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Offline Che Gookin

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St. Percy's Home For Wayward Wizards....
« on: September 27, 2007, 10:53:42 AM »
As per request of ginger:

 St. Percy's Home for Wayward Wizards
Chapter 1

    * -The only path for a wizard is in the service of the five ideals.-
      Dr. Miles Sinclair

I never thought my life would be contained in brown paper bag. Yet, sitting in front of me on the table is a brown paper bag that contains the only effects that I was allowed to bring with me. Going from sleeping blissfully in my bed to the conference room of a residential treatment center has a wildly disconcerting quality all of its own. The bare stark walls only accentuate the inhospitable faces of the supervisors and counselors who sit in the room with me. Funny how they had been all smiles and lollipops up until my parents had left the room. So much for living a quiet existence beneath the notice of the Department of Magical Affairs.

I'm a rogue wizard. I have hid my magical abilities from my parents and the Department of Magical Affairs for most of my life. The Department of Magical Affairs tracks all use of magic on North America with a diligence that can best be described as extremely thorough. My sort of magic is a bit different than the rest the wizards hiding out in North America. Some people would call me a sorcerer, which is a natural wizard of sorts that doesn't rely on a wand. Such a thought isn't exactly illegal, but its definitely frowned upon by conventional wizard society. I rejected the norms of conventional wizard society much to my parent's dismay. To them worst yet is my other affliction.

Not only am I a natural wizard, but I'm a firm believer in the use of blood magic. Nothing so tacky as stealing the blood of another, but using my own blood to enhance the power of my spell. Had my parents found me casting a simple levitation spell or something equally boring they might have not cared. More than likely they would have rejoiced and dragged me off to Rodeo Drive for a shopping expedition to get me kitted out for one of the lessor schools of magic. Rather than finding me working my magic of a levitation spell they found both of my arms covered in my own blood and every single piece of my furniture in my room levitating. This probably explains my abrupt departure the floo network in not so gentle care of the escorts.

Looking over at the tall dark looking escort I can see he is watching me. His task is nearly complete as he is waiting for my parent's to finish signing the paperwork. Until then he waits quietly with his wand drawn and ready. Not being one to let him escape without at least a parting shot I say, “Never thought I'd be drug away by a fellow wizard.â€
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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St. Percy's Home For Wayward Wizards....
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 10:54:50 AM »
Chapter 2

    * -Honesty is the first stage of the program.-
      Dr. Miles Sinclair

Having been here at St. Percy's School for Wayward Wizards for about three weeks I've learned a few things, and one of them is to keep your mouth shut unless you absolutely need to speak. My learning curve has been particularly quick. In hushed tones my Peer Group had confronted me for instigating a warding by Dr. Miles. This confrontation huddle took place right outside the main office no more than five minutes after I was peeled off the floor, and dumped in a heap in front of the group of loser's that claimed they were my new family. They seemed to believe that I had deserved the warding, and I responded with some language that I'll describe as colorful. The result for my efforts to expand the unconventional vocabulary of Peer Group was to be drug away to isolation for the rest of the week.

During this three day period in Isolation I was kept in a small cell that had a stone slab with a thin mattress for a bed, no window, and a bucket for a toilet. The Golem, an animated humanoid made of bronze, which guarded me didn't have anything to say. Considering the Golem's of St. Percy's don't have mouths I'm can't say this came as to big of a shock due to the physiological aspects of speech. The walls of the cell are stark cold concrete walls. I could see the pale remains of a variety of smears ingrained into the wall from past residents. No doubt these smears are probably blood or shit. At first the smears didn't make much sense, but after the first day of Isolation they made perfect sense.

The first day actually went by quickly as I was dumped into the cell after having my clothing forcibly removed from me. Larry had commented, “Shits like you in iso don't need clothes. Probably try to fake your way out by trying to hang yourself anyway.â€
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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St. Percy's Home For Wayward Wizards....
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 10:56:08 AM »
Chapter 3

-A wizard always knows his level.-
Dr. Miles Sinclair

My legs are killing me, and from the looks of it the rest of the people in my group aren't much better off. I've been walking for over ten hours straight with a golem keeping time. On my back the weighted pack is compressing my spine into the shape of a donut. My misery is enjoyed by the others around me as well. With great care I look to the left and catch a glimpse of the person next to me. The rewards for my efforts are the slapping sound that rings through my ears and a stabbing pain that roars up my spine from a pain spell. I had broken the rules, because the act of looking to the left or right is a punishable offense.

The rules are quite simple. For ten hours a day myself, and my group of ten others are to walk in one large circle around a central point. We are to carry packs weighted with thirty pounds of rock. Water is dispensed every hour on the hour, and food is doled out twice a day. We can only look directly ahead at the person in front of us and to try to make contact to the person to the side of us will resort in a pain spell from one of the four golems that are walking with us. Speaking without permission will also resort in a pain spell. Attempting to refuse to walk will resort in the entire group getting a pain spell every five minutes until the person refusing is on his feet moving again. Running away from the group will resort in an automatic warding and the entire group will receive a pain spell. In order to earn our way off the intervention, titled as trek, we have to show compliance for three consecutive days. All of this came about due to another person in my group who had managed to throw his wand at Doctor Miles and nearly took the old bastard's eye out.

Two days ago I was standing in one of the barn like classrooms looking at a closet. This closet doesn't hold brooms or other common items. It contains a creature known as a morph. A morph is a small shape shifter that can feed off your worst fears and project them at you. Defending against a morph can be done in a variety of ways. However, the Department of Magical Affairs had mandated that defense against various creatures both magical and nonmagical be done so under certain very carefully regulated positions.

No doubt Doctor Miles had played some role in these guidelines that had been laid down by the Department of Magical Affairs. Doctor Miles elaborates on how exactly his influence was exerted when he said, “Now it was very clear that after the moral decline of the conventional realm of magic brought on by the Haight Ashbury renegades durning the 1960's that much needed to change.â€
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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St. Percy's Home For Wayward Wizards....
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2007, 10:57:10 AM »
Chapter 4

-Wizard's must show unquestionable obedience to the Department of Magical Affairs.-

As I pace the isolation room, for my second stay in the hellish place, I can't help but reflect back on what had set me off. Anger had never been a real problem for me. I was always too careful with hiding my abilities from others to reveal them in a moment of anger. Also by nature I'm a fairly calm person that always has gotten enraged after being provoked into it after a prolonged period of torment. This had been the case this morning. If anything my ability to control my anger and to stay out of the isolation room had failed me miserably. Given the events that had transpired to give me a second stay in Isolation I don't regret my lapse of control in the slightest.

Sam and I were sitting on a bench outside of the group's barracks. We finished our morning responsibilities first and left the barracks a full three minutes before anyone else had finished their chores. These chores included making our beds, collecting our extra clothing and Wizard tools, and exiting the barracks in a timely manner. Sam and I had arranged it with another of our group to swap bunks with Sam. Rather than sleeping over Leonard, the highest ranking member of the group who delighted in tormenting Sam, he slept over my bottom bunk. In return for me waking Sam up a couple times a night so he could go to the bathroom, as Sam is a chronic bed wetter, Sam agreed to help me with my chores in the morning.

This morning was no different from the rest of our mornings. As soon as the counselor bellowed at us we got out of bed. I made the far side of Sam's bed, and he made the far side of my bed. After that we gathered up our stuff and left the barracks. Normally we were the first out of the barracks every single morning and would take a few moments to sit on the bench in front of the Barracks until the rest of the group had finished. Both Sam and I were taking our time to tie our shoes when Larry appeared out of no where. .

“This group will assemble in front of the barracks for a group meeting in exactly thirty seconds,â€
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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St. Percy's Home For Wayward Wizards....
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2007, 10:15:17 PM »
I am looking forward to reading this. I haven't had time yet or the concentration levels necessary but I will read it some time tonight. I forget you wrote this without ever reading it. I am glad you moved it to this forum so we could see it. I expect it to be very insightful like most everything you say!  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: St. Percy's Home For Wayward Wizards....
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2008, 11:54:02 PM »
*bump.. god damn search function blows.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »