Author Topic: Another Death of Ex-HLAer  (Read 7545 times)

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Offline graduated

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2009, 01:38:53 AM »
there's a big difference between not finding it to be a beneficial experience and blaming it for everything that has gone wrong in your life.

and to answer your question, no i cannot see inside anyone else's head nor do i claim to be omnicient.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2009, 07:16:14 AM »
What is your basis for claiming that we should have stayed in therapy, are 'wack jobs" or blame all of our problems or societal issues at large on HLA?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2009, 09:28:02 AM »
Quote from: "graduated"

and i know how things work on here. somebody comes on here with a different point of view and you all gang up on them to try and silence them. you're welcome to skip that whole process if you like, since i will not be chased off. just if you'd like to save yourselves some time.

by the way, i think you're all delusional and you should have stayed in therapy.

first of all, you will be chased off for a good reason. you coming here saying what you say is like a neo nazi going onto a jewish site or a mormon going onto a gay site. what do you expect?

second, when did you "graduate"?  you should keep in mind that the HLA of now is very different from the HLA of yesteryear. if HLA operated the way it did the last two years the entire time it existed, it would have never been in so much trouble. we would not be pissed off. i understand you think abuse doesnt happen....most likely because you never experienced it, because HLA is easy now. they had to mellow it out, because guessed it.....US. But just because they changed their ways does not mean they get a pass for their past actions. remember, you said it yourself: you cant blame anyone for your own actions, you cant pass the buck, you have to take responsibility for your own actions. HLA getting Shut Down is a group of HUNDREDS of people in different capacities forcing HLA to take responsibility for their actions. There are people ranging from top goverment officials, the FBI, IRS, parents, and lowly teens being their computers all working to make sure bucci & crew get what they deserve. It's kinda like a serial killer who "reforms" and stops killing for a few years. He may seem like an upstanding individual upon the reformation, but it doesn't take away the fact that he used to be a serial killer, and will still rot in jail.

{as a side note.....bucci is like a serial killer. soo many people tried to commit suicide directly because of bucci's actions. sean davis. neesa R, amy klemm, just to name a few.....amy is still brain dead from the lack of oxygen when she tried to hang herself.}

you have no right to say abuse did not happen. I personally was forced to chop trees in a lighting storm while being fed only three ham & cheese sandwiches (mind you, i'm jewish and keep kosher) for seven days straight. nowandays restrictions eats the same food as gen pop, and dietary restrictions are observed. I was thrown on the ground and sat on by six enormous guys for cracking a joke - i was sent to the hospital with three broken ribs. now they only "restrain" people when they are a clear and imminent threat to themselves or others. I was forced to march around the mountains in below freezing temperatures which gave me pneumonia - the doctor prescribed ZYRTEC for my pneumonia. I spent one of my vacations from HLA on an IV in the hospital getting pumped full of antibiotics. when i broke an arm playing soccer, that doctor changed the prescription to claratin. That doctor was fired a long time ago for doing an unwarranted scrotum exam on a twelve year old.  when i refused to take my claratin, i was sat on, again, while my ribs were still broken, forcing me to go to the hospital again to have them re-set. and no, HLA did not allow me to take the painkillers i was perscribed to for my broken ribs and arm. nor did they let me take them for when i got my wisdom teeth taken out. no vicodin, no percocet, just neurontin, claratin, and advil.  while all of this was happening i was being forced to make up things in my past to admit to doing in reals, as "disclosures" to match the intensity of my peer's disclosure so i could stop having to chop trees in the rain and start eating normal food. while i had all those broken bones. yes, i had to chop trees with my four broken bones. oh, did i mention that i was forced to keep my broken bones a secret from my parents under threats of continueing to have to chop trees and eat ham sandwiches indefinitely? i was only allowed to tell them six months later when i was about to graduate. that was in 1998, and that was just my experience. I've seen worse things happen but i wont disclose them because i respect people's privacy and emotions regarding the events.  

so, MS. abuse doesnt happen, go fuck yourself. Go back to HLA and keep listening to you Ipod in your dorm, swim in your fancy pool, ride your horses, enjoy your brand new mold-free academic building and have your counselors baby you around all day. the HLA of yesteryear was a whole different ball game.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2009, 10:08:15 AM »
Quote from: "graduated"
because those things never happened. only somebody very thin-skinned would mistake anything that occurred at HLA as abuse.

This is bologna.  I personally witnessed many instances of abuse.  The intentional infliction of physical and emotional distress was the MO du jour at HLA.  To say otherwise indicates that you are not familiar with how HLA works or that you are dissembling.

I believe these kids (many are adults now, my first caseload from HLA turns 30 this year) because I can verify what they are saying through my own experience with HLA.  It's really that plain and simple.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline britneybert

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #34 on: June 01, 2009, 11:45:34 AM »
Quote from: "along comes mary"
Quote from: "1utj1"
RIP Tyson Tully

so, i guess HLA doesnt save lives, does it?
and i guess it doesnt make anyone "succeed"...the guy never got an education, worked at a resturant and had a kid. at 25.

i would put money on this being self-inflicted: Drug overdose, suicide, overeating, etc.

"The guy" was my friend, you smarmy bitch.

I am not a fan of HLA, but I would NEVER dream of slandering a HLA survivor to make a point. You must be ashamed to have written such a despicable thing.
Tyson was a sweetheart.
Who the HELL are you to pass judgment on my friend's life and speculate about his death?

Anyone would have a much easier time of pegging YOUR character from that post than you did of pegging Tyson's from his obituary.

If this is your idea of making a case against HLA, than I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd rather not have your help.

You are disgusting.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline graduated

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #35 on: June 01, 2009, 11:58:14 PM »
to the person with the long list of abuses they suffered, im sorry you went through that, but you should be going after the individuals who did that to you, not the entire system. lets not blow up all of afghanistan in the attempt to kill osama bin laden.

i realize that hla of "yesteryear" was completely different from how it is "nowadays". i got sent in '05 and graduated in '07 and things were, as you would say, "cushy". and that's the whole point. HLA is not the same as it used to be. and whether you all want to admit it or not, it DID help people. i've seen it in many of the people from my grad group and myself.

goodness, it's exhausting being angry. i cant imagine how empty all your lives are.

here's your sad little forum back.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2009, 07:11:43 AM »
Wow, that one was easy to chase off. You know who else it might be? Aften "I love tuna" Thurston. That girl with the pubes on her face?

In any event you still seem to be unable to provide a clear example of I or any of us blaming the problems of the world on HLA. We're simply holding them accountable for their own actions. The only reason you experienced HLA as being by any means "cushy" is soley because of us.

You seem to be inconsistent in your approach. You claim we should accept respondsibility for our own actions, yet you dont feel the staff at HLA should? Someone yesterday used the example of a reformed serial killer. Just because he hasnt murdered anyone lately doesnt change the past. Why do you employ such a blatent double standard?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2009, 09:11:32 AM »
given the dates are correct, it's not aften, aften graduated in 04'.

graduated, We are not necessarily going after the whole system. we are going after the people responsible. (There are a few radical individuals like Che or Psy that want the whole TBS system shut down by the govt but we all know that will never happen due to the staggering demand for such schools). it just so happens that the people responsible are 90% of the people who work administration at HLA, particularly buccelato. at the core, his problem was a philosophy of forced indoctrination, a lack of compassion, profit maximization, all combined with a total disregard for ethical business practices. Everything we are upset about is either a direct or indirect result of those four things.

I wouldnt mind if HLA existed. I just dont want Bucci and crew to run it, and things should change drastically. It sits on a very nice piece of land and has alot of potential to be a good school. The problem is it is still, as it has been in the past, primarily a thought-reform center and a school only second.  The move away from thought-reform center towards a good school can only occur when the people who carried out or sanctioned the abusive methods are no longer allowed to have any influence in the school. Due to the fact that Bucci owns the school, getting the school shut down is necessary collateral damage.

on another note, "graduated", you have only been out for two years now. give it some time and you will realize much of what you have learned at HLA, both theraputic and scholastic elements, is absolute, total bullshit. sure it may have helped you in a certain way - if you came in with bullimia, anorexia, serious addiction problems to HARD drugs, or a tendency to inflict self-harm, then HLA probably did help you stop doing those things. But they did it while indoctrinating you with BS which will hold you back from being a fully functional adult and experiencing life to the fullest. There are other ways of doing helping people that does not involve brainwashing them with unrelated bullshit.

 another issue you should keep in mind is that from my time (97'-98') up untill recently, most of the individuals sent to HLA did not need to be helped, they just had a hard time growing up. they had issues such as smoking pot, arguing with parents, playing computer games too much or loosing their virginity too early for their parent's taste. those kids got sent to HLA not because they needed help, but because the parents were sick of dealing with them and would rather pay to have those kids be someone else's problem, and/or the parents also being highly indoctrinated with socially irresponsible values which they wish to but failed to pass along to their kids. While these poor kids were at HLA, Bucci liked to accept a handfull of VERY bad apples who were violent and court ordered. these bad kids harassed and further abused the other kids, and set bad examples for them. maybe you've heard of the girl who got raped with a tree limb. or the "fight club" in dorm B. or how on numerous occasions girls brought MDMA or cocaine in up their cooter and introduced it to other girls who have never and would have never done it if it wasnt for HLA. Or the time someone convinced a kid to eat jimson weed that was growing in lower left. Or the occasions when kids were sexually assaulted by their roommates. the list goes on and on. so basically there were kids that did not need an institution combined with kids who needed a little therapy, along with a few kids who needed to be in prison or mental hospitals or inpatient rehabs, all in the same school. Bucci tried to take the middle road so he can cater to all demographics to maximize enrollments and therefore profits. You cant cater to all the demographics at once, it just doesnt work.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Another Death of Ex-HLAer
« Reply #38 on: June 02, 2009, 02:18:56 PM »
Quote from: "graduated"
goodness, it's exhausting being angry. i cant imagine how empty all your lives are.

Being Angry = Empty Life

Sounds like some of that HLA bullshit therapy.

Tip: "graduated", if you never get angry, if you never feel the urge to speak out about injustices you have experienced or witnessed, if you think good mental health is walking around with a smile all the time, if you see everyone who is different as "defective"; then HLAs brainwashing worked. Congrats. Hope it works well for you.  :seg:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »