Author Topic: 60% of the time it works every time....  (Read 1614 times)

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Offline dishdutyfugitive

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60% of the time it works every time....
« on: November 06, 2008, 10:14:25 AM »
Mainstream news is driving me crazy. They need to be regulated.

I'm already sick of hearing about 'how far we've come' by electing Obama.

I heard a statistic earlier today that approximately 75% of african americans in california voted yes on prop 8.


We're not racist anymore


we do hate another segment of the population?

I'm also the first person to round up or round down and generalize. But the man isn't black. His mother is lilly white. He's a human being for fuck's sake.

            Seperation of church and state.

I'll bet the mormons got a boner when they read this article yesterday.

a Somali stoned to death by Islamist militants after she had been accused of adultery was a 13-year-old girl who had been raped while visiting her grandmother ... ref=slogin

If the mormons were left unchecked they'd start resurrecting their fundamentalist principles.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deprogrammed

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Re: 60% of the time it works every time....
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 08:48:39 PM »
Quote from: "dishdutyfugitive"
Mainstream news is driving me crazy. They need to be regulated.

I'm already sick of hearing about 'how far we've come' by electing Obama.

I heard a statistic earlier today that approximately 75% of african americans in california voted yes on prop 8.


We're not racist anymore


we do hate another segment of the population?

I'm also the first person to round up or round down and generalize. But the man isn't black. His mother is lilly white. He's a human being for fuck's sake.

            Seperation of church and state.

I'll bet the mormons got a boner when they read this article yesterday.

a Somali stoned to death by Islamist militants after she had been accused of adultery was a 13-year-old girl who had been raped while visiting her grandmother ... ref=slogin

If the mormons were left unchecked they'd start resurrecting their fundamentalist principles.

OMG DISh, I sooooooooooooooooooo agree with you.
Unfortunately, though my segment of the population has been hated for a very long time, and as I hate to see it continue in America it sadly still does.
Ridiculous, but true.

Hate towards gay and homosexual oriented peoples has become so mainstream in our society it has become utterly synonymous with the word and meaning of stupid , apparently.
I tried to educate a brother human being about this very fact a few weeks ago, and unfortunately it was to no avail. Let me explain a little further. This person thought that as my friend that it was ok to say the word "gay" around me in a way that would give the word "gay" the meaning of stupid or dumb or unworthy. Example: If something displeases this person sometimes they will say, "That's gay!", or "That is soooo Gay!". This is what I mean by mainstream hatred for LGBT people. I realized at that moment with this particular person that hatred for me , and my people is literally sown into the fabric of our society. I already knew this to be true and very obvious but it really hit me that night and made my resolve even stronger to correct that person, assert myself to that person, and stand up for not letting the seeds of society win on this issue any longer. I simply voiced to my friend that it bothered me  when people say that because it is pitting "Gay" synonymously with being stupid. I also voiced that as my friend that I expected them to respect that and to please not say that around me. Well, I thought this person was my friend and that they would surely oblige. They didn't. I was hurt and still am but not just by them, but particularly by the hatred that they represent, the hatred that society breeds about "people like us", "people like me".  Instead of being a good friend to me and obliging I was forced to listen to  an approximately 45 minute rant on why this person (claims to be hetero) should not have to, and is not going to change their behavior regarding this issue, mainly b/c I was trapped in their car until they dropped me off at my house.
When and where does it end?  When will it ever stop? I surely do not know. One thing I do know is this: If the fabric is to ever be unwound on this issue then it is the little things like this example that need to stop and stop for good. These little things add up, and are what not only breeds but also makes up the fabric of hatred in America and elsewhere.


p.s. that poor 13 yr old girl! That is simply just fucking disgusting isn't it? Now that makes me sick as hell!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline iamartsy

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Re: 60% of the time it works every time....
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2008, 03:07:31 AM »
Dish and DP thanks for the posts. I generally am too afraid of religious right sermons to confront someone on their gender opposition issues. When I moved back to Texas 12 years ago, I was quite open about my gender orientation. Following one too many confrontations and conversion sermons, I withdrew.

While I was being withdrawn I asked a black hygienist at the dentist's office who she had voted for and she said Bush (this was 2004). I looked at her and said, "What???". She said that her daughter had the same reaction, but she voted for President Bush since he opposed gay marriage. Mind you she was always playing with my hair when I went in and telling me how much she loved it. Forgive me, but I usually vote a number of issues (health care, civil unions, foreign affairs, energy conservation, and the like) One day I had enough. I told the office manager, that I was sure it was quite obvious I am a lesbian and that I no longer wanted that hygienist to work with me on my teeth. I said I could not deal with her closed mindedness on gay issues, and that I did not like her always touching my hair and running her hands through it. I said that the hygienist probably had some issues of her own to work on.

That hygienist is now relegated to another part of the office until when I am there. I felt guilty initially, but now I am glad I spoke and out.

As for the little girl, I am sorry to hear that is happening again. In this case the parents tried to do right by the teenager, instead of blaming the little girl, and it resulted in death. So sad when you think of the number of kids who tell their parents and the parents accuse them of lying.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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Re: 60% of the time it works every time....
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2008, 10:40:16 AM »
That's kind of steamy in a way.

The thought of a dentist getting all sensual in modern day barber shop fashion.

I'm glad you opened your mouth and stood up for yourself. However, I think there was a chance she would have eventually invited you out for dinner and drinks. Or she would have at least invited your hair out for drinks and heavy petting.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline iamartsy

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Re: 60% of the time it works every time....
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2008, 02:21:06 PM »
It was steamy, yet she protested too much. She was a born again Christian so I doubt she would have asked me out. If she had asked me out, it would have been for one of those lovely conversion sermons. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. Nice fantasy though and she it cute, I do worry about her braces.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »