Was anyone here sent away in this age range?
My beloved was. I beleive her extreem youth was part of the reason that she was so deeply damaged by her experience, (not that i wasn't).
But, she went from being a vibrant, spritied, adventurous, yet grounded child to a mentally confused old woman with exreem self hatred, an inability to establish boundaries with her peers, (who exploited her) and engaged in self punishing and destructive behaviors to a much greater extent then me, and older kids. Whereas I went into this "sleepwalker", 'wait till an opprotunity comes to escape mode'...she just seemes to loose all track of the future, and her identity.
(btw, this "mode" didn't save me. Someone posted that you can't "wait" for it to be safe, that you need to actively "rebel", and that's right)
Were any of you sent away so young?
I am reaching the end of my teen years, but already, kids from that age range, look like babies. I can't understand the twisted thinking that goes into having a 13 year old-- this girl weighed about 70 lbs, and was 4 feet ten---kidnapped and institutionalized. Every time I see a kid I know is her age at the time of the abduction and torture, I get physically ill. not just sad, physically ill.
What do you think was wrong with your parents to do that to you?
The parents I am discussing were "crazy" and abusive. Overall, they didnt care what happened to their kid. I mean, they did in their own crazy way, but the same caring that OJ had for nicole...twisted, and unsafe