Worst: There were only two. Dave Momper & Dave Stallings.
Dave Momper messed with me from day one. Although he was only on third phase when I came into the program. He hated me and I still don't know why.
When I was on fourth phase Dave was a Trainee. He called me in on my day off. It was only AFTER I was a Trainee did I learn Trainees aren't allowed to call someone in on their day off.
When I was on fifth phase Dave was still a Trainee, he took me to the Time Out Room and confronted me convinced that there was something going on with me. He could'nt have picked a worse time to find something bad. I had gotten a raise at work, my Newcomers were working and progessing and everything else in life at the the time was going great. No convincing him of that though. A Junior came in and talked with me and they thought I was lying about something too. Dave came back in the room and continued to confront me. Finally I had to lie to him to get him off my back. I told him that I had thought of copping-out. He said, "That's BS, I never had thoughts of leaving when I was on my progam. What do you think about that?" I looked him dead in the eye and said, "I think you need to get honest." He just sorta stammered and didn't know how to react. He finally let me leave.
Dave Stallings: He talked to me at the fifth phase desk one day after he learned from a co-worker who was by now a 7th Stepper that we had worked with old whiskey barrels. Dave said that my co-worker said he felt powerless and was concerned about how I was dealing with it. I told him the stuff stunk but I wasn't bothered by it otherwise. Dave said, "Well Fred said he felt powerless." I replied, "Well sounds like you need to talk to Fred and leave me alone."
Other than that Dave was an arrogant SOB.
Andy Stoothoff
Cary Travis
I had a crush on Tammy Waller ::drummer:: ::drummer::