Author Topic: And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...  (Read 1624 times)

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Offline Antigen

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And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...
« on: August 03, 2003, 06:52:00 PM »
Or was that two wolves and a lamb figuring out what to have for lunch?

"Democrat Sues 20-Year-Old Freedom-Fighter"

BTW, ever look at the Chinese zodiac? I was reading it to my kids the other night out to dinner. We come to the end of the first one an find instruction to marry a sheep or an ox. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's not legal in this country, is it? Ok, ok, maybe in parts of Kentucky.

I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.

--Clarence Darrow

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2003, 10:28:00 PM »
One of the reasons that 9/11 happened  is that Clinton hamstringed the CIA with the help of
Congress & particularly a Congressman from N.J. whose name escapes me at the moment. They made a rule that the CIA couldn't have any dealings with
anyone who was a criminal or terrorist or any kind of unsavory character. This was partially due to the fact that the CIA had done done questionable things. However, the unsavory characters are the ones on the inside who can
give us the information to abort things like 9/11. In addition, Clinton was offered Bin Laden more than once during his presidency.  Both times he refused. But when 9/11 occurred, Clinton said he immediately knew it was Bin Laden. On the other side, Bin Laden perceived us as weak, because we did nothing when he first bombed the World Trade Center, and when he directed the slaughter of our soldiers in Mogadishu (dragged their naked bodies through the streets).
The best I can ascertain about the reason we're particularly hated by Bin Laden is---Saudi Arabia, where he is from, is ruled autocratically by a family of sheiks. The rest of the population is poor and has no say in the gov't.  There is a lot of unrest, and the fundamentalists were chaffing against the sheiks, whom they see as corrupt. The sheiks, to save their own power (and skins) have contributed in many ways to any movement that diverts their subjects away from wanting to overthrow them, and helps redirect it to aggression against the western countries.  European leaders have accepted large immigration of Arabs into their countries. They vote in some, but cause lots of trouble in others.  Countries like France and Germany are afraid of their own populations of Arabs. Afraid that if they help the US too much, they will face riots in the streets at home. An additional reason Bin Laden hates us is that the Muslim  holy city is Mecca, in Saudi Arabia.  The Saudis have let us use an air base there. Muslims consider this having infidels in their holy city. Their view of religion is much like the medieval crusader/Inquisition attitude of Christianity in the Middle Ages. As someone once said (don't think this one was Churchill): More atrocities have been committed in the name of religion
It's never simple.  We've made some mistakes.  On the other hand, they're crazy. Imagine your worst fundamentalist Christian with literalist
interpretations of the bible. Then raise him in a society where they stone women, mutilate people, and publicly execute them for rather small infractions. Then give them money, safe havens in several countries, and other countries that are naive on the one hand and afraid on the other.
Then realize that they think their religion not only permits them to kill innocent people, but tells them to, and will reward them for it.
On top of that, there is the Yankee syndrome (my invention). Know why everybody hates the Yankees?  Because they are the best, and they are at the top. Everyone has to hate the one at the top, because that makes them feel that they don't deserve it, even if they are the best. We don't like anyone who is better. We have to cut them down somehow. It goes on and on. The Homeland Security thing bothers me too. Not as much
as smallpox, but it bothers me. It has a date when it will expire, unless Congress specifically extends it. That makes me feel a little better...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline anon

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And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2003, 12:37:00 PM »
Isaiah 11 vs 6
In that day, the wolf and lamb will lie down together, the leopard and goats will be at peace. Calves and fat cattle will be safe amoung lions, and a little child shall lead them all.

The Lion and the Lamb are two prophetic symbols of the Messiah; the suffering Lamb; and the conquering Lion.

And now about Kentucky - its not sheep and ox we're known to marry; but rather our cousins.
However there is a local joke -
What do you call a man standing on the st corner in Shepherdsville, holding a couple of sheep?
A Pimp.

That having been said - I have never seen a sheep around here, tho there are a number of goats. I myself keep Donkeys.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2003, 03:06:00 PM »
On 2003-08-03 19:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

On the other hand, they're crazy. Imagine your worst fundamentalist Christian with literalist
interpretations of the bible. Then raise him in a society where they stone women, mutilate people, and publicly execute them for rather small infractions. Then give them money, safe havens in several countries, and other countries that are naive on the one hand and afraid on the other.
Then realize that they think their religion not only permits them to kill innocent people, but tells them to, and will reward them for it.

Then set up and protect rulers over them who live in unimaginable luxury while their people starve. When the people try to rise up and take down those rulers or to cut off their supplies or to garner influence with our powerful empire, bomb the living shit out of their tents. Not only that, but use "depleted" uranium weapons that will poison their once fertile lands for generations. Just for good measure, set up a military state for their age-old enemies and give them a local population to abuse very publicly, just to make an example for the rest.

They don't hate us because we're the best. They hate us because they are litterate enough to read "MADE IN USA" stenciled on the side of all those munitions and military compounds. If you really want to do something to combat the influence of Arab people in our society, here's a suggestion. Look carefully at every official document in your posession; most especially any Federal bank notes, bonds, certificates or financial documents.

If you know what to look for, you'll find that most, if not all, are embellished with Arabic symbols. These symbols are not added after manufacture and do not denote counterfeit documents by most definitions of the word "counterfeit", but are cleverly woven into the official design of our documents, usually near the corners of the smaller sized ones.

If you find any such documents in your posession, send them to the following address for disposal.

People for the Erradication of Arabic Influence
P.O. Box 67
Monessen, PA 15062


Life may have no meaning.  Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove.' target='_new'>Ashleigh Brilliant

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Froderik

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And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2003, 09:59:00 AM »
Some inferences after reading that skull & bones stuff that was posted here (well, you know, linked to): It seems that just because a DEMOCRAT was in office, doesn't mean shit. In other words, things are orchestrated by the ultra-wealthy kings of the global frontier, the trilateral commission, etc. and it don't make ONE DAMN BIT OF DIFFERENCE what puppet they trot out for us to make us think that things are "changing". Does anyone think that this is an overstatement? Before you answer, go read that skull & bones stuff - skully and then have your say. Let's look further beyond rep. and dem. because that's a smokescreen. Yes, the Reagan/Bush REGIME is an obvious evil. But it goes DEEPER THAN THAT.  :cool:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2003, 10:41:00 AM »
The sheiks, to save their own power (and skins) have contributed in many ways to any movement that diverts their subjects away from wanting to overthrow them, and helps redirect it to aggression against the western countries.

This seems to make sense...

An additional reason Bin Laden hates us is that the Muslim holy city is Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis have let us use an air base there. Muslims consider this having infidels in their holy city.

Ok, I don't doubt this...

Then realize that they think their religion not only permits them to kill innocent people, but tells them to, and will reward them for it.
On top of that, there is the Yankee syndrome (my invention). Know why everybody hates the Yankees? Because they are the best, and they are at the top. Everyone has to hate the one at the top, because that makes them feel that they don't deserve it, even if they are the best. We don't like anyone who is better. We have to cut them down somehow. It goes on and on.

One could argue that western religion also condones and encourages killing in the name of the Lord. Take the missionaries, for instance who went into South America and raised hell with the natives there. But these Muslim zealots are ALSO crazy. What should we do, sit back and wait and see what happens to us next? Yes indeed, our gov't has fucked up big time in the past, but SO WHAT?? What are we gonna do NOW? When 911 first happened, I was wishing that we'd just fuckin' NUKE those fuckers and let that be that...since then my hatred has mellowed a bit. I think $87 billion is extravagant. It probably is. I'm no war expert. Again, where do we, as a nation, go from HERE? Not "well we shouldn't have...blah, blah, blah" but "WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?!?!?!?  :eek:  :???:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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And the lion shall lay down with the lamb...
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2003, 03:47:00 PM »
Froderick, I agree with you completely. Not a nickle's worth of difference!

Also, not a whole lot of difference between the various theologies, imo. Sorry to all you good Christians who might take offense. But it has been my experience that religion is a potent and potentially dangerous, mind altering "drug". I've known devout Muslims who I would trust with my life and that of my kids and I've known Christians and Jews who are some pretty damned scary people!

Why are we killing thousands of people in Columbia and Bolivia right now? Oh, you didn't know we were killing people in Columbia and Bolivia? Here, read up on it at Narco News

I do believe that the folks calling the shots at SOCOM are in it for the same thing they're always interested in; geopolitical strategy. But most good Christian Americans are just not buying wars of conquest these days, so they don't sell it as such. Instead, they sell it as a war on certain drugs most hated by the religion addicts among us.

As de dawg chases his tail... :roll:

Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will [America's] heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.

--John Quincy Adams, Speech to the U.S. House of Representatives [July 4, 1821]

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes