Author Topic: Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care  (Read 42841 times)

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #45 on: August 02, 2007, 12:07:22 AM »
You dramatically underestimate their apathy and ignorance. The authorities in Utah still don't give a shit, and will continue not to give a shit until FBI agents start raiding programs in Utah.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #46 on: August 02, 2007, 12:40:55 AM »
"Living in a polygamist home -- by that reason is not enough to remove a child," said Carol Sisco, spokeswoman for Utah DCFS.   "That doesn't constitute abuse or neglect."

Found another quote from Carol Sisco...just to show the ignorance, you have the read the articule to understand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #47 on: August 02, 2007, 02:02:00 AM »
I agree with the above post.

This thread is about a 14 year old boy who became ill while in the care of Aspen Youth Care, Utah.

Any information that can serve as helpful to the family of this young man would be great!

I have two file cabinets filled, plus dozens of binders telling the stories of many of the kids who have died.  

To the readers who blame the parents for sending their children to these programs:

Michelle and her family were SOLD a "bill of goods."  A VERY expensive "bill of goods" I might add.  

Were we aware of the controversy that exists in this industry?  NO!
Were we aware of the "window of loss" that exists in this industry that says of each child who dies, "We lost ONE, but we are saving many."  NO!
Were we aware that our child would be treated like a criminal?  NO!

I can't speak for other parents.  But, what happened to My Michelle reminds me of what happened to Jesus.  He too died in the hands of his own people.  In my opinion, Michelle was like a lamb gone to slaughter.  No one can convince me that I knew these stupid people were going to treat my child the way they did.  

Now, with that being said, I will add that for those of you who don't know it already, "I am a Mormon by faith."  

I have been up against the people of my own faith since the death of my daughter.  Has this affected my faith in the religion of my choice?  NO!

What were the last words Jesus spoke before dying on the Cross?  "Forgive them, for they know not what they do."  I wrote a poem after the death of My Michelle.  I made reference to what happened to her and Jesus.  The poem ends with, "How could THEY kill the King of Kings.  The ONE of Royal Birth?"

Jesus suffered, and was put to death (even betrayed), at the hands of His own people.  

I learned the difference between forgiving and excusing with the death of My Michelle.  I know it is required of me to forgive.  While I also believe it is not expected of me to excuse the ignorance and greed of the people who chose to treat my child this way.  These people WILL stand before God someday.  What will they say to Him?  Will they say, "These kids were fakers, whiners and pot smokers."  Will they say, "These kids were the least of these?"

I urge you to not look upon the people behind this industry as Mormons.  I urge you to look upon them as ignorant people who are driven by greed!  

These people have proven through their attitude and actions that they need to be told that what they are doing is wrong!  They aren't getting it by themselves.

Something is fatally wrong with an industry that has abused and killed so many of our young people.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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reform, not blame, is the answer
« Reply #48 on: August 02, 2007, 11:32:26 AM »
To you "Off topic" folks -Instead of bashing parents or staff of programs, and making assumptioms without facts, when you don't even know what happened, let's focus on realistic changes that can be made at the state and/or federal level to stop the madness of teens dying in treatment.

Even with a nurturing parent who has tried everything, and refuses to tolerate maniupulation and abuse by their child, as is the case in the boy in Draper, there are legitimate situations where a parent needs to have their child in a confined treatment program for a temporary period of time, other than juvenile hall, in order to ensure their child's safety, and force them to participate in needed therapy.  This boy's mom has been traumatized by this death, and is still trying to deal with the griefinvolved in the tragic recent deaths of her husband, mother, and now teenage son. She is an educated, caring, and persistent person, who will no doubt become a strong advocate for the rights of teens in treatmemt progrmams. Her son was on the autism spectrum, and she had left no stone unturned in trying to find appropriate services for her beautiful, sensitive, intelligent son, who had a right to proper medical treatment in this situation. If the authorities in Utah would do their job, this boy would have returned home in 6 months, returned to his wrestling team, chess, golf, activities with his family and friemds, finished high school, and gone on to college to fulfill his dreams of becoming an architect. Instead his mom got the sheriffs knocking on her door to tell her that her son was dead, without any knowledge he had even been sick, and had to go Utah to visit him.  she certainly had the right to expect his safe return. YC is a licensed program, with a good track record, and had been cooperative in making corrective actions in the past to get to a high level of care.

The therapy program at Youth Care had acutally been extremely beneficial to this boy, and they had started planning for his return home. He had had a one week home pass with his mother the week before he died, and the changes he exhibited in his interpersonal relationships were profound. He was a willing participant in his treatment program, understood his disorder, and totally understood the necessity of his mom placing him there.  He was never abused while in this program, mom visited regularly, and he had outside contact with family and friends where appropriate.  He was very outspoken about the rights of kids with disabilities, having been subjected to cruel bullying in public schools, made many friends while in treatment, and actually convinced several other kids to stop their self harm behavior with his heartfelt emotion over the loss of his dad last year.  He preferred the environment there over his public high school.

Anyone with actual useful information or documentaable proof about negligence about the innerworkings of the state of Utah in regards to reform in residential treatmemt programs and why criminal charges are rarely filed, lack of stiffer licensing and enforcement, etc should post this information so that the family can contact the appropriate high level officials and get effective action. These are not "disposable" kids, shame on those who bash the parents for being the problem instead of actively advocating for legislative change.  Get a life and get moving and do something responsible....This boys death is tragic, but let's all turn it into something positive for all the other troubled kids out there who have needs for alternative placememts.

A Sad Friend
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: reform, not blame, is the answer
« Reply #49 on: August 02, 2007, 11:55:53 AM »
Quote from: ""concernedfriend""
To you "Off topic" folks -Instead of bashing parents or staff of programs, and making assumptioms without facts, when you don't even know what happened, let's focus on realistic changes that can be made at the state and/or federal level to stop the madness of teens dying in treatment.

Even with a nurturing parent who has tried everything, and refuses to tolerate maniupulation and abuse by their child, as is the case in the boy in Draper, there are legitimate situations where a parent needs to have their child in a confined treatment program for a temporary period of time, other than juvenile hall, in order to ensure their child's safety, and force them to participate in needed therapy.

THIS is where you lose us.  Listen and listen carefully.  

Not to mention what happens when you give that kind of power over kids to people with ZERO qualifications.

This boy's mom has been traumatized by this death, and is still trying to deal with the griefinvolved in the tragic recent deaths of her husband, mother, and now teenage son. She is an educated, caring, and persistent person, who will no doubt become a strong advocate for the rights of teens in treatmemt progrmams. Her son was on the autism spectrum, and she had left no stone unturned in trying to find appropriate services for her beautiful, sensitive, intelligent son, who had a right to proper medical treatment in this situation.

Those are some of the LAST kids that should be subjected to this shit.

If the authorities in Utah would do their job, this boy would have returned home in 6 months, returned to his wrestling team, chess, golf, activities with his family and friemds, finished high school, and gone on to college to fulfill his dreams of becoming an architect. Instead his mom got the sheriffs knocking on her door to tell her that her son was dead, without any knowledge he had even been sick, and had to go Utah to visit him.  she certainly had the right to expect his safe return. YC is a licensed program, with a good track record, and had been cooperative in making corrective actions in the past to get to a high level of care.

If they engage in "forced therapy" they're not "good".

The therapy program at Youth Care had acutally been extremely beneficial to this boy, and they had started planning for his return home. He had had a one week home pass with his mother the week before he died, and the changes he exhibited in his interpersonal relationships were profound. He was a willing participant in his treatment program, understood his disorder, and totally understood the necessity of his mom placing him there.  He was never abused while in this program, mom visited regularly, and he had outside contact with family and friends where appropriate.  He was very outspoken about the rights of kids with disabilities, having been subjected to cruel bullying in public schools, made many friends while in treatment, and actually convinced several other kids to stop their self harm behavior with his heartfelt emotion over the loss of his dad last year.  He preferred the environment there over his public high school.

Anyone with actual useful information or documentaable proof about negligence about the innerworkings of the state of Utah in regards to reform in residential treatmemt programs and why criminal charges are rarely filed, lack of stiffer licensing and enforcement, etc should post this information so that the family can contact the appropriate high level officials and get effective action. These are not "disposable" kids, shame on those who bash the parents for being the problem instead of actively advocating for legislative change.

Shame on the parents who ship their kids off.  Shame on the parents who farm out their responsibilities as parents to unqualified or underqualifed strangers.

Get a life and get moving and do something responsible....This boys death is tragic, but let's all turn it into something positive for all the other troubled kids out there who have needs for alternative placememts.

I've got one.  It includes trying to stop the sham of forced treatment or therapy.

A Sad Friend

Boy, no shit!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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forced therapy
« Reply #50 on: August 02, 2007, 12:14:22 PM »
theoretical sitution:  your child is autistic, punches you repeatedly in the face because you will not tolerate foul language and refusal to go to school, and tries to burn your house down, and assaults your other children, is arrested, local agencies refuse to provide treatment and judge says child must  either get daily therapy and EM or go to juvenile hall, you are not going to insisit on treatment?

what planet are you from?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: reform, not blame, is the answer
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2007, 12:31:01 PM »
Wow, is this automated or something? Is this generated by a computer? Do you just plug values in and it makes something up?

No match for a good AI.





Quote from: ""What concernedfriend's REALLY trying to say""
To you Anonymi- Instead of telling the truth about parents or staff of programs, and making statements based on facts, when you're pretty sure what happened, let's focus on fake bullshit to avoid changes at the state and/or federal level, because our profit margins mean that we have to continue the madness of teens dying in treatment.

With a shithead parent who has tossed her kid into a hellhole without a second thought, and refuses to tolerate their child having any semblance of a mind of his own, as is the case in the boy in Draper, this leads to situations where a parent needs to have their child in a shitpit for a period of time from months to years, other than juvenile hall (because juvenile hall has too many human rights), in order to ensure their child's abuse, and force them to participate in the torture we so laughably refer to as therapy. This boy's mom remained unfazed by this death, but is still trying to deal with her ability to live through others vicariously, after the recent deaths of her husband, mother, and now teenage son. Wow, it's like someone's just knocking them down like bowling pins, isn't it? She is a dumb cunt, who will no doubt become a strong advocate against the rights of teens in treatment programs. Her son was on the autism spectrum, which means that we can do anything we want to him because he'll never be able to speak for himself (Well especially not now that he's dead! Hahaha!), and she had left no stone unturned in trying to find abusive services for her dimwitted but innocent son, who had a right to proper medical treatment in this situation, and of course didn't get it at a shitpit like Draper. If the authorities in Utah would do their job, Draper wouldn't exist. Instead his mom got the sheriffs knocking on her door to tell her that her son was dead, without any knowledge he had even been sick (and we really want to blame the authorities for this!), and had to go Utah to visit him. Boo fucking hoo, she had to go all the way to Utah, when her son was being tortured there. She certainly had no right to expect his safe return. YC is a licensed program under the laughable licensing structure of Utah, with a piss-poor track record, and had been cooperative in making corrective actions in the past to get to an even worse level of care. Don't tell us we don't try!

The therapy program at Youth Care had acutally been extremely detrimental to this boy, and they had started planning for his return home as a suitably humiliated and beaten-down kid. Jesus I'm getting a hard-on just writing this. He wasn't going to see his mother again, and the changes he exhibited in his interpersonal relationships were profound. He learned how to pretend to be a willing participant in his treatment program, understood nothing whatsoever about any real disorder he may have had, and was forced to admit that he needed be there. God I love doing that to kids, hold on while I fap... FAPFAPFAP. Okay, I'm ready for more. He was repeatedly abused while in this program, mom never visited (like I said earlier, she would have had to go ALL THE WAY TO UTAH!) and he had no outside contact with family and friends whatsoever. He was very outspoken about the rights of kids with disabilities, until we beat THAT out of him, having been subjected to cruel bullying in Draper, and learned to participate in the brutalization of several other kids, especially after we taunted him about his dad. What he wouldn't have given to be back in real high school again.

Anyone with actual useful information or documentable proof about negligence about the inner workings of the state of Utah in regards to reform in residential treatmemt programs and why criminal charges are rarely filed, lack of stiffer licensing and enforcement, etc should post this information so that the family can contact the appropriate high level officials and get the fuck laughed at. Send it to the GAO because we sure as hell don't give a shit. We consider there "disposable" kids, shame on those who actually say that out loud instead of helping us paper over our abuses with authories. Get a life and get moving and do something responsible... like beating our bitch asses into the ground. This boy's death is tragic because the news might hurt our profits, but please don't turn it into something positive for all the other troubled kids out there who have needs to be taken out of shitpits, now.

A Sad Programmie PR drone
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #52 on: August 02, 2007, 12:34:56 PM »
When the choice is between juvie or an abusive hellhole like Draper, CHOOSE JUVIE.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #53 on: August 02, 2007, 01:45:00 PM »
Concerned Friend-  We all understand what you saying.  No one is blaming a parent for what they did not know and what should not be legal in the US or anywhere for that matter.  I think you are naive to this industy.  Just ask Catherine if she feels this industry can be regulated.  Ask her how long she has worked at this..  She has made headway to reduce abuse and deaths but its still rampid ...I think someone mentioned its like playing wack a mole.  In this industry it is difficult to tell a "good" treatment center from a "bad" center.  This is the issue.  Programs use brainwashing techniques, forced "therapy" and physical exertion to implement thier "product."  Your friend may have come home and seemed "fine".  Typically change is temporary.  It is obvious he was not fine.  He was not in the hands of UNqualified people.  Those people ignored his please for medical intervention and he was shoved into isolation and left alone for the evening.  You will find many cases where medical attention was denied.  The sad fact is usually the child's medical condition was brought about by the programming itself  (Heat Exhaustion, Restraint, Dehydration.. etc ).  The staff in these programs that watch over the children are NOT qualified enough to diagnose medical issues.  They take it upon themselves to decide if the child is faking or "sick enough" to go to the hospital.  It is a futile to defend your friends decision (this is not the place) and take this opportunity to learn about what is happening in this industry you will find atrocities beyond comprehension.  This is why the entire troubled teen industry is severely flawed.  Ask Catherine if she thinks Wilderness Therapy CAN be reformed.  Do you think you can monitor these dangerous programs?  Can you "drop in" on a wilderness therapy and insure abuse is not happening.  Does the state have the resources to monitor the regulations that are in place?   I highly suggest you look at ALL the deaths and abuse.  Some of the people on this site that are now in their 40's +? that edured abuse in the same "type" of programs just with a shiny new face.  

Deborah can provide you will all kinds of information that can help you understand this industry beyond your own experience.
Catherine said she has files and binders full of research.
TAUSA, ISAC great ways to find information.  

Other posters on here have their own experiences, Zen Agent, Joyce, TSW, PSY

I stongly urge you to do more research before settling into your position.  Look at the industry as a whole and see beyond your own experience.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #54 on: August 02, 2007, 01:52:50 PM »
Someone mentioned my name?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am the metal pig.

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Re: forced therapy
« Reply #55 on: August 02, 2007, 02:01:47 PM »
Quote from: ""concernedfriend""
theoretical sitution:  your child is autistic, punches you repeatedly in the face because you will not tolerate foul language and refusal to go to school, and tries to burn your house down, and assaults your other children, is arrested, local agencies refuse to provide treatment and judge says child must  either get daily therapy and EM or go to juvenile hall, you are not going to insisit on treatment?

what planet are you from?

One that doesn't let situations get to the point where they're so out of control that I would need to call in someone else to help me deal with it.


If you do that from the start, there's no need to cry for help later on.  If the parents have NOT done that, why punish the kid?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #56 on: August 02, 2007, 02:02:45 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Concerned Friend-  We all understand what you saying.  No one is blaming a parent for what they did not know and what should not be legal in the US or anywhere for that matter.  I think you are naive to this industy.  Just ask Catherine if she feels this industry can be regulated.  Ask her how long she has worked at this..  She has made headway to reduce abuse and deaths but its still rampid ...I think someone mentioned its like playing wack a mole.  In this industry it is difficult to tell a "good" treatment center from a "bad" center.  This is the issue.  Programs use brainwashing techniques, forced "therapy" and physical exertion to implement thier "product."  Your friend may have come home and seemed "fine".  Typically change is temporary.  It is obvious he was not fine.  He was not in the hands of UNqualified people.  Those people ignored his please for medical intervention and he was shoved into isolation and left alone for the evening.  You will find many cases where medical attention was denied.  The sad fact is usually the child's medical condition was brought about by the programming itself  (Heat Exhaustion, Restraint, Dehydration.. etc ).  The staff in these programs that watch over the children are NOT qualified enough to diagnose medical issues.  They take it upon themselves to decide if the child is faking or "sick enough" to go to the hospital.  It is a futile to defend your friends decision (this is not the place) and take this opportunity to learn about what is happening in this industry you will find atrocities beyond comprehension.  This is why the entire troubled teen industry is severely flawed.  Ask Catherine if she thinks Wilderness Therapy CAN be reformed.  Do you think you can monitor these dangerous programs?  Can you "drop in" on a wilderness therapy and insure abuse is not happening.  Does the state have the resources to monitor the regulations that are in place?   I highly suggest you look at ALL the deaths and abuse.  Some of the people on this site that are now in their 40's +? that edured abuse in the same "type" of programs just with a shiny new face.  

Deborah can provide you will all kinds of information that can help you understand this industry beyond your own experience.
Catherine said she has files and binders full of research.
TAUSA, ISAC great ways to find information.  

Other posters on here have their own experiences, Zen Agent, Joyce, TSW, PSY

I stongly urge you to do more research before settling into your position.  Look at the industry as a whole and see beyond your own experience.

Nicely put!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2007, 02:16:13 PM »
Was this child on medication that could have caused the behavior problems or seriously exacerbated them?  What about meds that can cause constipation? Almost all drugs can do that.  Was this parent and the program vigilent and/or aware of the need to monitor this child for potentially life-threatening side effects caused by prescribed meds on a daily basis?

A bowel obstruction caused by constipation can quickly turn into a bowel infarction (loss of blood supply) if medical intervention (usually surgery) is not sought quickly.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2007, 03:09:08 PM »
I think someone mentioned its like playing wack a mole

That was Psy.

And I have to say by all the abuse slinging words going on in this thread, that the abused have become the abusers, which is really sad.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Important~ Re: the 14 yo. boy's death at Aspen's Youth Care
« Reply #59 on: August 02, 2007, 03:12:31 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Was this child on medication that could have caused the behavior problems or seriously exacerbated them?  What about meds that can cause constipation? Almost all drugs can do that.  Was this parent and the program vigilent and/or aware of the need to monitor this child for potentially life-threatening side effects caused by prescribed meds on a daily basis?

A bowel obstruction caused by constipation can quickly turn into a bowel infarction (loss of blood supply) if medical intervention (usually surgery) is not sought quickly.

Excellent point!!

concernedfriend reads like an Ed Con to me.
CF, do you have permission from the mother to divulge the intimate details you are posting?

It's my understanding that the ME autopsy report isn't complete. Is that inaccurate?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here: