Author Topic: More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight  (Read 3340 times)

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« on: February 03, 2007, 01:56:18 AM »
January 31 - NWI - Pathway gets solid reviews at Porter County meeting PORTER COUNTY: Pathway officials reassure crowd the program is helpful, not abusive. (yeah right)
URL to story:

February 2 - NWI Oversight planned for proposed treatment center PORTER COUNTY: CEO says clients of Pathway have route to voice concerns.
This article is partly in response to those who had the time to go to Indiana to this meeting and spread some truth and knowledge.  Much appreciation to you guys for stand up for the current prisoners of this on going war. we are their ONLY voice at this point, no matter what this article claims.
URL to story:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RIP Steve Matthews and all those we have lost along the way!

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2007, 06:54:47 AM »
Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2oo7, Valaparaiso, IN  >>>>>>>>

A public forum better described by one who attended it(not me, although I would agree) as a "dog and pony show" was held at some county government building not more than a couple blocks from the Porter County courthouse, last tuesday night.

2 survivors came from the south and east while 2 others came from the north.  

The people filled the room.  Maybe 80 folks in there all told.

The council members.  I take it that was them hidin back there in the corner by the big windows, behind everyone, well, ceptin' the county sheriff 'cause he was standin at the door with a female statey.  The audience was filled with program folks, graduates and program-werkin brain-washed cop-outs and their AA ilk.  I wore my $tr8 survivor T-shirt, you know the one that I spray painted myself, that says "Straight survivor, Drug War P.O.W. 85-87".  Before the meeting even started the eyes of the beast were all hard upon us.  But we held fast.  There were a bunch of plain clothes cops there and a whole lot of the high rankin community members.  There was a long counsel desk in the front of the home-ily lit room.   Seated in chairs behind  the desk were about 7 people, who made up the forum panel.  From my left, to my right were: a high school guidance councilor, who was the first panel member to speak, then the man next to her spoke.  He was some high ranking Community Economic Development guy, whose agency held the money, BTW.  And...he was a new graduate parent!  Next to him was Terri Nissley, the Director of Pathways.  Next to her sat Daniel Franz, program director for the Indiana Pathways and next to him  was a young man who was a recent graduate.  He is the son of the Community Development guy who is trying to bring Pathways to Valaparaiso.  Someone else was next to him and then a 19 year old girl, who was still on her phases.  The evenings moderator sat next to her.  He was a tall, thin man who had lost his daughter to a heroine overdose when she was only 20.  His wife was in the audience.  I met them both after the meeting and expressed my sympathy.

The moderator opened the meeting by mentioning all the cops and anti drug coalition forces and community agencies(not sure if he specifically mentioned the public school system or not...:rofl:, anyway), that were supportive of what I would, for lack of a better phrase, call their vision of a utopian police state.  

The moderator told his personal story and implored the people to do something.  Something to prevent other kids from overdosing themselves to death on Heroine.  He was a very composed man.  He spoke, choosing his words slowly.

Everyone on the forum(dog and pony show) panel then went on to speak favorably of Pathways.  The high school guidance councilor bragged with false humility of the dozens of kids she'd referred to Pathways over the years and indeed she was acknowledged by many of the young mind-prisinners in the room as the meeting went on.

After the panel had finished the floor was opened up to the audience and questions...  The moderator warned us not to make any long speeches or get carried away, you know, or he would have to cut us off.

One of the Northern Survivors stood up and asked about 5 questions in a row.  I don't remember what they were now.  I remember the crowd all said: "No! no! Pathways isn't Straight!  It isn't Straight!".

Anyway, people would raise their hands and the moderator would call on them to ask their question.   2 other $tr8 survivors asked their questions before me, amidst an endless barrage of pro-program comments and testimonials from the audience. As the meeting wore on and I was still takin the full measure of the situation, I struggled to formulate my question.  The County Sheriff in plain clothes was at the door with the woman cop.  I raised my hand.  After a while I was called on.  I stood up in my home made $tr8 survivor, Drug War P.O.W. t-shirt, and introduced myself.  Then went on to establish Pathways descendency from Straight Inc. and then described my experience in Straight as a 2 year psychological rape.  I told them I was concerned about the rights of the minors in the program.  I asked them very directly: "How do you deal with any non-compliant minors who would for instance get up from the group and walk out the door "??

Daniel Franz, program director for the Indiana Pathways program, answered my question by trying to avoid it altogether.  The first thing he said back to me was: "Well, we don't have very many non-compliant kids in the program, and the reason we don't is because we don't use the abusive confrontational methods that were used by $tr8 Inc. etc, etc, ..."  From there he went on to talk about how cool group is and why Pathways is so great.  I let him run for a while and then yanked his chain, which is to say that after he spoke for a little bit and was obviously not answering the question, I interrupted him and repeated the question to him directly.  At that point his answer was that they do not use physical force to restrain minors.  He said they try to convince them to stay but if they choose to walk out the door they can.  Only through relentless questioning was I able to get him to admit that once the minor leaves the Pathways Center there is a call put into the police who then go after the child.

I was about to do some damage.  I was pinnin the guy down and not lettin 'im up.  The crowd was all aggitated and sayin shit to me.  Finally the lady cop with the county sheriff standin right next to her told me I'd said enough and I shut up.  We were their worst nightmare.  I was just about to reveal the fascist nature of their trip.  Police state.

So, as I say, I was cut off from my line of questioning.  In the mean time I am left to assume that the police are intimidated by me and that they are arresting minors for running from Pathways and then having them court-ordered back into the program.  I mean that is the implication.  

Anyways after the meeting let out I hung around in the lobby waitin for my ride home.  I had to wait for almost an hour while heated conversations continued inside the room.  I was standin at the desk of the night man there at the county building.  He was about 70.  Real cool.  Laid back.  Was tellin me he had a girlfriend in Fayette County, PA.  Anyway as I waited for my ride all the panel members began to file out and they'd see me and they were all compelled to approach me and acknowledge what I'd said in the meeting.  The program director, Daniel Franz, came up to me and apologized for what happened to me in $tr8 and told me Pathways had left the abuse behind.  I told him I was skeptical and he offered to give me a tour of the facility!...Some graduates came up to me afterwards and talked to me for a little while too. I thought that was pretty cool.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 01:58:21 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2007, 01:40:54 AM »
-DP :roll:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"So, you can make me cum ...that doesn\'t make you, Jesus"....Tori Amos copyright
Read about Pathway Family Centers here.

Offline ramprato

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2007, 09:53:21 AM »
Pretty much what starry-eyed pirate said was right on. These folks that claimed PFC was not Straight and 'explained why' in front of reporters and commissioners and as far as I'm concerned - they 'explained' on record.

I am skeptical. The verdict is not yet out.

I also attended the meeting. I only asked one question to Terri Nissley (sp?) I told her my question was concerning bathroom privacy. I asked her if the newcomers were permitted to shower and use the bathroom facilities with NO ONE present in the bathroom and... if the newcomers could lock the door. From what I remember, she said that they were permitted to shower and use the bathroom in private, but they were NOT permitted to lock the door.

What I gathered, was that they were allowed only to close the door short of shutting it all together without locking it. Okay, some improvement (concerning the bathroom only) if this is true, but I'm still skeptical. I also was invited to Pathway to observe the 1st phasers. I hope that means I may speak with them in private, accompanied with a professional of my choice to determine for myself how they are being treated.  :-?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2007, 04:06:30 PM »
:roll:  I called to speak to Terri, but she was on her way back from the Michigan office. I left a message AGAIN for her to call back, but, so far, nothing doin. OH WELL,  :rofl:   :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  She invited us to come but when the call is made, she's not there. Hmmm, Sounds to me like she said that to get us out of there that much quicker,  :rofl: "first phasers can walk right out" but, how do they get past the host homes' alarm systems?   :question:  Does that make sense?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2007, 05:11:08 PM »
No, not much makes sense.  I wonder whats really goin on.

That was an incredible experience though.  I learned more than I even realize yet.

How 'bout when that sad program werkin-cop-out, with the rad forearm cross tat, who had given a favorable testimonial stood up and asked Ms. Nissley what the long-term success rate was for graduates.  She replied that they really don't know yet, as Pathways has only been around 14 years.

I got a real kick outta his question and her answer too.

Basically, Pathways don't hafta restrain clients or guard the doors because the cops are pretty much on stand-by, waitin outside the doors anyway.  So even if Pathways are to be believed and are no longer using physical force to hold non-compliant minors it's a moot point because they are using the local police instead.  Ms. Nissley said they only had a few court-ordered kids in the program.  But these programs are small.  Only about 61 kids in the MI and IN Pathways and KHK combined.  I'm thinkin Pathways must use the threat of bein arrested by the police and subsequently court-ordered to dissuade or otherwise intimidate would be non-compliants from runnin.  

Very disturbing.  Shape-shiftin Authoritarians

How 'bout when I began to associate the police with returning kids to the program, that's when the woman statey and the county sheriff there guardin the door began to get a little nervous and basically told me my turn was over.  Did that really happen ??  Surreal.  So Orwellian.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2007, 05:21:37 PM »
I would've liked to have also asked the panel how many kids do run away and how many of those are returned by the police.  I would also like to know how many kids that run never come back.

There are really so many questions I would ask if I could.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

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It isnt a far stretch for Executive Director Penny Walker
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2007, 12:33:10 AM »
Quote from: ""starry-eyed pirate""
No, not much makes sense.  I wonder whats really goin on.

Basically, Pathways don't hafta restrain clients or guard the doors because the cops are pretty much on stand-by, waitin outside the doors anyway.  So even if Pathways are to be believed and are no longer using physical force to hold non-compliant minors it's a moot point because they are using the local police instead.  Ms. Nissley said they only had a few court-ordered kids in the program.  But these programs are small.  Only about 61 kids in the MI and IN Pathways and KHK combined.  I'm thinkin Pathways must use the threat of bein arrested by the police and subsequently court-ordered to dissuade or otherwise intimidate would be non-compliants from runnin.  

Very disturbing.  Shape-shiftin Authoritarians

How 'bout when I began to associate the police with returning kids to the program, that's when the woman statey and the county sheriff there guardin the door began to get a little nervous and basically told me my turn was over.  Did that really happen ??  Surreal.  So Orwellian.

It isn't a far stretch b/c when I was in there, they lied to me told me I was court ordered, and let me believe that. Well, when I got out, I pulled my juvenile record, the judge had "recommended" family counseling, but court ordered me to nowhere.
-DP  8-)
p.s. Penny walker was director when I was there too, as she is today, still
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"So, you can make me cum ...that doesn\'t make you, Jesus"....Tori Amos copyright
Read about Pathway Family Centers here.

Offline teachback

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More NWI Articles on Pathways/Straight
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 08:33:51 AM »
But they had to lie to you to get you to stay and "work your program," right?

I mean after all, you probably lied to your parents so it was ok for them to lie to you too...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »