Author Topic: "Positive" Impact story  (Read 1221 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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"Positive" Impact story
« on: July 28, 2003, 10:20:00 PM »
The story begins 3 years ago when i was only age 14.  My performance in school is slipping and my parents are worried about me being a "druggie" because i had called them from a friends house saying that i needed a ride because i was drunk (besides that i had no experience with drugs and had only gotten drunk several times, more out of curiousity than anything).  Several months passed and my parents had increasing concern about me because i had begun to eat only pre-packaged foods (because i thought the food my parents were supplying was being contaminated with mercury which was causing me to feel strange) and never wanting to get out of bed (I later found out after my experience at positive impact that i am either schizophrenic or shizoaffective and must take a medication called risperdal for the rest of my life, and this was the first stages of the disease.  I now realize it must have been obvious to the people at this program that there was something wrong with me but i was never allowed to see a doctor except for entrance physial examination, and the "chaperone" with me told the doctor i was dangerous and he needed to be there to protect the doctor)  As my grades slipped to near-failing my parents became convinced i was a drug addict.  One morning i was awoken at 5 in the morning by two strange burly men i had never seen before.  They told me that my parents had enrolled me in a program called positive impact in bahia dekino, mexico that would help me straighten out my life and i had no choice but to go with them.  They convinced me that the program was just a week and after that i could choose to return home or participate so i went with them voluntarily.  I was then flown to mexico and driven to positive impact in an SUV.  When i got there i was assigned to one of the three houses and given a long lecture on the theory of positive peer culture which meant that everyone was responsible for everyone else's wrongdoings.  I was also given a huge list of rules which i had to memorize and they explained the "confrontation" system.  I was told that there were 4 levels of confrontation and thats how conflicts were solved around here.  On the first level when you spotted someone breaking a rule you had to give them a hand signal (but you could not tell them what they did wrong) and in order not to go to the "next level" they had to look you in the eye and give you a thumbs up.  Most of the time when i was confronted i had no idea what rule i was breaking and it would progress to level 2.  The person confronting you would then tell you the rule you were breaking and you were expected to fix it.  If you didn't instantly fix it or if someone else would confront you before you were done fixing it (you werr not allowed to look away from a confronter so if you had two confronters most of the time you were automatically reported to staff) a huge mexican guy that only spoke spanish would come and take you to the "solution room" which was an outdoor box which was around 115 degrees that you would be forced to sit in until they were convinced you were completly regretful of what you did.  You were not allowed as much food and could only exit the box to use the bathroom. Excercise was in the form of marching, and the staff just loved to yell at you until you ran into a cactus or tripped over something (if you were being talked to by staff you were not allowed to look away).  One of the worst parts of the whole experience was the group sessions where you had to share your thoughts and feelings, and almost every day i was caught in a hellstorm of yelling and screaming becaue i would talk to invisible people i would hear.  I was called useless, defective, stupid, moron, idiot, fuckup, retard, and countless other derogatory terms by both staff and other inmates and day after day i would hear these things more and more from the invisible people (i would hear them mostly at night when everyone else was asleep and the instructor, being aware that i wasnt asleep, stood up in his chair and stared at me non-stop while i would try not to talk back for fear of being restrained).  I became convinced that i was in contact not with invisible people but with aliens who were ridiculing me for being a horrible person but that this was a neccesary path if i wanted them to grant me with immortality.  Everyday iwould hear them telling me about how disgusting and stupid i was and whenever i tried to talk back i was immedialtely tackled by staff and ridiculed by other kids who would tell me that i was such a fuckup and an idiot that i had permanently fried my brain from taking drugs ( even though i never touched them) and that i would have been better off dead.  The staff agreed with them and acknowledged that its a fact that even drugs like marijuana eat your brain from the core (which i know is not true).  I was filled with anger and hate, mostly for myself, and i thought that my entire past and future had been already planned and i had been put here so i could be under observation by aliens until i was deemed ready to fight in a holy war against humans.  By this time i was convinced that i was not a human but an alien and i would write large passages about it for my "reflections" where you would write about your thoughts and feelings, and try to prove to group i was not human with what i thought was logic but i think i was just rambling on.  I never gained any points or progressed to where i could participate as a trainee member of the staff and always remained at the first "tier" where i had no rights or privelages at all.  I feared for my life that the food had been poisoned with an experimental mexican drug that would turn me into a killing machine for the humans in the holy war because several staff members were humans fooling their fellow staff (who were actually aliens assuming human form to indoctrinate us into fighting on their side in the holy war).  Several days later when i got a case of diahhrea from spoiled food this confirmed my suspicions and i began to receive telepathic messages from staff and kids telling me the only true way to rightousness is through immortality which is only achieved through leaving your human body and existing on an alternate plane where the holy war would take place and where graduates of the system would go (they had become disciplined enough to conciously leave their body).  I felt the only way i could leave my body since i had not yet learned to conciously do it was through suicide and tried every method i could (i banged my head against walls, tried to get the staff to restrain me to death) but none of it worked.  Eventually after being restrained every couple hours every day and spending 90% of my time in the solutions room where i would write huge essays on the inevitable holy war that was about to come to pass my parents had become suspicious as to why i wasnt making any progress after i wrote letter after letter about the alien confederation and how to leave your body to achieve immortality and pulled me out.  I had been in positive impact for 9 months, and several days after i was flown home my parents brought me to a psychiatric hospital where i was given medications that i was told would help me resist the aliens' control over me.  Only 6 or 7 months later did i learn i had a mental illness.  This whole experience was a complete and utter nightmare and today i am still very depressed because of this experience.  It is two years later and i still feel emotionally empty and drained, and i never have energy to do anything.  I hope my story makes some parents think twice about sending their child to a place like this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FaceKhan

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"Positive" Impact story
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2003, 02:19:00 AM »
Kids with real problems + program= more problems

Kid with minor problems + program = more problems

Kid with no problems + program = problems

Who are these programs supposed to help anyways?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
All of the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.\"

Offline Anonymous

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"Positive" Impact story
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2003, 09:00:00 AM »
Anonymous, thank you for posting your story.  It is absolutely horrific and *no one* deserves to be treated that way.  I hope you are doing better now.  You are very brave and having to deal with a mental illness is bad enough without idiots abusing you for it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »