Author Topic: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work  (Read 1913 times)

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Offline wdtony

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Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« on: December 09, 2008, 04:24:23 PM »
These ar some exerpts of the article, not the entire article itself. I didn't know if it was posted anywhere else, I think this is good to present as evidence.

Confrontation in Addiction Treatment

Feature Articles - Treatment Strategies or Protocols  

Written by William R. Miller, PhD and William White, MA    

Thursday, 04 October 2007  ..............................

Destructive Rehabs

Early claims of the superior effectiveness of confrontation and counterclaims that it was ineffective and potentially harmful relied primarily on statement of opinion buttressed by anecdotes. With the emergence of more science-grounded treatment approaches in the 1980s and 1990s came studies that began to tip the scales of this debate. Two recent reports, however, suggest that confrontation still has its proponents. A 2001 study on staff attitudes toward addiction treatment found that 46 percent of those surveyed agreed that “confrontation should be used more” (Forman, Bavasso & Woody, 2001); and a 2004 ethnographic survey of adolescent addiction treatment in the United States commonly encountered programs that were “explicitly designed to demean and humiliate” (Currie, 2004).    

Scientific evidence on confrontation

As the preceding history reflects, the use of confrontation in addiction treatment was based not in science, but in a confluence of cultural factors and personalities. It was primarily an American phenomenon, with very limited diffusion to other nations. We turn now to a review of relevant science on the outcomes of confrontational therapies and their conceptual underpinnings.

Efficacy of confrontational counseling

Some of the first data on the effects of confrontational counseling came not from substance abuse treatment, but from research on the more general outcomes of encounter groups. Few differences or beneficial effects were found across a range of different encounter group styles.  There was one style of group leader, however, who stood out from all the rest, and did so by producing an uncommonly high level of harmful outcomes: the aggressive confrontational leader.
The clearest evidence, however, regarding the efficacy of a treatment (or lack thereof) comes from random zed clinical trials, a number of which have specifically focused on confrontational therapies. The earliest of these was conducted in an inpatient alcoholism treatment facility near Bergen, Norway, where 46 patients were randomly assigned to receive or not receive an intensive “encounter group” experience in addition to treatment as usual. Contrary to prediction, no significant difference was observed in drinking outcomes at six months, with the control group showing a slightly higher abstinence rate.

In the first U.S. randomized trial, which was conducted in Mississippi (P.M. Miller, Hersen, Eisler & Hemphill, 1973), confrontational group therapy was used as a comparison group in a study of aversion therapy. Men in inpatient treatment for alcoholism.showed no better outcomes when assigned to confrontational therapy, versus electric shock aversion therapy.

Another randomized trial compared behavioral group therapy with a confrontational group designed to trigger insight . The dropout rate was four times higher from the confrontational group, and even among treatment completers there was no significant difference in outcomes, with the direction favoring the behavioral group. In a small study, MacDonough  similarly compared outcomes for alcoholism patients on a behavioral (token economy) ward versus those in intensive confrontational therapy. Contrary to prediction, the improvement rates were 50 percent and 0 percent, respectively. A randomized trial in Australia found no outcome differences between those treated by a seven-week “didactic, confrontational approach” versus a minimal intervention consisting of a single session of advice.

In a Canadian study, 100 adult offenders with substance use disorders were randomly assigned to routine institutional treatment or an intensive eight-week confrontational group therapy. Overall, the added confrontational therapy group produced no better outcomes than those of the control group receiving institutional treatment as usual. There was evidence, however, that offenders with low self-esteem were differentially harmed by the confrontational therapy, showing higher rates of recidivism when placed in this treatment.

A quasi-experimental study  compared outcomes for inpatients receiving “a combination of persuasion, health education and gentle confrontation” versus a group of patients referred elsewhere (primarily to medical care) because admissions to the inpatient unit were temporarily closed. No significant differences in drinking outcomes were reported, but treated patients had significantly more rehospitalizations than did referred patients. A nonsignificant trend indicated more deaths in the referred group.

Two inpatient alcohol treatment programs were compared in a randomized clinical trial with 137 older patients treated at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Dallas, Texas (Kashner, Rodell, Ogden, Guggenheim & Darson, 1992). One was run by empathic staff and emphasized the development of self-esteem. The comparison traditional care program emphasized confrontation of patients with past failures and current problems. At 12-month follow-up, those treated in former program showed an abstinence rate more than double that for patients treated in the confrontational program.

Two reports evaluated a 15-hour “DWI therapy workshop” that used “confrontation to develop personal awareness” (Swenson & Clay, 1980; Swenson, Struckman-Johnson, Ellingstad, Clay & Nichols, 1981). Over 18 months of follow-up, there were no significant differences in outcomes for offenders randomly assigned to the DWI therapy workshop, as compared with an untreated control group given home-study alcohol education materials.  

Another clinical trial directly compared confrontational versus client-centered counseling styles. Problem drinkers were randomly assigned to one of these two therapeutic styles, both of which were delivered by the same counselors. Those assigned to the client-centered condition showed larger reduction in alcohol use (69 percent vs. 41 percent), although with a small sample this difference was not statistically significant. Because the same counselors delivered both styles and differed in their skillfulness in doing so, the authors analyzed audiotapes of counseling sessions to study what was actually done in counseling. They discovered that a single therapist response predicted how much clients were drinking a year later ( r = .65): the more the counselor confronted, the more the client drank.


Reviewing four decades of treatment outcome research, we found no persuasive evidence for a therapeutic effect of confrontational interventions with substance use disorders. This was not for lack of studies. A large body of trials found no therapeutic effect relative to control or comparison treatment conditions, often contrary to the researchers’ expectations. Several have reported harmful effects including increased drop-out, elevated and more rapid relapse, and higher DWI recidivism. This pattern is consistent across a variety of confrontational techniques tested. In sum, there is not and never has been a scientific evidence base for the use of confrontational therapies.

Check out the entire article:

source: ... d=42&gl=us
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Pathway Family Center Truth =

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 05:29:45 PM »

No way! Ya gotta be kidding! Whats next, "Tough Love" actually causes more damage than if the individual was left alone. Say it aint so. Bone breaking sobriety, fear based serenity and belitteling, berating empathy brings no results? What the hell?

But seriously, we knew this all along. It's a shame, but too our benifit that there is scientific (sp) evidence and actually concerned scientist that had a hunch, found the funding and the backing to proceed in thier research. I havent read the entire article as posted by wdTony with reference URL....But I for one say that the authors of the report, William R. Miller, PhD and William White, MA , should at least get a Thank You...Christmas Card...Birthday Card or something. Perhaps they would like to further thier research n the Long Term efects of such snake oil "therapies".

Thanks for the post!

Much Healing
In Peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2008, 07:29:59 PM »
Quote from: "wdtony"
These ar some exerpts of the article, not the entire article itself. I didn't know if it was posted anywhere else, I think this is good to present as evidence.

Confrontation in Addiction Treatment

Feature Articles - Treatment Strategies or Protocols  

Written by William R. Miller, PhD and William White, MA    

Thursday, 04 October 2007  ..............................

Right. Ursus also posted this three days ago. Hm.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wdtony

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2008, 10:50:13 PM »
See, I figured it was already posted. My bad to Ursus, I don't have the time to get to all the threads on here. I just ran across this when I was doing a search so I thought it looked important enough to go on here. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Pathway Family Center Truth =

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2008, 08:54:06 AM »
Finally read entire article. Strong, strong, strong support for what most if not all of us already know, from first hand experieance.

One paragraph stood out and struck me profoundly. Quick back ground---Betty Sembler was once asked that an apology be made to the thousands that suffered while incarcerated at various Straight Inc warehouses, to which she responded...."You just need to get over it"

This paragraph toward the end of the article said--

"American addiction treatment took an aberrant detour and went far afield with confronting in aggressive and even cruel ways. This created a self-fulfilling cycle, whereby clients became defensive, thus reinforcing the belief that still more forceful confrontation was required. It is time to conduct a historical self-inventory of such practices, admit that these practices were ill-chosen, end their use, make amends where we can to those injured by such practices, and embrace different practices that are more effective and more respectful. There is now a strong science base for addiction treatment, and a related menu of evidence-based treatment methods that provide ample alternatives ."

The article is choke full of evidence, scientific evidence, history of confrontational theraphy's....How can anyone argue facts observed over decades of research, by multuple researchers with compiled statistical evidence. The paragraph pulled from the article suggests "make amends where we can to those injured by such practices".

The article, with all do respect is writen by those who did not endure what we did, mearly observers. We however were direct recipiants of such bullshit. After reading the entire article, and knowing the scores of researchers dedicated to this study...we are not simply disgruntled, marginalized individuals with an axe to grind...No! We are human beings damaged by the practices of Straight Inc that were finacially draining to our families, insurance companies and to our own identities.

Before I thought it would be nice to hear the Semblers to apologize, just simply say, "we were wrong, our intentions were good (debateable), but we were wrong...and we offer our sincer apologies". Now? I feel entitled to an apology...I demand an apology. Historically, and scientifically Straight Inc. was proven wrong. The Semblers were proven wrong historically and scientifically. I dont expect it to actually happen, yet it brings about a sense of entitlement that I always tettered on. Now, I am convinced and have scientifically documented proof.

We, the Survivors may have no legal recourse. But now we have abundant proof along with other supporting evidence. What happened to us was wrong. If the Semblers are such pillars of the community and such up standing members of our community....representing our country in other countries...then they must be upstanding enough to admit, they were wrong and what they encouraged was wrong. I want a public apology and a plan to cease and desist such progaganda/practice that supports the use of coercion and confrontational therapy. If not...I consider them domestic terrorist, willfully and wantonly destroying peoples lives. Simple as that.

Much Healing
In Peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Froderik

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2008, 10:14:14 AM »
Quote from: "Woof-a-Doof"
I want a public apology and a plan to cease and desist such progaganda/practice that supports the use of coercion and confrontational therapy. If not...I consider them domestic terrorist, willfully and wantonly destroying peoples lives. Simple as that.
This is a reasonable outlook; I never thought of it quite like this, but they ARE domestic terrorists, simple as that!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dr. Miller Newton

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Confrontational Therapy Works If You Work It Correctly
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2008, 10:52:54 AM »
BULLSHIT!!!! Where do you druggie ingrates get off????!!!????  LAMBASTING A PROVEN, EFFECTIVE,THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUE!!!!!  When I read that article written by those quacks, I was nauseated that someone would have the temerity to endanger our kids by trying to discredit and eliminate the one technique that has proven effective at dealing with no-good druggie adolescents and getting them STRAIGHT!!!!  No wonder you all are on the road to JAILS, INSTITUTIONS, AND DEATH!!!!!  If you spent a quarter of the effort working your program as you do trying to undermine it, you would be doing well.  Instead, you keep pointing the finger and playing the blame game.  You know you did the NECESSARY THINGS wind up on front row, so don't give me any of that namby-pamby, crybaby BULLSHIT!Now.....

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Teenage Drug Use Is A Disease

Offline udneverbelieve

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2008, 05:13:27 PM »
was that last post a joke
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2008, 06:25:18 PM »
Quote from: "udneverbelieve"
was that last post a joke

Dark humor...

Much Healing
In Peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline udneverbelieve

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2008, 09:28:19 PM »
the kinda humor that will probably haunt my children
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Re: Confrontational Therapy Doesn't Work
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2008, 05:42:19 AM »
Quote from: "udneverbelieve"
the kinda humor that will probably haunt my children

Children will inherit the fears (haunts) of thier parents. Bring the "hauntings" into the sunshine, confront the fears. To quote CSNY..."Teach your children well"

Much Healing
In Peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right