Author Topic: "Tough Love" vs. "First, Do No Harm"  (Read 3016 times)

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"Tough Love" vs. "First, Do No Harm"
« on: February 11, 2007, 10:36:34 PM » ... 29.06.html

The Trouble with Tough Love

By Maia Szalavitz

Sunday, January 29, 2006

It is the ultimate parental nightmare: Your affectionate child is transformed, seemingly overnight, into an out-of-control, drug-addicted, hostile teenager. Many parents blame themselves. "Where did we go wrong?" they ask. The kids, meanwhile, hurtle through their own bewildering adolescent nightmare.

I know. My descent into drug addiction started in high school and now, as an adult, I have a much better understanding of my parents' anguish and of what I was going through. And, after devoting several years to researching treatment programs, I'm also aware of the traps that many parents fall into when they finally seek help for their kids.

Many anguished parents put their faith in strict residential rehab programs. At first glance, these programs, which are commonly based on a philosophy of "tough love," seem to offer a safe respite from the streets -- promising reform through confrontational therapy in an isolated environment where kids cannot escape the need to change their behavior. At the same time, during the '90s, it became increasingly common for courts to sentence young delinquents to military-style boot camps as an alternative to incarceration.

But lack of government oversight and regulation makes it impossible for parents to thoroughly investigate services provided by such "behavior modification centers," "wilderness programs" and "emotional growth boarding schools." Moreover, the very notion of making kids who are already suffering go through more suffering is psychologically backwards. And there is little data to support these institutions' claims of success.

Nonetheless, a billion-dollar industry now promotes such tough-love treatment. There are several hundred public and private facilities -- both in the United States and outside the country -- but serving almost exclusively American citizens. Although no one officially keeps track, my research suggests that some 10,000 to 20,000 teenagers are enrolled each year. A patchwork of lax and ineffective state regulations -- no federal rules apply -- is all that protects these young people from institutions that are regulated like ordinary boarding schools but that sometimes use more severe methods of restraint and isolation than psychiatric centers. There are no special qualifications required of the people who oversee such facilities. Nor is any diagnosis required before enrollment. If a parent thinks a child needs help and can pay the $3,000- to $5,000-a-month fees, any teenager can be held in a private program, with infrequent contact with the outside world, until he or she turns 18.

Over the past three years, I have interviewed more than 100 adolescents and parents with personal experience in both public and private programs and have read hundreds of media accounts, thousands of Internet postings and stacks of legal documents. I have also spoken with numerous psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists and juvenile justice experts. Of course there is a range of approaches at different institutions, but most of the people I spoke with agree that the industry is dominated by the idea that harsh rules and even brutal confrontation are necessary to help troubled teenagers. University of California at Berkeley sociologist Elliott Currie, who did an ethnographic study of teen residential addiction treatment for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, told me that he could not think of a program that wasn't influenced by this philosophy.

Unfortunately, tough treatments usually draw public scrutiny only when practitioners go too far, prompting speculation about when "tough is too tough." Dozens of deaths -- such as this month's case of 14-year-old Martin Lee Anderson, who died hours after entering a juvenile boot camp that was under contract with Florida's juvenile justice system -- and cases of abuse have been documented since tough-love treatment was popularized in the '70s and '80s by programs such as Synanon and Straight, Inc. Parents and teenagers involved with both state-run and private institutions have told me of beatings, sleep deprivation, use of stress positions, emotional abuse and public humiliation, such as making them dress as prostitutes or in drag and addressing them in coarse language. I've heard about the most extreme examples, of course, but the lack of regulation and oversight means that such abuses are always a risk.

The more important question -- whether tough love is the right approach itself -- is almost never broached. Advocates of these programs call the excesses tragic but isolated cases; they offer anecdotes of miraculous transformations to balance the horror stories; and they argue that tough love only seems brutal -- saying that surgery seems violent, too, without an understanding of its vital purpose.

What advocates don't take from their medical analogy, however, is the principle of "first, do no harm" and the associated requirement of scientific proof of safety and efficacy. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Justice tells a very different story from the testimonials -- one that has been obscured by myths about why addicts take drugs and why troubled teenagers act out.

As a former addict, who began using cocaine and heroin in late adolescence, I have never understood the logic of tough love. I took drugs compulsively because I hated myself, because I felt as if no one -- not even my family -- would love me if they really knew me. Drugs allowed me to blot out that depressive self-focus and socialize as though I thought I was okay.

How could being "confronted" about my bad behavior help me with that? Why would being humiliated, once I'd given up the only thing that allowed me to feel safe emotionally, make me better? My problem wasn't that I needed to be cut down to size; it was that I felt I didn't measure up.

In fact, fear of cruel treatment kept me from seeking help long after I began to suspect I needed it. My addiction probably could have been shortened if I'd thought I could have found care that didn't conform to what I knew was (and sadly, still is) the dominant confrontational approach.

Fortunately, the short-term residential treatment I underwent was relatively light on confrontation, but I still had to deal with a counselor who tried to humiliate me by disparaging my looks when I expressed insecurity about myself.

The trouble with tough love is twofold. First, the underlying philosophy -- that pain produces growth -- lends itself to abuse of power. Second, and more important, toughness doesn't begin to address the real problem. Troubled teenagers aren't usually "spoiled brats" who "just need to be taught respect." Like me, they most often go wrong because they hurt, not because they don't want to do the right thing. That became all the more evident to me when I took a look at who goes to these schools.

A surprisingly large number are sent away in the midst of a parental divorce; others are enrolled for depression or other serious mental illnesses. Many have lengthy histories of trauma and abuse. The last thing such kids need is another experience of powerlessness, humiliation and pain.

Sadly, tough love often looks as if it works: For one thing, longitudinal studies find that most kids, even amongst the most troubled, eventually grow out of bad behavior, so the magic of time can be mistaken for the magic of treatment. Second, the experience of being emotionally terrorized can produce compliance that looks like real change, at least initially.

The bigger picture suggests that tough love tends to backfire. My recent interviews confirm the findings of more formal studies. The Justice Department has released reports comparing boot camps with traditional correctional facilities for juvenile offenders, concluding in 2001 that neither facility "is more effective in reducing recidivism." In late 2004, the National Institutes of Health released a "state of the science" consensus statement, concluding that "get tough" treatments "do not work and there is some evidence that they may make the problem worse." Indeed, some young people leave these programs with post-traumatic stress disorder and exacerbations of their original problems.

These strict institutional settings work at cross-purposes with the developmental stages adolescents go through. According to psychiatrists, teenagers need to gain responsibility, begin to test romantic relationships and learn to think critically. But in tough programs, teenagers' choices of activities are overwhelmingly made for them: They are not allowed to date (in many, even eye contact with the opposite sex is punished), and they are punished if they dissent from a program's therapeutic prescriptions. All this despite evidence that a totally controlled environment delays maturation.

Why is tough love still so prevalent? The acceptance of anecdote as evidence is one reason, as are the hurried decisions of desperate parents who can no longer find a way of communicating with their wayward kids. But most significant is the lack of the equivalent of a Food and Drug Administration for behavioral health care -- with the result that most people are unaware that these programs have never been proved safe or effective. It's part of what a recent Institute of Medicine report labeled a "quality chasm" between the behavioral treatments known to work and those that are actually available. So parents rely on hearsay -- and the word of so-called experts.

Unfortunately, in the world of teen behavioral programs, there are no specific educational or professional requirements. Anyone can claim to be an expert.

Author's e-mail:

[email protected]

Maia Szalavitz is the author of "Help at Any Cost: How the Troubled-Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Kids" (Riverhead Books).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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hyde charter school: tuff luv
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2007, 12:27:06 PM »
news from hyde charter elementary school. tuff luv and truth over harmony!!

Pete Blackberry (7) sobbed like the little brat he is today when his music teacher, Frank Terblanche (42), who wishes to remain anonymous, reportedly called his attempts at playing the recorder "a fucking disgrace". He continued by stating: "No wonder your mother put you in that god damn orphanage, you worthless weed." Frank then proceeded to break the recorder which the boy had lent for the lesson in half and shouted: "That was an antique, but you went and spoiled it." It was at that time that Pete started pissing through his eyes.

"You'd think that with the amount of liquid Whatshisname loses with crying, he'd dehydrate and die," commented Laura Jones (62), Pete's foster parent, "but sadly, that's not the case." Pete Blackberry is known for sobbing for no apparent reason. Just one day before the recorder incident Pete sobbed because he was threatened with castration. Even though the threat was very real, just like the knife, crying about it seems like a pathetically girly reaction.

"He's depressed all the time, and we don't have a clue why," explains Bloke Keen (16), his foster brother. "We don't know why he doesn't just commit suicide. We're leaving him hints all the time. We hang a noose here, we leave a loaded gun there, but he seems to be completely oblivious. It makes me mad. In fact, I'm going to choke him right after we're done here." Bloke did indeed go and choke his foster brother after we talked. After he regained consciousness, Pete, not surprisingly, cried once again.

Social worker Mary Flute (35) found Pete's habit to be a conundrum as well. "I don't know what it is. They must be pumping him full of estrogen or something. It's irritating, that's what. And ever since Brokeback Mountain hit we can't use the 'cowboys don't cry' expression anymore. I have far too much on my 'to do list' to go around comforting pansy boys."

It seems as though this kind of behavior is growing at an alarming rate amongst children around the world. "We have to do something quick, before this kind of thing is labeled as emotionally healthy," comments Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General. This, however, leaves us with quite the enigma... What can we do, how will we do it and will our kids cry because we are doing it? ... ittle_girl.

Please note the article above is from a satire site and does not depict actually hyde staff although the fictional charaters could be based on hyde staff and the parents are typical hyde parents. This is just my opinion.

Emil Nightrate
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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hyde charter school: tuff luv
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2007, 12:30:51 PM »
news from hyde charter elementary school. tuff luv and truth over harmony!!

Pete Blackberry (7) sobbed like the little brat he is today when his music teacher, Frank Terblanche (42), who wishes to remain anonymous, reportedly called his attempts at playing the recorder "a fucking disgrace". He continued by stating: "No wonder your mother put you in that god damn orphanage, you worthless weed." Frank then proceeded to break the recorder which the boy had lent for the lesson in half and shouted: "That was an antique, but you went and spoiled it." It was at that time that Pete started pissing through his eyes.

"You'd think that with the amount of liquid Whatshisname loses with crying, he'd dehydrate and die," commented Laura Jones (62), Pete's foster parent, "but sadly, that's not the case." Pete Blackberry is known for sobbing for no apparent reason. Just one day before the recorder incident Pete sobbed because he was threatened with castration. Even though the threat was very real, just like the knife, crying about it seems like a pathetically girly reaction.

"He's depressed all the time, and we don't have a clue why," explains Bloke Keen (16), his foster brother. "We don't know why he doesn't just commit suicide. We're leaving him hints all the time. We hang a noose here, we leave a loaded gun there, but he seems to be completely oblivious. It makes me mad. In fact, I'm going to choke him right after we're done here." Bloke did indeed go and choke his foster brother after we talked. After he regained consciousness, Pete, not surprisingly, cried once again.

Social worker Mary Flute (35) found Pete's habit to be a conundrum as well. "I don't know what it is. They must be pumping him full of estrogen or something. It's irritating, that's what. And ever since Brokeback Mountain hit we can't use the 'cowboys don't cry' expression anymore. I have far too much on my 'to do list' to go around comforting pansy boys."

It seems as though this kind of behavior is growing at an alarming rate amongst children around the world. "We have to do something quick, before this kind of thing is labeled as emotionally healthy," comments Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General. This, however, leaves us with quite the enigma... What can we do, how will we do it and will our kids cry because we are doing it? ... ittle_girl.

Please note the article above is from a satire site and does not depict actually hyde staff although the fictional charaters could be based on hyde staff and the parents are typical hyde parents. This is just my opinion.

Emil Nightrate
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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"Tough Love" vs. "First, Do No Harm"
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2007, 01:36:53 PM »
You know, even though I could tell it was obviously satire as I was reading it, I couldn't help but feel a welling up of grief as the story went along.  Yes, the story certainly contains an emotional truth about it vis a vis Hyde, doesn't it? ha ha ha...
« Last Edit: August 20, 2007, 09:11:15 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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"Tough Love" vs. "First, Do No Harm"
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2007, 04:12:42 AM »
HMMmm...  She left out Hyde in that fine fine chart, ha ha!!


The Cult That Spawned the Tough-Love Teen Industry
By Maia Szalavitz
August 20, 2007

The idea that punishment can be therapeutic is not unique to the Rotenberg Center. In fact, this notion is widespread among the hundreds of "emotional growth boarding schools," wilderness camps, and "tough love" antidrug programs that make up the billion-dollar teen residential treatment industry.

This harsh approach to helping troubled teens has a long and disturbing history. No fewer than 50 programs (though not the Rotenberg Center) can trace their treatment philosophy, directly or indirectly, to an antidrug cult called Synanon. Founded in 1958, Synanon sold itself as a cure for hardcore heroin addicts who could help each other by "breaking" new initiates with isolation, humiliation, hard labor, and sleep deprivation.

Today, troubled-teen programs use Synanon-like tactics, advertising themselves to parents as solutions for everything from poor study habits to substance misuse. However, there is little evidence that harsh behavior-modification techniques can solve these problems. Studies found that Synanon's "encounter groups" could produce lasting psychological harm and that only 10 to 15 percent of the addicts who participated in them recovered. And as the classic 1971 Stanford prison experiment demonstrated, creating situations in which the severe treatment of powerless people is rewarded inevitably yields abuse. This is especially true when punishment is viewed as a healing process. Synanon was discredited in the late 1970s and 1980s as its violent record was exposed. (The group is now remembered for an incident in which a member placed a live rattlesnake—rattle removed—in the mailbox of a lawyer who'd successfully sued it.) Yet by the time Synanon shut down in 1991, its model had already been widely copied.

In 1971, the federal government gave a grant to a Florida organization called The Seed, which applied Synanon's methods to teenagers, even those only suspected of trying drugs. In 1974, Congress opened an investigation into such behavior-modification programs, finding that The Seed had used methods "similar to the highly refined brainwashing techniques employed by the North Koreans."

The bad publicity led some supporters of The Seed to create a copycat organization under a different name. Straight Inc. was cofounded by Mel Sembler, a Bush family friend who would become the gop's 2000 finance chair and who heads Lewis "Scooter" Libby's legal defense fund. By the mid-'80s, Straight was operating in seven states. First lady Nancy Reagan declared it her favorite antidrug program. As with The Seed, abuse was omnipresent—including beatings and kidnapping of adult participants. Facing seven-figure legal judgments, it closed in 1993.

But loopholes in state laws and a lack of federal oversight allowed shuttered programs to simply change their names and reopen, often with the same staff, in the same state—even in the same building. Straight spin-offs like the Pathway Family Center are still in business.

Confrontation and humiliation are also used by religious programs such as Escuela Caribe in the Dominican Republic and myriad "emotional growth boarding schools" affiliated with the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (wwasp), such as Tranquility Bay in Jamaica. wwasp's president told me that the organization "took a little bit of what Synanon [did]." Lobbying by well-connected supporters such as wwasp founder Robert Lichfield (who, like Sembler, is a fundraiser for Republican presidential aspirant Mitt Romney) has kept state regulators at bay and blocked federal regulation entirely.

By the '90s, tough love had spawned military-style boot camps and wilderness programs that thrust kids into extreme survival scenarios. At least three dozen teens have died in these programs, often because staff see medical complaints as malingering. This May, a 15-year-old boy died from a staph infection at a Colorado wilderness program. His family claims his pleas for help were ignored. In his final letter to his mother, he wrote, "They found my weakness and I want to go home."

* Has disavowed extreme and humiliating tactics
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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"Tough Love" vs. "First, Do No Harm"
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 05:35:43 PM »
The above article in MotherJones has inspired quite a flurry of responses.  I've posted them up to date in the TTI forum, link here:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Jesus H Christ

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"Tough Love" vs. "First, Do No Harm"
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2007, 09:43:28 AM »
This is disappointing. I was under the impression that Joe invented something and that Hyde was unique.
I will not argue right or wrong. I will say that in so many cases it just does not work.   I was emailing with some one that was thrown out of Hyde and told that she would never make it.  I would say she has done quite well.  Then there are other cases where Hyde anointed the graduate that went on to lead a self destructive and dissipative life.  

"Well well well, you can never tell"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
sk and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

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"Tough Love" vs. "First, Do No Harm"
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2007, 10:34:00 AM »
Quote from: ""JoeSoulBro""
I was emailing with some one that was thrown out of Hyde and told that she would never make it.

Sounds familiar.  A lot of us met that fate.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »