Author Topic: SCIENTOLOGY (TM)  (Read 16686 times)

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Offline wesfager

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« on: July 03, 2003, 09:51:00 AM »
I thought this Fornits discussion forum was suppose to be about Straight and other abusive juvenile treatment programs, not about religion and the Church of Scientology (TM).  And now some anonymous poster has posted a message under the name "beware" to warn us to stay away from cult expert Rick Ross.  The posting cites page ... ossr5.html

which is a page written  by the Church of Scientology (TM) and references the National Council of Churches.  

In around 1991 my wife and son met with an attorney with the intention of suing Straight for abusing  our son Bill.  I wanted no parts of a suit then, my head still spinning from the mind-control I had been under myself at Straight.  One day I began to ask myself whether I had been in a cult and started researching cults.  I wound up at a meeting of the Maryland chapter of the Cult Awareness Network (CAN), an information and support group for current and former members of cults.  We sat in a circle and went around the room sharing who we were (if we wanted to give our name), and what our experience had been in a cult (if we wanted to).  When they came to me, I started describing Straight.  I never gave the name Straight, just described its methods.  As I spoke I heard a woman whisper under her breath "Straight."  I kept talking.  Then from another direction I heard another whisper "Straight."  That's when I said, "You're right.  It was Straight, Inc."  These people already knew about Straight.

Our meetings were in public places and open to the public.  Frequently Scientologists attended.  They were just there.  People were intimitated.  Why? The Church of Scientology is one of the most litigious organizations on earth.  They have sued a lot fo people so one should be careful what one says about this bizarre organization which has gotten the IRS to classify it as a church.  Around 1995, through some litigation in which Scientology had a hand,  the Cult Awareness Network was sued out of existence.  And now the Cult Awareness is operated by the Church of Scientology!

G. Gordon Melton, deceased, of the National Council of Churches was an appologist for cults, and there are others.  The Church fo Scientology has a reputation of a history of dirty tricks against those it perceives to be its enemies.  Jesse Prince, the higest former Scientologist to speak out agaisnt the church, has publicy stated that one method Scientology seeks to control its parishioners is to get them to sign confessions in their own handwriting admitting to some wrongdoing.  This is precisley one of Straight's own controls.  

I'm not sure who the mysterious poster is who started all this.  Seems to me if it were the clams they would not have wanted to point to one of their own pages.  Check out these videos on the clams. ... 0min85.ram ... abc2020.rm  

Wes Fager
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
es Fager

\"If David Miscaviage can go to his deposition as Admiral Farragut, then Keith Henson can go as Bozo the Clown.\"  Wes Fager

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2003, 10:28:00 AM »
back in the mid-ninties i worked for a guy that was a scientologist. he was a nice enough guy, but it didn't take long before he started pushing it on me. how it could make me more able, a more ethical person, etc. i didn't know much about it, but of course having gone through what i'd gone through in the past, i was of couse suspicious (i had never mentioned anything to him about my incarceration in a child abuse facility). he gave me a book to read, i glanced through it and immediately realized what a complete farce this whole thing was. especially when he began to tell me about the tremendous amounts of money he would spend on these "auditing" sessions. pt barnum sure was right. from there on in i just tried to change topics when he would bring it up. one day we were working in the city on a project. on our way home he coincidentally just had to "stop off real quick" at the church. he told me to come in with him. i hung out in the lobby while he went in to see some kind of counsler. it wasn't long before some guy came out to the lobby. he walked right up to me with a big smile on his face and said my name as if i was a long lost friend. right away i knew. seemed very similar to something else i had experienced at the age of fourteen in a similar cult. anyway, this jerk-off started to explain to me the genuis and miracle discoveries of l. ron hubbard. i tried hard not to laugh out loud as this cult victim continued on his verbal rampage of how i could benefit from scientology and it's procedures. he asked me to take a personality test, i declined. he asked me what i was afraid of, etc. what a one point he likened l ron hubbard to the second coming of the buddha. he explained to me that somewhere in some religious text it said that the buddha would return in the west with flaming red hair. with a dead serious look in his eyes he said "ron had red hair you know!" wow! he must be the buddha!...what a goof! anyway, i just never showed up for work the next day. was in one cult don't need to be in another, thanks!...sorry about that guys, i know this board is about straight but just thought i'd throw that out there! thanks wes! you're always on top of your game, and for that you deserve everyones gratitude!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2003, 01:45:00 PM »
Thank you for that, that was perfect!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul

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« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2005, 02:29:00 AM »

On 2005-06-15 18:31:00, Antigen wrote:

"Oh, are you shittin' me? Deb provides a great deal of background and research info to these discussions.

Ginger, has no one ever done searches on these "resources" Deborah uses and Scientology before?

OK, here is on on that Deborah uses to post on the thread:

"Mental Health Screening in Schools Signals the End of Parental Rights"

Search: Scientology

      Welcome to our Scientology Resource Library!
      ... Monks to help others - Dec 22, Scientology Volunteer Ministry launches New Holiday Hope ... of America. - parents for label-free, drug-free education ...
      Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)
      ... Church of Scientology International. ...
      ablechild/breaking news
      Breaking News. Tom Cruise Slams Child Psychiatrists. CRUISE LAUNCHES WAR ON PSYCHIATRISTS ... as part of a week-long special about his scientology beliefs, the movie hunk declares, "I'm going right after psychiatry ...
      Senator John Ensign Takes the Lead in Protecting Children
      ... On our website alone, we have over 300 signatures of parents nationwide that have ... established by the Church of Scientology in 1969 to investigate and expose ...
      Parents Call on Senate to Prohibit Coerced Psychiatric Drugging in Schools
      ... similar abuse and coercion on her website, which was written in support of the Child ... founded by the Church of Scientology in 1969 to investigate and expose ...
      Parenting Quotes
      Share This Page. Report Abuse. Edit your Site. Browse Sites. " Previous | Top 100 | Next " Jane's Pages. Parenting Quotes
      Bush Signs Legislation Prohibiting Forced Medication of Children
      ... health watchdog established by the Church of Scientology, in applauding Congress for passing precedent-setting ... [edit on 04/12/5 by ...
      Outside The Beltway : Brooke Shields and Tom Cruise in War of the Words
      ... However, as a dedicated follower of Scientology, Cruise is of the belief that mind-altering medications of any ... http://www.MINDFREEDOM.ORG. http://www.ORTHOMED.ORG. http://www.ABLECHILD.ORG ...
      Memos Display Drug Firms
      ... was particularly unpopular among followers of the Church of Scientology. It was not until this year that ... attacks by the Church of Scientology, which was lobbying to get Prozac ... ... rug_firm...
      Alex Jones Promotes Scientologist
      ... from, which is a Scientology-affiliated organization. ... 2005, attended the awards ceremony of this Scientology front group ... ... tes_scie...
      Welcome to my website
      Ralph Waldo Emerson Check out these links What is REALLY happening to our money...
      Sean Hannity Promotes Church of Scientology Front Group ... (845) 677-4118 Sheila Matthews National Vice President...
      Issue: School Violence - Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) ... Privacy Policy Established in 1969 by the Church ofScientology ...
      Over 500 Parents Say Schools Coerced Them to Administer Psychiatric Drugs to Children
      ... Weathers' website, lists the names of parents who report they've been coerced ... 1969 by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations ...
      Buffalo Scientology Info
      And, yes the Church of Scientology likes to take the credit for people?s successes. ... ...
      Over 500 Parents Say Schools Coerced Them to Administer Psychiatric...
      Mrs. Weathers' website, lists the names of parents who report they've been ... in 1969 by the Church of Scientology to investigate...
      Celebrities Urge Senate to Move on Bill Against Forced Psychiatric...
      ...organization, Parents for a Label and Drug Free Education ( She is frequently ... established by the Church of Scientology in...
      RehabNZ/ Criminal Rehabilitation. Improving Society. Drugs. Drug Rehabilitation & Training.
      Links. Scripps Alcohol Treatment Center. Scripps McDonald Center is a nationally recognized organization dedicated to alcohol treatment. The Vitamins And Nutrition Centre
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who don\'t understand my position, on all subjects:

* Understand the law and your rights.

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Offline Paul

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« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2005, 06:53:00 AM »
The Washington Post has reported that the Church of Scientology has paid $8,674,843 to settle a case that was filed in 1980 by Lawrence Wollersheim, a former member who blamed church policies for injuring his mental health. [Leiby R. Ex-Scientologist collects $8.7 million in 22-year-old case. Washington Post, May 10, 2002] According to the article: In 1986, a jury awarded Wollersheim $5 million in compensatory damages and $25 million to punish the church for what jurors called intentional and negligent "infliction of emotional distress." The award total was reduced on appeal to $2.5 million. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the judgment in 1994, but the ensuing battle to collect the money (plus accumulated interest) continued until shortly before a hearing scheduled in Los Angeles Superior Court. According to an article on Factnet, the Church paid because it was afraid that the hearing could result in certain evidence being presented at the hearing that would jeopardize its tax-exempt status.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who don\'t understand my position, on all subjects:

* Understand the law and your rights.

* Make sure you have the freedom of choice.

* Seek and receive unbiased information and
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Offline Antigen

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« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2005, 12:20:00 PM »
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. The New Freedom init happens to fit nicely into the clams' regular rants. Not at all surprising that they'd come down against it.

I don't believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life.
--Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-born American industrialist and philanthropist

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Paul

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« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2005, 12:42:00 PM »

I have never done this to this degree,
but Deborah's constant demonizing and
utilization of resources I have never
heard of, made it dawn on me to do
Scientology searches on her references.

Does it bother you that she utilizes
Scientolgy resoureces, or front groups,
without declaring?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who don\'t understand my position, on all subjects:

* Understand the law and your rights.

* Make sure you have the freedom of choice.

* Seek and receive unbiased information and
know the source of information.

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2005, 01:43:00 PM »
On 2003-07-03 07:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

"back in the mid-ninties i worked for a guy that was a scientologist. he was a nice enough guy, but it didn't take long before he started pushing it on me. how it could make me more able, a more ethical person, etc. i didn't know much about it, but of course having gone through what i'd gone through in the past, i was of couse suspicious (i had never mentioned anything to him about my incarceration in a child abuse facility). he gave me a book to read, i glanced through it and immediately realized what a complete farce this whole thing was. especially when he began to tell me about the tremendous amounts of money he would spend on these "auditing" sessions. pt barnum sure was right. from there on in i just tried to change topics when he would bring it up. one day we were working in the city on a project. on our way home he coincidentally just had to "stop off real quick" at the church. he told me to come in with him. i hung out in the lobby while he went in to see some kind of counsler. it wasn't long before some guy came out to the lobby. he walked right up to me with a big smile on his face and said my name as if i was a long lost friend. right away i knew. seemed very similar to something else i had experienced at the age of fourteen in a similar cult. anyway, this jerk-off started to explain to me the genuis and miracle discoveries of l. ron hubbard. i tried hard not to laugh out loud as this cult victim continued on his verbal rampage of how i could benefit from scientology and it's procedures. he asked me to take a personality test, i declined. he asked me what i was afraid of, etc. what a one point he likened l ron hubbard to the second coming of the buddha. he explained to me that somewhere in some religious text it said that the buddha would return in the west with flaming red hair. with a dead serious look in his eyes he said "ron had red hair you know!" wow! he must be the buddha!...what a goof! anyway, i just never showed up for work the next day. was in one cult don't need to be in another, thanks!...sorry about that guys, i know this board is about straight but just thought i'd throw that out there! thanks wes! you're always on top of your game, and for that you deserve everyones gratitude!"

Haha, that's classic!  :lol: I'm surprised you didn't burst out laughing when they guy made the comment about red hair. Thanks for the amusing story.  :em:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2005, 02:05:00 PM »
On 2005-06-20 09:42:00, Paul wrote:

Does it bother you that she utilizes

Scientolgy resoureces, or front groups,

without declaring?


I'm guessing she probably didn't know the connection. Does it bother me? Not really. I suppose I'm used to it by now. It's not different from people referencing PURE material when talking about WWASP. Well, if you search on any of the WWASP related terms, you come up w/ PURE material. Some people just don't look over the entire site to find out who and what PURE is.

It's nice of you to point out this connection, as it certainly does wreck the credibility of this particular source. But it's not asif is the only source for this type of info.

I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment, to be called an agnostic. I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure.
--Clarence Darrow, American lawyer

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Drug war POW
Seed `71 - `80
Straight, Sarasota
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
return undef() if /coercion/i;
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Paul

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« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2005, 04:29:00 PM »
On 2005-06-20 11:05:00, Antigen wrote:


On 2005-06-20 09:42:00, Paul wrote:

Does it bother you that she utilizes

Scientolgy resoureces, or front groups,

without declaring?


I'm guessing she probably didn't know the connection...

Well if she wants tell the folks at Fornit's
then they will know. If not, well that is
free choice.

You are very forgiving of Deborah, I wonder
if you would forgive others, or me, as well.
Since Deborah has been verified by you to
be knowledgable in the field of helping
the mentally ill, to not know about COS
or the validity, or history of all types
of psychiatric care is suspect. Sorry, but
it just is.

I am pretty sure when any groups has a set
of values based on absolutes, that is reason
to be suspicous that there is a spin on the
truth for whatever reason.

I guess I should have been more suspicious
when Deborah went off the handle about the
mentioning of "evidence based" practices.

After all, one wouldn't want to know if
their car mechanic knows what they are doing,
correct, why would they want to know that
their medical professionals know what they are
doing :smile:

Most legitimate "alternative" medicine sites,
whether physical or mental are now complementary
and don't demonize anyone's choice of treatment

It is all about being as healthy as possible,
while we are all lucky enough to be alive.

Ginger, if everyone on earth was as forgiving
as you are to Deborah, then there would be
no conflicts and certainly no war!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who don\'t understand my position, on all subjects:

* Understand the law and your rights.

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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2005, 04:42:00 PM »
Just another cult.

I see no difference between this cult and any other religious cult. A big guy living in the clouds, a spaceship, whatever the fuck these nuts believe in always has seemed strange to me. Have you ever lookd into the eyes of a true-believer? It's scary.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul

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« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2005, 04:47:00 PM »
The Los Angeles Times

Part 6: Attack the Attacker

Suits, Protests Fuel a Campaign Against Psychiatry

As part of its strategy, the movement created a nationwide uproar over the drug Ritalin, used to treat hyperactive children.

(Friday, 29 June 1990, page A48:1)

In recent years, a national debate flared over Ritalin, a drug used for more than three decades to treat hyperactivity in children.

Across the country, multimillion-dollar lawsuits were filed by parents who contended that their children had been harmed by the drug.

Major news organizations -- including The Times -- devoted extensive coverage to whether youngsters were being turned into emotionally disturbed addicts by psychiatrists and pediatricians who prescribed Ritalin.

Protests were staged at psychiatric conferences, with airplanes trailing banners that read, "Psychs, Stop Drugging Our Kids," and children on the ground carrying placards that pleaded, "Love Me, Don't Drug Me."

In 1988, the clamor reached a point where 12 U.S. congressmen demanded answers from the Food and Drug Administration and three other federal agencies about the safety of Ritalin. The FDA assured the legislators that the drug is "safe and effective if it is used as recommended."

The Ritalin controversy seemed to emerge out of nowhere. It frightened parents, put doctors on the defensive and suddenly called into question the judgment of school administrators who authorize the drug's use to calm disruptive, hyperactive children.

The uproar over Ritalin was triggered almost single-handedly by the Scientology movement.

In its fight against Ritalin, Scientology was pursuing a broader agenda. For years, it has been attempting to discredit the psychiatric profession, which has long been critical of the self-help techniques developed by the late L. Ron Hubbard and practiced by the church.

The church has spelled out the strategy in its newspaper, "Scientology Today."

"While alerting parents and teachers to the dangers of Ritalin," the newspaper stated, "the real target of the campaign is the psychiatric profession itself.... And as public awareness continues to increase, we will no doubt begin to see the blame for all drug abuse and related crime move onto the correct target -- psychiatry."

The contempt Scientologists hold for the psychiatric profession is rooted in Hubbard's writings, which constitute the church's doctrines. He once wrote, for example, that if psychiatrists "had the power to torture and kill everyone, they would do so.... Recognize them for what they are; psychotic criminals -- and handle them accordingly."

Hubbard's hatred of psychiatry dated back to the 1950 publication of his best-selling book "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health." It was immediately criticized by prominent mental health professionals as a worthless form of psychotherapy.

Hubbard used his church as a pulpit to attack psychiatrists as evil people, bent on enslaving mankind through drugs, electroshock therapy and lobotomies. He convinced his followers that psychiatrists were also intent on destroying their religion.

A church spokesman said that psychiatrists are "busy attempting to destroy Scientology because if Scientology has its voice heard, it will most assuredly remove them from the positions of power that they occupy in our society."

Scientologists call Ritalin a "chemical straitjacket" leading to delinquency, violence and even suicide. They claim that it is being used to indiscriminately drug hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren each day.

Medical professionals say the Scientology claims cannot be supported and are causing undue panic.

Known generically as methylphenidate hydrochloride, Ritalin is intended for youngsters afflicted with "attention deficit disorder," more commonly known as hyperactivity. It is a central nervous system stimulant that, paradoxically, produces calmer behavior in young people.

The government classifies it as a controlled substance.

FDA statistics show that between 600,000 and 700,000 people (70% of them children or adolescents) are being treated with Ritalin.

Between 1980 and 1987, the latest period for which statistics are available, the FDA received 492 complaints of serious problems resulting from the drug. The agency said this level of complaints indicates the drug is safe.

Medical experts agree that some doctors may be too quick to prescribe Ritalin as the sole treatment for problems that warrant a more moderate or creative approach. But, they add, the drug itself is not to blame.

Scientologists have waged their war against Ritalin and psychiatry through the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization formed by the church in 1969 to investigate mental health abuses.

Its members often wear shirts reading "Psychiatry Kills" and "Psychbusters." They have recently broadened their campaign against psychiatric drugs to include Prozac, the nation's top selling anti-depressant, with 1989 sales estimated at $350 million.

Throughout the world, the commission has consistently fought against electroshock therapy and lobotomies, practices that Scientologists believe are barbarous and should be banned.

In the U.S., the commission has encouraged parents to file lawsuits against doctors who have prescribed Ritalin to their children and then has provided nationwide publicity for the suits.

The commission's president is veteran Scientologist Dennis Clarke. Although he is not a doctor, Clarke has positioned himself as the country's most quoted Ritalin expert. In public appearances, Clarke cites a litany of alarming statistics, some of which are exaggerated, unsubstantiated or impossible to verify.

Some medical experts agree that the use of Ritalin in the schools has grown dramatically over the last two decades, but not to the level claimed by Clarke.

For example, Clarke has maintained that in Minneapolis, 20% of children under 10 attending mostly white schools in 1987 were on Ritalin and the percentage was double that in predominantly black schools.

"If they are saying that is the statistic in Minneapolis, they are lying," said Vi Blosberg, manager of health services in the 39,000-student district. She said that fewer than 1% of students districtwide were taking Ritalin or other drugs used to control hyperactivity during the year in question.

Using its statistics, the Citizens Commission in late 1987 lobbied the congressional Republican Study Committee to push Congress for an investigation of Ritalin.

Its campaign attracted the attention of Rep. Cass Ballenger (R-N.C.), who is on the House Education and Labor Committee.

Ballenger's legislative director, Ashley McArthur, said she met with the Citizens Commission because the statistics about Ritalin abuse "caught our attention." She said Ballenger and 11 congressional colleagues sent letters to four federal agencies, including the FDA, requesting reports on Ritalin usage and safety.

McArthur said she later learned that Scientologists were behind the Citizens Commission and that some of the information they provided did not "add up."

"Once we knew their whole organization was run by Scientologists, it put a whole different perspective on it," McArthur said. "I think they'll try to use any group they can."

A recent Scientology publication said the anti-Ritalin effort was "one of (the commission's) major campaigns in the 1980s."

"Hundreds of newspaper articles and countless hours of radio and television shows on this issue resulted in thousands of parents around the world contacting (the commission) to learn more about the damage psychiatrists are creating on today's children," the article stated.

"The campaign against Ritalin brought wide acceptance of the fact that (the commission) and the Scientologists are the ones effectively doing something about the problems of psychiatric drugging," the publication added.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who don\'t understand my position, on all subjects:

* Understand the law and your rights.

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Offline Paul

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« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2005, 04:52:00 PM »
On 2005-06-20 13:42:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Just another cult.

I see no difference between this cult and any other religious cult. A big guy living in the clouds, a spaceship, whatever the fuck these nuts believe in always has seemed strange to me. Have you ever lookd into the eyes of a true-believer? It's scary."

I agree with you, with the exception of Scientology.

They are large cult, unrelentless, clandestine and hurtful. Very scary.

Look even right here at Fornit's they have someone as intelligent as Ginger tricked into thinking Deborah is as innocent at propoganda as apple pie!

Very scary indeed!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who don\'t understand my position, on all subjects:

* Understand the law and your rights.

* Make sure you have the freedom of choice.

* Seek and receive unbiased information and
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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2005, 05:13:00 PM »
On 2003-07-03 10:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Thank you for that, that was perfect!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2005, 05:13:00 PM »
On 2005-06-20 14:13:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2003-07-03 10:45:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Thank you for that, that was perfect!"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »