Author Topic: CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist  (Read 2429 times)

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Offline Deborah

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« on: June 14, 2003, 10:59:00 PM »
I don't visit the "We've Been There" message board often due to the excessive pop ups and my slow connection, but this was posted a couple of days ago and wanted to share it with folks here. I really appreciated a former employee steping forward to tell the truth.

What CEDU is Like from Former Therapist
 I worked as a therapist for CEDU in Idaho for several years. I witnessed or heard testimony from kids, other workers and therapists outlining incredible staff ignorance, incompetence and finally a, so called,"clinical program" that was using Scientology, EST, Life Spring and Synanon techniques that amounted to nothing more than mind control, emotional manipulation, intimidation, social depravation and sexual degradation sanctioned by licensed and unlicensed PhDs. I spent several years working in the program to bring about positive change and some bit of humanity. I failed.

The best staff; the ones who really cared, would be extricated quickly. I fought from within, all the way up to the CEO, and was eventually forbidden from sending e mails of more than 3 sentences - nothing ever changed. I eventually started reporting to child protective services. CPS eventually said that they could not do adequate investigations on the funding they had - and left it to the local (good old boy) police who all have relatives and friends working at the school. Nothing ever changed. The kids were afraid to speak up. When they tried to talk to their parents, staff hung up at any mention of anything bad about the place.

I eventually called State Rural Treatment Center Licensing and spoke with two of their staff on three occasions - ( Mostly the main guy, Jim Pruitt) Inspections were done without talking to me, any therapists or the kids. Toothbrushes were checked. They acted like health inspectors for a restaurant and gave them a clean bill of health every time.

During one period of time, a girl's body wash was urinated in before she used it, boys masturbated into each other's sheets, there were blanket parties; a toilet plunger found with feces on it. Masturbation was ruled "out of agreement." A staff member yelled at a child caught with Victoria Secret pictures while playing the song "whip it, whip it good" in front of the whole school population. Then he was humiliated in a group rap session where kids were supposed to join in the retribution. There were girls and boys who had sex on a regular basis. No education was given, only long time outs (restrictions), bans against talking to friends, work assignments, yelling and shame. Once a female staff was placed in a workshop and asked to work on "her emotional stuff" by pretending to hump one of my boys while moaning that she liked it. Another of my boys was forced to stay alone in a room for about 2 months while given periodic interrogation sessions and yelling. Boys and girls are regularly placed at chairs in the center of the "house" or in corners where they would sit for weeks (state code forbids this but the state workers let it go on with their knowledge) writing things like "what I hate about myself" What are the things that make me a liar" How do I make my family ashamed" ad infinitum. Depressed children are frequently hospitalized at NIBH because this process would make them snap and become suicidal/ or homicidal - I participated in assessing several kids pushed to danger to self or others and arranged hospitalizations. The result, approximately 85% of child population on psychotropic medications to control their behavior and allow them to stay in the program. Workshops can require staff yelling slut, whore, dummy, idiot etc. and with signs placed on the walls as my kids reported.

Staff weren't treated much better. Program staff went through the same as above - clinicians didn't see it for obvious reasons. And, Idaho has no "right to work laws" so people on salary are not required to be given breaks or even limits to the hours they work. As a therapist I would see 9 to 11 children a day, attend raps, staffings meetings and field as many as 30 phone calls a week each lasting on half to one hour and attend several meetings and staffings whole running "so called" clinical supervision in the house and periodic unpaid on-call time. I eventually gave up attending Raps - closed two weekly group therapy sessions in order to cope and was still working 14 hour days frequently with no breaks - not even 10 minutes in a day. When I asked for help, they called it a time management problem. They were laying people off, and, therefore, over-working the remaining staff was the only way to squeeze more money out. I spoke up about being over worked and said that this affected quality of service at the "parent conference." Suddenly I was being called on the carpet at every turn. I saw that they were forcing me out, so I resigned and offered a long notice on the condition that I could give attention to the trauma my children would experience in losing me. In response the clinical director harassed me by calling in human resources and accusing me of everything they could make up while I continued to work 14 hour days on my four day week schedule. I eventually was unable to keep up and became so stressed I went home sick and they said this was an early resignation, forbid me from returning to campus and sent me my final pay.

If anyone ever thinks of sending a child to a CEDU school or working for one, I would not recommend it. If anyone believes their child is safe in Idaho because the State Department of Health and Welfare forget it. Idaho Child Protective Services will do Nothing, State Facilities Licensing has nothing but a token function and the local police have better things to do than look after locked up rich kids. In summary, there are no checks and balances in Idaho and I suspect in many other States. For example Washington State has safeguards and there are virtually no Emotional Growth Boarding Schools there.

Take heed that, after working with them, I see this whole Emotional Growth Boarding School industry as corrupt. This company recently settled out of court on charges or racketeering and child abuse. They shut down a choice wilderness program "On Track" after it was involved in the death of a child while doing a restraint. The Alexia Parks newspaper articles section on See the We've Been There /Cedu bulletin board on the web for the awful history of CEDU and other such schools. Take heed.

Also, I can tell you first hand that most of the kids I have followed did "the CEDU act" (their words) through and at graduation "to get out" and then went back to smoking pot, drinking and having indiscriminate sex. I recommend that, you, instead of looking to this greedy industry, spend an inordinate amount of positive time with your kids. Recreate them and mentor them. Share your life with them. That is what they are crying out for.

These programs use the same techniques as cults and will temporarily change your child's behavior while he does some growing up over 2 years. Your child will look better behaved because he will know the "act" to get what he/she wants. They are conditioned to the "act." But your child is not a rat. He or she is a human being and deserves to be treated as such while he or she grows up. Aversive conditioning of children is not a therapeutically acceptable practice. I saw it's darkness, this industry, this practice. Unfortunately, you never will see the darkness directly, because they hide it so well. Don't make the same mistake I did and trust these people.

Mark Rist LCSW
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline FaceKhan

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2003, 03:29:00 AM »
With all the publicity surrounding WWASP lately it is easy to forget that there is at least one other large chain of abusive programs around and CEDU/Brown Schools is it.

The only other chains of really abusive programs out there that I am aware of are the various southern fundamentalist baptist programs in parts of Florida, Missouri, and several other southern states. They are not connected directly but they do network to keep themselves unregulated. At one point Florida CPS lost the power to even investigate these programs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
All of the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle.\"

Offline Anonymous

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2003, 09:40:00 AM »
Just curious how the therapist feels about the lucrative cottage industry of parent-owned and operated program referral services?  Talk about jumping on the gravy train of abuse. How do these "parents" sleep at night knowing the fate of defenseless children rests in their greased palms?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline anon

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2003, 12:29:00 PM »
[ This Message was edited by: KarenZ on 2003-10-16 19:29 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carey

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2003, 12:41:00 PM »
"Ignorance is bliss."  I don't think so.

We are all responsible for our own stupidity!  That may be a harsh statement made, and even harder to swallow, but it is true.

It is a shame that some have to suffer because of the stupidity of others.  I do not have any compassion for those who profit off of it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2003, 09:20:00 PM »
Karen, I agree with you entirely. And, let me give ya'll the benefit of my family's experience.

In 1970 or so, my mother forced my older brothers into The Seed. Around the same time, my parents divorced. Since I was just kindergartener at the time, I can't say if or not it was coincidence.

My mother remained a faithful follower of Art Barker, even as one after the other of her kids moved out of state just about as soon as was practical to do so. By the time I hit my mid teens, 10 years later, for some reason I landed up in Straight instead of The Seed.

After about 2 years, I split the program just before my 18th birthday. After all the bullshit with my parents and the program trying to force me back into the program through the courts and after I came of legal age, I tried one more time to work things out with my mother. No dice! The first time I went to a party--literally, first time in my life! Seedlings are not allowed to socialize with non Seedlings and Straightlings are not allowed to talk to splits and pulls, so I'd never had any friends to invite me to a party before--I got an ultimatum to either sign myself up for another round of torture at the LIFE program or hit the road and don't call when I got where I was going. Frankly, it was not at all a difficult decision.

Without me to serve as the focus of Mom's crisis de jour, it all fell on Dad. He'd had about enough after a couple of months and turned up back in our home town where I'd gone to try and pick up the pieces of my life.

Dad and I got along fine for the rest of his days. Even turned a 100% profit on a joint real estate venture. It's a damned shame that he passed on a couple of years before it was time to sell and that the rest of his heirs, who are all proud Seedlings except for one, who's a consumate ass kiss to them, saw fit to spend it all.

To this day, I don't talk to my mother because I won't humor her and I won't argue with her and those are the only options available if I'm goint to have anything to do with her. The rest of them just smile in her face and laugh at her behind her back. She's a lonely, paranoid old woman. But the Program just LOVES her (frequent recruites and donations)

Oh yeah, I left out that the wicked bitch monster had 1) sold the home I'd grown up in to give more money and to be closer to the Program 2) told all of my old teachers, neighbors, family friends, etc. all kinds of horrible lies about my having been a junkie prostitute 3) after the second divorce, changed back to her maiden name because she was ashamed to carry the name of a husband who had left the Program!

The program is a cult. This is what cults do. They sell you a bill of goods, take everything you've got and then some then dump you on the trash heap if you threaten their totalitarian rule.

Have fun. But don't come cryin' ta' me when you never see your grandkids. I tried like hell to warn ya.

Give me the youth, and Germany will rule the world.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline anon

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2003, 11:29:00 PM »
[ This Message was edited by: KarenZ on 2003-10-16 19:32 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carey

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2003, 08:33:00 AM »
I do not have compassion for those who cause others to suffer because of their own stupidity.  Compassion invovles sympathy.  Sympathy is a state of being simultaneously affected with the same feeling as another.

When you say I don't understand because I did not chose Dundee for my boys.  You are correct.  But even if I had it would not be compassion that I would be feeling, it would be empathy, the capacity to identify with a person.  

Stupidity has nothing to do with how educated or uneducated a person is. Educated people to stupid things just the same as uneducated people do.

Do these parents and other "consultants" who receive monies (referal fees) for the programs they sell deserve compassion? NO. Do they deserve to be forgiven? Maybe.  The problem is, to be forgiven, one has to ask to be forgiven, meaning they have to admit that they need to be forgiven.  The person has to admit they have done something wrong and then turn away from it.  

Forgiveness can only come from those who they have hurt.

[ This Message was edited by: Carey on 2003-06-16 06:14 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2003, 11:45:00 AM »
I think its up to the students to forgive as best they can, both their parents and the program people.  I do, however,  have my grievances. I suppose if Jane was to ask my forgiveness I might grant it - but she hasn't, and I don't expect she will, and so I remain angry with her. And yet, I'm aware she may have no idea what kind of lies shes selling.
I think of stupid as unable to learn as well as the average person - tho of coarse ?stupid? is a most impolite way of expressing this.
You right - smart people can do stupid things.
But generally, in these cases, they recognize they have been stupid, and regret it.
In this case - they are UnAble to recognize it, for the reason stated above.
I empathize with them, as you say - but also feel sorry for them; in much the same way I feel sorry for a truck load of cattle on the way to the stock yards; even tho I  enjoy a good steak.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2003, 11:53:00 AM »
Forgetfulness is just a mental disfunction.

Karen's right. It's not about inteligence. My dad was a brilliant man. And he was somewhat of a resister for the whole 10 years or more of our family's involvement. Never the less, he was swayed enough at one point to violate his own personal code in ways I never thought I'd see him do.

Maybe it's about pride. We all like to think of ourselves as being rational, self determined and wholely in charge of our own will. But it's just not like that. We all need social feeding just as much as we need food and water. Here's a study in pictures of how that works.

A Simulation Study of the
Psychology of Imprisonment
Conducted at Stanford University

I think anyone who's trying to understand the Program could learn something from that experiment.

Carey, you're right. The only people who have any care over the issue of whether or not to forgive are those hurt by these people. I'm over that, personally. Have been for many years. I'm about busting up these cults. And to do that, you have to understand what the hell's going on there.

Some of the most rabidly dedicated cult members often become the most outspoken and effective critics. It's not the same as someone who's complicit of crimes with fully informed consent. There are those among them who are, but the vast majority are not permanent enemies. That's why, all cults take measures to isolate dissenters. While you're involved, once you've accepted the idea that you need them, the hammer it into your head that you're just this close to getting the boot and that that would be an unthinkable, unbearable thing. You'll do anything to keep acceptance, including turning your back on your own kids, spouse, best friend or whatever if the cult demands it.

If they left this alone and just let members hang out and be friends with people not in good standing with the cult, they'd lose their monopoly on the members' social world and the whole thing would fall apart.

That's one of the main reasons why I keep these forums open and SAFETY throws a party each year. Not only do the programs strictly discourage association among former members and current members outside their control. But, once you've gotten away from something like this, the last thing in the world you want to do is hang out with people with whom you have little else in common. But that's the only way I know of for us to compare notes and get the word out to the rest of the world and to current members.

When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.
Anonymous . . . for obvious reasons

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Carey

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CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2003, 12:51:00 PM »
"Stupid is as stupid does."

Maybe it is an over simplified statement...but it holds a lot of truth.

I do not feel sorry for those who are selling kids to schools. I also do not have compassion for them. It does not matter to me whether it be parents who are getting a discount on their childs tuition for refering another child or whether it be a consultant who is being paid on the front end or the back end. Their stupidity is hurting others.  It is stupidity because they have not done thier research.  With a place like Dundee I ask, what did they have to offer?  What were parents paying for? How was the money being spent to help the children?  Why were these questions not asked?  If they were asked, why did parents continue to pay?  Were they simply paying that much to have their child locked away?  What?  Sounds pretty stupid to me.

I can see how the kids become programmed after their stay in one of these places.  They are isolated, deprived, etc etc.  But the parents, they are not programed.  They are hearing and believing what they chose to hear and beleive.  They would rather just "trust the program" that is the easiest thing to do.  Then, they don't have to accept responsibilty even when the truth slaps them right in the face.

Like I said, forgiveness can be sought, but compassion, no way.  

[ This Message was edited by: Carey on 2003-06-16 09:57 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2009, 04:31:13 AM »
Quote from: "Deborah"
I don't visit the "We've Been There" message board often due to the excessive pop ups and my slow connection, but this was posted a couple of days ago and wanted to share it with folks here. I really appreciated a former employee steping forward to tell the truth.

What CEDU is Like from Former Therapist
 I worked as a therapist for CEDU in Idaho for several years. I witnessed or heard testimony from kids, other workers and therapists outlining incredible staff ignorance, incompetence and finally a, so called,"clinical program" that was using Scientology, EST, Life Spring and Synanon techniques that amounted to nothing more than mind control, emotional manipulation, intimidation, social depravation and sexual degradation sanctioned by licensed and unlicensed PhDs. I spent several years working in the program to bring about positive change and some bit of humanity. I failed.

The best staff; the ones who really cared, would be extricated quickly. I fought from within, all the way up to the CEO, and was eventually forbidden from sending e mails of more than 3 sentences - nothing ever changed. I eventually started reporting to child protective services. CPS eventually said that they could not do adequate investigations on the funding they had - and left it to the local (good old boy) police who all have relatives and friends working at the school. Nothing ever changed. The kids were afraid to speak up. When they tried to talk to their parents, staff hung up at any mention of anything bad about the place.

I eventually called State Rural Treatment Center Licensing and spoke with two of their staff on three occasions - ( Mostly the main guy, Jim Pruitt) Inspections were done without talking to me, any therapists or the kids. Toothbrushes were checked. They acted like health inspectors for a restaurant and gave them a clean bill of health every time.

During one period of time, a girl's body wash was urinated in before she used it, boys masturbated into each other's sheets, there were blanket parties; a toilet plunger found with feces on it. Masturbation was ruled "out of agreement." A staff member yelled at a child caught with Victoria Secret pictures while playing the song "whip it, whip it good" in front of the whole school population. Then he was humiliated in a group rap session where kids were supposed to join in the retribution. There were girls and boys who had sex on a regular basis. No education was given, only long time outs (restrictions), bans against talking to friends, work assignments, yelling and shame. Once a female staff was placed in a workshop and asked to work on "her emotional stuff" by pretending to hump one of my boys while moaning that she liked it. Another of my boys was forced to stay alone in a room for about 2 months while given periodic interrogation sessions and yelling. Boys and girls are regularly placed at chairs in the center of the "house" or in corners where they would sit for weeks (state code forbids this but the state workers let it go on with their knowledge) writing things like "what I hate about myself" What are the things that make me a liar" How do I make my family ashamed" ad infinitum. Depressed children are frequently hospitalized at NIBH because this process would make them snap and become suicidal/ or homicidal - I participated in assessing several kids pushed to danger to self or others and arranged hospitalizations. The result, approximately 85% of child population on psychotropic medications to control their behavior and allow them to stay in the program. Workshops can require staff yelling slut, whore, dummy, idiot etc. and with signs placed on the walls as my kids reported.

Staff weren't treated much better. Program staff went through the same as above - clinicians didn't see it for obvious reasons. And, Idaho has no "right to work laws" so people on salary are not required to be given breaks or even limits to the hours they work. As a therapist I would see 9 to 11 children a day, attend raps, staffings meetings and field as many as 30 phone calls a week each lasting on half to one hour and attend several meetings and staffings whole running "so called" clinical supervision in the house and periodic unpaid on-call time. I eventually gave up attending Raps - closed two weekly group therapy sessions in order to cope and was still working 14 hour days frequently with no breaks - not even 10 minutes in a day. When I asked for help, they called it a time management problem. They were laying people off, and, therefore, over-working the remaining staff was the only way to squeeze more money out. I spoke up about being over worked and said that this affected quality of service at the "parent conference." Suddenly I was being called on the carpet at every turn. I saw that they were forcing me out, so I resigned and offered a long notice on the condition that I could give attention to the trauma my children would experience in losing me. In response the clinical director harassed me by calling in human resources and accusing me of everything they could make up while I continued to work 14 hour days on my four day week schedule. I eventually was unable to keep up and became so stressed I went home sick and they said this was an early resignation, forbid me from returning to campus and sent me my final pay.

If anyone ever thinks of sending a child to a CEDU school or working for one, I would not recommend it. If anyone believes their child is safe in Idaho because the State Department of Health and Welfare forget it. Idaho Child Protective Services will do Nothing, State Facilities Licensing has nothing but a token function and the local police have better things to do than look after locked up rich kids. In summary, there are no checks and balances in Idaho and I suspect in many other States. For example Washington State has safeguards and there are virtually no Emotional Growth Boarding Schools there.

Take heed that, after working with them, I see this whole Emotional Growth Boarding School industry as corrupt. This company recently settled out of court on charges or racketeering and child abuse. They shut down a choice wilderness program "On Track" after it was involved in the death of a child while doing a restraint. The Alexia Parks newspaper articles section on See the We've Been There /Cedu bulletin board on the web for the awful history of CEDU and other such schools. Take heed.

Also, I can tell you first hand that most of the kids I have followed did "the CEDU act" (their words) through and at graduation "to get out" and then went back to smoking pot, drinking and having indiscriminate sex. I recommend that, you, instead of looking to this greedy industry, spend an inordinate amount of positive time with your kids. Recreate them and mentor them. Share your life with them. That is what they are crying out for.

These programs use the same techniques as cults and will temporarily change your child's behavior while he does some growing up over 2 years. Your child will look better behaved because he will know the "act" to get what he/she wants. They are conditioned to the "act." But your child is not a rat. He or she is a human being and deserves to be treated as such while he or she grows up. Aversive conditioning of children is not a therapeutically acceptable practice. I saw it's darkness, this industry, this practice. Unfortunately, you never will see the darkness directly, because they hide it so well. Don't make the same mistake I did and trust these people.

Mark Rist LCSW
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: CEDU Idaho- Truth from a Former Therapist
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2009, 01:59:24 PM »
Mark Rist? Anyone know if he is of any relation to Lori Rist?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »