Author Topic: IRONWOOD, SAFE & SOUND, PURE and CAICA  (Read 3779 times)

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« on: July 22, 2007, 08:53:05 PM »
Note the reference to Safe and Sound transport, one of the teen transport companies PURE recomends.  Second, it appears to me that Isabelle Zehnder (CAICA) is endorsing forced transports of children INTO programs, not just out of them.  

Anyway, what is the skinny on Ironwood?  It appears to me some of the staff have ties to Utah.  


Escort or Abduction? The Other Side of the Story
by Isabelle Zehnder

When the Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA) was founded its main focus was to inform parents and the public about abuse in residential programs for children and teens. Though this is still our focus today, we realize we must do more than that - we must work to help parents in finding safe options. Therefore, we are working with people who we find to be credible and whose main focus is the best interest of the children and their families.

By far the most important thing to me is the safety and well-being of children. The troubled child/teen industry is, for the most part, unregulated and just about anything goes. A very scary proposition when you are talking about the lives of children. It is our hope the industry will become regulated and that oversight will follow, but until then the best we can do is try to inform parents of the dangers so they do not fall into the same trap others have fallen into, and to offer safe alternatives - a rather difficult task for those who choose to try to make a difference in the lives of families.

We are aware that by the time a parent has reached the point that they are seeking help outside of their local communities they are usually at their wits end. Typically things at home are spiraling out of control and they feel they could lose the most precious thing to them - their child. They are desperate and there are people, unfortunately, who prey on their desperation.

Donna Hedricks, the pioneer of advocates for children abused in residential treatment facilities, passed away several years ago. Donnas dream and vision was to provide safe alternatives for children and hope for their families.

She believed in being realistic, not radical. She understood that in todays fast-paced world and with a rising number of broken families many children turn to drugs, violence, sex, self-mutilation, gangs, alcohol, suicide, to name a few.

She knew that though it would be ideal for parents to be able to help their children at home and in their local communities it was not always possible and outside intervention was sometimes needed. She understood the need for safe, effective programs for truly troubled teens. She was aware some transport companies resorted to handcuffs, pepper spray, and shock devices on the children, and understood the need for safe transports.

A group of advocates for these children and their parents have worked very hard in an attempt to keep Donnas dream alive. Donna did not support those who are radical in their thinking that all programs are bad, that all programs should be shut down, and that parents should somehow feel guilty for their teen spiraling out of control.

Rather, she saw the need to work with the parents in finding safe alternatives for their children and in reuniting families. She believed in programs that build the child up, not programs that break the child down. Such programs do exist, there is hope for families, and there is hope for children who are desperately crying out for help.

CAICA realizes that no matter how much we would like children to be home with their families, many will be sent to programs for one reason or another. Like it or not, it is a reality. So, CAICA has decided to work with a team of people who are all dedicated to helping children and their families, and to finding the safest alternatives for these children.

One piece of this very complex puzzle is the child/teen transport industry. While most people have no idea it even exists, children are being taken from their beds in the middle of the night by complete strangers, hired by their parents, and then transported thousands of miles to facilities their parents have often never visited with strangers they have often never met. Again, a very scary proposition when you are talking about children.

I know this to be true because it happened to me. A teen who we agreed to care for because of troubles at his home was abducted from our home in the middle of the night, taken abruptly from my arms to an abusive facility thousands of miles from home. We lost all contact with this child for three years until he was able to contact us and inform us what happened to him. We also learned his sister was abducted in broad daylight at a parking lot. She was handcuffed and thrown into the back of a car like a criminal. This was an honor student with a love for the arts who had never been in trouble with the law. Again, I speak from person experience as I have known these children for many years.

This is how I became involved in fighting for the safety of children in abusive programs.

The child/teen escort business is virtually unregulated, much like the troubled child/teen industry. There is cause for concern and parents need to do their homework when deciding who will transport their child if it is necessary. Though I believe parents should transport their children whenever they can, I know this is not always possible.

Over time I have heard from parents and children that their experience with their transport has been a very positive one. As difficult as it was for me to believe at first, I felt I owed it to these families to listen.

I have done my homework and interviewed not only people working in the industry but children who were transported and their parents, and have come to realize there is another side to this story. Not all transport companies are alike, as not all programs are alike.

Take Lorraine Colpitts, for example. She drove school buses for years and now runs her own transport company out of Maine Safe and Sound Youth Transportation, Inc. Lorraine will transport children only to programs she knows to be helpful, not hurtful. In an interview, Lorraine said, If it is not a place that is safe and therapeutic enough for my own child, then I would not leave any child there. She has actually taken students to programs, felt the situation was not in the best interest of the child, turned around, contacted the parents, and brought the child home. In one case, the parents and their son worked together to find a safer placement and the parents were able to transport him there without the use of a transport service. This is always preferred, though not always practical or feasible.

Lorraine does her homework, she visits the programs. She knows the industry. If she hears anything negative about a program she will not take a child there. Lorraine does not resort to handcuffs, pepper spray, or any other form of restraints.

Lorraine believes that because she is the first person the child will encounter during this difficult time, she wants to make the experience as painless as possible for everyone involved. She does not enter a childs room, wake them up, and leave them feeling they are being abducted by complete strangers. She works with families, having the parents talk with the children and coming to terms with what is about to happen. Many children are willing to go, they want to get help. Some are not. It takes a special person to be able to work with children at a time like this. Being a mom, she is able to use her wits and common sense rather than force and intimidation. She explains to the child that she did not create the situation, but she is the person who will be taking them from point A to point B.

I asked Lorraine what she feels warrants the need for a child to go to a program. She responded, When a child is into self-harm, such as cutting, and parents cannot find the resources they need within their own communities, it is beneficial for the child to go to a place where they specialize in helping these kids. This is not something they typically get over, rather they go deeper into it. Drugs are another reason, kids heavily involved in pornography and inappropriate sexual behaviors. Also kids who are severely depressed and suicidal.

Lorraines belief is, If a child is going to have to be transported to a facility, I would rather it be with me. Rather than using handcuffs and pepper spray, she uses kindness and care. These go a long way for children. She finds out what kids like before she picks them up, and is sure to have their favorite McDonalds burger, M&Ms, garlic bagel - waiting in the car.

Marcia, who works with Lorraine, says, We do an incredible job on our transports and as hard as it is sometimes we always get the kids there safely, usually they are laughing and forgetting their troubles at least for a short time. I remember one trip with a very difficult young lady. We were rapping songs about silly things most of the way from Maine to Tennessee. She went on to say, Lorraine goes the extra mile to be sure she has the childs favorite food and a warm blanket. She matches the transport workers to the child as much as possible. Im older, so my job is usually to sit in the back talking quietly and making sure all of the childs needs are met.

Ron and Amy Davis wrote to Lorraine, Our son is doing good and came home in July. He is anti-drug and looking at getting into college. He has hope he never had before. We want to thank you for your professionalism and let you know we appreciated what you did for us. You provide a valuable service for families that need help.

Lorraine said, There are many things that I can do, but this is what I choose to do. And I will do this and be present on as many transports as I physically can be present for. We have transported over 400 kids in the past four years successfully. I am proud of our team, we have a great mix of people working together in the best interest of these children and their families. I asked her how she decides who will be present for the transport, and she said, We do our best to match the child with someone they will relate to. We learn about the child and determine what the childs reactions might be, what kind of intervention they might need. What kind of movies do they like so they can watch them on the portable DVD players. We have 24 people on our team so we have been very successful at finding the right match.

Terrys daughter was transported by Lorraine to Ironwood in Maine, a facility known to build the children up, not tear them down. In a telephone interview, Terry said, My daughter was headed down a dark path and Lorraine was key in saving my daughters life. She truly is amazing and continues to be my friend.

I asked Lorraine what the greatest rewards were of this position and she said, You couldnt give me a job I would be better suited for than this. Being a mom, having kids give me a hug and thank me for getting them there safely. Ninety percent of the time they hug and thank me, telling me they havent talked to an adult as much as they talked to me in years. Its very rewarding.

When kids have asked her, How can you do this type of job? She responds, Because Id rather be giving you your favorite hamburger or candy bar than have someone throw you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Im a mom and I care. She looks back, their eyes meet, and a smile comes over the childs face. They connect and make the journey safely together.


Testimonial on Ironwood's Website: ... david.html

Note:  Boy transported (unwillingly) to Ironwood, by Safe and Sound, Transport, the same company Zehnder writes about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2007, 09:04:48 PM »
Posted by
Toni Stuck In Utah

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:58 pm    Post subject: Ironwood & Turnabout Ranch

Pay for referral? As a former staff, I would never, ever pay even for the stupid programs and wouldn't put any child of mine in any one of them. You are only putting your child in harm's way. What you really need to do is to take some interest in your child and give them LOVE and some disciplines, morals and standards. Of course, before you can do that you have to have some morals and standards too.

The good thing for Turnabout Ranch is that Wayne is no longer there, he's moved back East! Unfortunately, he moved to help start this Ironwood program. The director, Teresa, worked at TAR as well. When these 2 left Utah, they also took another counselor with them, Dave, but I don't see him listed on Ironwood's page. So, maybe they had a falling out. Dave is a good guy, lucky for him he's not there, but it's too bad for the kids. He's young and good.

The old fart Wayne (below) was the guy who I turned into the State of Utah for child abuse. He likes to wrestle with the girls, and I caught him red-handed telling one to put her hand here and there on his body. She kept saying I don't want to, so he picked up her hands and put them on him. When I was alone with her, she said her back hurt from wrestling with Wayne and another old male staff member the night before. (TAR can no longer get good employees here 'cause we've all figured 'em out, so they have a disproportionate number of male staff compared to females which means male staff end up alone with the girls on a daily basis. They have several old men, although I like the old men that are there now, in their 60s and 70s.)

Wayne also likes to use mind control techniques, and after I witnessed the above, he tried to use them on me. I told him he was nuts and filed complaints with the licensing agency, child abuse agency, and the local sheriff. Of course, in Utah, all 3 of these departments are connected through their religion (Mormonism) and their Mormon relatives, so they didn't do a damn thing about Wayne. I think he was put on leave for a few weeks until the dust settled.

The very day I turned in my complaint on Wayne to the TAR office, they had a duct tape incident at 10 pm. I responded as emergency staff. When I arrived, I found a young girl in her pajamas, lying outside on the cold and wet ground (rained heavy that day), ankles and feet duct taped together and a 250+ lb female sitting on top of her.

Teresa, who started this new Ironwood program, arrived. She's into "legalized drugs" heavily, and she wanted to sedate the girl and call it a night. Me and other staff objected to that, and instead made her do her job as counselor and talk with the girl. The sheriff had to respond to this incident as duct tape is explicitly against Utah law.

No one did absolutely anything about it. The state licensing lady told me that it was resolved because TAR had fired both involved employees. The reality was that the female staff had already quit and was in the process of moving and was on her last few nights with TAR. The involved male staff still works there, 2 years later. I need to call the state and ask what's up with that ?????

This male staff, who is still with TAR, is a dirty, rotten man, period. After my complaint, he sneered at me and made menacing faces whenever we passed each other in town. Out of town, on the road to TAR, with a truck full of young boys, he attempted 3 times to run me off the road. On the 3rd time, I held my ground and our trucks nearly collided, but that was the last time he did it.

After my complaint, several other old farts were let go. One was a known child sexual and animal abuser. They also had to replace trucks and vans that had no brakes or openable doors and which the kids were in every day. Escalante UT gets to 100 degrees in the summer, and none of their upstairs sleeping facilities had air conditioning. They had to install that as well and fix a bunch of other things that I added to the state complaint once I saw that TAR wasn't going to take care of any of it on their own. Then I quit.

As intake, Wayne takes control of the kids with other techniques too. He kills their self-esteem and ego by telling them they're pieces of sheet, worthless, pointing out physical flaws, and making fun of their religion and culture. He tells them they're ugly, fat, wimpy, whatever.

I find it very interesting that Wayne's now listed as a "family man" with Ironwood. We never knew if he was ever divorced, but knew that his wife lived in Salt Lake City (6 hours away) and never visited him here. He's an ex-cop from the SLC region, and I never could find out why he suddenly left there, but I feel there's something that happened to end that career. It might have been his drinking, he's an alcoholic, and was caught several times drinking on the job at TAR.

He might have kids and grandkids, but they never visited him in Escalante either. He's a loner, and I would guess that he's been involved in kid activities throughout his life because he's a child abuser and what better place to find them.

My kids are grown and in their 20's now. I never had any problems with them and still don't today. But I LOVED MY KIDS AND I WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR THEM (and all of the other neighborhood kids 'cause no other adults were home). I even had the difficult kids, the mean kids, the violent kids. You know what, I laid the laws down for our house, gave 'em some LOVE and never once did I have any problems with these boys. We even took one with us on vacations, left his medications at home, and had a great time together.

You can't just keep sending them off and away to another program. You need to wrap them in your arms and hold them, they always respond to LOVE!!!!!



Wayne Stinson is a family man with five children (three boys and two girls) and eight grand children. Wayne has been involved with youth in many different capacities. He has coached wrestling, baseball, basketball and a variety of outdoor sports. Wayne has also participated in many community youth programs, volunteering to umpire and officiate as well as umpiring professionally. Wayne has interacted professionally in youth programs for over six years and has experience and training in Wilderness Therapy, CPR, First Responder and Ropes Course. He introduces both parents and students to wilderness settings and teaches communication skills to bring families back together. Wayne works with new residents in Ironwood?s Frye Camp (Intake) when they first arrive. He previously worked in the same capacity at Turnabout Ranch in Utah. Wayne also has experience in law enforcement, grievance counseling and is certified as a Positive Controls Instructor. He loves the outdoors and spends a lot of his time hiking and teaching survival skills to Ironwood residents.


Read More Here ... t=ironwood
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2007, 09:33:54 PM »
Why wouldn't Izzy promote transport companies?
She referred to Sunrise Adolescent Transports, didn't she?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2007, 09:42:05 PM »
Izzy does refer to transport companies.  Looks like proof is "coming soon" on another thread.

Wave bye Izzy!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2007, 09:47:18 PM »
Who is this Wayne dude?  Sounds like he's no longer with Ironwood, which is good but where is he?  My experience of this industry is staff do move around a bit, and programs often shut down and open under a different name.

I don't really see any former Turn About Ranch staff at Ironwood.  Perhaps the earlier thread had something to do with that, as was speculated by another poster.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2007, 09:51:09 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oz girl

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« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2007, 10:34:36 PM »
The therapist Theresa used to work at TAR
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
n case you\'re worried about what\'s going to become of the younger generation, it\'s going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation.-Roger Allen

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« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2007, 06:36:37 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2007, 06:38:52 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2007, 06:45:43 PM »
Is Ironwood confirmed as a program paying finder's fees? If so, that program needs to be added to the list of known programs who pay finder's fees (assuming there is one).   If not, someone needs to create one b/c of the obvious conflict of interest.  All programs who pay finder's fees should be listed IMO as a consumer protection/awareness service.  

Problem is, it's hard to identify the programs paying finder's fees to referral agencies and/or individuals who claim to be parent advocates.

Any ideas????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2007, 06:48:45 PM »
See the CACAbull site for more information.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »