Author Topic: Let us not forget, there are others  (Read 2445 times)

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Offline Deborah

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Let us not forget, there are others
« on: July 05, 2003, 02:45:00 PM »
I'm pleased that all this attention is being placed on WWASP. It's important and necessary, but one concern for me is that there are other hurtful programs that parents may alternatively choose.

My son attended a program in Ga which has a "good" reputation. What I can tell you is that their abuse was simply more covert. They are more savvy than the used car salesman at WWASP. All the principal players have Psych degrees and are masters in manipulating parent and child and in covering their tracks.

My son was subjected to limited calories for punishment as well. They lied about having the "restriction" diet approved by the Health Dept. I checked. The HD had never spoken to anyone at the "academy" and it wasn't even in their scope to approve diets of any kind.

I was appauled when I finally got to see him for 36 hours, 4 months into the program. He had suffered diarrhea for days, his skin was gray like a lizard, and he was skin and bones. Had been on restriction for a month straight (very common) for minor infractions. We spent most of our visit healing his physical discomforts and crying because there was nothing I could do to stop the nightmare insanity.

The day before our visit began I drove to the facility. I pulled into the parking lot just as my son rounded the corner of a building carrying a big trash bag and a long stick with a spike. I later found out he was picking up garbage, keeping the campus clean as part of his restriction. (cheap labor- and against the law in most states) I was just about to call out his name when a woman approached my car and asked me to leave and not return until the schedule time the next moring.

I took him to dinner at a nice restaurant. He was so figidty he spilled his drink and then was very harsh with himself. I reminded him that humans have accidents and it wasn't a big deal . Moments later, the waiter spilled a tray of change at the next table, I pointed and smiled. It didn't matter, he'd lost his appetite so we left. Once in the car I reached out to hold his hand and he cried. He said, "please don't show me any affection or love, it's too confusing."

I also noticed that he didn't make eye contact when speaking to people in public. He refused to make decisions about what we would do or where we'd go. Very unusual and disturbing.

I have never been involved with such a large group of liars in one organization in my life. I have since spoken to many parents who were disappointed with their experience there as well, but choose to chalk it up to a mistake rather than advocate for change. Their child is safe at home and they don't have time to take on a personal crusade to reveal the truth about the facility. They recommended that I cease making negative comments or face a lawsuit. I'm sure other parents would rather avoid the headache.

Their "guarentee" requires a parent to make a post grad boarding placement, for the obvious reason- they don't want the teen coming home and dashing the illusion that the program made any lasting changes. They absolutely know the same issues will resurface because the parents have not been involved in the therapeutic process. Instead the teen is sent to a traditional boarding school which the program has agreements with. The child "acts out" and they are returned to the program.

My son returned from this 5K/mo college prep therapeutic facility that boasts of their SACS accreditation, 5 credits behind his peers.

He is home now and it is painful to see the "changes" they made in him. He was once outgoing and confident,would put out his hand and introduce himself, totally unaware that another might have a negative opinion of him. No more. He was an excellent student and athlete, was well liked by his teachers and peers. He does not engage in games at family events, something he used to love. He doesn't laugh and joke, but carries an unwarranted seriousness about him. He doesn't risk making a mistake and holds himself to ridiculous standards. We currently live 300 miles apart and he rarely makes contact, which doesn't surprise me, the program conditioned him that way. We had very little contact after I was labled "adversarial" by the program manipulators. The sparkle is gone from his eyes. It was replaced with the dreaded and constant fear of making a mistake or not doing something "right". His "crime"- being a thorn in his step-mom's side and interferint with their active social life.

Let us not forget, there are other abusive programs who may be benefiting from those who choose not to go with WWASP.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline anon

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« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2003, 09:22:00 PM »
Deborah - Can you name the place? There are people well aware wwasp isn't the only problem program. Maybe we need to get this place on their radar screen.
The media is intrested in this subject right now, and that could really help put a bright and intence light on them.
Please keep in touch with your son - even if he never contacts you. He needs you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2003, 08:14:00 PM »
Deborah never did answer this question.   :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2003, 11:05:00 PM »

So sorry to hear your pain.
Your son's story, behavior sounds familiar with our experience.  The spontaneity is lost from forced coercion. Constant threats of punishment.

The Ga school needs to be held accountable.Other kids are at risk.

There is always a way to get support and help. Just ask.

The goal needs to be to get legislation in place. For a start anyway.

Let ISAC know. They may be able to help.

Go to Parents support that is a place to start.
Thanks for sharing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2003, 11:48:00 PM »

Educating parents about PTSD is so important, thanks for sharing your experience with your son who is very lucky to have a mom as intelligent, persistant, and loving as you.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2003, 10:56:00 PM »
Very good Deborah - you are a fiction writer, right? You're keyboard and your mouth are about the same size - none of what you wrote makes any sense - what program - and why, if all this is true, aren't they closed?  Are you there??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2003, 10:59:00 PM »
I commend him for not being in contact with you, he's making healthy choices!  Yippee!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2003, 05:39:00 PM »
Am I the only one that Deborah needs to share the name of this program that made a zombie out of her son?  Quick to point fingers at another program, but this one sounds far worse.  Or at least share your reason for not sharing this information to inform parents that may be looking into that one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2003, 06:47:00 PM »
To Anon: This earlier post from Deborah might help answer your questions.

Yes, I am an Authority.
Posted: 2003-01-18 07:12:00  
 Leah, I have disclosed who I am and my connection to Ian. As you "judge" that Skyline did nothing wrong, I "judge" that they did and that Ian's death could have been prevented with Common Sense. My judgment is based on the numerous articles published, admissions from the "counselors" and the statement that was ultimately issued by the Licensing authority, AFTER charges were filed by the DA.

My "judgement of the licensing authority comes from the extensive research I have compiled on the history of deaths in Utah and the licensing director who has a long history of "overlooking" violations. I am absolutely positive I could do a better job than Stettler. Not a single doubt in my mind. He had already let Skyline off the hook for violations of regs that day, and I do not think he would've revoked their license if charges hadn't been filed by the DA. That action was to save face. How could he overlook blatant violations that were obvious to the DA? Wouldn't have looked good for him. Do you homework.

My "axe to grind with wilderness programs" is that too many teens have died unnecessarily, under the guise of therapy. I'm not opposed to wilderness excursions, there is much to be learned from nature. The slave driver mentality of these programs is what I oppose and think makes no sense whatsoever. They are so intent on "enforcing the march" they miss important and vital clues from the teens. And the ones "enforing the march" are often young adults who are inexperienced in working with teens. Again, do your homework. Read up on the unnecessary deaths of teens, particularly in Utah. Read the Utah regulations for wilderness programs. They are very lenient, and should be enforced to ensure safety. It says something about the Industry there, that the regs are so lenient, and still they can't/don't comply. I have an extensive file and would be happy to forward it to you.

I do not believe Ian was in possession or control of his water supply. The counselor stated that he refused to walk, complained of thirst, and requested water. One doesn't usually have to "request" something they are in possession of. And note this: because Skyline violated regulations and allowed the other teens to continue the march, there is no objective party to report what "really" happened, only the counselor's word. Everything I have read indicates that when one is hiking under those conditions it is imperative to drink frequently, it is too late if you wait until you're thirsty. Given that he might have been in possession of his water supply, a 14 year old doesn't know these things and is dependent on an adult to advise him/her under such austere conditions. You can bet that if I took my teens to Utah to hike in 100* weather at 8000 ft, I'd be reminding them every half-hour to drink water. That's MY responsiblity as the older, wiser, experienced adult. There is no way you will ever convince me that Ian was responsible for his own death. It's a waste of your time. I'm offended that you would imply that he might be.

Do a Google search for Aaron Bacon, another teen who died unnecessary in Utah because "they thought he was faking". Pay particularly close attention to the statements made by staff and the licensing director, Ken Stettler, in the court document that is returned in that search. Another case of "overlooked" violations. The simple truth is that kids are not safe at wilderness programs the way they are currently run and monitored.

My ability to perceive and discern right from wrong gives me the credential to pass judgment.

Yes, I have experience with Programs. My oldest spent 6 months in a Marine Military Academy. He was hazed by older cadets and abused by his drill officer daily. Came home with PTSD which I have dealt with for 5 years. He's finally recovering and he's 21. He lost five years of his life due to their ignorance and lack of care. Our lawsuit will settle this year. This program, like others told parents to ignore their child's complaints of the facility. Most did, until a young man had his throat slit in the middle of the night. I do not understand how a parent can be so blatantly ignorant when it comes to their offspring's well-being.

My youngest son attended a wilderness program as part of a 20 month Therapeutic Boarding School. His father thought he was making a better choice than he'd made with our older son because the word "Therapeutic" was stuck in there, and he paid a lot of money for the referal. BTW, the Ed Con never even saw my son, pretty easy and profitable business!! Further, she was unaware that she referred to an unlicensed program!!!

There wasn't a moment that passed that I didn't fear for his safety. Fortunately the worst thing that he experienced (that I'm aware of) was being left in the woods over night with no water, no flashlight, a black trash bag to lay on and his pancho to cover with. He apparently had a virus and was vomitting every 20 minutes or so and screaming for help. The leaders (ex-military) were all back at the base. But, what IF it had been appendicitis or worse? He wouldn't be here to tell this story, and the program would most likely be off the hook because noone was there to monitor, to be responsible or accountable. It would have been catagorized as an unfortunate "accident" and I would've received one of those pathetic letters telling me how bad they feel about my loss and my son's misfortune. And what they would be sad about in reality is that this month's check won't be arriving.

And I will add that all my son "learned" at the TBS was how to manipulate ignorant people like yourself. Ironically, they profess to "treat" manipulation. He often tries that crap with me to which I reply, "hey this is your mother your talking to, no pretense" and we both laugh. He learned their "therapeutic" game very well, enough to survive the ordeal, but also lost two valuable years of his life because his step mother convinced his dad that we were both bad parents. Insanity at it's best. Justice for me would look like her spending 2 years of her life in a similar environment, unable to have contact with the outside world, all phone calls and letter monitored, limited calories for punishment, mind-f***** on a daily basis.

He came home from this $5000K/ month College Prep TBS, 5 credits behind his peers, his social skills were stunted, and he will forever resent his father. He is less confident which manifests as being less happy with life in general. It breaks my heart. I can only hope that eventually he will get back to being his old self, confident, athletic, outgoing. They did a number on his self-esteem and confidence.

If I owned or operated a program, it would be run very differently than anything I have seen to date. Anytime a minor is subjected to neglect and abuse in the name of therapy, something is very wrong. People who realize this take action to protect other kids whose parents are too desperate and/or ignorant to notice or care. It astounds me that you, and others like you can not discern the difference between abuse and therapy. Children have been removed from their parents for lessor offenses. I'll ask you, What gives, that these programs have carte blanc to abuse, because they present themselves to the world at-large as therapeutic????? That is the question we need to be focusing on, and it all leads to money and political power, licensing directors who don't do their jobs, and a society that generally fears and dislikes teens.

To put it in perspective...Pay me $5000. I'll take your 200+ pound, couch potato son from 500 ft to 8000 ft and march him until he drops. When he can no longer march and is complaining of thirst, I will leave him sitting in the direct sun. I won't err on the side of caution and take measures to treat him for heat exhaustion, even though he is sweating profusely and exhibiting over OBVIOUS signs of distress. I will chalk it up to "faking" a collapse. After an hour or so, I'll move him into the shade and prop him up against a tree and "sit with him" until he becomes unconscious. Hey, atleast he won't die alone. Oh, and I won't call for help until he's in cardiac arrest.

Think you might have an axe to grind with me? Think you might perceive it as wrongful death? I'm betting you would. Would you blow off holding me accountable if I had a piece of paper called "credentials"? You shouldn't. If anything they should act more responsibly because they have the "credentials" and so-called wilderness training. That to me is not grinding an axe, but stating the pure and simple, sad truth.


[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2003-01-18 11:23 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline MelissaR

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« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2003, 07:49:00 PM »
Everyone on this forum has some sort of scam story behind them... except me of course, this affiliation, that affiliation, etc. Deborah's no different. Just because she posts incessantly and seems wise doesn't mean she is without skeletons in her closet as well.  :rofl: You people really kill me. No wonder nothing is being done to the industry offenders, everyone here is full of shit. It's like Well I think WWASP is wrong....but I'm with Pure, Well I placed my son here... and should have placed him there.... blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhhh
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2003, 08:38:00 PM »
On 2003-09-08 14:39:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Am I the only one that Deborah needs to share the name of this program that made a zombie out of her son?  Quick to point fingers at another program, but this one sounds far worse.  Or at least share your reason for not sharing this information to inform parents that may be looking into that one. "

Actually no, the above post didn't answer the question.  What's all this dancing around the answer?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2003, 09:38:00 PM »
I don't get it.  What scam is Deborah trying to pull and why?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Watchaduen

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« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2003, 11:31:00 AM »
I had placed my son there on Mother's Day, 2003. My husband drove our son there while I sat home second guessing our decision. I began searching the internet for anything I could find on this place or it's owner's Herman Fountain or John Fountain. I found all kinds of allegations of abuse and torture on the kids. 3 1/2 days later we were back down there rescuing our son. He was covered in bruises inlcuding a black eye. Because we showed up unannounced he was able to smuggle out the names and numbers of three other boys. We also called their parents. Within 5 days the other three boys had been rescued also. We all met with the Attorney General's Office (Mike Moore). We were assured they would open a full blown investigation. A week later the state went in and removed all the children with visible signs of abuse to the face or neck. That is the only part of the body they could see. Two weeks later another 16 boys ran away. 8 ended up in protective custody and the other 8 ended up at a former drill instructors house. All with stories of abuse and torture, sleep, food and water deprivation. Three days before our Court date to testify (August 26th, 2003) we get a call from the Head of Crim. Inv. that the State worked out yet another deal with Bethel. Bethel will no longer use electrical shock for torture, will no longer make the children go to the bathroom on themselves, will feed them three times a day, will not slug them in the face. I could go on and on. We parents are now filing a Class Action Lawsuit. We will name the State of Miss. and Bethel Boys Academy.
If you were ever a student or parent of a student at Bethel, please e-mail me direct. This abuse and torture chamber has got to stop.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
heryle - My son was TORTURED and ABUSED at Bethel Boys Academy aka Eagle Point Christian Academy, aka Pine View Academy, Lucedale, MS.