Author Topic: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent  (Read 6810 times)

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Offline Restitution

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My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« on: February 05, 2009, 07:44:17 AM »
Hello. I've occasionally lurked here for about a year and finally decided to register and share my story.

Prologue: "... and I'm here because..."

I grew up in Tacoma, Washington. My father, who had severe emotional and psychological issues, would verbally, physically, and emotionally abuse me starting from when I was 2. In school I was incredibly gifted, testing in the 99.9th percentile and leading all of my classes at an elite preschool-12th prep school. I was never popular with the other kids, and indeed, I rarely had more than a few good friends. My father was always a terrifying constant in my life.

In 7th grade, I drew the ire of the more athletic kids during PE, and I became a target of [more] bullying. This, combined with my father's abuses, made me more and more depressed, and as I became more depressed, my once perfect grades dropped. I became a B student, a C student... By the time I finished 8th grade, I was barely hanging on with mostly Cs and Ds. My academic state of affairs only made my depression worse.

By the start of freshman year, I was staying home from school to sleep on about half of the days. A month in, my parents called the police to report me for being truant. Long story short, the cops forced their way through my door, restrained, drugged, and beat me. It was my 15th birthday, and I had been traumatised horribly. I got home to find my room trashed and destroyed; my psyche ripped up. Thus it was that I became schizoid and agoraphobic.

My mother took some basic pity on me, and gave me a computer and two kittens for company. I slept during the day; the only time I left my room was at night when everybody was asleep to bathe and eat. I lived in the pitch black. Nothing was left of me except a ball of neuroses. This state of affairs went on for ten and a half months.

On that fateful day, Septembre 2nd, 2006, my mother brought two goons into my room. They, of course, pulled me out, handcuffed me, and drove me to North Idaho. I was dragged into NIBH Residential. I'm sure that needs no explanation.

My first two roommates were Anthony, a tall pockmarked half-Cherokee kid who was in for attempted double homicide, and Shane, a schizophrenic with like five counts of assault. Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind. For the first few days, there was absolutely no sleep while those guys were in the room.

NIBH was absolute hell, and it was only worse when I met my therapist and psychiatrist, Dr Gary Stanton, PhD and George J. Ullrich, MD respectively. I assume that everybody here knows at least Ullrich, so I'll only briefly explain Gary. Pompous snake, always had this falsely endearing tone. Tended to lie and make promises he had no intention of keeping.

Although NIBH was dreadful, after a few weeks I had more or less recovered from the agoraphobia. Ullrich and Stanton recommended that I, no surprise, go to Innercept. Oh, and by the way, we just happen to own and operate Innercept, too.

Innercept's kind of like a non-official CEDU spinoff in the Synanon-RTC format. It's outside of Coeur d'Alene in the farmlands. They owned a few houses. Anyway, Innercept was terrible. After getting there, I was hit with the bombshell from one of the other kids that Innercept had - gasp - a minimum three month stay. I was dreaming of freedom; I desired it more than anything else already, and three months sounded like an eternity... But then, a week or two later, Gary told me that I'd have to stay there until I'd completed a semester of public school, which ran until June. It was Novembre.

So right off the bat, despite my good behaviour and compliance, I'm looking at losing eight more months of my life on top of the two I'd already given them. This was not open to discussion at all; nothing there ever was. After fruitlessly trying to discuss it a few times, in one of the year's early snows, I walked out and made it five miles before anyone noticed I was gone. At that point, a staff was driving past, and picked me up. I was taken back, and tried to find a way while being compliant...

Christmas came and my mother and sister visited me. We got a few rooms at the CdA Resort, and I spent Christmas standing on my balcony, wishing that I had the courage to jump and end my misery.

I went to the public school. I got A's on all the assignments, I complied with Innercept. I filed grievance after grievance.

Ever since NIBH, Ullrich had been forcing me to take Geodon. He'd only gotten me to start by threatening to have me restrained and injected with it if I didn't take it voluntarily. I should mention that this was after I recovered from my agoraphobia. The first time I cheeked it and spat it out in my sink, but my roommate at the time, a little jerk named Jesse, narced on me. They always did thorough mouth checks at NIBH from then on.

Darlene, Innercept's program director, cut a deal with me. In return for perfect compliance for two weeks, she would give me a discharge date. At about the same time, Ullrich agreed to take me off of Geodon. He insisted on putting me on Celexa instead, however.

Two weeks passed, still nothing. Darlene evaded giving it to me for two weeks beyond that. She came in one evening with a chart showing 13 criteria ranging from "Spirituality" to "Academics" to "Cleaning" to "Nutrition." No matter what the field, I was ranked near the bottom on everything. I pointed out that the majority were subjective and that, more importantly, things like spirituality shouldn't be discharge criteria, and that in the ones that weren't subjective, such as academics, I was simply given the wrong rating, but Darlene, like all other parts of Innercept, was not open to discussion. Based on the chart, I realised that Innercept was never going to let me go. Treatment lasts forever.

I was terribly depressed. I needed freedom; I needed to feel alive. As my Geodon went down and my Celexa went up, I started to feel emotions again, something Geodon had robbed me off. I was also finally able to stay awake. The Celexa wasn't for me either, however. It gave me manic-depressive mood swings. In my manic states, I wooed a girl, Ani, and we began a relationship. In my depressive states, I couldn't bear how bleak my world was, and I began to have suicidal ideations. So it was that Ullrich sent me to NIBH acute in March of 2007.

While on acute, I was taken off of all meds entirely, and although Ullrich tried to manipulate me back into taking Geodon, I stayed free, and after a week went back to Innercept. I was the only person there who, in my time, was ever med-free.

Right after, they sent Ani to NIBH, and that made me feel awful. I missed her. It was ever clear that Innercept wasn't intending to let me ever leave, so I stopped putting up with their bullshit and was civilly disobedient. Some of the staff would react with punishments as blatantly illegal as refusing to let me eat dinner.

After a few weeks of that, Ani came back, and I started toning down my disobedience and being compliant again. That very night, however, Alan the night staff walked into my room with Duane the Northern States Security guard, and he hauled me off to Ascent. How terrifying it was...

Ascent was COMPLETE AND UTTER FUCKING BULLSHIT HELL. I was an AI for two and a half weeks. My days were filled suddenly with the hardest of labour. I couldn't even speak with anybody who had anything to do with getting me out of there until the very end. My therapist, Dan, was completely useless. After the two and a half weeks, Ullrich, Ascent's medical director, of course, showed up. He told me that if I didn't agree to all of these conditions he'd make me stay for the full Ascent program and then have to do them anyway. Chief among them was doing a semester of summer school, then getting a GED, then doing a semester of community college at NIC. This was the start of May and suddenly I was going to be at Innercept until, at the earliest, the end of Decembre. Having massive pieces ripped off of your life is the worst feeling I've known.

So I agreed. What choice did I have? When I got back to Innercept, I was completely whipped. I was so afraid of doing anything wrong because I knew how horribly they would punish me. Even so, after a week, Chris[tine] the Nurse, the program's real day to day head, walked into the house and handed me a typed up threat. If I violated any of these 7 things, it said, I'd be sent back to Ascent immediately for the full program.

Here are the ones that I remember:

1) I had to make allowance, every week. Nobody ever did that, and I had a harder time that most because of my "nutrition." You see, I couldn't eat vegetables such as Innercept's iceberg lettuce, which was on the menu every single night. If you didn't eat a single thing on the menu, you got one point off, and if you lost more than seven, you lost allowance. Staff would also take points off for the most ridiculous crap imaginable, I'm sure everybody has some idea of what I mean. If anybody else didn't get allowance, they didn't get allowance. There was nothing further attached to it.

2) "Maintain a positive attitude at all times." Aside from being subjective, how could you expect that from me when you're treating me like this and threatening me?

3) "Participate in all groups." Again, subjectivity. If they didn't like HOW you participated in a group, you weren't participating.

4) "Complete summer school." Later replaced by "complete semester at NIC." This was honestly the only non subjective thing on the list.

5) "Stay 10 feet away from Ani at all times." I loved her, but I tried anyway. PROBLEM: She was fucking BORDERLINE and could get me sent away if she so chose by coming near me!

There were a 6 and 7 but I cannot recall them. It was a long time ago.

I couldn't sleep at night. I was so terrified they'd try to send me there again, I stayed up and looked out the window whenever I heard a noise on the gravel road, afraid that it would be Duane again. Still, I tried to be compliant, but Ullrich was always threatening to send me to Ascent for being "defiant" or "negative;" always unspecific terms like that and never backed up by examples. In Innercept's staff culture, gossiping about the kids was the order of the day, and a few staff, some more than others, passed on the most malicious things about me.  

I completed summer school with an A+ (like 103% from extra credit) and Ani turned 18 and went to Innercept's adult program. I got my GED, scoring in the 99th percentile in all fields. I was meticulous about staying on the good side of the staff. I had perfect points, always. I had more vouchers than everybody else combined. While everybody else was doing pretty outrageous stuff (sneaking out and getting caught at night, physical assault, whatever) I stayed well behaved, alone amongst all, but still I was treated worst of all. Because I got my GED after the registration deadline for fall classes, I had to enroll in a late start class, running from the end of Octobre to Decembre. One day at the end of Septembre, I found the staffing notes just sitting unattended on the counter and stole them. What I read was absolutely disgusting.

I'll ignore what was written about my co-residents, although most of that was awful as well. My staffing notes revealed that although I "thought" I was getting out in Decembre, "...Karl is resistant to progress... and requires longer treatment," effectively saying that they were already planning to hold me even longer. I confronted Gary, and said, and I quote exactly, "you are a disease, spreading hatred and discontent. All bets are off for when you're going home; you'll be here until every single staff likes you." Gary berated me for an entire session; I was crying and having a panic attack, but still he went on.

A week later, it was my 17th birthday. My mother and Ani's father were in town at the same time (orgranised by the two of them), and we were both staying at the CdA resort. She went back a day before I did, but ran away that night and came to my hotel room. I let her in, and my mom got a call from Ullrich saying she'd run away. My mother saw Ani in my room and called Ullrich; he said that if we brought her back in the morning there would be no punishments. We did, and my mother and I had a session with Gary. He promised that I'd be leaving in Decembre; that I had nothing to worry about; that they wouldn't send me to wilderness. My mother had told me while we were at the resort that she saw absolutely no reason to send me to wilderness and that she thought I was ready to be out.

So what happened three days later?

I got a call from my father. "They want us to send you to another one of those mountain things." WHAT?

I called my mother. "It's not set in stone..." But of course it was. Duane hauled me off to Innercept's security duplex, where Ullrich visited me that night. He had his customary evil smirk and said I was being sent off for "harboring a runaway," ie Ani. He said I'd go back to Innercept after wilderness, and that I'd be there until I completed a semester of NIC (I wasn't going to be able to do the fall semester, of course, because I was being sent to wilderness in the first place). In my last true act of defiance before the fire was burnt out from me entirely, I flipped Ullrich off, and said, "In case I won't see you again, fuck you, and burn in hell." His response? "Oh, you'll see me again." I never did.

A few days later, Duane drove me to Bend, Oregon. I was going to Second Nature. The good thing was that this was the first program I'd been in where I wasn't under Ullrich's control. My therapist there was understanding and told my parents not to send me back to Innercept, and that I was ready for freedom. So, after seven weeks, the minimum stay, I was off to LA, where I found exactly that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline AuntieEm2

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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2009, 04:12:28 PM »
Dear Restitution,

Thank you for sharing your story--it must hard to re-live the experience.

I am so sorry you were treated in this criminal way. No one deserves this kind of sadistic treatment. We must get laws on the books that will permit teens to have a right of appeal and other protections. Forced medication, lying to you about your length of confinement, sending a bright kid to a place with sub-sub-standard education, and giving you criteria for your release that are totally subjective and impossible to comply with--it's just inhuman.

I sincerely hope you are now in a place and with people where you can thrive and be supported. Please take care of yourself.

Auntie Em
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Tough love is a hate group.
"I have sworn...eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson.

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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2009, 04:06:58 AM »
wow. that's seriously fucking scary. the whole incestuousness between different entities under one umbrella organization, and the obvious scam to run you around just to keep you in to get the most money out of your parents. Its no accident that you regained your freedom shortly after leaving that triad, even though it was to another wilderness program. cedu and wwasps seem to me to be the most criminal when it comes to prolonging internment, since they have so many facilities they can shuttle kids around to.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2009, 01:04:50 PM »
Boy, it sure got quiet in here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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use of NIBH as a compliance tool
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2009, 08:38:25 PM »
Here some posts from a few years ago regarding the use of NIBH as a compliance tool at probably either Northwest Academy or Boulder Creek Academy (presumption due to previous discussion of Sam Zug). These were three posts in a row; link goes to the first one:

Quote from: "Guest"
i'm not sure what it was like when you were there but during my time they would hand out trips to nibh like candy. kids who should have had nothing to do with a behavioral hospital would refuse to do something, such as sams little floor exercise, and would get slapped with a little 3 day trip to nibh like it was nothing. i guess one of the rights our parents signed off on was the right to hold us in nibh for up to 3 days without even having to CONTACT your parents. that gave them 3 days to come up with some beautifully maniupulative argument to keep you at nibh even longer. it happened so much just for simply refusing that people didnt refuse much.
Quote from: "If u want to know..then a"
Oh yes! I witnessed that more times than I would like to admit to. But unfortunately, that was a decision your parents chose to make from my understanding (Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this a fact, but just what my mother told me) When it came to the agreement of the school and all who were associated with it to make the "medical" decisions for their children, a lot of those parents were manipulated into thinking that CEDU possessed a LOT of degrees and education concernining mental health, especially with medication and hospitals like NIBH. My mother chose NOT to hand that over to the school because she did not want me on ANY kind of medication unless she got a second opinion herself. So that is why I could do what I did. They would often go back and tell my mom embellishments of my decision to make her mad at me, but when it came to that, she believed what I told her because she knew me better than them. I am very sorry to those parents that put their entire trust into those schools because they REALLY felt they were making the best decision possible for their children seeing as how the majority of parents did have any education regarding medicine and behavorial health.
Quote from: "Guest"
i wish that had been the case for us but from what i remember there was a sheet located in your medical files (they usually wouldnt even let us view those files, but some of the drivers would cave in and let us check them out on doctors trips because they had to pull the file and bring it along) with all those rights signed over. things like 'we may restrain your child, we may place your child in an escort safe house for up to 48 hours, we may place your child in nibh for up to 72 hours'. and sure enough, underneath every single one of those statements, there was the signature of my mother and my father. i believe that if they would not sign one of those, the student would be denied enrollment, but i'm sure those greedy bastards were willing to make a few exceptions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2009, 09:11:03 PM »
the use of NIBH as a compliance tool at probably either Northwest Academy or Boulder Creek Academy

RMA, too. Although it wasn't mentioned by name to me, so it could have been something else, but doubtful. On the drive up, after my parents dropped the bomb that I wasn't coming home, I started freaking out. I pounded on the window, and I think I actually tried to open the car door and jump out. My father threatened me with some undisclosed place that was recommended to them by RMA should I prove to be difficult, and that it was "on the way" there. Not sure what else it could be besides that, especially since I do remember him mentioning something along the lines of it being a psych ward type place.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2009, 11:34:18 AM »
"My father threatened me with some undisclosed place that was recommended to them by RMA should I prove to be difficult,"

Ditto for me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Goddess of Justice

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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2012, 11:42:04 PM »
I can understand, I have a siImilar story which only went to worse when I went to an rtc in my home state. I was having a really hard time at my public hs as I was being rejected from activities i enjoyed doing to eventually my pears, that was the time when teachers, advisors, and my psychiatrist started harrassing me and treating me like I was in elementary school all over again. Cause I had A LOT of behavior issues in grade school linked to my adhd and they treated me the same way, so seeing this again just tore me apart. I just wanted to get away to a new boarding school as quickely as possible, but none would take me at the time except the therapeutic schools (which I was unaware of at the time). One that my parents looked into was Innercept in Idaho. I thought that would have the feel of a normal hs at a smaller scale, I was wrong. I don't even count Innercept as a school, more like a foster home for kids that have been abandoned. I was scared, they took away alot of my thinks that I took with me to keep me occupied and calm, it helped to cope being away from home from the first time.

 As my parents left me there them and myself felt very woried. They immediatly took control of my life, the goal sessions every morning were pointless cause they never did anything, we had a nutrition policy that made no sense, we had to balance our diet to score point on our chart even if we didn't like certain foods and it was charted through out the week (This would ONLY make sense at a fat camp a.k.a no one had weight problems in the program). Academics were a joke at Innercept, the school day was really short and all we did was sit at a table in a conference room and did work they handed out to us for 2 hours. There were no lectures and we didn't even have teachers. After a few days of hell, I wanted to go home but the staff said that the shortest time anyone could stay was 3 months minimum with the kids taunting me saying it's a year-round school which REALLY SCARED ME. As the week went on, I began having more and more panic attacks fearing that I would stay here until I graduated from hs and would miss out on everything High School related that's once in a life time (like sports, homecoming, prom, and senior trips/pictures) and get very poorly prepared for college that it would be out of the question. The staff sent me to NIBH for three days of phsychological evaluation a.k.a the worst case of cabin fever. That's when my dad picked me up and sent me to an RTC in my home state which was far more abusive.

I think that they should have that therapeutic intervention at innercept available via home schooling (which sadly doesn't exist in most states)  where they feel more comfortable with their family and WITH a licensed phsycholigist and educator. At Innercept and that other RTC I don't recall being with a single licensed psychologist. After summer break I went to a REAL boarding school I had to overcome a lot of shyness brought on by mental torture at that rtc following Innercept. It's just a fraudulent place that doesn't deserve to exist.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
For owners of such programs, we celebrate your lives being destroyed. Because you destroyed theirs...

Offline Ursus

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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2012, 05:04:19 PM »
Quote from: "kakasaka101"
I can understand, I have a siImilar story which only went to worse when I went to an rtc in my home state. I was having a really hard time at my public hs as I was being rejected from activities i enjoyed doing to eventually my pears, that was the time when teachers, advisors, and my psychiatrist started harrassing me and treating me like I was in elementary school all over again. Cause I had A LOT of behavior issues in grade school linked to my adhd and they treated me the same way, so seeing this again just tore me apart. I just wanted to get away to a new boarding school as quickely as possible, but none would take me at the time except the therapeutic schools (which I was unaware of at the time). One that my parents looked into was Innercept in Idaho. I thought that would have the feel of a normal hs at a smaller scale, I was wrong. I don't even count Innercept as a school, more like a foster home for kids that have been abandoned. I was scared, they took away alot of my thinks that I took with me to keep me occupied and calm, it helped to cope being away from home from the first time.

 As my parents left me there them and myself felt very woried. They immediatly took control of my life, the goal sessions every morning were pointless cause they never did anything, we had a nutrition policy that made no sense, we had to balance our diet to score point on our chart even if we didn't like certain foods and it was charted through out the week (This would ONLY make sense at a fat camp a.k.a no one had weight problems in the program). Academics were a joke at Innercept, the school day was really short and all we did was sit at a table in a conference room and did work they handed out to us for 2 hours. There were no lectures and we didn't even have teachers. After a few days of hell, I wanted to go home but the staff said that the shortest time anyone could stay was 3 months minimum with the kids taunting me saying it's a year-round school which REALLY SCARED ME. As the week went on, I began having more and more panic attacks fearing that I would stay here until I graduated from hs and would miss out on everything High School related that's once in a life time (like sports, homecoming, prom, and senior trips/pictures) and get very poorly prepared for college that it would be out of the question. The staff sent me to NIBH for three days of phsychological evaluation a.k.a the worst case of cabin fever. That's when my dad picked me up and sent me to an RTC in my home state which was far more abusive.

I think that they should have that therapeutic intervention at innercept available via home schooling (which sadly doesn't exist in most states)  where they feel more comfortable with their family and WITH a licensed phsycholigist and educator. At Innercept and that other RTC I don't recall being with a single licensed psychologist. After summer break I went to a REAL boarding school I had to overcome a lot of shyness brought on by mental torture at that rtc following Innercept. It's just a fraudulent place that doesn't deserve to exist.
So... what was the name of that RTC, and the "REAL boarding school" that you finally got sent to?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Goddess of Justice

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Re: My Tale: A Story of NIBH, Innercept, and Ascent
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2012, 08:02:00 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
So... what was the name of that RTC, and the "REAL boarding school" that you finally got sent to?

The RTC was a Brown Schools facility in San Marcos, TX (now owned by PSI) I stayed there for three months, I was lucky to graduate before summer break was over. The new boarding school (who's name and location I prefer not to tell) was a small college prep boarding school of around 50 students that focuses on LD and ADHD. I was also severely limited to the number of boarding schools my family could choose from. Mainly that was due to my records at Innercept, NIBH, and SMTC that many didn't like, or the fear that the new boarding school would be another horrible mistake like at Innercept. Innercept was only a mistake not because they didn't understand my needs and interests, it's because they were a VERY sheltered and controlling program that only cared about making money and lied about everything me and my parents hoped for. When my dad realized this and my desperate pleas to leave, he pulled me out.

My recommendation is when looking for a boarding school, find one that has things you're both academic and activities that your interested in and MAKE SURE THEY ARE TELLING THE EXACT TRUTH!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
For owners of such programs, we celebrate your lives being destroyed. Because you destroyed theirs...