? From small children and drunken people! You can save two hours of intense therapy and cut right into the core of the problem the youth have if you approach them while they are drunk. You don't have to break their "wall" down. They remove it themselves.

For years we have only seen death caused by bingedrinking when the youth have been traveling with lazy parents or with schools abroad.

Unfortunately this strategy doesn't work with youth, who for some reason don't drink. That is in fact the reason for the latest gang war. We have an army of social workers ready to hug and cuddle the youth, who are unable to reach them because the communication tool cannot be used with that targetgroup.

There are no generally fix for all problems.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »