Author Topic: Fly on the Wall  (Read 1922 times)

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Fly on the Wall
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:13:48 AM »
Facebook group Hyde Bath (We're hardcore damnit)'s Wall, all thats there, an btw theres hyde fac on the memberlist so no surprises posting it here

James Young (Rhodes) wrote
at 9:55am on September 20th, 2006
If yall have any good pictures, post them. I hope yall are all doing well. Be Good.


Genya Cole (Frostburg) wrote
at 11:42am on September 20th, 2006
thats some intense studying, a bit too intense

James Young (Rhodes) wrote
at 11:43am on September 21st, 2006
Micheal James, from South Cackalacka, likes drinkin urine tainted moonshine, cow tippin and sleepin with his once removed relatives.

James Young (Rhodes) wrote
at 7:34pm on September 21st, 2006
Dude have I ever told you how I fucked your mom while she was bent over Mr. Hurds desk

Ross DeAngelis (Colorado) wrote
at 1:15pm on September 22nd, 2006
fuckin crazy hyde kids

Ty Saez (New Hampshire) wrote
at 6:19pm on September 23rd, 2006
id agree

Tip Nolan (Springfield) wrote
at 11:06am on September 24th, 2006
Hyde was so intense...Who's going back for that october (?) thing??

Simon Robinson (HWS) wrote
at 10:30pm on September 24th, 2006
I can't make it...I think I will be in school. Does anyone know when that January alumni weekend thing is?

Justin DuBuisson (Trinity U) wrote
at 2:12am on September 25th, 2006
October thing? January thing? You know, the website probably has something about those things posted.

Ty Saez (New Hampshire) wrote
at 5:07pm on September 27th, 2006
remember darius mopshphegg anyone??

Josh Benson (Roger Williams) wrote
at 3:04pm on September 28th, 2006
wasnt darius comatose on lithium?

Dan Rush (Hyde) wrote
at 4:19pm on October 7th, 2006
I woke up one morning with Darius in my room, he was watching my room mate sleep... so any of you who sleep watch out, thats when Darius strikes!

Adam Antonelli (Colorado) wrote
at 12:41am on October 9th, 2006
hey the purple shouldn't be a writer

James Young (Rhodes) wrote
at 8:39pm on October 14th, 2006
If anyone has the picture of JD waking up to Areobic style Naked Wake-Up I will pay good money for a copy of it

Jay Cooper (Virginia Tech) wrote
at 4:22am on October 21st, 2006
Oliver is my protege... he will snort you idiots under the table, its good to hear from all you fuckers but my main concern is the well-being of PJ Komognan, does anyone know where he is or how to get in touch with him??

p.s. Paskell you were always one of a kind, much respect

Dave Stefl (West Chester) wrote
at 7:46am on October 29th, 2006
yeah I talked to PJ's mother at graduation...valez gots his number

Taylor Hills (Hyde) wrote
at 4:50pm on October 30th, 2006
YO who remembers latta Gliech eating shit off the bleachers landing on her face? were is will varn?

Josh Lambert (Scituate High School) wrote
at 8:55pm on November 2nd, 2006
i saw that shit or noah freemans mom just toppling over in the dining hall while just standing there.

Rachael Pheiffer (Goucher) wrote
at 3:59am on November 13th, 2006
The Recent Alumni thingy is from January 5th-7th and you motherfuckers better come!

Josh Lambert (Scituate High School) wrote
at 9:46pm on November 14th, 2006
Everyone will go they will just be fucked up like everyone was last year.

Rachael Pheiffer (Goucher) wrote
at 2:27pm on November 15th, 2006

Josh Lambert (Scituate High School) wrote
at 1:55pm on November 16th, 2006
Think as you please.

Alex Shapmandu Shapiro (Salt Lake City, UT) wrote
at 12:47am on November 18th, 2006
haha I wanna go to that shit. that would be funny as shit. any one there for when bragg threw that bitch hunter hellman down the hall of new dorm and out into the loung??? that bitch tried to call the cops.

Greg Pascale (Fairfield) wrote
at 7:36pm on November 27th, 2006
when cooper said "Paskell" was he referring to me or another kid i have never heard of

Josh Lambert (Scituate High School) wrote
at 1:30pm on December 1st, 2006
He was probably really really drunk?

Rachael Pheiffer (Goucher) wrote
at 9:22pm on December 11th, 2006
So who's actually coming to the reunion in January?

Adam Antonelli (Colorado) wrote
at 11:13am on December 21st, 2006
so i was planning on going to the reunion in anyone else going up?

James Young (Rhodes) wrote
at 10:57am on January 1st, 2007
I don't know if I am allowed back to one of those things

Michael J Mulligan (NESCOM) wrote
at 11:58pm on January 8th, 2007
yeah.. kinda missed it, got in around 3pm on Sat, most everyone had left...

Paul Kabatznick (University of Maine) wrote
at 1:34pm on March 2nd, 2007
hahaha, i'm finally here y'all! i bet you all thought i was dead or something, well, i am

Andrew Levick (Plymouth) wrote
at 9:11pm on March 11th, 2007
I dont know all of you,but for those that went to school while I was there,just wanted to let you know I am headed for Iraq soon, should find out this week. Hopefully I will get to see some of you guys before heading out. My email is on my Facebook page if anyone wants to keep in touch. For those that want it, my number is 603-724-5658. Take care all, and I Hope to return safe.

Paul Kabatznick (University of Maine) wrote
at 1:57pm on April 12th, 2007
I remember tommy wade taking a shit in betsy sigel's backpack, hahahaha, in a school bust mrs hurd called us "ravaging animals"

Ty Saez (New Hampshire) wrote
at 10:28pm on April 16th, 2007
i remember when the kid below this post fucked this big sweaty chick at tims after last hyde graduation

Rachel S (Trenton / Princeton, NJ) wrote
at 9:25am on June 13th, 2007
i wanted to come to graduation but i figured Hurds got a warrant out for my detainment for bullshitting him so bad. but yea, lol. as for the funny stories, my old roomate was caught stealing panties from me and the other girls on my wing. and then theres always sappy hiding cheese squares in her tits...or that ugly bitch that fucked herself with a rake on hyde cats are crazy.

James Finder (FSU) wrote
at 11:25am on June 13th, 2007
One word,


Alex Mendez (University of Vermont) wrote
at 10:01pm on June 13th, 2007
oral ejaculation
bathroom floor shit
deans area sink shit
jon clair's name in shit
earl bigelow
pills from india
i will not be confronted

Ian Brooks (New York, NY) wrote
at 2:51pm on June 17th, 2007

Hilary Helen Hamilton (Philadelphia, PA) wrote
at 11:30pm on June 18th, 2007
I miss everyone from school, I never got to say goodbye

Ellie Dominatricz (Washington, DC) wrote
at 9:22pm on June 23rd, 2007
two infamous words: BOY RESTRICTION!
aparently some of us don't talk to guys unless they're already unzipping their pants. and the girl bonding was amazing, there were very deep conversations about shoes, doing your hair, burberry, the movie mean girls. what more could could you possibly want in a friendship?

Hilary Helen Hamilton (Philadelphia, PA) wrote
at 12:02pm on June 26th, 2007
Boy restriction sucked

Weston Gouger (TCU) wrote
at 6:59am on July 9th, 2007
why is Randii Dicker putting Porn pictures up on Facebook

Kyle Jones (Houston, TX) wrote
at 11:02pm on July 29th, 2007
so hey, just joined. i went for one semester junior year if i know y'all and y'all remember me.... what's up? man i hated that school :(

Hilary Helen Hamilton (Philadelphia, PA) wrote
at 11:22pm on September 2nd, 2007
i absloutly hate it when people write about how they "hated" hyde...hyde fucking changed my adolescent life, even though i left my last year...But hyde was wonderful and still is, those fucking workouts make you or break you but you still grow positively. hyde kicked my ass as well as every other kid that went there, and it plans to kick more ass...hyde knows how to piss kids off, but when we all grow up we laugh about it and realize that it was all for the best...haha this is just my drunken rant about hyde so there last kid who posted who didnt really go to school there, you werent there long enough to appreciate it

Mirko Jurcan (East Bay, CA) wrote
at 2:58pm on September 11th, 2007
yo whoever is below me chill, how bout u give it some time before u make rash statements..dont get caught up in it, hde doesnt prepare u for real life, REAL life is not so nice , no one is realy ethical...fuck that shit, i smoke weed everyday so right there i am not "hyde" material....i mean it did have a postive impact on myself but hehehehe i just think ur funny....

Mirko Jurcan (East Bay, CA) wrote
at 2:58pm on September 11th, 2007
HYDE Bath Wrestling 2004- Baddest Muthafuckers Arounds!!!

Hilary Helen Hamilton (Philadelphia, PA) wrote
at 11:53pm on September 17th, 2007
yeah well i smoke weed also. I did not say it prepared me for real life at all, it stopped me from being an asshole teenager. (plus i was so intense cause i was pretty drunk)

Jaron Lewin-Berlin (UMass) wrote
at 3:25am on September 17th, 2007
Hyde Bath; Where I learned to read through people's bullshit Or How to Use Guilt as Leverage to Get Information out of Anyone

Michael Brown (Dallas / Fort Worth, TX) wrote
at 2:54pm on September 19th, 2007
Hyde was like a smack to the head, it fucking sucks but it knocked something loose, and you benefit from it.

Andy Peck (Hyde School) wrote
at 11:30pm on September 21st, 2007
Damn good way of putting it Mike, cept that i appriciated it a little more while a was there (a little, it does really make one uncomforable/ impossible to ever be comfortable almost)

Sverre Tysl (Sonoma) wrote
at 1:38am on October 19th, 2007
Love Hyde or hate it, but you can't deny that they use cult tactics to expose vunerable people in need of REAL spiritual guidance. They feed kids high-calorie low-nutrient food to make them sluggish, then run their asses rugged for 16 hours a day so they don't have energy to fight back. And THEN they mindfuck them in "seminar" and tell them their past past life was incorrect and that they must convert to be saved. that is they did at jonestown before all those poor people drank the punch. wake up!

Melody Bluck (East Bay, CA) wrote
at 4:09pm on November 6th, 2007

Rachel S (Trenton / Princeton, NJ) wrote
at 10:38am on November 18th, 2007
i cant agree more. it took me a long time after leaving hyde to be able to let loose and breathe. i was uptight and miserable because hyde taught me that even when you work hard for something and acheive your goal, its still not enough...nothing was EVER good enough. hyde ISNT real life, in fact, its the farthest thing from real life ive ever experience. many people say hyde changed their life for the better, and i will not deny that i became a stronger, more mature person and a better student as well, it wasnt the school that made me into that person. it was my own personal will to persevere and not BREAK. i watched many amazing, wonderful people break under the pressure, guilt, and conditions that not only depleted your character, but your physical health and soul as well. i feel very sad for those that got sent to hyde for help, and instead of getting the REAL HELP by TRAINED PROFESSIONALS, they were thrown to teachers that had no degrees in the subjects they taught, no previous tra

Rachel S (Trenton / Princeton, NJ) wrote
at 10:44am on November 18th, 2007 that would qualify them to participate in "seminars" where kids were pressured into opening wounds that were NOT SAFE because after those seminars were over, they were left to emotionally an mentally bleed on their own. and if a kid showed a bad attitude after such an incident, they would be demeaned and taken away from everything that could have potentially helped them get better. i won't go on much further, but i will end with this: there were some truly fantastic teachers at hyde, as well as some true and worthy principles that were taught. but the system is corrupt, many people turn teaching and helping into a struggle for power, and in my personal opinion, many kids, like me, get their entire teenage experience stolen from them. There is so much more one could say....*R*

Sam Pritchett (Colorado Denver) wrote
at 4:20pm on December 1st, 2007
i'm conflicted man, as brilliant as svere is (wuttup CUZ!) i can't really think anything other than the food is cheap and the schedule sucks. Rachel is definately right though. The system is fucked. I keep in touch with lots of teachers and they all pretty much agree. I worked for hyde and they're a shitty employer. the people there are what make the difference. I'm definitely better off because of so many of the people I met there. the shit we all went through makes us better becuase we went through it, not because of what it was. more importantly we went through it with people and made lifelong connections. It's like the survivors of the titanic or something. i'd like to go back and change everything, because there is some good basic principles there, you know, like teaching teenagers shit about life instead of the mundane garbage they learn in public schools. Basically, we're hardcore...damnit. valley forge ain't got shit on bath, maine!

Sam Pritchett (Colorado Denver) wrote
at 4:22pm on December 1st, 2007
wow, I just read my post and my English is awful...

William Hood (University of Maine) wrote
at 12:00am on December 4th, 2007
sverra i still get a kick out of u brotha. good old days in middle dorm lol

Greg Pascale (Fairfield) wrote
at 11:09am on December 11th, 2007
you guys really need to get over this whole "hyde is a cult thing"..i mean maybe it is maybe it isnt. All I know is that if it is...I fucked it seven ways from Jamestown

Greg Pascale (Fairfield) wrote
at 11:09am on December 11th, 2007

Greg Pascale (Fairfield) wrote
at 11:10am on December 11th, 2007
and thats more then any of you complainers can see....or wait...maybe one of you graduated dishonest for stealing your roommates bad...

Patrick Lawler (Whittier) wrote
at 10:39pm on December 15th, 2007
Being a senior at Hyde right now makes it really weird reading this stuff. I wish I could carry a video camera with me around all day and just show the world a week inside Hyde and see what everybody else thinks.

Chris Gilbane (Denver, CO) wrote
at 1:55am on December 22nd, 2007
hyde is crazy mmmm'kay

John Bristow (Greenville, SC) wrote
at 1:33pm on December 27th, 2007
hey greg.....
i christened the new building at bath by climbin on top and burnin till my eyes bled.
what did you do?

Paul Kabatznick (University of Maine) wrote
at 10:09am on December 29th, 2007
That is very interesting ben....

oh and uh Ty Saez, your a faggot!

Sverre Tysl (Sonoma) wrote
at 1:08am on January 13th, 2008
Here is a look at behavior modification prisons for children through the eyes of victims and their families.

Robert Lichfield, the founder of the World Wide Association of Speciality Programs, or WWASP, is interviewed as well as Ken Kay, the president. WWASP runs the majority of these programs in North and South America as well as overseas, to avoid child protection laws. The men behind WWASP are multi-billionaires, and charge upwards of $50,000 a year on tuition.

Look at the budget below and tell me those Hyde people aren't in it for the money. And where did the other 23,183,117 go?

Ryan Strauss (Rutgers) wrote
at 9:06pm on January 13th, 2008
Behavior modification prisons; are you fucking serious? The only thing Hyde asked of me was to think critically about myself, and my place in the world. Oh yeah, that whole honesty thing, thats part of it too, but that is related to the whole cirtical thinking part.

And as for the money thing... Who knows, but I'm willing to bet that their insurance costs are through the roof because of spoiled rich kids that cry to mommy and daddy because they had to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and sweep a floor, all the while claiming that Hyde is comparable to buchenwald. Sorry you had to break a sweat for once in your life.

Ryan Strauss (Rutgers) wrote
at 4:15pm on January 14th, 2008
Wow, you really missed the point Ben. My point is that everyone who complains about Hyde like you and Sverre, are just spoiled rich kids who couldn't handle it. And yes, I realize that I am generalizing, but you're still a pussy. And yes, I did read the tax form, and guess what, I don't give a shit. The Gaulds took a centuries old philosophy and applied it in a new way to a private boarding school, and now they are making money, big surprise. Guess what, people do things that they believe in for a job and make money at it, big surprise, we live in an incentive-based society. Why does their profit invalidate anything at all? In Hyde-speak, does their profit show a lack of integrity?
Put another way, would their being in debt make you believe anything they had to say? If you saw the tax form, and it said that they were ending the fiscal year in debt, I'd be willing to bet you'd still hate the place and everything they teach and say it was a behavior modification prison....

Ryan Strauss (Rutgers) wrote
at 4:40pm on January 14th, 2008
I'll spell out this point for you too: Whether or not they make money is irrelevant. You are simply highlighting isolated facts within the document to try to discredit them. All the form shows is that a boarding school has low operating costs and highly paid corporate officers. How does it show that it is a horrible and victimizing place? I'd love to hear your answer on that one.

For whatever reason, you don't like the place, I get it, you have a huge grudge against Hyde. It doesn't even matter what I say because nothing I do say will change your mind. Is that not 'blind faith'?

Ryan Strauss (Rutgers) wrote
at 3:56pm on January 16th, 2008
Ben, that is quite a response, and you're right, I did pass judgment on you. But I did not say you were judgmental, I said you were an idiot and what you said was and is still meaningless. Therefore, it is no surprise that you do not know what integrity is. How does the amount of money you spend equate to the level of integrity you possess? It doesn't at all, you are comparing apples and oranges (i.e., money has nothing to do with integrity in any way).
When I was there, they fed us (I would say they over fed us), and in retrospect they could have not given us some of the unhealthy desert items, but the quality was equal or better than most boarding schools I'd say (and better than the College I graduated from). And, if you were truly injured or ill, they'd care for you or take you somewhere to get cared for if need be, even though the nurses were skeptical because of all those fakers. Were you promised a 4-course gourmet meal or a hospital wing on the mansion, because I wasn't..

Ryan Strauss (Rutgers) wrote
at 4:05pm on January 16th, 2008
The faculty wages may seem low, but I am sure they are comparable to similar jobs in similar institutions (and sorry to say it but most teachers I know public or private don't get paid shit and usually the public school teachers get paid more than their private school counterparts). Plus they get free room and board and meals paid for as well. But most importantly, they get to throw themselves into the Hyde process which is something that the faculty see as an asset in itself, which is why they went through the interview process and took the job in the first place. Same goes for student life funds, the hyde process doesn't require much money to operate, it can happen anywhere and at any time. Sorry you didn't get cable TV in your room like mommy and daddy gave you, but not having bullshit distractions is part of the process too.
My point is that you just say that because Hyde didn't lavishly spend money on few key things you picked out, they lack integrity; untrue and you're dumb.

Tip Nolan (Springfield) wrote
at 11:18am on January 17th, 2008
...Easy on the text Ryan, this is obviously touching a soft spot. Do you have a parent that works at Hyde, Mrs (Mr?). Strauss? Regardless this is insanse. I mean look how much you have written, haha four consecutive babbles.

Anyways...I lived with the Gaulds for a summer, that's an ill family. The 'eyedea' of Hyde is brilliant. Let's say the Gaulds didn't believe in this...Which would be blasphemous. They make bank, they have created a very successful business. So complain...It's still just money in the bank! The great thing is though, they DO drop this knowledge they feel in their bones. I 'played the game' decent. The bird man and I kicked it. Mr. Gauld and I went surfing. ...I mean at that school I saw a few poor excuses for 'people- or members of society', and there is no way in hell you would have gained an ounce of self respect and or made it to college if not for this 'cult'. Carpel Tunnel. I'm out.

Ryan Strauss (Rutgers) wrote
at 7:53pm on January 17th, 2008
Mr. Sullivan deleted a wall post in between the four I typed.
I don't have any family that works at Hyde, I'm just trying to set some kids straight . . .

Ilya Merlin (CofC) wrote
at 3:51pm on January 26th, 2008
hyde is a good place, principals trump personalities. with that in mind, hyde is cool.
and this talk about behavior mod prisons, yaal nigaz need to shut the fuck up, cause you doint know what its like to be locked up in systems that are currently being shut down for child abuse. i really hope you werent comparing wwasp to hyde cause that is a gross mistake. wwasp, leonard buchaloto, and other people who use the troubled teen industry to scam parents and hurt childeren are wack assholes that can burn in hell. but hyde is inno way shape or form like these places. ive personaly seen the insides of level four longterm treatment (lockdown) programs. and to cry about hyde and make such a blind comparison is ignorant. the gauld family is cool, i have respect for them, especially the h bomb. in conclusion the principals that the school stands for are awesome and continuing an honest lifestyle post hyde has helped me tremendously.

Josh Lambert (Scituate High School) wrote
at 4:50pm on February 17th, 2008 ... at=0&pos=4

Matt Moitoza (Lasell) wrote
at 9:17pm on February 22nd, 2008
I think a former Hyde graduate said it best when he referred to that place as the "Most un-successful buisness of all time"
Keep it up! enrollment numbers have never been lower : ) !

Matt Moitoza (Lasell) wrote
at 10:01am on March 5th, 2008
Ryan, enjoy allll the STD's that rutgers has to offer

Catherine Frances Scott (New York, NY) wrote
at 2:22pm on April 8th, 2008
does anyone know whats up with graduation this year? are people going up to visit the campus? i havent been back since i left and kinda want to go...

Laura Davis (Silicon Valley, CA) wrote
at 7:08pm on July 29th, 2008
Hi Catherine!!! I'll go with you if you wait until 2010...

Tyler Matheny (Austin, TX) wrote
at 10:59am on August 14th, 2008
I'll be at Reunion this year...Hope to see some folks there.

Adam Hunter (Nassau County, NY) wrote
at 6:43pm on August 24th, 2008
I was at Hyde for 5 years and am extremely grateful for every day that I was there. It taught me to take my negative energy and refocus it on positive things that would enhance my life and the lives of others. I never would be able to achieve the things that I have, or will in the future had it not been for the incredible faculty that pushed me and believed in me. Is the place perfect? Far from it--but I don't know anyone who has graduated who has not been thankful that they went there.

Julia Schackow (Gainesville, FL) wrote
at 8:45am on September 11th, 2008
tom braggs bob felt brad up. fo sho.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: Fly on the Wall
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 12:06:32 PM »
Ryan Strauss (Rutgers) wrote
at 9:06pm on January 13th, 2008
Behavior modification prisons; are you fucking serious? The only thing Hyde asked of me was to think critically about myself, and my place in the world. Oh yeah, that whole honesty thing, thats part of it too, but that is related to the whole cirtical thinking part.

Someone should inform Mr. Strauss that "thinking critically about myself" and "critical thinking" are really... two... VERY... different concepts.

Maybe that is part of the problem up there. Hyde School teaches that they are one and the same.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: Fly on the Wall
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2008, 10:54:24 PM »
Adam Hunter (Nassau County, NY) wrote
at 6:43pm on August 24th, 2008
I was at Hyde for 5 years and am extremely grateful for every day that I was there. It taught me to take my negative energy and refocus it on positive things that would enhance my life and the lives of others. I never would be able to achieve the things that I have, or will in the future had it not been for the incredible faculty that pushed me and believed in me. Is the place perfect? Far from it--but I don't know anyone who has graduated who has not been thankful that they went there.

This guy is one of the biggest F-in billboards they got. Pathetic. "Incredible faculty"? lol
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »