Author Topic: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???  (Read 9274 times)

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Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« on: August 20, 2008, 04:32:19 PM »
My step-sister was recently sent to a girls home by my father. He said she was going to the Rebekah Reclamation Ranch. The fact that he wont tell me exactly where she is and that I cannot contact her really worries me. Does anyone know where this place might be and what happens when girls are sent there? I'm having trouble finding any information about this place. Is the Rebakah Home for Girls still open in Texas? Any information would be helpful because I am really worried about her.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2008, 05:09:55 PM »
The Reclamation Ranch is for boys. The girls ranch is called Rachel Academy for Girls. We are talking of a guy called Jack Patterson who used to work at a Roloff home. The boss at the girl ranch is Trudy Allred. According to pictures you can properly locate her before you can locate the ranch, which should be around Empire in Alabama. Here is a link with picture of this "woman" and some of the girls.

An address that keeps coming up is: 579 Bagwell Rd, Empire, AL.

But if it is the correct address it is for the boys academy.

The original Rebekah Home for girls is/was located around Corpus Cristi, Texas. The status whether it is closed or running remains unclear.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2008, 05:11:40 PM »
Wow! Thanks for all the information.
Do you know if the Rachel Academy is anything like how the Rebekah Home for Girls was? As far as the "bible discipline", windows with alarms, and ten-foot fences? Judging by the pictures it seems to be an okay place. Should I be concerned about my sister being brainwashed or abused at the Rachel Academy for Girls?
Thanks again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2008, 06:36:53 PM »
Because some read the bible as the devil would, the risk of exaggerated use of corporal punishment always exist in Christian programs. The Roloff homes was known for this. Because the boss learned his business there, it is not unlikely that corporal punishment are being used at those places.

That is one issue to be concerned about.

Then there is the use of ACE. In many colleges they regard this curriculum as valuable as toilet paper. There are a limited number of places you can use this papers, when you progress in life. Some have been forced to retake courses or whole years.

Last but not least PTSD is always a issue. She would have difficulties to adjust to real life, but if you ask a lot of girls relationship and the ability to bond are damaged. I dont know the circumstances she entered the facility by, but if a transport firm or cheating was used deep inside she will always be on alert when someone wants to engage in her life. She had been betrayed by those people, she should be able to trust most in this world.

I dont think this place is a good place. While we have not been able to prove the use of corporal punishment or isolation room with 24/7 tape recording of prayers as Roloff used them there is no parent handbook to read so we can learn how they maintain discipline at this program. Neither is there any info about visitation and communition.

It is a lot of red flags.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hurrikayne

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2008, 10:27:38 PM »
"Rebekah" itself as a dorm facility is CLOSED.  However, that's not to say they aren't keeping girls on the farm like they did when I was there in the late eighties.  (Other facilities on the Roloff compound are still open, Jubilee and two of the three men's homes.  One of them burned & I don't remember which of the three it was.)  I have seen pictures.  It is in disrepair, and it's not thriving like it once did.

The way Rebekah was run was basically to tear the girl down, then rebuild her instilling the 'Christian' values.  (Most of the spinoffs use the same method.)  What they taught in Bible verses, is not what they taught by example.  Some girls have said that when they went home, they were like zombies, unable to think for themselves.

Anytime you have children secluded somewhere where your access to them is extremely limited, you absolutely should be concerned about abuse.  The brainwashing will take time, patience and therapy to undo.  

From the Reclamation Rance newsletter:  
"Trevor...came through our boys program and now is jr. staff at Lighthouse Academy."  (I'd be willing to bet he's had NO training in psychology, education, or medicine.  It was a very common tactic for Roloff's to utilize former incarcerees as workers later on.  When approached by two 'trusted' girls in Rebekah, who had made complaints about a staff worker, Mrs. Cameron responded that, "they were short handed and it was hard to find good workers....")

More from past newsletters:
"Here is a picture of one of our boys who has been at the ranch for two years."  "The Parkinson's daughter and our assistant boy's dorm supervisor will be getting married and plan to stay at Lighthouse Academy and work alongside of mom and dad in the ministry!"

From their website:
"Bro. Lee has worked for years as an architectural  engineer, where he was trained in dealing with many different types of personalities."
 "Miss Trudy has a degree from Roan University and is highly qualified to teach the girls how to "face the world" once they leave the program." (There's a degree for that???)
"Dr. Patterson worked for Lester Roloff for three years at the Lighthouse for Boys."
Bro. Mike & Jackie Parkinson: "These folks have been Christians for a number of years and their total desire is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in all that they do and to teach the boys to have the same heart-felt desire."
Miss Nicole: "She has a degree in early childhood development..."  (This qualifies her to work with teens how?)
"Miss Nancy comes to us from New York and works with the girls in their schooling."
Miss Ashley: "She also assist in the school, dorm and travel with the girls."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2008, 12:28:23 AM »
I know this post won't make much of a difference at all, but I can't stand to see people insinuate things about the Ranch that are not true. I personally know the staff and many or most of the Rebekah Home Girls. I just came back from a 2 week trip with them. Miss Trudy is very patient, kind and loving toward the girls. Several of them call her "Mom", because many of them do not have good relationships with their mothers and they love Miss Trudy just like she is their mother. All the other staff that work for the Rebekah Home are patient and they want the best for the girls. Some of the workers do have degrees in child development or similar studies; some don't. I don't think you have to have a degree to work with the girls or boys. You do need a burden for them and you need God.
           The Rebekah Home is a good place. I know several of the girls personally, and I know some of their testimonies. I'm not talking about testimonies they give in church, I'm talking about bits and pieces of their testimonies that they tell me when I talk to them. Many of these girls never had a chance, they had no hope. They were in and out of programs from early ages, and the Ranch is the only place that made a difference. These girls that everyone said would never amount to anything turn out to be something and do good things with their lives. That's because the Ranch doesn't pound stuff into them, they let God work in their lives and deal with them personally. The Ranch staff do not force girls to the altar, they don't make them "get saved". The staff live good Christian lives in front of the girls and they show them that you can do right and you can have a good life, better yet you can live a good life and serve God doing it. You can rest assured that anyone who is placed in the program that wants help will get the help that they need and come out way better than when they came.

Btw..for the fool who was talking about Dr. Patterson only having the experience of 3 years w/ failed to list his many degrees, so I will.

Pensacola Bible Institute - BD

Hyles Anderson College - BS

Hyles Anderson College - Bachelors Degree in Religious Education

Honorary DR degree from Pacific Garden Mission Institute

Also..I know the people who work for the Homes. They are good people. "Hurrikayne" does not know these people. I do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hurrikayne

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2008, 02:37:09 AM »
Ah now Abby, you would be putting words into my mouth dear.  I never stated "Dr. Patterson (as) only having the experience of 3 years w/ Roloff."  I merely pointed out some of his prior experience.  

As for a fool, one is defined as such:
1.   a silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense.  (Those who know me will agree this is not typical of my normal behavior.)
2.   a professional jester, formerly kept by a person of royal or noble rank for amusement: the court fool.  (Again, not something that applies.)
3.   a person who has been tricked or deceived into appearing or acting silly or stupid: to make a fool of someone.  (Generally does not apply, however it can...given the right circumstances...)
4.   an ardent enthusiast who cannot resist an opportunity to indulge an enthusiasm (usually prec. by a present participle): He's just a dancing fool. (Again, generally no, this definition does not apply.)

So, shall we lay aside the insults and interact like adults?

As for my personal opinion, having worked with the great baptizer of chickens himself (Lester Roloff), well that makes Dr. Patterson suspect enough.  Not familiar with that?  Read the book his wife wrote.  Mrs. Lester herself, pants wearing, television watching, jewelry flaunting Roloff.  All the things that were supposed to be such great evils & sins.

No, I do not know Miss Trudy myself, no, I do however, know others who do.  I also know what the Kool-Aid tastes like, and what it feels like when the Kool-Aid wears off.  One day, perhaps you will too.  

In the meantime, if you have something to share, by all means do so, but to try to curb your sophomoric tendencies.  Please, do clarify something for me, is it Rebekah, or Rachel?  Which home?  What are the rules?  What are the punishments for not following the rules?  What is a typical day like?  How are the girls treated while on tour?  How much & how often do they interact with their families?  How often do they see a physician, clinician or other health professional?  What if a girl has a different belief system, say Judaism?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2008, 11:50:33 PM »
Main Entry: soph·o·mor·ic  
1 : conceited and overconfident of knowledge but poorly informed and immature <a sophomoric argument>

I don't believe what I had to say was conceited. I didn't act overconfident of my knowledge. How am I poorly informed? As for immature, I don't know how old you are, but I am a teenager, so I may seem immature. I'm sorry for that, I try not to be.

Now, please forgive me for confusing Rebekah and Rachel - that was stupid, I should have closely reread my words before I posted them.

I was upset because you "pointed out some of Dr. Patterson's prior experience" without pointing out his degrees. I felt that you were trying to make a point that none of the Ranch staff were very qualified at all to work with the girls, so I was making sure Dr. Patterson was recognized for the degrees he earned, not just "the experience of 3 years w/ Roloff".

I have never heard Dr. Patterson say that wearing pants, jewelry, or watching tv are sins. I have sat under his preaching, and I am not sure of his stands on these things, however I do know our church's stand on these things -- that in moderation, these things are not evil.

What does it feel like when Kool Aid wears off?

As for the rest of your, hit me with all those questions at once! Please, make your questions very specific and less general. Remember I am immature, and I have sophomoric tendencies.

Also - I would never want to say anything to misrepresent the Ranch in any way and everything I say here is my personal viewpoint based on what I have heard and seen being around the Ranch. If you are looking for absolute definite information, call the Ranch offices at 205.647.1414.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2008, 09:42:23 PM »
Hi Abby,
I posted the first question asking for any information about the Rebekah Reclamation Ranch, or what is called the Rachel Academy, because my dad sent my sister there. Could you please respond to at least some of the questions about the Rachel Academy, or whatever it is called, from one of the previous posts. My dad will not give me any information about the home and I am really worried about my sister. Knowing more about the situation she is in might make me feel better.
Thank you.

 "What home? What are the rules? What are the punishments for not following the rules? What is a typical day like? How are the girls treated while on tour? How much & how often do they interact with their families? How often do they see a physician, clinician or other health professional? What if a girl has a different belief system, say Judaism?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hurrikayne

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2008, 02:48:42 PM »
I have never heard Dr. Patterson say that wearing pants, jewelry, or watching tv are sins. I have sat under his preaching, and I am not sure of his stands on these things, however I do know our church's stand on these things -- that in moderation, these things are not evil.

Most preachers make very clear their stands on those things which they do feel are acceptable, or are sinful.  If your churches stance is that in moderation these things are not evil, then that is a very positive sign.

Please, make your questions very specific and less general.

Originally I asked the following:  
What are the rules? What are the punishments for not following the rules? What is a typical day like? How are the girls treated while on tour? How much & how often do they interact with their families? How often do they see a physician, clinician or other health professional? What if a girl has a different belief system, say Judaism?

To your knowledge, what are the basic rules of Rachel Academy? (What are the girls allowed to do/or restricted from doing?)

To the best of your knowledge, what kinds of punishments are faced by the girls of Rachel Academy if they break the rules?  (If they should do something which is known to be outside acceptable behavior?)

While touring, are the girls given privileges which they do not enjoy while at the academy?  What happens if they break academy rules while on tour?

Do the girls have the opportunity to see their families more than once every six months?  Are they allowed telephone conversations with their families?  Are they allowed to write letters to friends and/family?

How often do they see a doctor, nurse or other health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist?

What if a girl has a different belief system, say Judaism, is that girl treated differently?  Is she allowed to observe her own faith?

What does it feel like when Kool Aid wears off?
In a word, LIBERATING.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can\'t be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people. " - Lee Iacocca

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2008, 02:00:25 PM »
I have a great deal of current information about this home. I was there from early 2001-late 2005. They have gone through various legal battles, name-changes, and complete relocation. The home is currently called "New Beginnings Girls Academy." They dropped "Rebekah" and attachments to Roloff so they could avoid the negative attention, but it's basically still the same place. They stand for all the same things and adhere to many of the same practices of the old Rebekah Home for Girls--some "better" ones and some surely worse; the only difference is that it's now unaffiliated with anything "Roloff." In fact, the current administrators (Bill and Jennifer McNamara and their family) are the same people who took over the home shortly after the state of Texas allowed the reopening of the Rebekah Home--on the original Corpus Christi property--in late 1999. I was a girl in the home there, in Texas, for the first year. When the laws changed in 2001, the home was told to either get a state license or close down again. For many reasons, both clear and not, they didn't want a state license or the oversight that such a thing would bring. They sent half of their 90 (at the time) girls home, moved the other 45 temporarily to Missouri and closed the Rebekah Home doors again. But that didn't discourage them. I was one of the 45 who had to stay with the home, even when there was no physical "home" to speak of--just girls bunking in a trailer in the woods until we actually got property in Pace, Florida several weeks later. Last I heard, they were expanding and had two locations: one in La Russell, Missouri, and the other in Pace, Florida.

Some important disambiguation: They are UNRELATED to "Rachel Academy," Victory Academy and/or Mike Palmer. They have never been part of these ministries.

I'm sure that the majority of the negative posts regarding Rebekah/New Beginnings are absolutely true. I was dubbed "junior staff member" for the last four years, though it wasn't exactly a position to speak of. Basically, I was still one of the girls--an inmate with a set of keys and the code to the lockdown doors. This exposed me to all of the terrible truth. Eventually, I left because I couldn't take it all anymore. Leaving was the most difficult thing for me to do, even with what little clout I had being "part of the staff," and it certainly wasn't because I didn't want to leave or didn't try.

I have a great deal of relevant information that needs to be shared for the sake of the girls who go and the parents who are sending them. Parents: if you send your child here, you will certainly destroy her, whether it is immediately evident or not. Hopefully, one day she will be able to rebuild herself, but this place will tear her up from the inside out. You need to understand that this place may promise you the world and perfect behavioral results, but it's all a well-thought-out facade. This is not the solution to your problem, whether you are a Christian or not. They are abusing children.

This is already long, so if ANYONE would like information, please contact me. I'm most certainly one of the best sources. I encourage everyone, especially parents, to send me an email with any questions about this facility.

MySpace survivor group for Rebekah and New Beginnings:

Thank you for your time.
Brittany Campbell
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2008, 03:46:04 PM »
Brittany Campbell:

I have updated the wiki page on the European server, but the article could use some expansion about the campus in Missouri.

A nice link to Google maps to the exact location would be fine, but also something about living standards, the nature of consequences and corporal punishment if used would be a very good thing to have.

Please write what you have on the talk-page if you have difficulties with the Wiki-syntax. At some point the article could end being smuggled up on Wikipedia.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2008, 10:01:16 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Hi Abby,
I posted the first question asking for any information about the Rebekah Reclamation Ranch, or what is called the Rachel Academy, because my dad sent my sister there. Could you please respond to at least some of the questions about the Rachel Academy, or whatever it is called, from one of the previous posts. My dad will not give me any information about the home and I am really worried about my sister. Knowing more about the situation she is in might make me feel better.
Thank you.

 "What home? What are the rules? What are the punishments for not following the rules? What is a typical day like? How are the girls treated while on tour? How much & how often do they interact with their families? How often do they see a physician, clinician or other health professional? What if a girl has a different belief system, say Judaism?"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2008, 10:07:42 PM »

I was in Rebekah run  by the Camerons due to Roloff's death. If  RECLAMATION Ranch is anything like Rebekah " YES" she will be brainwashed and abused.. YES you have alot to be concerned about .. These people are sick and use "GODS WORDs" to hurt and abuse young people.. This happen to me 25 yrs ago and I still haven't forgotten the hell these people caused nor the damage they created. Feel feel to contact should you like to learn more details..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Rebekah Reclamation Ranch ???
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2008, 12:03:21 AM »
I would definitely pray for her. I was at that Rebekah Home for girls in the 70's. I was there when the SWAT team surrounded the church in an attempt to get us girls out of there. I was also one of the 33 girls who were stuffed on a bus and sent to Roloffs home in Georgia so that the state couldn't come in and take us. It took me several years to undo and overcome after leaving that place. Anyway, I don't need to go into it all, but if the home she is in is anything like Rebekah, she definitely needs your prayers. God bless.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »