Author Topic: Don't look back Dean-0  (Read 1437 times)

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Don't look back Dean-0
« on: May 20, 2007, 03:37:35 PM »
There is a great little phrase, oftenattributed to the Negro-league pitcher Satchel Paige: "Don't look back, something might be gaining on you."
The Wizard of Vause and AARC adopted this as a creed, and so far it has worked.
Unfortunately for the Speedy Creek Pervert and the whole spectrum of people to whom AARC appeals, it doesn't help you if the thing gaining on you is faster and heavier.
My posts are somewhat redundant, but that is to make sure that any survivor of All About Receiving Cash can get the lowdown in a hurry.
Every day I pass on a little info to somebody new about AARC.  Every couple of weeks, my Special Lady Friend and I make contact with somebody who was in AARC, and we are letting them know that they are not alone.
The end result of this will be the closure of AARC, and with a little luck, the incarceration of the Wiz.
On Tuesday we made another contact.  My SLF ran into a former inmate who was in with her, and he has a couple of contacts.  That is how this is going to unfold.
AARC works like an STD, in that it spreads through human contact.  My young amigo, whose mother keeps AARC's number on the fridge, has a friend whose brother was in AARC, and he is now off to bigger and better things, doing a historical re-enactment of the Red Army's destruction in Afghanistan.  Thanks Mom!
My SLF's mother spread the disease, and thus a number of her mother's friend's children ended up imprisoned.  (One of those children became a heroin dealer, possibly incarcerated as of this posting)  
The endorsements for AARC in the media come courtesy of the most unthoughtful of Calgary journalists, and with the demise of Report Magazine (one of Dean-o's biggest fans was Link Byfield, super-perv and presumably current day-labourer), the only press AARC gets now is from the Society Page in the Sun.
Dean-O stole my SLF's college money, through her mother, and subjected SLF to all manner of indignities, so on a personal level I'd like to see him neck-tied, a la Bantustan ca. 1986.  However, that is unlikely.
What is now happening is that AARC is attempting to expand and throw so much money into the expansion that nobody involved will ever be able to admit that it was a scam from the beginning.  Not good logic, unless AARC were able to kill the few hundred survivors who don't actually work for them.
Being a psychopath, Dean-O can't understand that the people he screwed up will harbor ill will.  It is his fundmental weakness.  He isn't a properly-formed human, so he can't relate to other humans, except to gain control of them through salesmanship, in the case of adults, or through intimidation in the case of the children.
He adopted the Nazi practise of the big lie:he is not a doctor, can't diagnose, can't treat drug addiction, and his facility exists only to feed his tremendous ego and fill his coffers.
Others have their own interests.  Some believe that our society is going to be overrun by Asians, communists, or non-christians in general, unless the kids are made into little Facsist-bots; some are perverts and drug dependent, thus they want to project their lunacy onto others to avoid a little self-assessment, and some are just really damaged adults who were really damaged kids and never healed.  Some are misguided and believe that they are accomplishing something good.  They all have their reasons, but they are all part of an abomination and a disgrace.
Over the next few months, my SLF and I, and a few others will link with as many survivors as we can.  We will continue to write to the authorities responsible for All About Recieving Cash, and we will organize.  Eventually the lawsuits will come against AARC, against Dean-O, and against anybody whose responsiblity for this stain on humanity can be verified.  
I don't make any bones about libel.  I don't give a shit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992