Author Topic: Cedu Synanon Reading list  (Read 1498 times)

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Cedu Synanon Reading list
« on: October 28, 2008, 02:18:11 PM »
For your interest, if you can stomach it!

reading the histories of Synanon, I find every parallel -

the format - raps, agreements, ‘cleaning up resentments/anger’/etc, with someone, the screaming, crying, self-annihilating therapies, the all-night, multi-day wearing-away-at-self ‘experiential’ cultish, quasi-religious invented ‘therapy’ experiences -

the invasive, abusive, denigrative tone of even normal conversations, and the absolutely insane level of personal cruelty exhibited in the ‘game’ (cedu’s ‘raps’)

and even the language - ’splitting,’ ‘contracts,’ and then the readings lifted from Khalil Gibran and R.W. Emerson, (de-contextualized and inappropriately applied to the nonsense we were experiencing).

I’m now reading these books, which I can recommend for your investigations. These two are from former inmates, and critical of the program: ... 0913300543 ... 375&sr=1-3

These three are from outsiders ("squares") visiting the program, circa 1961/62, who seek to validate the program. They describe, in some detail, the major abuses  (games/synanons - our 'raps'), but seem to think that this torment and torture - and obvious abuse, violation of rights, and the chronic use of cult programing methods - are somehow 'good' for the inmates - ... 374&sr=8-5 ... 374&sr=8-2 ... 458&sr=8-1

And, again, Synanon was a place, absolutely and without a doubt, for people who were nearly dead and badly beaten by chronic heroin use/street prostitution/violence, etc, etc.

So, welcome to Cedu? Wecome 16 year old slightly depressed high schoolers with divorced parents and no emotional support? 15 year old showing a predisposition to alcohol addiction? 14 year old ritalin kids who were beaten up in the 6th grade a few times? 17 year old lovelorn girl threatening to run away with boyfriend (because of a desire to get away from creepy parents and molesting uncles?) Welcome to Cedu? Yes, indeed.

In reading the many descriptions and long citations from Charles E. Dederich, I can hear very clearly the words, language, tone and the vicious, unyielding invasiveness of a Rudy Bentz, Guy Bonanno, Jill Bentz, Pam Abell (when she was playing this 'game'), etc. It's all there - programmatic. Like these idiots moved to a mountaintop and found themselves in these absolute positions of power, with a script to operate from, and in a short course, they were 'walking the walk... talking the talk...' and beating the snot out of kids, for personal catharsis and profit.

Check out the reading, very interesting, sure to provoke thoughts, and a few bad dreams.

ps - and a 1985 CBS Movie of the Week on the slightly fictionalized collapse of Synanon - (it looks soft-boiled at best, but, might be worth seeing for research purposes). ... wanted=all
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Synanon Reading list - addendum 1
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2008, 07:38:57 PM »
More Synanon terms:

Dishpan (Dinner Dishes).

Splitting, splittee.


"You can't do that here/ We don't do that here" (ie - homosexuality, other taboo human functions).

Processes that stayed while terms changed:

"synanons/game" = Cedu raps - and feature, at Synanon, wild, incredible, near-fabricated exaggertions of a persons negative intentions, beliefs, rationale, thoughts, and actions  - exaggerate the negative was key. Again, it's necessary to remember that the Synanites were heavy and recalcitrant major drug addicts, thieves, prostitutes, degenerates, criminals, etc. (It's important to remember that the kids at Cedu were not).

"haircuts" - these we called simply, "getting blown away." Could happen in or out of raps, in the staff office, in any family room, or out on a work assignment.

Public humiliation was key - the center of the experience. This was the cornerstone of the Synanon - and Cedu - experience. Public exaggeration of a person's deficits, or real (or imagined/invented) bad behavior.

The central therapy of Synanon was constant, chronic and inescapable immense public ridicule ("synanons"), in which real hatred would be leveled from person to person, group to person, person to group, and back again - this was constant, chronic, inescapable, and never-ending.

There was a secondary kind of group ridicule, this from a larger group to one individual. At Cedu, we had to do this in various raps, propheets, etc; it was generally called "receiving feedback"; no argument was permitted. In Synanon, it was called, in Dederich-speak "haircuts" - where the verbal denigration was sometimes accompanied by literal head-shaving.

Charles E. Dederich: Read the books for his biography - Barely reforming alcoholic with eating disorder, massive phobias, and some apparent narcissistic disorders, penchants for peer-abuse and verbal cruelty and psychological violence, with little, very little, precious little, and mostly erroneous understanding of human development, or biology of addiction.

While in A.A. and suffering from various phobias, he reads a few lines of R.W. Emerson, immediately quits his job, and starts, with a couple other A.A. members, his new 'school', his cult, his religion - which found not insignificant support among some, (but not all) rather permissive and probably desperate, or easily persuaded, or charmed, or bullied, or impressed, liberal psychologists in the 1960s.

One gets the clear sense, reading these dated histories, that what was available for drug rehab was little to nothing ... we are somewhat more humane dealing with major addiction today, but it's hit and miss. But to read the starry-eyed apologetics for the program by these few psychologists, or independent writers (listed in the previous post) is an exercise in open-jawed disbelief. What is being described is so cruel, and so invasive, and so unregulated, and based so much on a sort of ramshackle, wildly-unstable 'strongman' patriarchal tribal hierarchy - you just can't believe that these folks thought this would really work as a genuine, lasting therapeutic solution to what some of these people were doing.

Find these books in your local library, and read the tales of the early Synanites. Those who went through Cedu will recognize the distasteful, home-grown, illogical, insane, exaggerated, grotesque, bullying, isolating, humiliating aspects of the program.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Synanon Reading list
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2008, 02:11:18 PM »
More Synanon Terms carried over to Cedu:

* Cerebration

* WAM (walking around money - a couple dollars)

* Make an indictment (in the Game (Raps))

Find William Olin's "Escape from Utopia - My 10 Years at Synanon" for a very very good recollection of the place and its philosophy/activities.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cedu Synanon Reading list
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 10:48:29 AM »
More Synanon terms/ideas transferred to Cedu:

* "The Floor" (as opposed to the 'game' or raps)

* "Pull-ups, pulling someone up" - walking up to a fellow prisoner and telling them what they're doing wrong - the expected result is absolute compliance... followed by a -

* "Request" to be in that persons next 'game'/rap. Rap requests were done at Synanon too.

* "Dirt" "Being Dirty" - having a contract, or something not in line with the major rules (did they call them 'agreements?', don't know), at Synanon - NO  DRUGS, NO VIOLENCE, LIMITED or CONTROLLED SEX.

The Synanon "Trip" is a pre-cursor to the Cedu Propheets. Synanon used Kahlil Gibran, as well as R.W. Emerson - the "Trip" was a 2-day series of raps, naps, confessions, experientials - all locked in a room, stripped of normal clothing, watches, etc, made to wear a kind of robe or pajama, sitting in a circle, making multiple confessions, having long, all night raps, ending in bleary exhaustion, delusion, hallucination... The "Trip" ends in a massive release into the main population, who greet the "Trippers" with adulation, song, hugs, tears, music, and a kind of spiritual worship...

Find this and more in William Olin's "Escape from Utopia - My Ten  Years at Synanon," a useful reference for those doing research into these various programs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »