Author Topic: Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread  (Read 11210 times)

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2007, 10:51:15 AM »
I don't take what she says seriously, although the Dad she was talking to might.  Fucking around for laughs is fine and dandy, but not when it has real-life consequences for real people.

I would pity her far less if she was just "fucking around for laughs".  If she is serious about the things she says.. yes.  i find it sad.  Maybe she has lost hope in fighting the industry...  given in and said "if you can't beat em..."

Yes, i know what you mean about people who defend their program.. a little too well.  I realize who is to blame... but many staff were once program kids.  That does not excuse what they do...  it explains it, but does not excuse it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Anonymous

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2007, 11:36:52 AM »
The progression has been interesting to watch:

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
This show is on today.........I'm watching it, and it makes me fucking sick.

Topic: Send My Wild Oversexed Teen To Boot Camp Part 2

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Segents yelling at the kids, these kids are scared shitless. Ohhhhh you think they've changed???? Only because the are in fear. Oh my god, I hate this shit!  ::puke::

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
At the end of the show, they said in one year that the Maury Show will check back in to see how these teens are doing. I'd be willing to bet that all of them are right back to where they were before they got sent to boot camp. There is a deeper reason why they are acting out this way. Sending your kids away for a couple days of emotional abuse isn't the answer.


Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""

On 2005-12-02 08:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Its amazing reading these posts.  Someone writes in and says they were abused by a program and everyone rallies to support them, no questions asked.  But a similar post comes thru with a person who was successful and where the program helped them, everyone is suspicious, name calling, must be a conspiracy, must be a counselor or a program person, I want names and addresses, tell me where you live, what program you attended etc.  Why cant people get past their own experiences, pull up a chair and listen to others, it might help."

I'm guessing you don't spend that much time on here ANON? It's very obvious to me, and everybody else that the post was writen by an individual who works for WWASP. I admit that sometimes it's hard for those of us who went to a WWASP school to fathom how somebody could've been helped by that joke of a program........???? I guess it's possible? I don't believe it to be the majority though. You see, I actually was in one of these places. Lucky me, so anyway I know what I am talking about. I am 32 years old, so I have found myself to be the oldest woman on here from one of these programs (not surprising considering all the shit I went through). See, I was in Cross Creek in the very beggining before all these different levels, and group names like Discovery even existed. We were the guinney pigs, while they were still doing there fine tuning.I was close to Bob Lichfield, and unfortunately he during the time of our close relationship picked my brain to come up with the level/points off system. Which was what I had at Heritage School. I know the way this mans brain works. I also got to know Brent Facer very well too. So, you see I know for a fact they are driven purely by money. Have you seen all the pictures, and special investigations done by the media? How can you think that is okay? How the hell does something like that help anybody? Well, I guess it's different strokes, for different folks?!! :roll:

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Okay, there are pro's and con's about RTC's VS. Juvi/Jail.

I'm really not sure how to say this without sounding like a snobbie beech, but here it goes.....I think if I had a choice of sending my kid to a knarley RTC, or having him in Juvi, I would definately put him in the RTC. I think you  have more rights in Juvi then in some of these RTC's, but the type of kids you are in there with........yikes!!! Most of the kids will come from lower income families, and I don't mean families who live from paycheck to paycheck, I mean families who are in constant transition from shelters to streets, that are mostly on welfare. This is traumatic for kids. Also, I would be afraid that these other kids in Juvi would be picking on my kid because his family had money that theirs did not. It could get ugly, and he could get hurt.

I don't like either of these options personally. If I had a teenager, which I hope to someday............I'd provide them with the type of home that other kids felt comfortable hanging out in. I'd provide them with games/movies/and plenty of snacks from Cosco. I'd give them structure, but I would give them privacy, and space. I'd try not to be judgemental, I'd try to be understanding of what they are going through. It's tough being that age. It really is. I want my kids to like me. I want them to feel comfortable around me. I want them to be able to open up to me.

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Oh BTW, I would try my hardest to find the least abusive RTC, which would mean no WWASP facilities! (RTC means Residential Treatment Center!

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
I don't agree on sending your child abroad for a semester. Not smart. I think whatever facility is chosen for him, needs to be close to home. That's if it needs to happen at all!!!! I think in only extreme cases that it does. A lot of parents overreact, they just need to relax a little, and let teenagers be teenagers. Just go get yourselves a great therapist, and work it out! We can only do so much here, but we always want to be here for those of you parents who are looking for insight on what these programs are actually like, because we have experienced them first hand. Also, there are a lot of you parents out there who had there kids sent to WWASP facilities, or others like them, and can offer insight about your experiences. We don't offer any kind of incentives here, we just do it out of the goodness in our hearts, because WE CARE!!!!  :smile:

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
I'm totally serious. I really don't care which one of these places we stage it at??? I'm thinking it needs to be one that will get us the most attention. A state that allows us to protest...I'd hate to be much as I love the cuffs......I hate the cells. J/K I have had enough of that! Who would seriously consider doing this? I'm thinking sometime in March......???

I'd love to hear your thoughts! If anything it would be a great party!!!!!!  :wink:

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Quote from: ""Guest""
So how much do these programs pay in kickbacks?

Why? Are you interested? Why do you give a shit? Look, it's his time, and his energy that he'll be taking to fly around the country, and tour these facilities, to interview these students, and faculty?!!! He could work a 9 to 5 regular meaningless job and collect a paycheck for doing so. Instead he wants to do something he is passionate about, and if he makes money doing it, and he's making this world a better place, why do you give a rats ass?

I believe he has the best of intentions. He does know what to look for in these places since he was in them, as do I. If he does his research, and truely picks the best of schools that are out there, what's the harm? I don't see any of you doing it? Why is that? Oh that's right, you all work regular jobs, because I want you to pay the bills, and don't have the time to do it, or the knowledge, or experience. When will you get it through your heads? PARENTS WILL SEND THERE KIDS AWAY REGARDLESS. Granted, some kids need it, some kids don't, and hopefully he can knock some sense into those parents whose kids problems can be worked out from home. Do you really think Kev is such a prick he would turn into the devil himself to sell kiddies off to these schools when they don't need it, just to make a buck? Keep in mind all these fuckers who own these schools, or even refer kids to these schools, have never spent one single day in one themselves?

Why wouldn't you trust Kev, or someone like me, that was in these type of places for years? I was in 3 different places for a total of 4 1/2 years, I do believe that counts for something.

BTW- I am not going into business with Kevin! For all of you out there chomping at the bit to start in on me. I am very happy in my current job, which I love because it involves helping people, and I do make a possitive difference in peoples lives, while making a healthy living. But, don't think for a second I haven't thought about the referral business. I have, I will not lie. But, not for the money factor, I like to be very passionate about my work (it makes it a little easier to get your ass outta bed at 4am in the morning). Don't get me wrong, I make a great living at what I do now, and it does involve very long hours. But, switching to this kind of business wouldn't be much of a change from what I already do! If you ran a top of the line referral agency, it involve a lot of long hours, much like my job does now. I wouldn't be sitting by the phone waiting for random schools to get on my approved list. I know this teen industry inside, and out, and I dare you to say any different. Kev has a pretty good idea, and if he does his homework, and does it well, then he's better then most of those referral jack asses out there. IMO.

I can hardly wait to see your responses! I'm sure they'll all be real positive LOL!!!!!

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Quote from: ""Guest""
CCM, how about answering the question put to you:  NAME the safe schools/facilities out there, OK?

You insist there are safe facilities that you would send "your teen" to.  Tell us about these "safe" places.

Like I have said before......2 outta the 4 places I went to were great, and yes I would recommend them. Heritage School in Provo, UT. and Orem Psychiatric Hospital. The hospital was a much shorter stay, but it was meant for evaluation. There were kids that had been there long term, and had severe issues. The kind you would basically see acted out in a movie, or television series.

Heritage was great when I was there, and has continued to get even better. I've talked to several students and gotten caught up on their rules and procedures. Theraputic, but in a more lax enviroment, where you can be you. The kids have the best of everything it seems. The school actually puts their money back into their program to improve it constantly. They hire people who are more qualified, and their selection process is more selective then some of the programs mentioned in here. Of course that costs more money, which in return makes it more expensive then WWASPS programs. But, their profit margin is still relatively low compared to some of the programs mentioned on this board because of their attention to detail, and wanting to provide the best treatment possible.

I also have had many friends and a family member of mine who was outta control prostituting herself for drugs for about 7 years of her life, and got help from a place in Florida. All I know about it is is that it's called Drug Farm (not sure if that is a nick name?). I'm not sure if they except minors, or not? It is state run, so I believe you have to be a resident of Florida. But, it's run like a bootcamp. She had the choice of that, or jail, so she made the choice of going 1 year to this Drug Farm place. For a girl who had been shooting up heroin, smoking crack, and screwing drug dealers unprotected she needed that intervention. She swears it saved her life. I believe it has too. She's been sober for 2 years, and I just visited her last Thanksgiving in Florida, and know she is doing fantastic.

For me to start researching all the programs, and start a refferal agency of my own it would take a lot of time, and energy, and not to mention all the travel involved. So, when you ask me these stupid repetitive questions about naming schools I play it like a numbers game. If 2 outta the 4 places were good then that must mean there are good places out there besides that! If I were so lucky, I'd won the god damned lottery a long time ago. When I do something, I give it my all. I don't like to do things half assed. People who are referring kids to schools they know nothing about, or haven't visited, or talked to the parents or ythe kids, but have just compiled a list of schools maybe the ones at the top possibly being the ones that pay the most in refferal fees? Take a room in their house and add a second phone/fax line and call themselves a referral agency, and their guiding these families???!!! That's really fucking scary!

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Why is the answer to shutting down WWASPS sending kids to other programs? Talk about fantasy island.  :roll:

Well, if WWASPS is ready to do a major overhaul on their schools, and change the way they are run, I wouldn't mind them staying in business. It's that they continue to stand by their way of doing things, which I personally believe is totally fucked up IMHO.

BTW, Fantasy Island is the dream of Kevin putting fake schools on his sight to have parents sent their children wherever to play video games????? Weeeeee! That sounds really cool  :roll:

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""

Niles, any parents at any time could come to me if they needed to know what programs could potentionally do mentally to their kids. As far as you saying " if you WANT to make your kids end up like us, and end up on fornits, sign right the fuck up." Hmmmm.....what's "US" I am thinking I have less and less in common with you all everyday. When will most of the people on this board stop blaming everything bad going on in their lives from past program experiences? I can understand people in their mid 20's still struggling..........but there are people in their 40's that are still like, well if my parents didn't do what they did to me, I'd be a lot different then I am today. Yes, that's true to a point. But, start taking a little responsibility for how your life is turning out.

I have a bit of advice for those of you who continue to whine about it. Get over it! Fuck 'em, and move on. As far as we know, we are only on this earth once. Live life to it's fullest. Stand up for what you believe in, but stop acting like such victims. Really, in the end it doesn't matter who did what to you, and when. It matters what you do afterwards with your life. If you let them scar you for life, you are letting those bastards win. Why give them that, didn't they do enough already?

They're are people in life who are extremely successful, that went through much worse shit then most of us here, and they still came out on top! Because they were fighters. You know why that benifits us? Because when they speak in public on matters related to abuse, and what it did to them, people will listen. When called to a witness stand, to give a statement in court who do you think the jury will believe? A person who is acting all nutty, and going off on tangents, or someone who comes and says look this is my story, this is what it did to me, this is how it affected me for years in my life afterwards, this is how I finally got the strength to move forward, and this is what I do in life now. These are the healthy relationships that I am able to have, this is the company I work for, give any one on this list of 50 people a call to ask them what they think of me. They will all tell you, I am not a liar, or a manipulator, but that I am strong yet sensitive person. Basically, I am a straight shooter. A lot of people on here don't like that because it makes them look at themselves, and maybe they are finally scratching their head going why am I so stuck in the past, and yes it's giving them the power still, and it's been 20+ years later.

For parents out there that feel they were swindled out of thousands, and thousands of dollars. I say go for it, go after them. Bring lots of documentation, and proof. Not only was it your hard earned money, sometimes even your retirement, or maybe your on some fucking 20 year loan program that you feel trapped in, because if you don't pay it, it could fuck up your credit, which in life means everything these days. But, they lied to you. They fooled you.

I'm not going to forget to mention what  bad programs do to families. It basically ruins them. Sometimes for 5 years, 10 years, or 15 years for me, or just forever. The family unit is such an important thing, that so many parents forget to realize how fragile it is. The programs that swoop in, and lie to these parents just to get rich will go to hell. And the people who refer them to these places knowing very little about them will be right their with them. It's not fair that while these families lives are fucked, people that work at all these programs/agencies, or own some of these programs, and are making the big money, are sitten pretty taking families on fun vacations, buying the wife new cars, and giving out credit cards with a high limits to everyone in their family to do whatever their heart desires. Yeah, that's fucked. I agree.

But still, I will never say all programs are bad. Never.

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Joyce, you are right some kids do ask for help getting into some kind of treatment program. But, most do not. Nothing in life is guaranteed to bo a 100% safe. When we get in our cars the first thing in the morning to go to work, we risk getting into a accident.

For me, I would start dividing schools into catagories (types, and what they specialize in). Then I would grade them on their level of dicipline, and how strict they were. Therapy, and how much was available. The kind of staff they hired, glorified babysitters with little to no training, staff with knowledge and training provided by the school, staff that was trained and also had a 4 year degree in social work.

For me to sit down and do all this would take weeks to even come up with a system I would need to evaluate a school. As I said before I would have a psychologist on staff that would give me their professional opinion where they thought the child was at emotionally. I would take that into consideration, as well as what the parent had to say, and what the child was saying. After that, I would give them a few schools they could check out.

As far as telling people to get over it, and to not be whiners......well, eventually I hope they do get over it. You can only blame others for so long. I do believe that eventually I want you to take some responsibility for where you're at in life. Everyone needs time to heal, but if you keep falling back on the past, and blaming the past you'll never move forward. Most of the world could care less what happened to you 5,10,15,20+ years ago.

CCM girl 1989

For the Guest,
By the way, I have a mare you fool. Those kinds of comments are the ones that unfortunately make the rest of you look so bad. And no, parents aren't going to take the time to sift through all this to get information when you say stuff like that. Get a hold of your sick fantasies!

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""

Child torture, absolutely not! Wake up calls perhaps?

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Dad Trying,

Get out while you can, LOL!!! Some of the posters here are able to give helpful advice, and that's great. But, some of them come on here to just argue till the cows come home. They love it!

Take a lot of what they have to say with a grain of salt. I try to not let them get under my skin. That's what they enjoy most. Sick, I know! But, hey that's just who they are! They can't help it, they still have a bunch of issues they have not dealt with.

Just feel sorry for them. I know I do.

Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
I just want to take this time to thank baby Jesus for providing Psy with Prozac. That's all, thank you again baby Jesus!!!!!
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Okay, and you being bi and confused, and almost being convinced you were an alcoholic had anything to do with Dad's son?

Where the hell did that come from?!! Geez, if you're going to make rules and tell people what to do. Start off by obeying them yourself buddy!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ganja

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2007, 12:01:28 PM »
Hey now, good job pulling her file!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2007, 02:10:29 PM »
That's why CCM is referred to as a potty-mouth, self-centered bitch.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ganja

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2007, 02:15:12 PM »
Makes me wonder if CCM Girl is perhaps a Courtney Love fan.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2007, 03:24:45 PM »
Don't understand the baby Jesus and Prozac thing, either.  I've been reading the Apocrypha, and the adolescent Jesus would have been shipped off to Tranquility Bay with a quickness.  He had a bad habit of killing his peers with a look if they even slightly took the piss out of him, hence the need to flee occasionally when the local parents were in an uproar over Teen Jesus whacking out their kids.  Jesus needed therapy.  He made one kid's weenus wither up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2007, 05:33:47 PM »
god.  i just read that shit.  so narcissistic.  Just "get over it"...  right.  and leave everybody else i knew behind...  Forget it is happening right now.... selfish bitch
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2007, 07:04:05 PM »
 Ya know, I think she really likes to hear herself talk.  And she likes to describe herself, think about herself, a very great deal...  When you put it like that, this is a picture of a very needy person.  There is definitely something that she hasn't quite gotten over, that's for sure.

I pity her; I probably would feel REALLY sorry for her, 'cept that she is so affronting and unpleasant.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2007, 08:36:04 PM »
That's the craziest 180 I've ever seen in my life. Normally survivors go from "It was great --> it sucked". Not the other way around. It's like reverse-evolution or something. Oh wait... regression! How could I forget that word? :roll:

It makes me wonder how sincere she was originally, when she was allegedly critiquing the programs.

I dunno, but I find it ironic for her of all people to be talking about pulling yourself together.

I also think it's funny that she seems to think that 32 makes her the oldest person on the boards.  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline the sunday stealer

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2007, 09:27:41 PM »
i think all the posters on fornits should meet up at a hotel and we can hav ea convention. let it be three days.. we will rent a hall. we can sit in a circle in chairs and go around and do some activities that the leader has planned out for us... fornits posters, im calling you out.. its time to resolve everything until we are a unity of one conciousness with no disagreeements. its the only way.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2007, 09:37:39 PM »
I just saw the oddest thing...

I was on my way to the store, and there was Jesus on the corner, selling prozac.

So THAT'S the connection.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline the sunday stealer

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2007, 09:43:32 PM »
Quote from: ""TS Waygookin""
Besides a square would be so much cooler. A square with a 10 foot water bong in the middle.

i like that... im starting to get this togehter hopefully we can do this before summer.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2007, 09:49:57 PM »
Holy crap, you worked on 12 oz. Mouse?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2007, 09:52:43 PM »
I should be the 3 legged redhead swinging a paddle at CCM.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline try another castle

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Yet Another CCM Girl Flaming Thread
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2007, 09:58:37 PM »
Quote from: ""Nihilanthic""
I should be the 3 legged redhead swinging a paddle at CCM.


I don't think you were invited Niles, I don't see you on there. Unless you're the "leader" or "you".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »