Author Topic: Soda or pop?  (Read 1132 times)

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Offline Anne Bonney

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Soda or pop?
« on: July 29, 2008, 02:07:29 PM »
Just ran across this on Fark and thought it was interesting.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline Dr. Miller Newton

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Re: Soda or pop?
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 02:43:37 PM »
Neither one, Druggie.  They contain sugar and/or caffeine, which inevitably leads to the use of HARD DRUGS.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Teenage Drug Use Is A Disease

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Soda or pop?
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2008, 08:48:23 AM »
Some old people where I come from call it a dope. Thanks Anne Bonney, you always have cool posts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Soda or pop?
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2008, 12:40:33 PM »
Soda is like a drug? also Here is a link to the Congressional Committee hearing on abuse in these facilities from the Cafety archives. Make sure to read the statement by Paul Lewis father of the victim child, victim child is dead, not just unhappy. Like I said, no over site until there are more than a couple bodies. I like how the guy to the right of Chairman Miller makes sure to point out that juvenile delinquency is very bad. That seems to be the party defense in relation to there being horrific abuse and no over site. Pretty brazenly insulting to the dead kids father sitting there, also completely outside of law. Supposedly, and this is being thrown out everywhere in the US, our government does not simply say it’s a criminal you can do whatever you want to it, cruel and unusual punishment all around. Especially not in the case of minors who were not even convicted in a court of anything. As far as I could tell from the victims father’s statement, the boy had probably been smoking pot and breaking curfew and hadn’t gotten into any trouble with the law, the parents just decided to send him off to a nice happy Utah “summer camp” with some therapy and anti pot stuff to get him back on track. Now he’s dead. ... &Itemid=35

Here is a list of who I was in with, people allways seem to come back with the they are bad psycho kids or something, so here is who is really in PV.

1. anorexic pianist, very nice talented girl, had developed anorexia after her alcoholic mother left the family

2. a foster kid, she was in because foster care had placed her with her aunt, girls cousins had been molesting her since she was five, she finally told her aunt, the aunt turned her back over to foster care, foster care put her in PV to help her deal with being molested, PV bills itself as a place to help the victims of sexual abuse then beats them, tortures them and brainwashes them into "taking responsibility" for the fact that they were abused

3. two foster kids who had run away from group homes back to their homes, group homes are bad, the kids would always come in with lice, foster care would also sometimes give them back to their families when a parent sobered up for a while. the one girl had run away from her family as well so they put her in PV. This is the one who ran away to her boyfriends, and was practicing witchcraft. The other girl they caught taking a shower in her moms house and put her in PV, she ran away from the group home back to her parents house were she lived half the time anyway.

4. a girl who had slept with two guys at school and the other kids were calling her names and tormenting her, she was also drinking, that was pretty much it. She's the one who jumped out of her parents car on a return trip to the Village. She was so afraid to be brought back to PV she jumped out of her parents car on the highway, she broke her hip and arm and was a one big scab. Her parents had her fixed up at the hospital and brought right over to PV anyway. I was in the lock down unit with her in all her casts, she couldn't walk. She was a normal nice ordinary girl, again she was in PV for drinking, or being drunk that was it. She wasn't doing well in school either, she wasn't suicidal before being put in PV. it was like a horror movie or something, rather than be taken back to the serial killers house the girl jumps out of a moving car, only to be taken back there BY HER FAMILY no less. poor thing, her family were a bunch of rich abusive creeps. It says how bad PV is though that this kid was willing to jump out of a moving car rather than return, i can't believe the famiy didn't take that as a indication that perhaps she wasn't just being "dramatic" or "manipulative" when she said pv was a nightmare. I think the family was a bit psycho off too.

5. anorexic over achiever asian girl, sounds like a sterotype but she was, both of her parents were very sucessful and and I think she felt extremely pressured, she was a cutter too sorry forgot. I think she had chemical depression, she was lucid and smart, she just seemed like she fely bad a lot.

6. a 15 year old little, she was short, african american kid who had gotten into an ordinary, not FOX news, fight in a group home, the other kids were really bullying her, no drugs good student, parents were drug addicts foster kid, and the state put her in PV. she was a very nice girl. she was actually doing well in school inspite of all of it before PV,

7. a little 13 year old red haired foster kid who's father had been shot in a drug related thing, mom was an alcoholic drug user, the state took her away and put her in PV, not because she had any behavior or substance abuse problems, the kid had never even drank, but to help her deal with her PTS from her father being shot. The state also left the girls toddler sister with mom, the 13 year old wanted desperately to go home so she could keep an eye on mom and the baby sister, apparently mom used to go on a binge every month on the anniversary of dads death.

8. 13 year old who had eaten about ten aspirin, also no drug use. I still remember very clearly PV staff viciously attacking this little kid into taking responsibility for her drinking because she had at one point tried two beers that she drank up in her room at her parents house. I can remember a big sobbing horror fest over if it was two or three beers.

9. two foster kids who were not in my group, the “prostitutes” I was just in STU/ the lockdown unit with them, who had run away and been through hell and back, one was molested and beaten up and left in a ditch, when I say the foster kids had no business being put in PV for running away from group homes, by no means do I mean they should be out on their own! It is a hard world for disenfranchised young girls from families bad enough the state actually had to take them away.

PV likes to make everything as lurid as possible and it had some influence on how we were taught to listen to each others stories. they also made the kids who were molested by relatives go into details a lot, I heard the story of how the one girls grandfather had raped her way too many times and it was a horrific story.

10. A girl that someone at a party had told rufees were cool, and she woke up naked on a playground to cops, she did drink and smoke pot with some other drug use, ie. she did take the pill someone had given her earlier in the evening and her shrink thought she needed more help. Interestingly, the friend had gotten the pill off of some creepy old lech type that was hovering in the backround among all the teenagers. Hmmmmm. The cops found the girl, but her parents and shrink, she already had a shrink left over from again her parents very recent very nasty divorce, hmmm another theme?, had her wisked right over to one of the holding type psych facilities.

11. another girl 17 was doing cocaine, from rich family in New York, parents had just been through the divorce from hell, mom was trying to get PV to find evidence of the father molesting the girl, girl was very very pretty, PV found none but convinced the girl he had anyway for fun i guess and because the parent paying the bills told them to. This one again, was getting the cocain off of a rich old guy, there was nothing going on and like a normal kid she seemed oblivious as to that he might have ulterior motives, but as an adult looking back, yet another hovering letch around a very pretty young girl.

12. a little 13 year old kid, also a divorce situation, father had seized custody of the girl with the help of the shrink saying she needed to be in PV because she was depressed. She had dyed her hair black and wrote weird stuff in her journal, which her father read, and was a goth or something. I really liked that kid, i slept across from her for my initial six months in the lock down unit, they sent me back for another two later

13. a girl who had told her parents her grandfather had molested her, she had done nothing else, she didn't drink use drugs sacrifice small children or blow up school buildings, or the world trade center, her family freaked and had her kidnapped to PV, the case against the grandfather was getting very much brushed under the rug, again I didn't speak to any one from the outside world other than my parents the entire almost two years i was in there, and i believe the case was dismissed on lack of evidence. After hearing the story of the molestation/rape add nausea literally it was a horror story, PV feeds off of horror stories, the girls grandfather had raped her when she was 11, no doubt what so ever

I think that is most of them?

oh rich girl, good insurance, a cutter ooo ahhh the freak, actually she was very sane and normal, bit of a suck up`which was sad because I watched staff treat her like crap and restrain her for sitting down on work detail saying she felt sick and needed to rest, they had her on a potent drug cocktail, her pill cup was full put it that way, but i watched them retrain, sorry typo restrain her in garden manure and gravel . I watched them restrain and torment her a bunch of times.

and finally this foster kid, who's mother had also died, she had been opositional in a group home or something, she was only about 15 and she had been in treatment facilities for years and PV for two already when I first got there. They used to restrain that kid all the damn time. She was this nice goofy looking normal young 15 year old, they would treat her like she was dumb but she wasn't they just hadn't let her read for two years. they restrained her all the time. I saw no signs of mental illness and i did live with her for months. They would restrain her for anything, I never saw her do anything violent except maybe squirm out from under eight large pigs as they squashed her into the floor for hours in a restraint. And they would retrain her for hours. anyway, poor kid. She was freaking out kind of, they would torment her and she would cry or get agitated. I saw a lot of bruises on that girl, nasty ones black eyes and finger prints and such.

Oh I forgot the gay girl, the last kid in my group was in for being gay. She had come out to her parents, that was pretty much it, she had smoked pot too. OMG, pots not a great idea overall but it should not land you in a prison camp, a real live evil prison camp. But she wasn’t in PV for pot, she was in for telling her parents she was gay and for just being gay. She had a girlfriend and everything and was short plump 15 and had big owl glasses.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: Soda or pop?
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2008, 01:35:36 PM »
Soda is a soft drink like Coke or orange soda, root beer etc.

Tonic  is a carbonated beverage with a little quinine in it and is used as a mixer to make drinks like “Gin and tonic” etc. 

Pop  is standard and not so very good music which usually has its own station so the rest of the world doesn’t have to listen to it.

Everyone else is wrong.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »