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Offline Deborah

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« on: June 28, 2003, 01:24:00 AM »
Ginger, I didn't check to see if this had been posted under a different topic. If it has, feel free to delete it and save space.
Deborah ... 2118c.html

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 5:13AM EDT

Haven for troubled boys has troubles of its own
Bankruptcy piques parents, Va. police

By CRAIG JARVIS, Staff Writer

Ted and Cindy Mitchell of Youngsville were desperate to find a place like Wellspring Academy, a private boarding school for troubled teenage boys in rural southern Virginia that offered a structured schedule and Christian counseling.
Like many other parents from the Triangle and throughout the country, the Mitchells paid the up-front tuition of $49,000 for a year and hoped for the best. But their hopes ended Easter weekend when the school closed amid a swirl of rumors and accusations.
The Mitchells -- who say they were out $63,500 after paying additional tuition to avoid a rate increase -- were livid after the school's owner, Bob Gluhareff of Raleigh, announced he would file for bankruptcy.

Now Virginia and federal investigators want to know whether Gluhareff defrauded parents by taking tens of thousands of dollars knowing he was about to go out of business.

Investigators also are looking at whether a counselor broke the law and triggered a panic that led to the school's closing when she sneaked four boys off campus and told their parents to come get them because Wellspring was collapsing.

Gluhareff blames the counselor for destroying his life's work.

Authorities are evaluating child-welfare conditions at the school and checking its tax records.

The disruption to teenagers in need of help is, for some parents, the most painful fallout of all.

"I don't want to ruin a man, but he's ruined a lot of families," Cindy Mitchell said. "He preyed on people that had nowhere else to go."

Gluhareff, 58, an ordained Baptist minister and longtime family counselor based in Raleigh, says it is ludicrous to suggest he intentionally went out of business.

"We are not embezzlers, we are not swindlers, we are not fraud people," Gluhareff says. "We gave and gave and gave. ... It's a sad, sad story if one family has lost $25,000, but I've lost everything I worked for all my life. Why would I tank my own school?"

Gluhareff started Wellspring in 1986 on 510 acres outside South Boston, about an hour north of the Triangle. It offered high school and two years of college instruction for at-risk boys ages 13 to 19, emphasizing a structured environment with Christian counseling.

Gluhareff initially recruited students from the Raleigh area and later from throughout the country. Students wore uniforms of khakis and polo shirts. They included teenagers ordered by judges to attend and boys whose parents thought they needed to be there.

Gluhareff made strong ties with Halifax County (Va.) authorities and the state Republican Party. Virginia's attorney general spoke at last year's commencement.

Gluhareff built the school to a peak enrollment of about 90 students and 60 staff members. Last year, its budget was nearly $3 million, with two-thirds coming from tuition and the rest from donations, tax records show.

A clash of styles

Lisa Grant was hired as a counselor in May 2002 fresh out of graduate school. Favoring thrift-shop attire, Grant tacked a poster of 1960s rock star Jim Morrison on her wall when she arrived. Her style didn't go over well, and she grew discontented.

She says that the youths at Wellspring were not counseled as often as parents were led to believe and that the daily schedule was not nearly as structured as claimed. Then, she says, she watched with alarm as financial problems grew.

Court records show that the school's food vendor claimed Wellspring failed to pay for goods for more than two months last year and later sued for $26,700. A local gas and fuel oil company sued for nearly $6,000 in unpaid bills, and an auto mechanic sued for $1,000 overdue for repairs.

Late last year, the staff took a 20 percent pay cut; this year, a security staff member quit. Grant's paycheck bounced at the end of March but was made good the next week. Her next paycheck, on April 18, was postponed for the weekend.

Grant, 40, a single mother of three, said she decided to quit that day and, on an impulse, piled four boys into her car and slipped them off campus. She began calling their parents and telling them to pick up their sons because the school was going out of business.

The school phones began ringing nonstop with calls from alarmed parents. Gluhareff called sheriff's deputies and reported that Grant had kidnapped the boys.

Word of Grant's escapade spread through the 30 or so boys who were not on spring break, Gluhareff said. They began to rebel, he said, refusing to wear the school uniform and threatening to burn the dorms down.

"The kids were electrified," he said. "... All of a sudden, the school looked like something out of 'Blackboard Jungle.' "

On Easter, operations were suspended and Grant's car mysteriously burned in her front yard.

On April 30, Gluhareff wrote parents that he would have to keep the school closed, blaming the economy, parents' failure to pay tuition on time and Grant's actions. Two weeks later, his attorney told parents in a letter that Gluhareff had no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

Parents react

About a dozen parents planned a response, including a campaign to draw news media attention, to complain to the North Carolina board that licenses counselors and to look into suing. They grew angrier as they shared their stories.

A divorced Virginia couple, whose son began at Wellspring in October, paid more than $54,000 because the school was collecting double tuition from them. Karen McCollum says Gluhareff and the school president separately told her and her former husband that the other one wasn't going to pay.

Gluhareff says that was because of a clerical error and miscommunication, but McCollum remains furious. She says she told him in a phone call that he had betrayed her trust.

"You devastated my family, you devastated my son, you forced us into a financial situation I don't know we'll ever recover from," McCollum says she told him. "I don't care how long it takes, how much money it costs, how hard it is -- my mission in life now is to see you never open another school or other type of facility as long as you live."

Gluhareff, in turn, began soliciting letters of support from parents and staff to send to investigators. He says he and his wife planned to retire at Wellspring and be buried on the grounds.

He says he had recently put a $10,000 down payment on a gym and had been expecting $135,000 in tuition and donations within the coming week. But he says that wouldn't have been enough to avoid bankruptcy because Wellspring survived month to month without a reserve, in large part because it gave scholarships to many families who couldn't afford tuition.

Most of the parents of the 70 or so boys who were enrolled at Wellspring when it closed have not complained publicly. Some, including Jenny Openshaw of Alabama, say they aren't angry at Gluhareff, even though they lost tuition, because Wellspring helped their son so much.

"I think he has the best intentions, and this was his dream," Openshaw says. "I just weep for him it's turned out this way."

This month, Gluhareff said Grant might have taken revenge after learning that she was going to be fired that weekend. However, his April 30 letter to parents described her as a "trusted counselor."

Under investigation

This is not the first time Gluhareff has been in a dispute with a former employee: In 1999, a female staffer sued him in Wake County, alleging he seduced her and coaxed her grandfather into paying more than $60,000 to counsel her, her sister and her mother. Gluhareff denied it and countersued for slander; both suits were settled out of court.

Investigators expect to take at least six months, and maybe a year, to sort out the accusations, said Lt. Ann Barber of the Virginia State Police. She said that the Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Postal Inspection Service are involved and that investigators are just gathering facts at this point.

"It's a very complex case," Barber said. "We'll just determine if a violation of law has occurred."

Gluhareff has returned to Raleigh and opened a counseling practice. He says he is contemplating reopening the school.

Staff writer Craig Jarvis can be reached at 829-4576 or [email protected].
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2003, 02:43:00 AM »
I don't know what to say, but I feel that someone should step forward and say something.

I didn't leave Wellspring on the best of turms. In truth not many did in the time that I was there. It wasn't because we were rong or they were right, well maybe it was a little. We'll call it a clash of ideological views. I am sorry that I am not being indepth and detailed, but I would prefer not to be remembered. Not because I want to do more damage to Wellsprings name, but because that person is no longer who I am or want to be.

I am one of Wellspring's lost boys. One of the Characterlogically Flawd as Bob liked to call it. He told us that of the guys that came to the farm that he would not be able to help one in eight. I agree with him simply because his way is not the only way and to have only one in every eight not be helped is a very good ratio for any person. He loved all of us and most of us loved him. He was the father I never had and for that I am thankful, but in the end he did betray me. He cast out all of my hopes and dreams. He wanted to save what he had built as I am sure he did to more of the guys that left for mysteriouse reasons. He let go of a part in order to keep the greater whole safe. I admire him for that.

But let me tell you what my life was like at Wellspring. It was like comming home for the very first time. In truth I couldn't stand it in the beginning, none of us could, but then what is good to a kid that goes from staying up as late as he wants, going out to all of the parties, drinking, doing drugs, skipping school to waking up at 7 in the morning and being in bed by 9:30, giving over the parties for school work, chores and operations work. I ahted it so much that i didn't even realize that I was starting to love it. I had a family that made me feel like they cared about me. I had brothers that watched out for me and helped me. I loved them all just as much as they loved me. Would have given my life to protect any one of them and trusted each of them with my life.

All of the guys (students) knew what was going on. We knew that Bob and his wife as well as most of the higherups ended up in the red every month. Bob didn't bother to hide it. There are things that I did learn about in reading some of the articles I have found on the web about Wellspring that I did not know. Things that happened in the time that I was there to people that I knew. People that I respected and loved. And if there is any truth to some of those stories I can only hope that Bob will spend the rest of his life paying for them in his own personal way deep within.

As for embessuling. No, Bob never did that he couldn't it wasn't in him. He gave to much of what he earned back to the school as did so many others. The only thing he is guilty of in that speciffic instance is wanting to grow too much too fast. I wish that thigs hadn't turned out the way they did for him, but the question is how he and Moma Sharon will move on from it.

To all of the parents who had kids at wellspring in the final days. I am truely sorry for what happened to your families and that you didn't get to see just how good a job Bob and all of his staff members did with us.

And don't blame Bob for everything. Your kids had problems when they came there. The reason your kids had problems is because you failed as parents. If you want to blame others go ahead and try but they are your children. You still have the chance to fix things though. That's the one big place that Bob and I dissagree. Love them for who they are, respect them even if you don't agree and let them make their own decisions as often as is safely possible. Hold high standerds for them but do keep a lot of rules. With tomany rules there will be no room for them to grow and with to low a standerd they will have no reason.

Have faith in yourselvs. If you don't your children will see and louse faith in you and themselves.

To the kids. And YES, I DO SAY "KIDS". Stop acting like children. Your parents love you even if they don't know how to show it. Even if they spen all of their time rapped up in their silly litle problems. Listen to what they have to say and love them because they will always love you. Give your opinnion or they will never know what youe want. You may not get it, but at least you will know they know. Hold yourselves to higher standerds. Life is not all about "Fucking on Cocain." I don't know if I can say that part, but I don' think I met a single guy in the time I was at wellspring that didn't know the expression in some form or another. Respect your bodies and respect others. Be yourselves, the person inside, not the one that you think every one wants. And be honest.

I don't pretend to know where Wellspring's care holders went wrong. Nor do I care. They dropped the ball and that is in the past. I just hope that all of the families that were touched by Wellspring and it's ideas take something posotive away from it.

Wellspring changed me for the better and thought I am not by far the person that the staff wanted me to become I am a better person. In my own eyes as well as the eyes on those around me. I have done my best to uphold the teachings of Wellspring since the day I was remooved and I will every day for the rest of my life.

To the staff. Thank you for being my parents, my older brothers and sisters and any other obscure family members.

Finally to Bob. You are the biggest basterd I have ever known. Your inability to follow through on my own personal case cost my fammily more time and grief because you thought that cutting me off would be the best. You have ignored me repeatedly and the e-mails that I have sent you. I only hope that in time you will stop running from your falts thinking that youare god's gift to the earth and realize that you are only human. I love you and always will. I hope all of the best for you and your family. I hope that Wellspring does pop up somewhere else someday so that more guys and/or girls can be helpped. You deserve to be beaten within an inch ov your life then brought back and rewarded with a mettal of honner.

From one of the Lost  Boys.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2003, 01:30:00 PM »
On 2003-12-24 23:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

 You deserve to be beaten within an inch ov your life then brought back and rewarded with a mettal of honner.

Boy, if that isn't a program quote from someone still under the influence of thought reform, I don't know what is..

If quitting drugs means joining the war on terrorism, does this portend the fire bombing of Amsterdamn ?

--Felton Manifestation

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2004, 01:56:00 PM »
:i myself attended wellspring in 99'. i am going to keep it short and sweet.
1. bob you helped me overcome a lot of things and i want to say thank you.
2. to all my brothers..... your support was everything to me and istill think of all of ya'll
thank you
3. as for the staff(chris,mike,joe,and all you other fuckers)I hope someday you sonabitches will get the punishment you just deserve.....
this stems from alot of mental and physical abuse that ya'll dished out to me and alot of other students at wellspring.
Ihave benn out now for about 3 yrs and i just want to say BOB i know it was not your fault  the school closed,but if you ever re-open your doors make sure YOU have controll of things this time Thank you again bob and as for most of the rest of staff SUCK MY FUCKING DICK AND CHOKE!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2004, 02:48:00 PM »
Fuck Off.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2004, 03:47:00 PM »
On 2004-01-30 11:48:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Fuck Off.


I hope the survivors sue you for everything you've got, plus a lien against future earnings.

I would say go to hell, but it would be too kind to send you back to your hometown.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2004, 01:18:00 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2004, 09:53:00 AM »
who are you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2004, 05:56:00 PM »
Liens against my future earnings? There is no pay in hell, or havent you read.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2004, 12:45:00 PM »
:razz:  Once again thank you bob for giving me a chance to change my life. For the rest of the staff( except Caroll Ann) :  I hope justice is not on your side.  :razz:  :razz:  :razz:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2004, 11:07:00 PM »
i went to wellspring and was there when all the shit went down in the end i can tell u i was not a "bad" kid but it all ruined my life just the same especially the operations staff and others. you all suck i hope you all get yours bc of what happened to me. i thot i changed but i guess i was wrong i finally got back in school at the end, went to public school last year, got kicked out and now i go to a military school, i can say tho that my life is getting better but its got nothing to do with ANY body from wellspring..
by the way this is behrle
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2005, 10:03:00 PM »
I was a member of the last graduating class at Wellspring.  I hated my time there but I'm a tougher person for it.  If anyone who went there when i was there staff or student I would like to hear how you are this is Will Pope e-mail me at [email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2005, 10:04:00 AM »
It's an odd and paradoxical thing that surviving the adversities of life often makes us stronger.

However, that doesn't mean we should treat people, adults or children, badly just because the ones we don't permanently damage or destroy will become stronger people.

To take the analogy to the extreme, the survivors of the concentration camps in the Holocaust became very strong, tough, resilient people----the ones that didn't die or come out broken for life.

There's enough adversity in real life without having to manufacture some as a way of pouring people through the fire and seeing who burns to ashes or melts to slag and who comes out gold.

Putting it all through the fire is a *fine* strategy for ore refining.  But we're not talking about refining rocks, we're talking about the lives of human beings.  The broken minds and suicides are too high a cost to pay for the strengthening of those who manage to survive.

As a middle aged adult, I've been in this world long enough to know that life is unfair and will send enough adversity your way to strengthen or break you all on its own.  We don't need people going around and manufacturing more of it just because they're amoral enough to think the kids who are broken or destroyed in the process were simply disposable.

A calf with a birth defect is veal on your plate.

A defective *child* is a human being, and his life and mind have value even if he is not all that we hoped he would be.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2005, 11:24:00 AM »
***To take the analogy to the extreme, the survivors of the concentration camps in the Holocaust became very strong, tough, resilient people----the ones that didn't die or come out broken for life.

This is so true. I don't think the analogy is extreme at all. Some come out of these horrendously abusive situations set on (consciously or not) becoming the 'oppressor'. These types of situations can and do condition people to treat others badly, and in the situations where it's conscious and intentional, they feel justified in doing so.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline spots

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Another One Bites The Dust- Wellspring Academy
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2005, 06:02:00 PM »
On 2005-01-26 08:24:00, Anonymous wrote:

"***To take the analogy to the extreme, the survivors of the concentration camps in the Holocaust became very strong, tough, resilient people----the ones that didn't die or come out broken for life.

This is so true. I don't think the analogy is extreme at all. Some come out of these horrendously abusive situations set on (consciously or not) becoming the 'oppressor'. These types of situations can and do condition people to treat others badly, and in the situations where it's conscious and intentional, they feel justified in doing so."

Like One Who Cares???????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »