Author Topic: Where are the extraterrestrials?  (Read 2397 times)

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Offline teachback

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« on: September 12, 2007, 10:41:05 PM »
Yeah haha, I know...the avatar...

Anyone been abducted or had encounter(s) with extraterrestrial life forms?

A long time ago, a friend of mine said that he did, but I'm not so sure I believe it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 09:21:41 AM »
I know where they are!

They're in my closet drinking Miller Lite.

Mmmm mmmm, tasty they says. I say, not.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rude Intrusion

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Re: Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 10:08:05 PM »
Quote from: ""thought criminal""
Yeah haha, I know...the avatar...

Anyone been abducted or had encounter(s) with extraterrestrial life forms?

A long time ago, a friend of mine said that he did, but I'm not so sure I believe it.

So? What did your friend say happened?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ashed Brains Shrink

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2007, 11:28:48 PM »
they are among us......

funny how people think that aliens just have to be some sort of hominoid, and that they evolved on a simmilar path as us...and would have developed radio technology and used it (i'm reffering to the idiotic SETI thing) or that they even use some sort of flying apparatus. E.T could be anything - a virus, bacteria, a fungus, maybe some sort of "supernatural" entity, maybe even just a psychic entity. maybe E.T doesnt even have DNA, or cells, or even use carbon and water as a building block for life. maybe it's just "energy". who knows.

i think they are fungus. this is not a new idea, it has long been theorized that fungus, particularly psylicybin mushrooms, have a symbiotic intelligence with humankind. as in, they are not intelligent by them selves but are a vessel, which only becomes "intelligent" as it merges with the human nervous system. mushroom spores survive in space, and can enter earths atmosphere with no damage whatsoever. in fact, the ideal environment for spores to survive would be in space, where they can last indefinitely given that they are not swallowed up by a star.

there's even evidence that the "mana" refered to in the hebrew bible while the jews were wandering the dessert, is in fact psylicybin mushrooms. what if the spark which caused the hebrew elightenment was in fact an "intelectual virus" from space.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2007, 04:35:37 PM »
Quote from: ""Eliscu2""

For Alien info and other wierd stuff! :o

my pizza delivery guy (yes i have a personal one) just told me he was working on a project mapping out all the "sightings" he's had in the san diego area. course he's an interesting character to say the least.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RTP2003

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2007, 07:08:58 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
they are among us......


there's even evidence that the "mana" refered to in the hebrew bible while the jews were wandering the dessert, is in fact psylicybin mushrooms. what if the spark which caused the hebrew elightenment was in fact an "intelectual virus" from space.

Well, you are partially correct.  "They" ARE among us, indeed, and the biblical story of "manna from heaven" was indeed an account of extraterrestrial food coming to the Earth.  However, the "manna" given to the ancient Israelites was actually buckets of PILLS, stuff like xanax, oxycodone, and thorazine.  Lots of Haldol, too.

The psilocybn mushroom was introduced to mankind by a reptilian race of aliens that really do look like Medeival woodcuts of demonic beings, complete with horns, fangs, and bifurcated tails.  Don't be put off by their appearance, though, they are actually good guys who "just" want to party with us.  They gave us the gift of psilocybn to help us see through the scams, con jobs, and sheer brainwashing and mind-control techniques that were being foisted on us by the reptilian, or "satanic", aliens' longstanding enemies, the "angelic" aliens, of whom there is NOTHING benign or "angelic" whatsoever.  Those assholes have been leading humanity astray for millenia, introducing religion as a means of social control and as a technique to keep us from thinking critically and scientifically.  They have some sort of "Prime Directive" in their kooked out "Galactic Club" that keeps them from outright annihilating us, but they will fuck with us plenty, often subscribing to the "give 'em enough rope" theory with regards to Homo sapiens.  They introduced politics, religion, money, the idea that victimless, consensual activities could be considered "crimes", and many, many other forms of fucked-up social engineering to this planet as a means of keeping us "in the dark", of keeping us "down" (literally---they don't like the fact that we are developing space flight.  They are kind of freaked out by the fact that we developed space flight and nuclear weapons before we developed a unified planetary government.  Also, the ruling races of the "Galactic Federation" [they call it "Ziru Sirka", which roughly translates as "Grand Empire Of The Stars"] tend to be herbivorous, i.e. vegetarian, of herd animal descent, and the idea of intelligent carnivores with H-bombs and spacecraft really terrifies them deep within their collective psyche.  Their vegetarianism may help us understand their psychology a bit--they have spent millenia camouflaging themselves, so to speak, hiding and concealing themselves, rather than attacking us outright, which would be more of a carnivore trait.   Being descended from herbivores, they think more defensively than aggressively---lucky for us.  If they had wanted to, they could have used their superior technology to eliminate us a long time ago.  Fortunately, our allies, the "demonic" reptilian race, have intervened on our behalf numerous times, and have, through the introduction of the practice of ingesting certain psychoactive substances, helped us awaken our dormant psychic potential---the one area in which we have a definite edge on the "angelic" appearing aliens of the Galactic tyranny we are soon to be openly opposing.  Again, this may go back to the psychology of the aliens themselves--as herbivores, there are certain states of mind they find terrifying, and as any mystic worth their Ouija board will tell you, "fear is the mind killer--it is the little Death that brings oblivion...."  Sort of like what Don Juan called "the enemy of knowledge [psi power]".  Their ingrained fear prevents them from having a psychic potential anywhere near that of a human that is tripping on mushrooms, ayahuasca, ibogaine,  very potent strains of TBPITW, and other psychoactives. By using these "drugs", you are helping to free humanity from the grip of alien tyrranny.  Strange, but true.)  That's the TRUTH about extraterrestrials........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RTP2003 fought in defense of the Old Republic

Offline RTP2003

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2007, 07:16:43 PM »
Quote from: "RTP2003"
Quote from: ""Guest""

The psilocybn mushroom was introduced to mankind by a reptilian race of aliens that really do look like Medeival woodcuts of demonic beings, complete with horns, fangs, and bifurcated tails.  

This event was slandered by the "angelic" aliens; they twisted the story to make it a bad event, and painted the reptilian race as the villains.  This corruption of the truth has been handed down to us as the story of Eve and the Serpent.  The "angelic" aliens are misogynists, too, so it fit in well with their plans to denigrate the Liberation of Human Thought with the epithets "the Fall of Man" and the "Original Sin".  Fucking bastards.........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RTP2003 fought in defense of the Old Republic

Offline Anonymous

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2007, 12:17:47 AM »
^^^^^^^this is what happens when someone takes too many psychoactives with absolute disregard to their power. ground yourself a bit dude. mushrooms or whatever can just as easily bring insanity as easily as it brings enlightenment. "god gives and god takes". if you get too greedy/hedonistic, you loose your sense of reality.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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He's telling the truth---the future depends on us listening
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2007, 07:30:54 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
^^^^^^^this is what happens when someone takes too many psychoactives with absolute disregard to their power. ground yourself a bit dude. mushrooms or whatever can just as easily bring insanity as easily as it brings enlightenment. "god gives and god takes". if you get too greedy/hedonistic, you loose your sense of reality.

Personally, I found his post very informative.  He has obviously gained amazing insight from his use of psychoactives, rather thanm using them to get "fucked up".  Perhaps you seek to discredit him because you prefer to be enslaved by hostile extraterrestrials, simply because they can appear to be of divine origin, or maybe just because it goes against what you heard some guy in church say.  At any rate, RTP seems to be championing free thought and human potential, rather than somnambulance and subserviance to aliens that have "keeping humanity down" as part of their agenda.  Maybe you seek to discredit his observations as the deranged hallucinations of a drug-addled mind because you lack the courage and conviction to oppose the aliens and their ancient mechanisms of social control, such as churches, economic and political systems, etc. because you have mangaed to become comfortable with humanity being deceived, and its growth stunted----in short, you have sold out yourself, and the rest of humanity, to the aliens and their anti-human agenda.  Sure, it's easier to just go along with the crowd, admiring the Emperor's new robes.  It takes courage and a genuine concern for the well-being of the human race to speak out against the alien tyrrany,  qualities you so obviously lack.  Kudos to that visionary, RTP2003, and his mission to wake up humanity to the alien menace that has plagued this planet for millenia.  Maybe you prefer for us to remain superstitious and technologically backward, maybe you like the idea of us being hoodwinked by aliens while our planet is turned into a third-world toxic waste dump, but once the world is made aware of what is really happening,  you and your kind will be tried as the traitors to humanity that you are.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2007, 09:44:29 PM »
Quote from: ""RTP2003""
Quote from: ""Guest""
they are among us......


there's even evidence that the "mana" refered to in the hebrew bible while the jews were wandering the dessert, is in fact psylicybin mushrooms. what if the spark which caused the hebrew elightenment was in fact an "intelectual virus" from space.

Well, you are partially correct.  "They" ARE among us, indeed, and the biblical story of "manna from heaven" was indeed an account of extraterrestrial food coming to the Earth.  However, the "manna" given to the ancient Israelites was actually buckets of PILLS, stuff like xanax, oxycodone, and thorazine.  Lots of Haldol, too.

The psilocybn mushroom was introduced to mankind by a reptilian race of aliens that really do look like Medeival woodcuts of demonic beings, complete with horns, fangs, and bifurcated tails.  Don't be put off by their appearance, though, they are actually good guys who "just" want to party with us.  They gave us the gift of psilocybn to help us see through the scams, con jobs, and sheer brainwashing and mind-control techniques that were being foisted on us by the reptilian, or "satanic", aliens' longstanding enemies, the "angelic" aliens, of whom there is NOTHING benign or "angelic" whatsoever.  Those assholes have been leading humanity astray for millenia, introducing religion as a means of social control and as a technique to keep us from thinking critically and scientifically.  They have some sort of "Prime Directive" in their kooked out "Galactic Club" that keeps them from outright annihilating us, but they will fuck with us plenty, often subscribing to the "give 'em enough rope" theory with regards to Homo sapiens.  They introduced politics, religion, money, the idea that victimless, consensual activities could be considered "crimes", and many, many other forms of fucked-up social engineering to this planet as a means of keeping us "in the dark", of keeping us "down" (literally---they don't like the fact that we are developing space flight.  They are kind of freaked out by the fact that we developed space flight and nuclear weapons before we developed a unified planetary government.  Also, the ruling races of the "Galactic Federation" [they call it "Ziru Sirka", which roughly translates as "Grand Empire Of The Stars"] tend to be herbivorous, i.e. vegetarian, of herd animal descent, and the idea of intelligent carnivores with H-bombs and spacecraft really terrifies them deep within their collective psyche.  Their vegetarianism may help us understand their psychology a bit--they have spent millenia camouflaging themselves, so to speak, hiding and concealing themselves, rather than attacking us outright, which would be more of a carnivore trait.   Being descended from herbivores, they think more defensively than aggressively---lucky for us.  If they had wanted to, they could have used their superior technology to eliminate us a long time ago.  Fortunately, our allies, the "demonic" reptilian race, have intervened on our behalf numerous times, and have, through the introduction of the practice of ingesting certain psychoactive substances, helped us awaken our dormant psychic potential---the one area in which we have a definite edge on the "angelic" appearing aliens of the Galactic tyranny we are soon to be openly opposing.  Again, this may go back to the psychology of the aliens themselves--as herbivores, there are certain states of mind they find terrifying, and as any mystic worth their Ouija board will tell you, "fear is the mind killer--it is the little Death that brings oblivion...."  Sort of like what Don Juan called "the enemy of knowledge [psi power]".  Their ingrained fear prevents them from having a psychic potential anywhere near that of a human that is tripping on mushrooms, ayahuasca, ibogaine,  very potent strains of TBPITW, and other psychoactives. By using these "drugs", you are helping to free humanity from the grip of alien tyrranny.  Strange, but true.)  That's the TRUTH about extraterrestrials........

This explains a me crazy, but I think you're on to something.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2007, 06:16:10 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
^^^^^^^this is what happens when someone takes too many psychoactives with absolute disregard to their power. ground yourself a bit dude. mushrooms or whatever can just as easily bring insanity as easily as it brings enlightenment. "god gives and god takes". if you get too greedy/hedonistic, you loose your sense of reality.

Educate yourself on the ancient Hindu canon, the Vedas, before you go forth spewing your self-righteous slander.  Obviously YOU have been infested by Judeo-Xtian ideology, and anyone who has any other opinion is obviously on "too many psychoactives" (remind anyone of "you are powerless over drugs"?) and who uses them with "absolute disregard for their power" (a "powerful attitude", maybe?) and who  obviously needs to "ground [themselves] a bit" (needs treatment, maybe?), is that it?  "god gives and god takes" sounds like monotheistic circular logic, a symptom of alien-induced thought control.  Then you call the author of the text "too greedy /hedonistic", again passing judgement, as monotheistic know-it-alls are prone to do, and again revealing the degree to which you are under the influence of alien social engineering projects.  It doesn't really matter if the details of RTP's post are factual, it seems that in one short post of a few sentences, you have demonstrated that the behavior of many modern day humans is exactly as if there were alien conditioning projects to bring about non-scientific, dogmatic reasoning, a fear of the unknown and a disdain for anything that goes against the conventional dogma of the individual homo sap in question.  Whether it is an alien mind-control project or just blind human ignorance, the result is the same---unquestioning obedience to whatever traditional dogma in a race to the slaughterhouse.  At least RTP's philosophy allows for introspection and mental development, rather than the pollyannic reliance on an imaginary friend in the sky who sits day in and day out passing judgement on the monkeys on the third stone from an insignificant, average star, aprticularly those monkeys that take DRUGS and question the validity of belief in such an imaginary being.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2007, 07:40:53 PM »
Quote from: ""Contactee""
At least RTP's philosophy allows for introspection and mental development, rather than the pollyannic reliance on an imaginary friend in the sky who sits day in and day out passing judgement on the monkeys on the third stone from an insignificant, average star, particularly those monkeys that take DRUGS and question the validity of belief in such an imaginary being.

Well said! And tyranny feeds on silence...

Spare the child and spoil the rod! I have not sold myself to God!!

Positive anarchy must exist.... .. .. ...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hanzomon4

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Where are the extraterrestrials?
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2007, 09:41:58 PM »
Quote from: ""patti smith""
Quote from: ""Contactee""
At least RTP's philosophy allows for introspection and mental development, rather than the pollyannic reliance on an imaginary friend in the sky who sits day in and day out passing judgement on the monkeys on the third stone from an insignificant, average star, particularly those monkeys that take DRUGS and question the validity of belief in such an imaginary being.
Well said! And tyranny feeds on silence...

Spare the child and spoil the rod! I have not sold myself to God!!

Positive anarchy must exist.... .. .. ...


Hell yeah, I love Patti Smith...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
i]Do something real, however, small. And don\'t-- don\'t diss the political things, but understand their limitations - Grace Lee Boggs[/i]
I do see the present and the future of our children as very dark. But I trust the people\'s capacity for reflection, rage, and rebellion - Oscar Olivera
